Reviews from

in the past

played this with my friend in high school many times. i would say it is the dark souls of roguelikes of dungeon crawlers of pixel rpgs of fantasy computer games of coc-

um queridinho meu. adoro esse jogo. principalmente jogar de ranger. ô delícia.

pretty good. less interesting than its sequel but it's cute and fun!

Would be amazing with custom classes.

Simple, yet fun and entertaining co-op dungeon crawler. I see how it can be not-so-fun when played alone, but with a few friends it's a certified blast.

It showed some promise as a dungeon crawler but I guess I'm not that big of fan of the genre

Really great game. Nice art, satisfying gameplay. Controls are just barely simple enough for it to be playable on my Flatbox. No analog sticks or mouse needed. Lots of fun with friends. It's got some rough edges and bugs that will probably never be fixed due to there being 1.5 sequels out now, but still worth playing. Controller support has a lot of issues and you will probably have to reset your controls every 3 sessions or so. Survival mode has some balance issues like Paladin's shield not blocking magic projectiles, making the later parts extremely difficult. I hear in later games they made the shields block magic. Some menus can't be fully navigated with a controller, which would probably be easy to fix if they wanted to. The secrets in the campaign approach unreasonable territory. I think they're trying to emulate very old games and get replay value via artificial difficulty. If you want all the achievements you're pretty much going to have to use a guide. One achievement requires you to screw up in a very particular way during a campaign run which is annoying. Between the separate achievements for beating bosses on Medium and Hard, all the secrets, and the requirement for at least one semi-failed run, you'll probably have to run through the main campaign several times to get every achievement.
If this game were free software I think the community could polish it up nicely. The core of it really is good, but the more I play it lately, the more the little issues start to bug me.

do you think my clear counts if i was playing priest

This is one of my favorite couch co-op experiences. Grab some drinks, get some close buds on a couch, then proceed to get absolutely destroyed by the first boss. It's a good time.

It's well-made, I like the sprite-work, it's just way too difficult for me.

Fun little multiplayer dungeon crawler. The two base campaigns are fairly dull & short, but the classes are engaging and the workshop offers a lot more content. I would recommend the 'Dingovania' custom campaign, it's head and shoulders above the rest of the workshop content and better than the base campaigns.

had some fun but it's clear that the game was designed for 4 players and 4 players only, for better or for worse. playing with just me and one other person got pretty hellish pretty fast unless we did a fairly specific party comp and even then the enemy swarming was tedious. also the actual enemy attack patterns/designs leave quite a bit to be desired, though i at least applaud the game for giving a lot of reasons to use the strafe button. the ui was kinda overly simple without having the map on all the time which kinda hampered the experience with clunk. not exactly 'not worth playing' but very, very rough around the edges

This is a crazy fun game that you definitely need to play. It is far better than it's sequel. Everything about this game is a blast.

Solid multiplayer dungeon game, fun with friends of course

I honestly don't even remember playing this one

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Amazing classic retro Hack and Slash RPG with high replay value.

When I first played Hammerwatch, I did not expect much. Another indie game for a quick cash grab (yeah, I was that skeptical). But that soon changed the minute I advanced through the first level.

Hammerwatch is a simple yet fun Hack and Slash game. You kill monsters, collect copper, silver and gold pieces, level up your skills and defeat bosses, you know, classic stuff. Its fast gameplay is addicting, and I played half the game in my first session.

The game has challenging enemy encounters and mini bosses and a ton of stuff to kill and collect. The secrets are well hidden and reward you well for finding them. The Easter eggs are fun and refer to other games, my favorite being the Serious Sam Easter egg.

Hammerwatch is well balanced in terms of difficulty. It can be challenging, but it is not impossible to beat it (except for the survival mode with the Crystal Lich).

The graphics are nice, classic 8-bit style with a modern twist. The music is awesome, it fits perfectly in the levels and plays nicely in the background. The sound effects are satisfying and gives the feeling that you actually hit something or break something. For me this is important.

The added DLC level Temple of the Sun is also a ton of fun. In this small campaign you fight your way through a temple while avoiding traps. Also, you need to think more carefully which vendor you want to upgrade to higher levels to get the next tier upgrades because, there is limited ore you can distribute among them, a nice new mechanic. The new enemies are fun too and, in my opinion, harder than the original ones.

I enjoyed playing the game and earning the achievements. The only negative aspect in the game are, like some other games, the extreme grinding achievements where you need to kill or collect a sh!tton of beings taking you hours and hours.

But that aside, I certainly recommend Hammerwatch to anyone.

A competent indie hack and slash. While I didn't collect everything needed for the good ending, I enjoyed my run and can see where the replay value lies.

I picked it up in hopes of learning enough to throw it in my Archipelago Randomizer rotation, since there's unofficial support. I have many more secrets to learn before I'd be comfortable doing a run in that context, mind you.

It's solid! Very much what I'd consider a throw-a-podcast-in-the-background sort of game, but that isn't always a bad thing. It offers enough of a challenge to be engaging while not being too difficult.

Solid 2D dungeon crawler with co-op. Not else much to say.

Played it in coop. Not bad, but nothing incredible either.