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Even if you aren't a fan of the movies I want to say right now that the game is based more off of the comics and original takes on the characters. I'm actually glad Eidos Montreal went this route. The game features a new story and even if you don't like Guardians of the Galaxy you should enjoy this game as just a pure action-adventure romp. The game is chock-full of humor, clever writing, a great story, and fantastic visuals.

You play solely as Star-Lord the leader of the Guardians. The game's length is something I want to mention first as it's fairly long. Running at least 15 hours and there's honestly not much in terms of venturing off with side quests or anything. This is a very linear game with small side paths that lead to components for upgrades or extra skins, but that's about it. You start off the game with a story-heavy intro. Tons of licensed 80's rock music, and right away you can see there's a lot of care and detail put into this game. Fantastic voice work, great sound effects, and tons of great artwork. The game consists of two main parts. Exploring planets on a linear path that includes light puzzle elements - barely that to be honest - and some platforming. Then there's the combat which this game relies heavily upon and uses as filler.

Let's just get the combat out of the way here. As I stated earlier, you only play as Star-Lord and you can order your other three teammates around. When you start out you slowly acquire up to four different abilities for each member including yourself and these are acquired with ability points earned through combat. I feel this is meaningless in the end and felt tacked on as there's not much strategy involved in combat. You can shoot your pistols until your heat meter fills up and then time the gauge in the green to offload the heat for a burst shot. Then you can mash a melee button as well. Honestly. Star-Lord is fairly weak by himself and I heavily relied on spamming the abilities of my teammates. Even my own abilities were fairly weak in comparison. Drax is a heavy tank while Gemora is like a ninja and can jump around slicing enemies. Groot is eventually upgraded as a healer towards the end of the game, but in the meantime, he can hold enemies in place. Rocket uses explosives and focuses on AoE damage.

This all sounds fine on paper, but in the heat of combat, the different abilities don't do enough that is different to mean much. I usually just relied on a couple of abilities from each member, mostly AoE-type abilities for maximum damage, and stuck with those through the entire game. I only really used my own pistol barrage ability as well as it was the most useful. Enemies come in usually only three varieties. Easy to kill, medium damage and health, and larger enemies with multiple health bars. The enemies mostly repeat on their respective planets, and then there are the same Promise enemies over and over again. There are a few boss fights thrown in, but they aren't anything unique or special.

It's sad that the combat because a dance of spamming the same abilities from your teammates and running around to stay alive. The fact that you yourself do so little damage is really odd. There are a few other contexts thrown in like a bar under larger enemies' health bar that determines when they are weak. If you spam enough attacks in a row you can then do an instant kill. There are also a few environmental items that you can order teammates to toss around, but it's very underdeveloped and relies too heavily on these fundamentally useless abilities. The fact that there is so much combat in the game can make it feel like it's dragging on far too long and is just there for filler. I much preferred the story elements and more exploration areas than the combat.

The exploration is mostly just running around and listening to the banter of the Guardians but also light puzzles in which you must match the correct teammate's ability with the right obstacle. Gemora can slice things open, Drax can punch through walls, Groot can create bridges, and Rocket can hack panels. There are four weapon elements you acquire such as lightning, ice, fire, and a grapple ability that are used here as well, but it's not rocket science. Again, another idea that is undercooked and felt like filler. I mostly enjoyed the choices you have to make during the story which determines which allies help you during the final events of the game, and the overall voice work and writing are clever, sharp, and really funny. I just wish the rest of the game had the same care attached to it.

That's not to say it's downright bad. The controls are responsive, the animations are smooth and look great, and the combat does work. It's not clunky or a chore to use it's just full of underwhelming features. The various planets you explore are fantastic looking and really draw you in and make you feel like you're in the comics. There are intermissions in between in which you are on the Milano ship and can walk around and explore. There are also easter eggs and lore scattered throughout the game for hardcore fans too. However, the biggest element of all is this enough to warrant sitting through 15-17 hours? If you aren't a huge Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy, or comic book hero fan then no. I feel like almost 5 hours could have been cut with less combat thrown in and the story does go on and on. It's supposed to as you get a solid beginning middle and end. There's enough run time here to really get you to connect with each character. I didn't finish the game and have no clue about anyone or care about anything like most video game stories these days. It was daring for Eidos Montreal to really push the story run time and allow you to grow with these characters and it paid off.

Overall, with weak and repetitive combat, mostly useless abilities that don't allow for any type of strategy, and a weak attempt at environmental puzzle-solving the only saving grace here are the visuals, story, characters, and voice acting. I played this game all the way through because I wanted to see and hear more. It was highly entertaining, but every time I went through a chapter full of nothing but combat I grumbled and just wanted these parts over with. I then enjoyed exploring various planets but got annoyed with the poor attempt at puzzles. If the combat was cut way down and the puzzles were cut out we would have had a perfect run time of maybe 10 hours and the weakest parts less apparent.

O melhor produto que a Marvel criou nos últimos 10 anos.

This game slaps so hard!

It's got fun combat that stays enjoyable and thrilling the whole way through, solid mechanics, beautiful presentation, and a story that hit so many emotional notes and was a lot heavier than I expected which I loved.

I really wish I could play this on next gen hardware because I feel last gen doesn't do it justice but it was still so much fun regardless.

This review contains spoilers

Imagine if Aerith had Groot in her party, would've saved her a lot of trouble! You can't tell me this isn't in the FFVII universe with Lady Hellbender's pets looking like some Advent Children ass dogs.

Seriously though, I am joining the chorus of people saying that this game is surprisingly good! It captures the feeling of the movies spectacularly, while obviously drawing from its own lore. How comic accurate it is I can't say, as like most people I'm mainly familiar with this stuff through the MCU. The combat could definitely use some polishing which is why this is a four star rather than five star game for me. The fundamentals are there for something great, but as is, the hits lack the kind of impact that I'd expect from a AAA experience. Your team attacks feel good especially once you get multiple AOE attacks that launch enemies around, although if they added even more umph to them I think it'd sell the impact even more. Your most basic attack however, shooting your twin pistols as Starlord, lacks any kind of physical reaction from the enemies whatsoever. Thankfully, the game is much more frequently about well paced story beats and exploration of absolutely gorgeous worlds. Top notch art direction going on here. I'd be very excited if they made a sequel to this and gave the combat that extra push it needs to be great, and maybe add even more unique non-combat gameplay moments, of which this game has a few, and they lend some great flavor that make the game stand out as its own. One last thing that really bugged me, is that there's so much dialogue that happens while you're walking about that will get interrupted by walking into a cutscene/fight/another line of dialogue, and I just can't believe this is still a problem we're having in the 2020's. Please, in a game this dialogue driven, just make your hallways long enough or implement a "as I was saying..." system!

Also, happy 200th review to me!

It is a good and fun story for the Guardians. It definitely stretches itself thin in some places because it needs to reach a certain playtime, but it doesn't cross that threshold too badly. The game looks really good, and probably has some of the best facial rigging I've experienced as of yet, The Gold Guy's was actually insane.

The gameplay felt kind of weird at first, but once you get a couple of the upgrade like witch time and action reload, it clicks a bit more. Once you start using all your team's abilities you can start to see how it all clicks. Its still not my favourite action gameplay, but it was fun dodging and whatnot.

GOTG had a rough start of it what with being overshadowed by the hollow GAAS mess that was the Avengers game and not the best showing of previews (I remember being kind of dismissive of it at first because of it), it’s unfortunate because it’s a genuinely great game. Right from the start of playing I knew this game would indeed be a winner like I had heard when in the opening flashback of Peter Quill as a kid you can just sit and listen to an entire album of an in-universe band with original music that inspired Peter’s later superhero moniker of Star Lord in this iteration complete with a whole history of the band in the album booklet. That loving attention to detail is throughout the whole game, in its writing, characters, environments, and atmosphere. The overall quality is to the point that I think this iteration of the Guardians may very well be the best ones, even surpassing the MCU. (And the Guardians are like the only thing about the MCU I care about anymore.)

This game’s iteration of the Guardians and the Cosmic Marvel setting are an interesting mix of both the comics and MCU, i.e. Peter is half-Spartoi royalty like in the comics while being kind of a goofball with a love of 80’s music like Chris Prattlord; Drax has the same MCU origin of being an alien instead of being a genetically modified human but he still has a deep-seated hatred for Thanos and is heralded as the one responsible for killing Thanos like in the comics; the game picks up not long after a decades long bloody war started by Thanos and his Chitauri forces which the galaxy is still recovering from. The game actually goes even harder into themes of finding solace from traumas and mistakes of the past in found family then even the MCU films did. All of the Guardians were scarred by Thanos’ war and they all start to come to terms with their wounds as the game goes on. That’s not to say the game is all drama though, it can actually be quite funny too. The cast has strong chemistry and most of the jokes are just them working off each other; there’s a bunch of good running gags, call-backs, and back and forths. The game usually tends to avoid the reviled style of modern quipping; Gamora does do her fair share of awkward Whedonisms but it’s actually a facet of her personality that’s explored. All of the Guardians are great but the standouts to me are Drax and Mantis, the former feels like an even more fleshed out version of the MCU character and the writers went whole hog on expanding his people and culture, and the latter could have easily gone wrong because the game makes her a quirky, scatterbrained weirdo but it actually works real well. The cast do talk constantly in gameplay though and it’s a kind of problem in that the game tends to cut them off a bunch if you’re not just standing in place and waiting until they finish.

I think the combat gets a bad rap; it’s not exceptional and it does start off pretty limited for like the first quarter of the game but once you start unlocking more elements for Star Lord’s guns (The wind one especially, because drawing goons in and decking them in the face is such an effective and fun combo) and more abilities for the rest of the team I felt combat encounters went by in a fast and satisfying enough clip on Normal. Just always be using team moves pretty much. The game is linear but it does actually reward you if you explore as you can find collectibles that unlocks dialogue with the crew back on the team’s ship, The Milano, as well as a whole bunch of unlockable costumes ranging from stuff like the gang’s original comic designs, their 2000’s Cosmic Marvel run designs, and their MCU designs. There are also Telltale-esque decisions that you can make, and while they don’t change the narrative much do enough neat little things that add a nice facet to the game.

The atmosphere of the game is also fantastic. The worlds you end up in do look wonderfully alien, ranging from colorful alien forests, icy wastes, and mysterious caverns. The game also puts such attention to detail into the occupied areas of the game to make them feel lived in. Knowhere is this bustling city that reminds me of Hyllis from Beyond Good and Evil in that they just made this alien city seem so big and alive even though you don’t actually see all that much of it due to the limited scope of the game. Peter’s childhood home and the Milano also feel homey and lived in; the Milano makes the game feel spiritually like the best part of the party interactions of Mass Effect where you’re just hanging around the ship with your crew.

GOTG is just overall not only a great superhero game, but a great sci-fi game too and it left me wanting to see more of this version of the characters and setting. Hopefully even though they got sold off Eidos Montreal can get the chance to make a follow-up.

After the Avengers game, many people were not interested in this game, which was honestly understandable, BUT oh boy we're they pleasantly mistaken!

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy was intensively loud, amazingly colorful and masterfully done, quite linear, sci-fi adventure game that combined sarcastic, raunchy humor with deep emotions in spectacular vortex of awesomness, rock'n'roll and badassery!

The game was full of little details that made it even more pleasant. When you explored your way around as Star-Lord the other guardians always commented on your exploration, always wondering why is he going the other way!

The collectibles and outfits were pretty dope, the soundtrack was absolutely fantastic, especially when you were battling an intense fight, you huddled your team together and started to kick some ass, and then "don't worry be happy" starts playing, like, WHO COMES UP WITH THESE!? It was so hilarious and amazing at the same time.

The battles could get a little repetitive, which was maybe the only minus to this game that I could honestly find. Everything else was a major plus and I enjoyed the game thoroughly!

Final thing, which might be a slight spoiler, the actual gall of these devs to rickroll everyone at the end was just so great, literally did not see that coming honestly.

Last but certainly not the least, Dog Report Item: We Need More.

Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy - 9/10

tl;dr: Tá vendo, Square? É assim que deve se usar a IP Marvel e não como aquele GaaS podre dos Avengers.

Eu odeio siglas mas o nome desse jogo é muito grande então vou chamar de GOTG. GOTG é um jogo que, anunciado pela Square após o lançamento do sofrível Marvel's Avengers, eu não esperava muita coisa. Não demorou muito para anunciarem que seria inteiro single player e sem microtransações, o que deu uma leve animada mas nunca acreditei que fariam isso. Mas sem saber que era impossível, foram lá e fizeram. E fizeram bem.

O núcleo de gameplay de GOTG é bem simplístico e funcional para o que o jogo propõe. Você é guiado pela história semi-linear e tudo se resume a combater ondas de inimigos, resolver uns pequenos e simples puzzles e explorar a área na qual você estiver. Não existe backtracking, não existe mapa aberto ou hud - a hsitória que te leva para onde deve ir e pronto. Sabe o que isso me lembra, incluindo parcialmente o combate? Final Fantasy 7 Remake, jogo que dropei. Mas GOTG é um jogo direto ao ponto, sem "quests secundárias" que são jogadas artificialmente em algum ponto do jogo só para fingir que o jogo é maior.

Mencionei ali que a história é semi-linear e explico: começo e fim serão sempre os mesmos independente do que você fizer durante o jogo. Porém, o seu "miolo" pode ter umas diferenças sutis ou até drásticas dependendo de escolhas de diálogos diferentes e até ações que mudam o rumo de algumas coisas. Um capítulo pode ser inteiramente diferente dependendo de uma escolha e eu joguei as duas possibilidades para ver o que rolaria. Não esperava ser tão diferente apesar do desfecho do capítulo ser praticamente o mesmo. Para complementar a sobre a história: é bem boa até para quem não conhece o universo Marvel (eu) e tem até alguns nomes e menções que talvez chamem atenção de quem conhece esse universo como Mantis, Adam Warlock, Lady Hellbender e por aí vai.

GOTG tem um combate divertido o suficiente. Não é muito variado e pode-se até dizer que inimigos são "esponja de bala" mas com um pouquinho de estratégia aplicada e controle de campo, todo bichão pode cair rápido o suficiente para não ser tedioso. A movimentação é fluída, até convincente na maioria das partes, porém, não seja fresco, seu PS4 não vai aguentar rodar tudo de boa então alguns stuttering e inimigos que parecem jpeg de baixa qualidade se movendo como se tivessem se teleportando será até frequente mas o a performance nunca me incomodou.

A trilha sonora é linda. Tanto músicas compostas para o game quanto uma seleção de clássicos que tocam em momentos determinados. Meter bala em naves inimigas ao som de Where Eagles Dare do Iron Maiden é tão satisfatório que até me esqueci que estava numa parte "chata" de navinha.

Única coisa que estou me lembrando de ter me incomodado um pouco é que trata-se de um jogo não focado no público adulto então não incluíram palavrão... E os guardiões (principalmente o Guaxinim) falam muitos palavrões... Onde "fuck" foi substituído por "flark". E eles dizem isso toda hora. Podia ser "fuck" mesmo pow.

Fica aí minha recomendação.

terminei minha primeira jogada no ano de lançamento e voltei ontem pra buscar a platina pq faltou só 6 troféus. Consegui refazendo a história e aproveitei pra testar outros caminhos. Ótimo jogo gostei demais, a dublagem é FENOMENAL.

this was pretty good solid combat decent story I am bit tired of these types of games though so i really didn't care for walk for a while fight a bit walk some more fight some more the passing just was not there for me but 100% if this came out during the uncharted era of games people would be awarding it left and right

There’s something really special here. The gameplay is alright. It’s really simple but is also frenetic and breezy enough to be enjoyable. But the real draw here is the characters and the writing. This game is impeccably written and acted. The way the team grows together and becomes a family by the end is so well done. This is one of those adaptations where you can feel the writers’ love for the source material. I’m not gonna act like I know a lot about the comics, and I haven’t seen the movies because fuck Chris Pratt, but even as someone with little to no background with this series I absolutely loved these characters.

gimme a new deus ex tho

Wow. After hearing the announcement of this game I sighed, after the Avengers game I really thought this would follow suite of having a very bland an uninspired story but holy hell was I wrong. I was never going to get this game but after a friend heavily suggested it claiming it to be his 'favourite game of all time' I reluctantly bought it and to say I'm glad I did would be an understatement. This game was everything that it needed to be.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is proof that the genre of single player superhero games is far from dead. This may be a bold claim/unpopular but the characterization of the Guardians in this game is better than the MCU, there I said it. This story being told here is also better than both of the films combined. It's a goofy, fun, and crazy game with some genuine heartfelt moments in it. There are a few twists here and there that actually caught me off guard and work really well. One complaint I have is that I wish there were more Peter and Nikki stuff, it seems like he isn't as hellbent as he should be when discussing the probability of saving her with the team, he did think that she was his daughter at that point after all. But the stuff that we did get with them was great and brilliantly executed.

The combat system is another real highlight but for me the best integration that this game bring to the table is the huddle system. Motivating yourself and your team then blasting some absolute tunes whilst taking on an army? Oh it's so awesome. The dynamic between each Guardian is fantastic and you may think that the constant interaction will annoy you after a while but it actually allows them to develop their relationships really well. My only issue in that regard is the constant repeating of dialogue at times but I can overlook it. Overall GOTG is a masterful game and the best superhero game I have played since Batman: Arkham City. Well done Square Enix, now give us a sequel pretty please?

Ok, the first thing I have to admit, is that this is probably the worst performance I've ever seen on a PS4, I got 3 crashes, and frame rate was constantly below 30 💀💀💀, but now that I adressed that, I gotta say THS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING.
Yeah, the combat system does get boring when getting close to the end, but blame's on me, who rushed its 10 hours in only 2 days. Writing is amazing, I LOVED the comic book references and ambience, character development is superb, everyone gets its share, you get to love every single one of them AGAIN, because we all know them from the movies (in portuguese, they're the same voice actors, which is a cool bonus I got from my mother tongue).
And look, why did it took over 40 years for video games to let you listen to hard rock during the playthrought??? Such an amazing feature

Acredito que a maioria dos jogadores que você questionar sobre o que acharam de Guardiões da Galáxia irá responder algo como "Uma grande surpresa". E não é por menos, o game chegou deixando muita gente com um pé atrás depois da experiência desastrosa de Avengers, mas que acaba fazendo valer todo o tempo dedicado com a equipe do Senhor das Estrelas.

Para aqueles já habituados com os filmes encontraram no jogo uma atmosfera muito próxima da do cinema, com diálogos afiados e personagens até mesmo muito semelhantes fisicamente com os atores principais. As conversas que permeiam a jornada são um espetáculo, por vezes eu esperava para conseguir acompanhar com calma as interações. A história por si só é o ponto alto da obra, e me fez pensar muito sobre como esse vilão é maldoso fazendo aquilo que para muitos seria uma dádiva: te fazer viver aquilo que você sempre sonhou. Esse sonho dentro do sonho que por fora é apenas uma manipulação rende cenas muito marcantes te obrigando, às vezes, a cometer atos dolorosos para avançar na narrativa (são pedaços bem pontuais principalmente na reta final mas que me marcaram muito).
A jogabilidade não é das melhores, na maior parte do tempo você irá encarar NPC`s que são esponjas de bala. A dinâmica de comandar o resto da equipe mandando ordens acaba ficando enjoativo com o tempo, pelo menos eles fizeram um sistema de progressão que nos permite ganhar novas habilidades que torna o jogo um pouco menos repetitivo. A própria "chamada de equipe" que buffa o time acaba se tornando meio sem graça depois de usada por muitas vezes.

Os cenários são muito bem feitos com lugares que encantam os olhos. A equipe se dedicou mesmo na criação de uma viagem espacial por planetas e cidades muito fora do comum, principalmente pelo contraste de elementos, luzes e texturas. Vale a pena ficar um tempo observando cada detalhe.

Por fim posso dizer que mesmo com certos problemas referentes a jogabilidade o game compensa com um universo visual riquíssimo, diálogos muito bem escritos e uma história fascinante.

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time played - 8.5h
🏆Trophy completion - 80% - just what i got playing. The game was not that great that i would want a 2nd play through to get a 100%. So I will live with this.

📚 Full Review:
This game is bearable and passable. I can't think of anything that was fun about this game nor overly bad. If it weren't for the completionist in me i would have given up long time ago. I basically shut off my brain and went through the motions. Sorry to everyone giving it 4s and 5s. Its a highly overrated game.

Very few. I liked some of the characters like Cosmo, Groot.

Repetitive and not so fun gameplay. Basically spam team commands, hold down fire button, the entire game. Once in a while fire some elemental weapons. The game also halts strongly after every fight, where you need to solve some environmental puzzles. They aren't hard and are relatively boring to break walls, cut wires to make paths.
Constant chatter. You tune it off after a while but this is the most talkative game i ever played. I can't think what so ever due to all the chatter!
The characters are all annoying and dumb. Sure thats the guardians MO but keep in mind you have to be with them for 8+ hours. Its like hanging out with a bunch of Bros that you you are over after 30 minutes of meeting them, but have to be stuck in a room for 8h. Sure I could have quit the game to avoid this.
Buggy - i had to restart the game multiple times. doors that should open after fights and clearing mobs never did for example.
Characters and their powers and limitations were hard to understand and very hand wavy. maybe this is because i don't know the background of these characters. I guess if you know alot about them from comic books they would make more sense.

Adorei muito. Quero abraçar todos os guardiões e falar que ele são ótimos

I feel bad for Eidos, The Avengers game was such a mess, such a dumpster fire, that it really put an uncertain cloud over this one but... wow wow wow WHAT! To my surprise this is... this is really good, and really fun?? It has so much heart and even though you could squint and it'd be a bit MCU-y, it still really stands on its own two legs as a Marvel adventure game. Yes. More Marvel stories in THIS format please!

Being cutscene heavy, the story is what carries this game — sometimes I felt like I was inside a movie. Characterisations and dialogue are 10/10. Perfect GotG humour. Battle system worked best with bosses/elite minions; using your team's arsenal as effectively as possible. Overall an enjoyable adventure.

Overall, the game is great. I think it has a bit of missed potential, but it's a good attempt to bridge the gap by mixing this game's Telltale counterpart with something a bit more basic than Final Fantasy XV.

The story is good when it tries. I think the themes are pretty profound for a "superhero" game, dealing with loss, and I always love a game that's not afraid to deal with more tender topics in a lighthearted, yet serious way. In a few moments, choice in this game really DOES matter, which I find astounding, but sadly, the game really only does that to you once or twice. The fact that who you choose to sell in Chapter 4 is great and leads to two completely different levels that converge in a pretty natural way. It's a shame that's one of the only times in the game where levels are dramatically affected by your choice. The rest of your "choices" really lead to similar outcomes -- like a space battle without a better gun, etc. No choice outcomes the ending of the game. I thought most characters got a good arc besides Rocket, who really just tries to be as insufferable as possible, even after his "shining moment".

The gameplay is great, but repetitive, and has a really weird system that I didn't vibe with. I don't really love how this game has "leveling" despite all fights being story-based and not skippable, it's not like there's side missions that could max you out further, everyone who plays this game will level all abilities. Along with this, collectables and going off the beaten path are pretty annoying, despite the fun collectable system with showing artifacts to characters to hear pretty awesome stories about how they met up with Peter.

I think there's a lot I didn't touch on that really make this game better than I made it sound. If this was a Ubisoft game, or some sequel, I'd really be less forgiving, but it's nice to see something unique like this come out in 2021. It doesn't feel nearly as formulaic as most other games, and it really is its own game, pulling from plenty of other great game's cloth and weaving its own way into a cozy blanket.

Dog Report Item: This game fuckin' slaps

Not only was Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy a blast, but it was also nuanced—yes, the silliness was expected, but it didn’t shy away from character development and showing vulnerability in its characters. Speaking of its characters, the team dynamics were really great, especially their interactions with each other. Instead of having silent husks for companions, the sass and banter never stopped.

There was so much that excited me as I got further into it, from the little details of the story, to each new planet that offered weird yet wonderful flora and fauna. It’s hard not to consider it a prime example of a stellar single-player adventure.

Guardians of the galaxy - One of the few comics based games which really turned out surprisingly great. I enjoyed playing this flarkin' game very much.

The amount of effort put into the characters and story is amazing. I kinda feel like they surpassed the movie versions of characters and I prefer these versions more nonetheless the movie versions are also great. Each guardian has depth in their characters and the interactions between them was flarking funny as scut. I really laughed at most of the dialogues, gotta hand it over to the production and script team, and also the voice actors nailed the delivery of those dialogues.

The HUDDLE up game mechanic felt satisfyingly good as scut when I first encountered it and when music plays amidst battles felt funny and quirky. However the combat could've been improved further. The only annoying scutstinker thing in this game is the spaceship controls and thank god there is only 2 or 3 spaceship missions. I hope they fix this in the next sequel. This game FLARKING deserves one.

The choices you take in this game affects how you play the story but not the story itself changes. And these choices are really funny sometimes serious and well-placed in the story and the alternatives are funny and sometimes serious. In short, the choices you take does matter.

Overall the story is well written with feel-good emotions and comedy and this game is underrated as hell.

dropei no começo, o jogo não é ruim mas ele tbm não é lá essas coisas

meio meh não sei talvez se eu tivesse jogado mais eu teria zerado e gostado bastante mas não foi o caso

Chris Pratt is Star-Lord. Shut your goofy irritating ass up bitch!

MANO QUE JOGO MARAVILHOSO! Quando me falaram que a gente não joga com todos os guardiões eu tinha ficado já de cara fechada, mas a gameplay foi muito agradável acho que não tinha jeito de fazer melhor. E a historia não deixou a desejar hora nenhuma , comecei a jogar e não consegui parar. Espero que tenha uma sequencia

the writing is so incredibly strong in this and it's full of amazing emotional beats. combat isn't very engaging, but it's flashy enough that i still enjoyed it a lot!

Score: 84/100

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy was definitely the biggest surprise of 2021 and that is mainly due to the quality of its narrative. Emotional, funny, and intriguing, the story was the thing pushing me through the simple, fun, but repetitive gameplay towards the later stages of the game. Two other major highlights of the game are the phenomenal soundtrack which combines an original score, an original band and some of the best songs from the 70s and 80s to create one of the best soundtracks all year. The other thing is the art direction. The game is stunning. Thats it really. If you cant get past the repetitive and sometimes boring gameplay, I highly recommend this game.

Um jogo muito injustiçado por causa do fracasso do jogo dos vingadores, mas sério esse aqui e fantástico, história e personagens incríveis, gameplay extremamente divertida, cenários e direção de arte lindos e trilha extremamente boa
Os erros são a repetição de inimigos e algumas missões, além da história de alongar demais

Bem melhor do que eu esperava MESMO. Eu gostei de tudo que ele fez. Porém, o combate é muito inacabado e buga demais. E ainda assim, eu achei ele ótimo e me diverti demais

Não tava botando mta fe nesse jogo, mas me surpreendi d+, parece que vc esta dentro de um filme do guardiões, os personagens são mto bem retratados e com a personalidade mto fiel. Unica coisa que peca é a repetição nos combates, mas o jogo e a historia são tao bons que isso acaba ficando em segundo plano.