Reviews from

in the past

Os controles desse jogo não é lá essas coisas mas, que jogo LINDO com certeza um dos jogos mais bonito do play 1, o traço dos personagens são muito fofos e que não foram datados.

Hay algo en la saga Legends que no puede evitar engancharme y darme calidez porque siento que es de ese tipo de mundos hechos para mí. Si bien amo ambos títulos a su manera, este resalta por ser el que mejor sabe transmitir ese ambiente adorable a la vez que oscuro, sin que se sienta desconectado.

¿Un mundo post-apocalíptico donde la humanidad sobrevive en pequeñas islas, cuyo poder energético viene de artefactos que se encuentran en ruinas subterráneas de civilizaciones lejanas de las que nadie tiene registro, plagadas de robots extraños, y que solo pueden ser recuperados por personas altamente capacitadas? that's my shit.

Lo bonito de esta dualogía, principalmente esta primera entrega, es que no se queda solo en su premisa y se atreve también a ser encantadora. Básicamente la experiencia se divide entre las lindas interacciones que puedes tener con el entorno y los NPC's en la superficie, y lo misteriosa y tensa que es la experiencia subterránea.

"¿Todas estas instalaciones se encuentran debajo de una ciudad sumamente colorida y llena de personas cálidas y amables viviendo su día a día?" pensarás cada vez que te toque bajar.

No es perfecto, pero el potencial demostrado por este título y el siguiente era inmenso. Una verdadera lástima que se hayan cancelado los planes para próximas entregas...

The 64 version but OG and better in pretty much every way! Even though I grew up with the crunchier version, I still love this one just as much. 10/10 Still a vibe~

Roll Caskett is the best roll design in the series

A good-looking PlayStation 1 game?! How can that be...

Time to point out the obvious, this game is adorable and has one of the most unique art styles in all of the PS1 library, and proves that a well-crafted art style can be timeless just like how Wind Waker did in the next console generation.

Now, now we all know that this game is adorable but what about the gameplay? It's alright, the overall gameplay loop is great I really like exploring the dungeons, killing monsters, and finding secret items to unlock new weapons and upgrades it's pretty basic but it works well. Now the main issue of this game is the controls, it's infamously bad and even if I really do love this game I think it just really kills it. Of course, I'll recommend this game to people it's just that most people tend to get filtered by the odd controls, and especially when the game first starts you are forced into 3 boss battles in a row. The main issue with the controls is that it uses tank controls with L and R to rotate the camera to the side pressed making the game very clunky to control and move around, though you do get used to it so it's not unplayable.

Even if the gameplay isn't for everyone there's still a lot to love in this game such as the dialogue and overall ambiance of the game reminiscent of an anime from the 80s-90s which is highly noticeable during the cutscenes with the character's facial expressions.

Outside of the main story, there are a few side quests that unlock over time and they are fine at best, they are mostly just fetching quests in the city with cute scenarios and the reward often tends to be upgrade materials for new weapons.

This game is highly in need of a Remaster fixing the control and some gameplay clunk but nothing graphics wise dear god please do not make an HD remaster of this game and ruin the art style I beg of you Capcom do not fuck this up.

Roll Caskett is my wife.

The charm and charisma of this game hold the rest of it up like how Altus holds the weight of the world on his back.

I really like Mega Man Legends. It has a passive peacefulness that could trick you into thinking you’re playing an island life simulator. You run errands for the townspeople of Kattlelox island, you play game shows on tv, you become a local legend for donating money to get better medical equipment at the hospital. Cutely designed characters have funny dialogue, you can tell the lady who runs the junk shop that your name is Hippopotamus. Hippopotamus can look at a magazine rack full of dirty magazines and contemplates reading one. The music that plays while you avoid oncoming traffic downtown sounds like the happiest trip to the mall you’ve ever had. Mega Man Legends is so pleasant.

But then, deep underground beneath the town, lies the Ruins. Eerie mines full of mindless Reaverbots, ready to kill anything they see. Under the silent cover of low draw distance, they wait for you. Some of these robots can drain your health in an instant, while you’re several loading screens away from salvation (and your latest save file). Mega Man Legends can be a little tense. (The hamburger-lookin ass crab Reaverbot, called Kuruguru, was particularly frightening to me and my younger brother when we played this game together.)

The tonal whiplash between the happy town and the harrowing ruins is only further compounded by the hysterical (and I mean that in both that they’re funny and that they’re constantly in hysterics) Bonne family. Between Tron Bonne’s violent and confused feelings towards Mega Man and Tiesel Bonne’s maniacal laughter after he plots a doomed scheme, any time they show up you’re in for a fun time.

That is, when the cutscenes are playing.

Early on, you gradually ease into the combat after a good amount of time hanging out in the town. But then BAM you’re hit with two back to back missions with their own boss fights. I guess the game wanted you to grind in the ruins for a lot longer than I did before starting those missions, because Defending City Hall is a huge difficulty spike.

And that difficulty, of course, comes from the controls.

Everyone hates tank controls. I won’t spend time reiterating what we all know, tank controls aren’t great for 3rd person action adventure games. This game is early enough in the genre’s existence that it was all they could conceive at the time. It’s really hard making two dimensional games as it is, and now you have to make a 3D game work and not completely copy Mario 64.

And besides, it’s not like Mario had a gun he could aim in Mario 64. They had to figure that out with what they had.

It’s a tough job, and I think they did OK with it. Decent enough to play, but not fun enough to where I get excited that a saving issue brought up the possibility of replaying 8 hours worth of the game. I didn’t have to replay those 8 hours, thankfully.

The main problem with Mega Man Legends’ turgid tank controls is half of the game’s loop is long term money grinding for obscenely expensive purchases. If you want to keep up with the dangerous enemies that threaten your life, you’re going to have spend a sickening amount of time grinding for zenny, all while moving around in that awkward and uncomfortable way. You get used to it, but it doesn’t make the grinding fun.

I genuinely recommend looking into cheat codes or something for this game to just give yourself a huge amount of money to mitigate the grinding. I played it “pure” and spent days running around the same spot in the ruins making chump change. Just cheat. Cheat because that half of the game is so lackluster compared to the side quests.

The side quests is what makes this game shine. There’s not enough of them to feel like a substantial Zelda-like adventure, but the amount we get is still satisfying. When you’re not raising money to rebuild the island from collateral damage you could have prevented, you’re helping the citizens with their simple problems. In return, you get an item that goes towards improving Mega Man (which you might need that grinding money to make use of), but more importantly, a fleshed out Kattelox Island. It makes it feel like a real place, and I love it.

However, these side quests have a dark side to them. A problem that could leave a “pure” playthrough completely in the dark.

A lot of these side quests/things to do are not blatantly advertised enough.

Much like the hidden treasures in the ruins beneath Kattlelox Island, Mega Man Legends hides it’s delightful and rewarding supplementary content behind obscurity. While some games with a racing minigame have some kind of eye catching indicator of its existence, or even a cutscene to let you know about it, Mega Man Legends has a nondescript npc in the corner of a building you might not think to go in anymore because you cleared the other two minigames it offered.

There are important npcs who have things for you to do who look like any other npc. Sometimes you have to talk to an obvious quest npc multiple times after you finish their quest to get a second or third quest. And I don’t mean just talk to them again I mean again and again and again. Some of these quests are built around the in-game timer, but it’s never specified exactly how much time it’s built around.

If your Saiyan Pride doesn’t let you cheat or use a guide, I respect that, but understand just how much of your precious time will be spent grinding zenny and talking to every npc multiple times. It is not weakness to save yourself an hour because you know where you have to go.

At the very least, I recommend having a guide handy while you play this game, just so you can give yourself everything it can offer. My first full playthrough was without a guide and I missed half the game and it really felt like it.

That full playthrough completely missed all the quests that went into the most powerful weapon in the game, maybe the entire Mega Man Series: the Shining Laser. The incredibly expensive culmination of several quests and mountains of money, the Shining Laser turns the already easy final boss into a seconds long joke.

Normally I’d be upset at the prospect of being robbed of a good fight, but I think it thematically works. The Shining Laser is everyone you helped on Kattelox returning the favor. It’s the final episode of the anime where everyone opens their hearts to send their energy to the hero. I like it. It’s a reward for players who aren’t good at combat but love the side quests, and it’s a reward for people like me who put too much thought into it.

But anyways,

I’ve played this game three times and rolled credits twice. I got every item on the second full playthrough, but I didn’t upgrade the weapons all the way because I didn’t cheat this time lmao. I fully upgraded the Shining Laser though, which is more than enough for me.

I recommend Mega Man Legends to anyone willing to put up with the few drawbacks it has. They are certainly drawbacks, (though I think the controls are much less of an issue) but the characters and world this game creates are vibrant and endearing and maybe the strongest in the entire Mega Man franchise.

There’s a reason why Tron Bonne shows up in more games as a cameo appearance than Mega Man Volnutt. It’s because she’s the best character in the game.

Um dos melhores jogos do PS1 e um dos melhores Mega Man já feitos, sua ousadia em mudar literalmente tudo o que conhecemos sobre Mega Man e trazer uma realidade mais calma e pacífica faz Mega Man Legends ser tão especial. E lembre-se: o farm never ends.

Esse jogo é muito melhor do que eu esperava, os controles dele são meio estranhos no começo porém eu até que consegui me acostuma rápido, gráficos dele consegue ser bonito até hoje já que eles focaram em algo mais cartoon e os personagens tem bastante personalidades.

Making a Mega Man Zelda-like is just a good idea and this executes it really well. I like how the dungeons are more like a dungeon crawler - mapping floors out, having limited resources and pushing as far as you can - than puzzle-solving. Perfect blue-sky-era Capcom vibes too; the low-poly characters are so expressive and the whole thing feels like a beautiful fun kids anime.

Outro jogo da lista de que comecei a jogar o dois antes do 1. Lembro de ser uma bomba, mas bem divertida.

the aesthetics are absolutely unmatched but theres a good reason that nobody talks about the gameplay lmfao

The instant I started playing this game, I knew it was something special. Its such a product of the time with the 90s anime vibe and I love it for that. The controls and general gameplay are REALLY dated but the amount of charm makes up for it. Tron is great.

I'm a very big fan of Megaman Legends. This 3D-Action Platformer was really one of my favorite games of that era and I still have fond memories of it today. The game that success moved Megaman to the 3D realm will always have a special place in my heart and it's a shame it didn't continue after the sequel. Highly recommended retro title.

visualmente me encanta pero el gampley pensaba que iba a ser mas divertido asi que na pero tampoco tenia mala pinta

This game is just wonderful. IMHO this and legends 2 are the best looking games on the ps1, and two of the best games on the console period. I just really like every single aspect of this game; visuals, gameplay, story, just pure vibes, it's all wonderful.

the old voice acting is really charming and the visuals are super good. not the best thing ive ever played but worth the time i spent i think

I remember watching friends play this game as a kid and watching Let's Plays of it years ago, but never got around to playing it myself. I was a Nintendo baby growing up and despite my family owning a PS1 and PS2, I never got around to playing a lot of Sony classics like this other than the occasional Blockbuster rental. Playing it now, I can say that I probably would have loved it back then due to how much I enjoyed it as an adult. Might be my favorite PS1 game I've played so far.

For a 3D adventure game that came out before OoT set the standard for the genre, it's pretty amazing how well this game aged. Most of the combat situations can be won by strafing and holding down the shoot button, but it all works surprisingly well. Dungeons are a lot of running down hallways, but it never really bored me. Exploring these underground ruins and finding random crap that you can turn into cool weapons surprisingly makes up for any issues with the relatively simple level design.

What also helps is the atmosphere. The game is generally pretty cutesy and lighthearted, which makes the much more creepy and unsettling underground areas stand out significantly. I could easily see kids getting genuinely freaked out by the enemy designs and creepy sound effects when exploring.

The story is fun and very much reminiscent of 90s anime, down to the surprisingly good English dub. The Bonne family is basically Team Rocket only actually somewhat threatening at times. The wacky tone of the writing gradually getting a bit darker toward the end is something I've always liked with media like this. Reminds me of the stuff Capcom would later do with the Battle Network series.

Also this game may have one of the best artstyles of any 3D 90s game. They really pulled off the anime aethestic extremely well. Still waiting for indie games to stop going for pixelslop and start making games that look more like this. I can only assume it's just genuinely difficult to pull off.

This is by far my favorite Mega Man game I've played. It's no OoT or Mario 64, but it's still one of the better 3D 90s games I've played. I can see why Legends 3's cancellation was so devastating to people. Maybe since Capcom is kind of in their redemption arc, and hack fraud Inafune is gone, they'll reconsider and finally bring it back. DMC5 came out, Dragon's Dogma 2 is releasing soon, and Resident Evil isn't garbage anymore, so it's not impossible, right?

Tinha pulado esse jogo e ido direto para o 2, mas que grande gafe cometi, perdi um jogo bem divertido.

O que mais me encanta apesar dos gráficos poligonais, é o estilo artístico de anime, ele deixa o jogo tão atual, enquanto outros que apelavam para o realismo naquela época, ficaram velhos, aqui envelheceu como vinho. O combate é bem embaraçoso, já que megaman não possui uma mira fixa, e o máximo que ele pode fazer é parar com uma mira fixa, porém não é tão doloroso controlar ele, fica parecendo um doom de megaman, o boneco responde aos comandos e ele é ágil, coisa que ajuda muito nas batalhas. A trilha sonora, achei fraca, o único tema que lembro de cabeça é o grupo da tron bonne, que tema bobo e divertido! Principalmente pra esses palhaços que tentam nos atrapalhar, achei eles bem carismáticos, e dão uma vida para o jogo.

O jogo possuí sistemas de RPG, e por isso, não são fases e sim objetivos que progridem a história, para iniciantes desse gênero, vão provavelmente ficar perdidos na primeira cidade inicial, mas é só falar com todos e interagir com tudo no mapa, nada aqui é um bicho de 7 cabeças. Ele também vai ter equipamentos e dinheiro para possuir esses tais, e é bem fácil possuir armaduras nesse jogo, não precisa se esforçar tanto pra ter equipamentos poderosos.

De resto é isso, se você não gosta muito de jogos velhos, provavelmente vai estranhar da forma de jogar, mas se está acostumado com jogos dessa época, vai ser bem divertido.

came into this not expecting much and ended up enjoying a bunch! while some issues with the unusual control scheme and absolutely horrid lock on did frustrate me at times I found it to be a great time for the whole way through! will be playing legends 2 immediately now


Despite the terrible controllers, it aged like a fine wine...
The story is lighthearted and funny. The graphics are pretty good to the point of inumerous indie games still taking inspiration until now.
The characters are adorable, the scenarios are welcoming and relaxing, and the interconnected "metroidvania like" map makes this game an underrated gem. You can even make your own builds in this game. Definitely a unique game...
I am happy to finally played it and finished it. This already makes me sad that Capcom abandoned this franchise...
Looking forward the sequel.

Presentationally exquisite in ways that I can only assume influenced just about every AAA game I can think of, at least in small ways. Exploring the island and finding new items to mess around with, and using those same items to push deeper into the maze of ruins under the island was consistently enjoyable. Something about the way this game is structured makes it feel so much bigger than it actually is, there’s a real sense of being in a gigantic labyrinthine world when in reality it’s like, a handful of small maps interconnected in clever ways. It seems crazy to me that this came out a year before Ocarina of Time, because there’s so many things it does that seem to be in conversation with that game, but it’s definitely just a case of multiple discovery.

For its time one of the best game I ever played, but even by today's standards I think the game holds up fairly well.

A fun game that is a unique take on Mega Man.

Only main gripe with the game is just the camera. It can be really annoying when trying to focus on an enemy while it is moving. Outside of that, I loved everything else. The art style and graphics alone made me want to play this game. I liked all the main cast of characters, especially the Bonnes. I would have loved this game as a kid if I had it. It honestly reminds me of Sonic Adventure and Fossil Fighters, two games that I played a lot as a kid. In a way, this game made me feel like a kid again at times.

Como RPG era confuso, não entendia meus objetivos e os controles era ruins, mas tinha uma vibe muito gostosinha.

Just a nice, short 3D action platformer. The tank controls take a decent amount to get used to but knowing you don't need to manually lock onto targets to have Volnutt aim does help. I just kind of wish the game had more to it and that it wasn't as easy to get lost underground.

never got to actually understand this one
gotta try it again someday

Peak. Fiction.

This game means the world to me and this tiny review won't do any of that justice but gosh this game is so good. It really feels like the type of game you can't just like. You either feel indifferent towards it or absolutely adore it, at least that's what I see alot.

This was one of the last Mega Man games I played. I went through all the platformers I absolutely adored and the RPGs only to come to this one niche sub series and have it absolutely blow everything else out of the water.

There isn't a single aspect about this game that isn't charming. The low poly playstation aesthetic is something I can't get enough, I seriously think it hasn't aged a day. Can we please get more retro throwbacks in this style?

Kattelox Island is an amazing game world, each corner of the small map feels alive and atmospheric despite the limitations, the above world just feels so peaceful (as long as you ignore those darn pirates).

There's a whole lot of memorable NPCs, weird optional scenarios and sometimes dumb yet endearing dialogue. Upgrading Rock Volnutt is really fun though I never really get much use out of the multiple sub-weapons.

The controls take some getting used to, they are outdated, I understand that... It takes like 5 minutes to get used to them, I don't think it is a big deal.

I love the contrast between the bright overworld and dark, repetitive depths. That's one of the reasons I actually prefer the samey ruins in this game compared to the themed ones of the sequel. I think the lack of variety helps contrast the regular world and gives a more dreary atmosphere to the place.

I love the Bonne family, I love the ridiculously loud bird chirping, I love running around, getting hit by cars in the city, I love the revearbots who manage to be both goofy and slightly unsettling, I love the missions (even if they almost made me give up multiple times on my first playthrough), I love the ending, I love collecting treasure in the ruins, I love beating up innocent cans, I love interacting with the people of Kattelox Island.

This game is everything. I absolutely adore it.

Mega Man Legends is almost 30 years old and I have had dozens of gaming experiences, and I still do not know how to discuss what makes Mega Man Legends sticks out to me like no other game does. I’m not trying to put it on some pedestal or anything, It’s not among my favorite games, even with nostalgia bias, and I even like its sequel more than this game. But I don’t think there’s a game that invokes quite a blend of comfort, mystery, excitement, horror and whimsy in a way as effectively like Mega Man Legends did.

The controls haven’t aged in a way that might be for everyone™ or whatever, but I think Mega Man Legends is still a game worth trying out to anyone who is trying out games in the PSX library, or those who like that genre of third-person action rpg-ish? games that was prevalent in the era. Despite the jank you’ll have to get used to, the Story, World, Cast and Game play here will definitely leave most gamers who like action games satisfied.