Reviews from

in the past

I was playing Solitaire on my comp and then realized I hadn't played much Minesweeper and now it's something I live and breathe, as I look up new tactics, RNG mitigation, strategies to speedrun, multiplayer io parts where it's a race to get mines, and somehow it has become this idea of bending Minesweeper to my goddamn will until I come out the otherside without exploding and cheer like a maniac when I got lucky on the unluckiest draw possible of 2 spaces that are impossible to figure out which one has the mine.
I'll have a real, full review analyzing this game at some point. I'm not up to the task yet, but until then..

I'm now singlehandedly responsible for an entire Discord server I'm on getting into Minesweeper and the pandemic has spread. I am Patient Zero.

I'm not sorry.

dumb motherfucker said "lets make a game where you might just not get to win" stupid Curt Johnson pre-installed windows vista motherfucker

ill never stop playing it

I first started playing Minesweeper in school during the more boring lessons. This pastime activity quickly turned into a destructive habit that let me feel the pain of addiction without having to consume any psychoactive drugs. Every time I am in front of my screen and zoning out just a little bit, I catch myself pressing CTRL + N, typing "min" in the chrome tab, and pressing enter, all in the matter of a split second. Obviously, with this big of a habit, the gameplay changed a lot too. Now it wasn't about solving the minefield, but about doing it as fast as possible. At the time of writing this, my personal highscore lies at 65 seconds (I'll update my current pb's at the end of this review). Such a time isn't possible with logical thinking though. To accomplish such a thing, many possible constellations of colorful numbers and their solutions have to already be engraved in your brain, so you don't have to think about the clicks you're doing. This is the perfect setup for a never-ending flowstate. The only time, I am torn out of this parallel dimension is when my eyes are starting to burn from not blinking for ten minutes.

Overall great game, can't recommend it enough.
However, if your future plans are forming a family and having an actual career, don't even think about touching this game.

Minesweeper Personal Bests

Beginner - 2s (?)
Intermediate - 21s (19.07.2022)
Expert - 53s (15.12.2023)

Expert (No Flag) - 82s (19.07.2022)

Ok, "completing" minesweeper aside.

I think this is interesting, maybe because there's like a powerful resurgence going on around me cuz of one person who decided minesweeper was fun again, but also because I was toying around with this vs. a bunch of other minesweeper knock-offs, and kept circling back to this one.

And why? Because of rng. Which is weird, because I can't think of anything more frustrating and annoying about minesweeper then you running into the dreaded 3-1 with two last clickable spaces left, or just the pretense that because you rolled the dice wrong you were fucked from the start, kiddo. But when I played versions that used algorithms to remove that element, where it just became a game of statistical probability using the same techniques ad nauseum, rather than some measures in my head to try to reduce the risk through intuition, it became... boring. A solved game isn't always bad, but it's not something I come back to, and I don't think most people do.

That's the wild part, this game is ancient and it swallows up my freetime hours lately with nothing but basic probability management and very simple to learn techniques. All baked into a very intentionally irritating gameplay component. There are people who have spent their lives optimizing that component, creating strategies to fuck with the board, bending the numbers under their knee until they unlocked it like a fucked up puzzle and going YES I GOT IT.

Fucking wild. Legendary game, probably not something I'll recommend lol. This is just a fun retrospective.

ok maybe it's just the nerd in me talking but this is very fun

i love playing this in front of my little sister and seeing her look of pure horror trying to understand what the fuck is happening.

Why isn't this a transferable skill?

My entire life is starting a fresh game and my first click is a mine.

A gripping narrative that can choke even the thickest of skinned players. Rising underdog company "Microsoft" is has truly made strides in the indie gaming community

Admit it, the first time you played it, you have no idea what the numbers even mean.

As with basically all the pre-installed games on Windows, I played this one too. As a child, I had literally no idea what I’m doing, but later I learned the secret behind the numbers, and it finally made sense. I beat the one or the other game, but it’s really nothing big. Just your average small puzzle game.

hate it cause i suck at it

genius in its semplicity, a most glorious time-sink.

That said, fuck the parts where you gotta guess

Yes I am salty for spending too much time on one game only to lose at the last tile

She sweepin on my mine til I feel micro-soft INCORRECT BUZZER SOUND

You will never be able to call yourself a true gamer, if you haven't at least felt dumb once playing minesweeper in your life.

Me: logic puzzle games are boring. Also I can't imagine playing a game that doesn't have a story.

Also me: plays Minesweeper until my eyes dry out.

(current record: 96 seconds)

Raise your hand if you spent countless hours playing this as a kid because you had nothing else to do even though it sucks and you had no idea how it works

Side note, how the fuck is the game description on this page going to call Minesweeper a Minesweeper-type game unironically

i've never been able to win on this thing

A pretty excellent game. Does a good job testing pattern-recognition and process of elimination. It's fun to try and play through it quicker. The replay value is insane.

minesweeper is something that is always waiting for you after you refund a game like starfield

Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever found an 8 in Microsoft Minesweeper?

perfection, I will not be taking questions

Story is meh, gameplay is alright. Characters lack develpment. The first click is RNG.

Really wish I learned how to play this much earlier than I did, it's a nice way to pass time

the windows store version, on the other hand, makes me lose all hope to a deeply unsettling degree. 0 stars

this definitely clears mickey mouse fata morgana

once any non-human animal learns to play minesweeper its over for us.