Reviews from

in the past

simping heavier cuz looks cooler

The last great of the Rider games

I played this shit at a library


I had a shocking amount of fun with this. It was my first riders game and while clunky and broken (those AI rubber band like a mother fucker), I had a lot of fun. Real short tho.

bruh they look so cool woooooooooooooow

I like it but... it's the Brawl to Riders' Melee a lot of the mechanical depth has been removed and it's not as fun to play as the original Riders imo

Gameplay: Simple
Music: Really Good
Replayable? Nah
Streamed? No

Extra Notes? It had an amazing idea that couldn't develop it. Was fun at the time.

not as good as the first game but it's still fun

That opening song is the best song in the whole series imo and it's a tough fight

Não é tão bom quanto o seu predecessor, mas mesmo assim, extremamente divertido

فكرة اللعبة حلوة ومميزة لكن يوجد فجوات في تصميم الخريطة وتوزيع الاختصارات
والطاقة المتحصلة في حال انخفضت
بمجرد احترافك قليلا لن تخسر مطلقا أمام الكومبيوتر والعناصر المتحصلة ليس فيها تشويق لاستخدامها ضد الخصوم إن كانوا أصدقاء لأن أغلبها شي تتحصله لنفسك فقط فلن يكن هناك الشغب الحاصل في سباقات الcart ويصبح السباق روتيني
واضح أن اللعبة لم يوضع فيها مجهود كبير وأبسط مثال هو الرسوم التي تعتبر متأخرة مقارنة بـ 2008

Um bom jogo de corrida com mecânicas alternativas interessantes (só não jogar usando o Wiimote), as músicas são fantásticas e os mapas são criativos e divertidos, o modo história é bom, valendo sua citação.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, while not nearly as good as the first game, is still very fun! Instead of drifting on your extreme gear, in this game you use the power of zero gravity to shift your direction and boost through the levels. In addition to this, boosting during certain sections will allow you to grind on certain flying objects, which is very fun to pull off! Zero Gravity is nowhere near the level of difficulty as the first game, which wouldn't really be a bad thing, if the game weren't also so short. If you enjoyed the original Sonic Riders, you may enjoy the improved graphics, more distinct skills for the character types, and even more playable characters than before, however you may also dislike how different some aspects of the racing are. I'd still recommend the game if you enjoyed Sonic Riders on GameCube!

The gravity shifting mechanics sound more interesting on paper, they aren't really that well developed in-game but it is still a really good game if you put in the time to master the handling. I prefer the first game.

This game isn't very good but I do like it a lot for some reason

Melhorou mas ainda assim nada demais

not as smelly this time. i thought this was supposed to be the worse one what da fuck

one of my favourite sonic games actually!! the gravity control can be very satisfying to use! i'm addicted to this game tbh.

nao entendo pq o pessoal nao gosta é sonic de skate voador mano

O grande problema desse aqui pra mim foi a campanha curta e a extrema facilidade pra liberar bem basicamente tudo no jogo, fora que os bots não são tão desafiadores, agora a gameplay é muito boa e satisfatória, um daqueles jogos que você nem vê o tempo passar.

it's a slight downgrade as far as controls but the visuals and music make it better !!

7/10, functionally worse than the first game but so much cooler

Not one near
My class of heat
The rule of the wind
Is to never get beat
Don't hedge, don't hog
You're put to test
Like Jet, as hawk
I'll rattle your nest

I never come down
I'm high alone
Bred from a genie
With wings and throne
Jet-fire hawk
The sky is me
All for the speed
I was born to be
Born to be
Born to be

Catch me if you can
There's no turning back
Reach but never catch

Catch me if you can
You can't fathom that
Wonders you can't have

wow, this game kinda sucks! they babyified one of my favorite racing games! manual tricks off ramps and normal drifting all gone. instead you get the gravity dive boost which is pretty situational and gets pretty damn annoying after using it two or three times. having to get rings to basically do ANYTHING in a race is so stupid. why do I need rings to grind rails? this game is so floaty and slow, it doesnt help that you control like shit too. the only good thing I can give it as that the levels feel a bit more unique visually and that opening cutscene is badass, honestly one of my biggest letdowns. at least the music is pretty great. free and catch me if you can are such underrated sonic tracks

Simplesmente o melhor jogo do Sonic (no geral).

A história é extremamente incrível, que foi uma das coisas que me prendeu neste jogo mas o que me pegou principalmente foi as músicas. Acho que não é crime dizer que Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity tem algumas das melhores músicas de toda a saga Sonic, como Un-Gravitify e Aquatic Time. Jogo extremamente perfeito em todos os quesitos e que sempre me dá gosto de voltar e zerar ele de novo e de novo. Embora a história seja extremamente curta e a jogabilidade dele seja BEM mais facilitada que seu antecessor, ainda sim é um jogo que tem o seu charme e se você jogar sem preconceito, pode ter certeza que ira se divertir muito!

História: 9/10
Música: 10/10
Gráficos: 8/10
Jogabilidade: 9.5/10
Fases (ou level Design): 10/10
Nota final: 9.3

This series could have been so SO good! I used to play this game a whole bunch as a child and enjoyed every second of it. With other games filled with nostalgia i can't glaze over it's severe problems. Handling, map selection, story, etc.

despite all of that I will love this game with all of my heart.

Ride through gravity
Just ride through what Earth planned
Ride through gravity
Ride through, now, let them loose, oh!
Ride through gravity
For all that's not falls down
Ride through anomalies
With one worth believin' in, oh!

in other words, this game sucks