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Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity tries to inject fresh energy into the extreme racing formula with its gravity-bending mechanics. You'll race on tracks that twist and turn, using gravity shifts to navigate walls and ceilings. While the concept is promising, the execution falls short. The controls often feel imprecise, the courses sometimes lack visual clarity, and the overall sense of speed is underwhelming. Still, there's some fleeting fun to be found in mastering gravity tricks and shortcuts, but ultimately it's a niche experience in the Sonic racing repertoire.

Ride through gravity
Just ride through what Earth planned
Ride through gravity
Ride through, now, let them loose, oh!
Ride through gravity
For all that's not falls down
Ride through anomalies
With one worth believin' in, oh!

in other words, this game sucks

Another childhood classic. I'm kinda surprised that kid me understood these jank Controls. The gameplay is really difficult to grasp for newcomers but really fun when you get used to it. The story is bat shit insane and post game content is really fun too. Overall an underated racing game that just might tickle your fancy if you give it a shot

Primeiro jogo que joguei, lá em 2008.
Tinha cinco anos.

Aqui foi o começo do fim. Um passo na direção de uma imortalidade sem qualquer valor. Que Deus tenha misericórdia de nós.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is a sequel clearly designed with the Wii in mind, attempting to immerse you further using motion controls, while simplifying the gameplay from the first Riders game. While I think this was ultimately necessary to make the game more beginner friendly, it does make this game feel lesser once you've got a feel for the mechanics. Basic drifts and boosts are a thing of the past, as these have been replaced by with Gravity mechanics. This is a really cool thing about this game, you can slow down time, and fly around sharp bends, you can fling yourself onto the ceiling and you can fly up into the air on straights in the track and boost by bouncing off debris. Its visually striking and a lot of fun, but does water down the track design to a degree as there are plenty of open straights with nothing on it.

Control is also a little unresponsive, I often found myself bumping off the walls when trying to make basic turns. It lacks the skill ceiling of the original, and while this makes it much easier to win races, it's less satisfying to play. Not to say it's not fun, it is, especially with friends.

The story mode attached is a fun time, The Babylon Rouges are once again fun characters, and the CGI cutscenes are really enjoyable to watch. The logic as to why your racing is pretty dumb, as there isn't actually a racing competition this time, but it still works.

The musics great, I love the remix of "Catch me if you Can" and the main theme "Ungravitfy" is a true great.

I do really enjoy this game, I think it's a step down, but still a really solid game. The final boss is absolutely awful, like utter crap. But Zero Gravity still manages to earn its spot in the Riders line-up

Massive downgrade from the original. Gameplay is super simplified and a lot less engaging. Music is absolutely incredible though, and the story is pretty decent too. Not bad by any means, but it loses the depth that made the original Riders so special.

the cutscenes make me think of Advent Children for some reason. I couldnt beat the second level

it's good but not as much as the original tbh.

Um bom jogo de corrida com mecânicas alternativas interessantes (só não jogar usando o Wiimote), as músicas são fantásticas e os mapas são criativos e divertidos, o modo história é bom, valendo sua citação.

this game so saucy i love jet

Исправили ошибки оригинала, но слишком замедлили скорость.

Полная рецензия: Скажу совсем кратко о второй части Соник Райдерс, потому что, по сути дела, это та же самая игра, но только с парой ключевых исправлений, которую делают эту игру хотя бы приятной к прохождению. Сюжетец здесь почти такой же, как в 1 части, поэтому не будем абсолютно на нем зацикливаться.

Нужно отдать должное, местный геймдиректор реально понял, что в прошлой часть абсолютно не работало, поэтому он убрал всю систему энергии ветра и питстопы, добавив вместо них энергию гравитации. Тут кароч по сюжету у героев есть некие браслеты, которые могут контролировать гравитацию и вот эта механика является здесь ключевой. С помощью нее ты тоже можешь мега быстро ускоряться и всякое подобное, но при отсутствии этой энергии твой персонаж не слезает с ховерборда и не теряет накопленную скорость. Поэтому респект + респект.

Заменили систему дрифта. Теперь она тоже подчиняется силе гравитации и зависит от шкалы энергии. На повороте ты просто прожимаешь кнопку дрифта, и твой персонаж резко останавливает движение и в моменте меняет кардинально траекторию полета на нужную тебе. При всем при этом небольшой полет по инерции все также продолжается, поэтому если чуть замедлить с разворотом над пропастью, то есть вероятность моментального вылета за трассу. Данные два нововведения заметно облегчили игру и сделали ее приятней.

Также местный ИИ у противников заметно занерфили, поэтому теперь ты сможешь их обогнать, даже если допустишь 2-3 критичные ошибки за гонку. Боты здесь стали, конечно, чересчур пассивными, из-за чего в 80% игры не чувствуешь накал и адреналин во время гонок. Только лишь под конец, когда игра немножко накатывает сложность, приходится чуть-чуть попотеть, чтобы победить. Но в целом они слишком облегчили игру, пошли из одной крайности в другую.

Что мне не понравилось: максимально упростили систему трюков. Теперь она зависит лишь от того, рано или поздно ты подпрыгнул на деш паде и какова была сила прыжка. Управлять самими трюками в воздухе уже нельзя, и это пиздец как обидно, потому что фишка была крутая. Кольца в игре теперь вообще непонятно, на что роляют и как в игре работает прокачка гиров тоже непонятно. Апгрейды приходили в руки сами по себе, независимо от моих действий, что тоже слишком упрощало игру. Ну и наверно главный минус - игра стала медленней. Я специально сравнил футажи первой и второй части, и первая часть в 2 раза быстрее была по скоростям, чем вторая. Из-за этого множество гонок в игре ощущаются просто скучными, нет ощущения скорости абсолютно. Оно появляется только во время нитро, но этого абсолютно не хватает, увы.

Финальный босс в игре такой же дебильный, как и в первой части. Вообще не понимаю, зачем делать такую механику битвы с ним, ведь это просто неинтересно.

Зиро Гравити - это играбельная аркадная гоночка, исправившая ошибки оригинала, но допустившая новые, которые не позволили ей стать хотя бы неплохой. Поэтому она останется просто скучными заездиками на два с половиной часика.

Jeu de course plus original que les Mario Kart-like avec Crash ou Diddy Kong dont on s'en bat les couilles. Le jeu est rapide, les courses sont toutes biens et t'as 10000 chemins différents. En plus les mecs en chargent des OST s'étaient dopés et ça fait plaisir

Lembro de achar a capa do jogo estiolosa demais, quando era criança, e nos dias de hoje tive essa lembrança e fui partir para ver se era bom.

Pra falar a verdade, não tenho muito o que comentar, um jogo de corrida com uma história bem interessante (não completei) fui até um certo ponto terminando a priimeira história. O que se tornou cansativo fazer corridas em cenários que parecem ser repetidos, passam a ser enjoentos. Acredito que o seu multiplayer seja o forte, já que tem mecânicas para cada tipo de personagens desde do grider até uma bike e isso é muito daora. Os gráficos desse jogo é muito bonito, a estética, ate as cutscenes são bonitas. Até a trilha sonora é bem daora.

Se você não tem muita noção de tempo exato esse jogo vai ser um estresse, o tempo de pulo, o tempo de largada são as coisas que deixa o jogo muito rápido e movimentado, a mecânica da gravidade me deu uma pitada de rage até porque tudo precisa de um tempo "exato" para executar a ação.

Vale a pena a chance, se você gosta de sonic, essa é uma boa opção, e bem diferente dos jogos que conhecemos

Bu serinin ilk oyununun kesinlikle daha eğlendirici olduğunu biliyorum, ancak bu oyunda da haritayı daha efektif kullanabilir hale getirmişler, fakat oyunda eğitimler olmasına rağmen bazı mekanikleri öğrenemiyorsunuz.

İlk olarak oyunun fragmanlarında ya da sinematik ara sahnelerinde olduğu gibi havalı bir oyun olmadığını söylemeliyim, sadece son sahnede hikayeyle alakalı kurdukları mantığı beğendim, onun dışında karakterler utançtan öldürüyor, hikaye de yazılmak için yazılmış diyemiyorum bile, yazmasalar daha iyiydi.

Oyunda beğenmediğim bir diğer konuysa kesinlikle çok yavaş hissetmek oldu, zaten teorik olarak çok hızlı olan baş karakterimizin uçan kaykaya binip "vutu vutu" yapması saçmalık, üstüne bu kaykayın üzerindeyken de yavaş hissetmeyelim bir zahmet...

Sevdiğim bir olaya gelecek olursam, oyun kısa, bu hikayenin motivasyonuyla zaten daha fazla devam edilemezdi, ancak oynanışta sunduğu yeni mekanikleri sürekli acaba nasıl bir haritayla karşılaşacağım da nasıl hamleler, teknikler uygulamam gerekecek hissiyatıydı. Üstelik yarışlar artık daha çekişmeliydi, bu son derece hoşuma gitti, daha hızlı akan bir oyun olsaydı çok daha iyi olurdu.

Tekrar sevemediğim özelliklere gelecek olursam, yeni mekanikleri iyi bir şekilde, efektif olarak kullanabileceğimiz harita dizaynları yok, ilk oyunda haritaların kendi içinde özel oynanış tarzına sahip alanları vardı, burada bazı şeyler basitleştirilmiş.

En mutsuz eden olaysa, haşmetli, görkemli Babylon Garden'de yarışmıyoruz, ilk oyunda çok eğlenceliydi ve çokça da görkemli duruyordu, hatta Babylon takımının bölümleri başlı başına kendi kendine yeterdi. Sonic'in ikinci kaykayı, bu oyundaki tüm kaykay türlerinden daha havalıydı, saçma sapan kaykay modellerine geçiş yapılmış, hiç gerek yok böyle işlere.

Ekstra olarakta, çevremde kim varsa bu oyunun "Ungravity" isimli şarkısını neden kimse sevmiyor? Ben seviyorum lan, bence güzeldi, kötü değil lan o kadar!

Oyunun son bölümü de... işte... anlatamam... kötüydü...

On par with the original. While the level design isn't quite as good, the crazy options you have in this game are fun.

koitti olla enemmä polished ku eka mut poistti kaike siisti techin

Vraiment le concept de rester sur place à chaque fois que tu prends un virage serré, je pige pas... Déjà qu'il est plus lent que son prédécesseur

no lo jugué mucho porque en wii es bastante injugable. o una instancia más de yo siendo un ser sin habilidad motriz

Another GOATED Sonic Riders game. The Sonic Franchise truly needs to bring these games back.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, while not nearly as good as the first game, is still very fun! Instead of drifting on your extreme gear, in this game you use the power of zero gravity to shift your direction and boost through the levels. In addition to this, boosting during certain sections will allow you to grind on certain flying objects, which is very fun to pull off! Zero Gravity is nowhere near the level of difficulty as the first game, which wouldn't really be a bad thing, if the game weren't also so short. If you enjoyed the original Sonic Riders, you may enjoy the improved graphics, more distinct skills for the character types, and even more playable characters than before, however you may also dislike how different some aspects of the racing are. I'd still recommend the game if you enjoyed Sonic Riders on GameCube!

You could stick and skate on walls or ceilings so that was cool
Also there was a bird

This series could have been so SO good! I used to play this game a whole bunch as a child and enjoyed every second of it. With other games filled with nostalgia i can't glaze over it's severe problems. Handling, map selection, story, etc.

despite all of that I will love this game with all of my heart.

No irónicamente uno de los juegos de carrera más divertidos y originales que jugué de pequeño, la historia para ser un Sonic está bastante bien, la ost es buenisima a nivel de ambientación y casi todas las canciones encajan super bien con los niveles, en general me parece un juego muy disfrutable y que solo lackea en modos de juego extras.

I rented this game at blockbuster so long agao


As someone who's an absolute fanatic of the original riders and rated a 5/5, you might think I'd despise this game, and when I played it for the first time as a kid.

I thought it'd be just more riders: I tried drifting, I tried boosting, I tried tricking, none of it worked! I rage quit the game by how frustrated I was, and from then on would always put it at the bottom of my sonic tier lists.

Recently though, I gave it a proper chance, and after finishing the story mode and all related missions, it's... honestly not bad at all.

It's a very unique racing game with some STELLAR presentation, this is my 2nd favourite sounding and looking sonic game next to CD and that is VERY high praise!

The gameplay, while undoubtedly much slower and less advanced than the original Riders, is still quite fun, and very unique from its peers!

While it's not an absolute, timeless Classic like the original Riders game, I still felt very happy by the time I finished this one! I had a lot of fun with it!

Though, I certainly don't see myself re-playing it...

This review contains spoilers

Zero Gravity takes all the complex elements of Sonic Riders and, instead of improving on them, mostly just gets rid of them. Their air gauge is gone, instead replaced by a gravity meter, while preparing for a jump has been changed to pressing the jump button at the last possible moment.

While I can see why some people would hate these changes, I personally found Zero Gravity much nicer to play, with some good track design (although there was one I hated, Crimson Crater) and surprisingly good graphics for the Wii, especially the water-based level. The story, while extremely short, has a more interesting story, plus some really nice cutscenes.

While I did enjoy this more than the first Sonic Riders, it also feels a bit too “safe”, and is a less interesting game overall. It’s just another mascot racing game, while the first game tried to be unique.