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in the past

A história é boa como aqueles filmes B de ficção científica que te surpreendem. Vale a pena jogar por isso!

Agora pontos negativos:
A gameplay é pobre, lenta, e te deixa frequentemente perdido no que fazer, principalmente antes da metade do jogo.
O personagem principal é insuportável de chato.
A história se arrasta um pouco até ficar boa.
Tem uns bugs bizarrinhos.

A rather bland and boring experience to be honest. The game pretends to be some 3d person thriller, but it is in fact just a novel and not a good one at that.

This review contains spoilers

“State of Mind” é um jogo que demorou a me fisgar. Ele começa bem lento, você praticamente não faz nada, só conversa com as pessoas (eu sei que é um jogo que é concentrado na história, mas eu queria fazer outras coisas além de conversar) e assiste várias e várias cenas. A experiência é de você estar assistindo a um filme ou série mesmo, e é uma história legal, se ambientando em 2048 num ambiente futurístico meio distópico.

Na história do jogo, você é um jornalista chamado Richard Nolan, que acorda num hospital e não lembra o que aconteceu. Você volta pra casa e descobre que sua mulher e seu filho sumiram. E depois a história dá uma virada brusca e de repente estamos falando de uma organização que está fazendo upload de pessoas em uma simulação como uma forma de tornar as pessoas imortais. A questão é que o Richard tinha sido upado nessa simulação, mas ele de alguma forma voltou à realidade. E o mais incrível de tudo, o seu avatar ficou lá no mundinho de fantasia. E no jogo você consegue controlar os dois! Seu outro “eu” se chama Adam e aparentemente vive uma vida feliz, até que tudo começa a dar errado.

Olha, a história do jogo é meio confusa. Na maior parte do tempo, eu não entendia o que estava acontecendo e tudo bem, eu fui na onda. Eu acho que consegui entender a mensagem por trás da história, mas mesmo após finalizar o jogo, eu ainda fiquei com várias dúvidas.

Os gráficos são bem bonitos, não há aquela pretensão de fazer um jogo muito realista. É o tipo de gráfico que você sente que está realmente jogando um videogame e eu acho isso muito bem feito. Gostei da trilha sonora também, e o trabalho dos dubladores foi magnífico.

Eu queria que tivesse mais quebra-cabeças no jogo. Eles começam a aparecer mais pra metade e é quando eu realmente fiquei mais engajado na história, porque eu sentia que estava participando e não apenas assistindo.

Apesar de ter odiado o personagem principal, eu acho que “State of Mind” vale a pena ser jogado pela temática de tecnologia invadindo a vida das pessoas e as consequências de grandes organizações terem acesso aos seus dados pessoais.

art style & music is nice but story is really boring & since that's the focus of this game instead of gameplay i don't feel motivated to play through the game to the end.

The best cyberpunk game to date, mainly because it does not fall into the trap of putting neon signs, kanji and rain inside a grimdark world of epic proportions, but instead focuses on the contrast of what you want the world to be versus what it is. It finally gives you a middle ground between the absolute lowlife encountered in >observer_ and the transhuman aesthetic of Ghostrunner, being a middle-of-the-road kinda guy similar to Cloudpunk.

At this point, I appreciate Daedalic's traditionally slower pacing because for once in this genre, you and more importantly the world get to breathe, not pushed forward by thumping electronic beats or tense horror atmosphere.

Not only is this a great expansion of the cyberpunk genre, but it is also one of the best modern adventures as a whole.

The story is great (and that’s all the game is), until it ends…at the end this whole thing feels like a disjointed mess of ideas, that would have made a great series, but failed in the regard of presenting a satisfying ending

Artstyle is ok, story is fine, but the game is SO wooden that my teeth hurt

Wer den Grafikstil bewilligt hat, sollte nie wieder im Designbereich arbeiten dürfen.

Travado no lança mas a história é muito pica.

Una aventura gráfica ciberpunk, y me ha sorprendido.
Una historia interesante con un buen plot y el apartado artístico tiene vistas que son muy bonitas, pero en según que escenas pienso que le hubiese sentado mejor otro estilo. Aun así esta genial.

I want to be clear about what type of game this is. It's very story driven, so it's pretty linear. The walking is kind of stiff but if you can learn to look past all that...
It has a polygon like style, semi-cyberpunk with its 2048 setting, reminding me of things like "i, Robot" and even Half-Life without the wasteland vibe. Except you don't have guns, you don't jump around the map, it's more like room to room interactions over action.

You play as Adam and Richard, two people in very similar situations (those are the mains, you play as some others along the way as well). They are two sides of the same coin, they've both been in a car accident and are recovering their memory so you're learning along with them. One has a good relationship with his family, the other doesn't. You do however get multiple choice answers, which I'm sure lead to different dialogue options. You can either be a jerk or slightly less of a jerk. I tried to do all the extra stuff which really made this game more interesting for me. There aren't side-quests but just little things here and there that feel very achievement based, whether they truly are or not. For example, you can give a homeless man some spare change or spend time with the kid before his bed time, the little stuff like that make me feel good about myself.
The linearity is pretty annoying because underneath this game's story, I see a lot of layers that could be picked if you were given the option. I won't complain too much about it though because I'm not against linear games.

As for story, Adam is kind of like Roxas but Richard, as I mentioned and hence his name, is a jerk and when you don't like your protagonist, it's hard to like the story. Remember that Mars mission that's supposedly going to happen in the years to come? Well that's in here too. I kind of went into this game blind, but I saw Mars talked about somewhere when I was researching it and became very interested as I've been looking for a Mars game for a good while. You don't actually explore Mars though, it's just this futuristic city. (sometimes Berlin or City5 as they call it) There are some posters on the wall in various clubs and stuff that I really hope that they'll make real as merch for the game, though I doubt it (they do have an artbook though).

I was put off by the ending because it had the potential to be good but it left too many holes. It didn't feel definitive. The ending is the one exception where your choices matter, there are two decisions in particular (the last two and you'll know when you see it), I did the 'best' ending and the 'worst' ending, though, that's kind of objective. The other two endings are basically the same just with the scenes interchangeable. There are certain characters that we never really get an answer as to what happened to them and then the place they decide to they just forgot about Richard's 'status'.

When I paid for this, it was on sale for about 2$ so I'm not going to complain but it's just an average game, I wouldn't pay the normal 30$ for it.

‘Twas not too great imo. Has really solid presentation for the first third or so of the game, but then it devolves into dark and uninteresting corridors and factories. Its story was also initially really intriguing but then it slowly lost its lustre the further into it I went. Some scenes felt utterly pointless, but overall, it’s a really thought provoking story that takes place in a thought provoking world. It’s quite a bleak game that’s wears its blade runner influences on its sleeve, but it takes too long to conclude. I do commend the game, though, it has one of the most unlikeable main characters I’ve ever seen in a piece of media, let alone a game. I was thoroughly impressed at how little this game pulled its punches. It’s just a big shame that the gameplay is kinda horrific, even by point and click standards. It was essentially just “go to this waypoint, talk to people, do a simple task where you have to go get something and then talk to someone, play a stupid minigame, watch cutscene, go home, repeat, etc.” The puzzles ramped up later, but they were ultimately really tedious and spent more time wasting my time by having me walk to interactable objects than actually learning how to solve the puzzle. Seriously though, the march to the end was kind of a blur because so much shite happens and it has this weird thing where none of it feels like it has any climax or impact, but everything is constantly built up to be vaguely meaningless. That makes no sense it writing, but State of Mind was a weird experience. Also, the audio mixing and sound design in general was not that great, with many sound effects lacking impact and many scenes feeling really empty.

Overall, it’s tough to recommend State of Mind because it’s quite janky and the gameplay is rather boring and tedious, but, if you’d like to play something that will leave you thinking about a lot and are interested in seeing what I’d consider to be a really well-written genuinely unlikeable character, then maybe, just maybe, this game could interest you.

A lo largo de todo el juego no he parado de estar completa y absolutamente aburrido. La única razón por la que he seguido es porque creo que tiene algunas buenas ideas en la historia (no todas) pero, al igual que el gameplay, están llevadas muy mal. No haré spoiler por si alguien aun así se lo quiere comprar, pero te aviso de que lo hagas solo si quieres ver una película de unas 8 h en las que a veces tendrás algo de interacción no muy bien conseguida. O donde te moverás de cinemática a cinemática un puñado de pasos.

This game has been sitting in my Steam library for a while, so I thought I would finally give it a try while waiting for new games to come out.

I wish I hadn't... Watching paint dry would have been more entertaining than playing this game.

State of Mind is like a scattershot of common tropes associated with the cyberpunk setting. And if you start to pick the story apart you will definitely find some dead-end threads left unexplored.

But despite a few shortcomings, it's a worthwhile experience for those interested in a slower narrative game and fans of cyberpunk stories with bleak, but relevant themes for the modern age.

If you are of the "gameplay first, story second" school of thought maybe skip this one a pass.

[ Full review at ]