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The weapon designs and combat are all really good, but the enemy design is basically the same thing forever with the most boring environments ever, despite the levels trying their best to be as labyrinthine as possible. It's just sort of mediocre by the end.

A MUCH better game mechanically speaking. The parry system is fun and satisfying, combat is a bit faster and bosses are waaaay better and less frustrating once you figure them out.
However that bit of mystery about wtf happened and dark, oppressive atmosphere of the first game is gone, and, at least in my opinion, the plane crash survivor plot is just not really interesting (SPOILER: the new game+ scene about the crash gives the whole story much needed context, it absolutely should have been at the beginning.)

It’s rare that a genre hits such a high note on its first time out like the Souls-like genre. FromSoftware’s own games have yet to be matched or topped by any studio that isn’t Team Ninja. But that doesn’t stop teams from trying. German developer Deck13 is one of those teams, churning out three Souls-like games in since 2014. The Surge 2 is its newest effort and despite the presence of beloved, familiar systems, it’s a formulaic, jumbled mess of an RPG that sits at the bottom of the junk pile because of its inability to meaningfully apply the genre staples it has shamelessly borrowed.

Read the full review here:

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English/German below

Sci-Fi Soulslike Action RPG from Deck 13 (Lords of the Fallen) ended after approx. 15 hours and reached 540 gamerscore, with 129 deaths. Compared to the Soul titles, that's more than my DS Remastered or Demon's Souls run-through.


Nice sci-fi chatter in the background. No more, no less, we know most of it: resources exploited, humanity before the abyss, with various experiments and methods (nanites). The game takes place in the city of Jericho City, which is also home to a cult that wants to make a special source of energy its own.

It's all very nice, but it really doesn't knock you off your feet.

Graphics / presentation

I can't really say that I think the game is pretty, I can even say that it doesn't even look that good for 2019. The sci-fi atmosphere has also been done better by other games. Despite all that, I just didn't have that much expectation from this aspect.

Unfortunately, the game basically only plays in the city, there are no great changes of scenery, weather effects, etc. In contrast, the look of weapons and armor is very good and the bosses and opponents look pretty cool too.


Here, too, you notice a certain potential again. They didn't just blindly copy Souls, they thought a little bit about the whole gameplay. So you have to cut off different body parts from the opponents in order to then get to the individual armor sets, weapons or upgrade materials. That has always motivated me and aroused a real urge to collect.

But let's start at the beginning, the tutorial was already so overloaded with information that it was more of a challenge than it would have helped me. There are so many symbols in the inventory, HUD, on bosses, I often just didn't get it.

In addition to weapons and armor, you also have the option of using implants that have different abilities (e.g. it was very strong that you could have the direction from which an attack came, in order to parry directionally). I had a lot of fun parrying and when you're in it, as is so often the case, it makes the game very easy. There are some great weapons and especially when it comes to armor you can try a lot (played through with Little Johnny's weapons).

There are 3 attributes (life, endurance and battery efficiency), but I have to say that the most important thing seems to be to level the battery. The healing system is linked to the battery, because you have to work your way through to get heals by attacking or blocking, but it's cool that you can save healing batteries while you fight (I had up to 4). You can also save your tech scraps (souls) in the Med-Bay (beacon). Cool feature.

Upgrading the weapon or armor was also always fun, unfortunately I didn't manage to upgrade everything to the end.

But what I didn't like at all was the drone, which I found unnecessary. The Metroidvania aspect was also completely exaggerated, it felt like there was only one tubular path at the beginning, because EVERYTHING else is blocked and e.g. you get the crane hook incredibly late in the game.

The game really needed more areas, more enemy types, and above all different and more bosses. So much was recycled here, that was really ridiculous. There were bosses that I faced FOUR times. I just find it boring. After all, the final boss was then sufficiently different, but why do you need the second fight against ELI in the middle of the game?

The end boss area was pretty cool and so was the whole fight, but overall I had no problems with the bosses (apart from a few exceptions).

With conciliatory words at the end, although it wasn't that critical at all, I have to emphasize how cool it is that statistics are shown after the credits (total playing time, playing time of individual areas; number of deaths; deaths from bosses, etc. as well as in comparison the average).


The game already has its own ideas and potential, but there has to be more to come in the future. Precisely because it was a second part, it shouldn't have felt so compressed. More areas, opponents and bosses would be important and let's see what will come from Deck13, graphically a shovel can also be added. For me 3/5 nanites (I felt Mortal Shell is a step ahead in the Soulslike Genre Comparison).


Sci-Fi Soulslike von Deck 13 (Lords of the Fallen) nach ca. 15 Stunden beendet und 540 Gamerscore erreicht, dabei 129x gestorben. Das ist im Vergleich zu den Soulstiteln mehr als bei meinem DS Remastered oder Demon´s Souls Durchgang.


Nettes Sci-Fi Geschwätz im Hintergrund. Nicht mehr nicht weniger, man kennt das meiste davon: Ressourcen ausgebeutet, Menschheit vor dem Abgrund, mit verschiedenen Experimenten und Methoden (Naniten). Das Spiel spielt dabei in der Stadt Jericho City, in welcher auch ein Kult herrscht, der sich eine besondere Energiequelle zu Eigen machen will.

Das ist alles ganz nett, aber haut einen wahrlich nicht vom Hocker.


Ich kann nicht wirklich sagen, dass ich das Spiel hübsch finde, eher sogar, dass es für 2019 gar nicht mal so gut aussieht. Auch die Sci-Fi Atmosphäre haben andere Spiele schon besser hinbekommen. Trotz alledem hab ich auch einfach nicht soviel Erwartung an diesen Aspekt gehabt.

Leider spielt das Spiel im Grunde nur in der Stadt, großartige Szeneriewechsel, Wettereffekte usw. gibt es nicht. Dagegen ist der Look von Waffen und Rüstungen sehr gut gelungen und auch die Bosse sowie Gegner sehen ziemlich cool aus.


Auch hier merkt man wieder ein gewisses Potential. Es wurde nicht einfach nur blind Souls versucht zu kopieren, man hat sich ein bisschen was bei dem ganzen Gameplay gedacht. So muss man bei den Gegnern, verschiedene Körperteile abtrennen, um dann an die einzelnen Rüstungssets, Waffen oder Upgradematerialien zu kommen. Mich hat das immer wieder motiviert und weckte regelrecht einen Sammeldrang.

Fangen wir aber am Anfang an, das Tutorial war schon so überladen mit Informationen, das hat mich eher überfordert als das es mir geholfen hätte. Es gibt soviele Symbole im Inventar, HUD, bei Bossen, da hab ich öfter einfach nichts gerafft.

Neben Waffen und Rüstungen hat man auch noch die Möglichkeit Implantate zu nutzen, die verschiedene Fähigkeiten haben (z.b. sehr stark war, dass man sich die Richtung anzeigen lassen konnte aus der ein Angriff kommt, um dann direktional zu parieren). Das Parieren nämlich hat mir viel Spaß gemacht und wenn man drin ist, macht es einen wie so oft das Spiel sehr einfach. Es gibt einige tolle Waffen und gerade bei Rüstungen kann man einiges ausprobieren (habe mit Little Johnnys Waffen durchgespielt).

Es gibt 3 Attribute (Leben, Ausdauer und Akkueffizienz), wobei ich sagen muss, dass es doch am wichtigsten erscheint den Akku zu leveln. An den Akku ist nämlich das Heilungssystem gekoppelt, da man sich durch Angriffe oder Blocken die Heilung erst erarbeiten muss, cool ist aber, dass man sich Heilungsakkus abspeichern kann (bis zu 4 hatte ich). Auch kann man seine Tech-Scraps (Seelen) in der Med-Bay (Leuchtfeuer) abspeichern. Cooles Feature.

Auch das Upgraden der Waffe oder der Rüstung hat immer Laune bereitet, ich habe es leider nicht geschafft alles bis zum Ende upzugraden.

Was mir nun aber gar nicht gefallen hat war zum Einen die Drohne, die empfand ich als unnötig. Auch der Metroidvania Aspekt war völlig übertrieben, gefühlt gab es gerade am Anfang nur einen schlauchigen Weg, weil einfach ALLES andere versperrt ist und z.b. den Kranhaken bekommt man unglaublich spät im Spiel.

Mehr Gebiete, mehr Gegnertypen und VOR ALLEM verschiedene und mehr Bosse hätte das Spiel wirklich gebraucht. Hier wurde soviel recycelt, das war schon echt lächerlich. Es gab Bosse gegen die ich VIER mal angetreten bin. Sowas empfinde ich einfach nur als langweilig. Immerhin war der Endboss dann ausreichend different, aber warum brauch es dann den zweiten Kampf in der Mitte des Spiels?

Das Endboss Areal war ziemlich cool und so auch der ganze Fight, aber im Großen und Ganzen hatte ich mit den Bossen (außer wenige Ausnahmen) keine Probleme.

Mit versöhnlichen Worten zum Abschluss, wobei so kritisch war es doch gar nicht, muss ich noch hervorheben, wie cool es ist, dass nach den Credits Statistiken gezeigt werden (Gesamte Spielzeit, Spielzeit einzelner Gebiete; Todeszahl; Tode bei Bossen usw. sowie im Vergleich der Durchschnitt).


Das Spiel hat schon seine eigenen Ideen und Potential, aber da muss schon mehr kommen in Zukunft. Gerade weil es ein zweiter Teil war, hätte es sich nicht so komprimiert anfühlen dürfen. Mehr Gebiete, Gegner und Bosse wären schon wichtig und mal schauen was von Deck13 noch kommen wird, auch grafisch darf eine Schippe draufgesetzt werden. Für mich 3/5 Naniten (Mortal Shell empfand ich schon ein Stück weiter).

A souls-like with a bit more speed and a cyberpunk theme. Very fun with a lot of content. Make sure you've got spare time.

This game sucks and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The game has some interesting ideas, but the first major boss is literally invincible unless you parry him repeatedly and then you only get about 1.5 seconds to damage him in a certain spot. Absolutely not fun and heavily punishes you for not having already chosen the weapon and build that the game expected.

No me gustó nada la jugabilidad, veo la inspiración souls wise pero siento que no la usa bien, idk

Good fun action RPG once it gets going. I really liked the directional parry system, the way you upgrade stuff by targetting that part of enemies and the little things like being able to bank your currency at rest points. Some of the level design is nice and clever too, like the seemingly expanding 'main area' which you finally fully unlock and actually realise, hang on - it's not that big at all. Gideon's Rock was another highlight, a proper romp through three distinct paths towards a big boss. I also liked the world building, though I am a bit of a sucer for fake companies in the games.

Story was a bit of a letdown which seemed odd, given how much effort that they'd put into the world building. I think they went for the kind of environmental storytelling that From's games are known for but I don't think they quite managed it. Didn't help that I didn't really like any of the characters. Also the thousands separator in English is a comma not a full stop god dammit!!!!

Either way, given Deck13's consistent improvement with every game, I'm going to go in day 1 with their next one. Punching heads and arms off is too much fun not to! Also a good first run out for my new Xbox Elite controller as the paddles felt ideal for running and jumping.

It's an improvement over the first game, but not significantly.

Copied and pasted from The Surge 1 review:

An attempt at making a game similar to Dark Souls, but with dismemberment.

It was a decent attempt. The sequel is definitely an improvement in every way.

The combat, which is certainly the most important aspect to nail in a game like this, feels a little floaty and not precise enough. The way you explore the levels and find shortcuts is a little too straight forward/literal, but hey, they tried. It's still worth playing, if you're a huge fan of the way From Soft designs games.

It's an example of not being able to get enough. I enjoyed this game because it was at least trying to be a game I'd love.

I respect the attempt, and there is some fun to be had with The Surge 2, but ultimately it is another soulsborne game beliving that difficulty and shortcuts are what makes From Software's games great. The levels frequently confuse complex Level Design with good Level Design, directional parries are either frustrating to read (when the enemy has bad tells) or overpowered (when the enemy has good tells), and the option to target different body parts to earn different equipment is cool in theory but gets tedious in practice.

Still, the moment to moment gameplay is solid and most of the bossfights I saw were challenging but enjoyable

I never got to finish The Surge. I appreciated its limb tearing but it was not enough to have me hooked on. Now, The Surge 2, steps up its game. With a better enemy variety, better close-knit levels and far more enjoyable bosses, it made me happy that I somehow got to embrace the franchise eventually. Being still the most of souls-likes in High Fantasy settings, a sci-fi take is very well noteworthy.

This review contains spoilers

Nota Final:
6,75/10 (RECOMENDO)

Contagem de Pontos
Gráficos: 7
Gameplay: 7.5
Controles: 7
História: 6
OST (Trilha Sonora): 6.5
SFX (Efeitos Sonoros): 6.5

Resumo e Experiência

The Surge 2 foi minha primeira experiência com um jogo Soulslike.
Apesar do que as pessoas falam de jogos do gênero, esse não chegou a ser um jogo tão difícil. Mas isso não quer dizer que o jogo não tenha seus desafios, principalmente com alguns "inimigos comuns" que são muito resistentes. Bosses, por outro lado, tive problemas com alguns deles, mas nada que uma pausa de um (1) dia, ou algumas horas (ou um vídeo de gameplay no Youtube, XD) , não dê uma refrescada na mente para poder enfrentá-lo novamente.
A história eu achei confusa. Desde o começo me vi como um personagem ordinário que saiu de um hospital. Depois saiu metendo o "Zaralho" em todo mundo na tentativa de salvar uma criança, simplesmente porque começou a escutar a voz da mesma na sua cabeça. Após disso, virou uma espécie de "Guerreiro". Senti que a história existia apenas para você ter um caminho para seguir. Como não joguei o primeiro The Surge, não sei se acabei por perder uma parte da história.
A gameplay é super divertida. O jogo te incentiva a jogar com as diversas armas que o jogo possui para poder lidar com os diversos tipos de inimigos que você irá enfrentar. Assim, você sempre irá querer procurar por novas armas para montar o seu arsenal.
Sobre as armas, elas tem suas variações. As armas terão suas categorias e terão suas diferenças de aparência e de "Move-Set" (Padrão de ataque), mesmo sendo da mesma categoria. Mas algumas delas terão "Move-Sets" idênticos, com as únicas diferenças sendo a aparência e os statos da arma.

O jogo apresenta duas mecânicas básicas para que a progressão no jogo seja facilitada em "300%":
1° - Mecânica de Parry (A que soa mais óbvia para jogadores veteranos do gênero)
2° - Finalizações com desmembramentos.

1° - Parrys
Com os Parrys, você conseguirá deixar o seu inimigo vulnerável por alguns segundos (o famoso Stun) para receber todo dano que você puder dar. Mas não se afobe, pois com a sua barra se Estamina (presente em muitos jogos do gênero) será consumida por cada movimento que você realize; como ataque, a esquiva e o próprio parry.
Dominar essa mecânica é essencial para que, a cada parry bem realizado, você recarregue uma barra de energia. Essa barra recarrega a cada golpe realizado no inimigo (dependendo da arma utilizada, carregará mais rápido) e realizando parrys, a maneira mais rápida de carregar a energia. Com essa barra você poderá executar ações importantes, como carregar itens de cura.

2° - Finalizações com desmembramentos.
Para realizar uma Finalização, você também precisará de barras de energia. Essa mecânica é essencial não por ser "maravilindo" cortar o seu inimigo no meio e ver sangue jorrando, mas para conseguir armas novas e peças para seu set de armaduras.
Cada inimigo poderá ser atacado na Cabeça, Tronco, Braço Direito e Esquerdo e Perna Direita e Esquerda. Os inimigos que você encontrar estarão usando alguma peça de armadura em uma (1) ou mais partes do corpo, que poderão ser arrancadas dos seus inimigos com essas finalizações e montadas novamente para você as equipar. É sempre bom, ao entrar em uma luta, analisar o inimigo para ver se ele possui alguma peça que você não tenha. Dessa forma, você sempre poderá ter peças novas para montar seu Set de Armadura.

Espero que essa avaliação seja útil C:

It's definitely better than the first. It's an extremely well put together industrial cyberpunk action game, even if it is lacking in a lot of charm, and maybe a touch of polish

Gameplay wise, the game's better than the first in pretty much every way possible. However, I did prefer the level design in the original. In this one, all of the areas except 1 kind of look the same and blend in together, and not in a good way.

Not my kind of game. Very difficult for new players, if you're into the Soulsborne genre, this game might appeal to you but it still isn't that fun. A lot of rpg elements and it can overwhelming.

klassisches DS-Gameplay.
Wie im ersten Teil verstehe ich den Sinn der Körperteile nicht, da es mehr Probleme bereitet, als es Spielspaß bringt, aber das Spiel macht ähnlich süchtig wie man es von DS-Spielen gewohnt ist.

Eine nette Mechanik ist wie im ersten Teil der Seelen-Multiplikator, der auf 0 fällt, wenn man rastet.
Bedeutet, man hat noch einen Grund mehr, sich die Frage zu stellen:"Mache ich den Gegner noch oder bereue ich es am Ende?"

In my opinion surge 1 was better since you could be diverse with how you play, surge 2 felt as though they were trying to force the user into the directional parry which is a reason why I didn't like sekiro
level design is great very mazelike at times, atmosphere is grim and desolate but the combat lets it down for me

Yeah this didn't improve the first game at all, it's mostly more of the same game, absolute cancer animations to react to and the level design seems somehow even worst.

Jugué al primero y la historia tenia algo de sentido, esto es solo una escusa para usar un titulo "conocido" y hacer dinero.
La exploración se vuelve tediosa y poco intuitiva, intenta dar verticalidad a sus zonas pero es muy caótico,el combate no está mal , pero el repetir boses hace que el juego se alargue innecesariamente.
Me ha sobrado facilmente 5 horas.

Top 50 Favorites: #31 (Premium Edition)

Such an amazing Souls clone that I honestly prefer this to any of those games. Frantic, darkly comic, neon-laced psychedelia that I never wanted to put down - beneficially removes all of the forced doom-and-gloom bullshit from the first game (of which I still remain a defender) in favor of letting the story take a side-seat while you get thrown into the ring with a murders row of colorful characters. Major General Ezra Shields is one of the most teeth-grindingly difficult (but fun!) bosses I've ever fought. It also irons out the kinks of the first's combat - giving us one of the most deeply satisfying block/parry systems in a video game and a vast array of weapons with their own snappily taut control setup. Incredibly inventive armor system and atmosphere, and the length feels just perfect (unthinkable for a Soulslike). Plus come on, just fucking look at this thing. It's a beautiful behemoth.

Este juego si que a surgido bien, incluso he llegado a disfrútalo en bastantes momentos porque el parry es algo que necesitaba el juego como el comer, porque con el 1 era o correr del enemigo, o esquivar o te comes la torta, aquí puedes incluso hacer una build de parrys que esta fuertísima porque te conviertes en una tanqueta. Pero bueno, ha mejorado bastante en todos los aspectos con respecto al 1, hasta hacerlo incluso divertido pero tiene algunos fallos.
El primero de todos son los bosses, o son rematadamente fáciles o literalmente un dolor de cojones enfrentarse a ellos, el segundo es que el parry esta bien, pero hace el juego muy muy fácil en muchas ocasiones, hay veces que hay enemigos que tienes que hacerle 2, 3 e incluso 4 parrys para desestabilizarles pero la amplia mayoría o tienen patrones fáciles o solo necesitas 1 parry y lo demás son fallos no tan importantes que vas viendo mientras juegas, pero 100% el mejor cambio a parte del parry es el farmeo de piezas de mejora de equipamiento, ahora es muy cómodo farmearlos y subirlos, cosa que agradezco para no estar 2000 años para farmear 2 mierdas.
Hablando rapidillo de la historia y tal, para mi es un poco meh, tiene cosillas interesantes pero sin mas, tienes decisiones que tomar de personajes secundarios y 2 finales a elegir como el 1 y poco mas sinceramente, diría que este juego poca gente se lo jugara por su historia ciertamente, y la ost no es nada del otro mundo.
En resumen, este si que lo recomiendo que lo juegue la gente, además es cortillo, me ha durado casi 25 horas mas o menos

Well, after 24 hours of gameplay and staying up until 2:30 am (which turned out to be 1:30 because of daylight savings), I can confidently say that this game is pretty good. The story is awful dogshit, but I think you already knew that. The mechanics are incredibly clean and fit well. The back and forth between melee beating and drone potshots makes for really entertaining battles. The part/limb breaking system is an awesome touch, making grinding feel rewarding and making boss fights feel more even. The one main gripe I have is just how much they reuse bosses in this game. For a game that only took me in actuality 18 hours to beat, there is no excuse to reuse the Delver beast or living statues at all. Other than that thought, very fun game, and please skip every cutscene. <3

Mejor que el primero, aunque irónicamente, me ha pasado como el primero: al principio me ha costado de tragarlo, pero cuando me hizo pop, no hubo stop.
Es un poco tosco, pero es un buen soulslike.

Heavily underappreciated soulslike with a deep combat system and an interesting setting. Some difficulty spikes are annoying