Reviews from

in the past

Altair Chronicles ficam num limbo que não sei se é uma espécie de port ou algo como um demake. Como a série foi criada para Playstation/360, a Ubisoft quis portá-los pra todo tipo de plataforma, fazendo as adaptações necessarias.

No DS Assassin's Creed se tornou uma espécie de jogo de plataforma com combate, coleta de orbs e algumas cenas mais e cinemáticas com gráficos similares ao N64/Playstation 1, e a inclusão de pequenas mecânicas de toque usando a tela de baixo para quebrar a monotonia do gameplay principal.

Uma salada que se perde em uma apresentação horrenda, design de interface feio, gameplay enfadonho e uma sombra do que AC é nos consoles de mesa da época.

Meu 1° assassins creed, RUIM QUE DÓI, mas como foi o primeiro que joguei no DS tem valor sentimental

I don't really remember it but the graphics were cute (lil miniature Altair!)

that ending was so funny it boosted my score half a star

The only Assasin's Creed game I played. Don't @ me. lolol

Juego de móvil porteado a DS. Puta mierda XD

This is the 2nd worst game I've ever played.

I played this game basically everyday on my phone but somehow never finished it. Maybe I should change that soon.

My first entry in the assassin's creed franchise. This sucked ass. Frustratingly bad controls.

This is my first Assassin's Creed review on backloggd so let's do this!

This game was a very mixed bag for me. I loved how fun some of the level layouts were. I love how cheesy this game was at times (looking at the siege camp infiltration mission). I love how this game used the crossbow, the use of disguises, some of the puzzles and even the stealing and interrogating minigames. Some of the music was cool though obviously low quality.

Now the bad...
The boss fights were laughably easy. Basilisk wasn't convincing as a villain and was pretty much a little b*tch during the whole game. The depth perception of this game with it's pixelated graphics were incredibly frustrating most of the time. It's almost a third person side-scroller beat em up. It was very ambitious in it's design and I applaud that even though it failed most of the time at it's delivery.

This game felt at times like they tried to directly adapt AC1 instead of creating a prequel to it. I am referring to the plot structure and mission objectives.

The whole 3rd act was rushed and Adha's arc was the one most affected by this. And it's a true shame. None of her previous relationship with Altair is shown. Their importance to each other. Nothing. Just her needing rescuing. I think I would have cared more for her rescue and the subsequent cliffhanger ending if I knew who she was other than "The Chalice". None of this is ever explained. What her actual powers are... did she already know this?

This game would have benefitted so much from a codex or document collectibles instead of the "skills" feature.

I liked what this game tried to achieve with the little time and resources they had but I can't stop thinking that this could have been better...however let's look at the bright side: It's also more Altair...


Now it's time for the game that truly started it all... AC1.

Literally broken in every respect without a single redeeming feature. Never, ever play this.

The graphics, while trying their best to be detailed for an early DS game, are just low resolution and muddy, making it pretty horrible to look at. Models disappear into a mass of pixels and polygons, and animations are stiff and more often than not, don't play correctly.

The controls are the part that completely break the game, they are horrendous. Complete horseshit. There's occaisonal input delay, jump strength is near impossible to control, everything that can break will break and turn almost every single instance of platforming into a nightmare of instability and cursing as Altair does the exact opposite of what you told him to do for the 13 millionth time.

The combat is no better, being an unsatisfying and inconsistent button masher. The game suggests you can hold R to walk and assassinate people - you know, like you'd expect from Assassin's Creed? But no, this only works on very specific enemies at scripted sequences in the game, so that's a complete lie. I'm serious, if you try it on an enemy that isn't scripted to be assassinated, they'll just gain psychic powers and turn around.

The combat also has a counter mechanic, but ever y enemy past the first hour or so is completely immune, so don't even try. The only way through is to spam combos that knock enemies down, but the ones with red helmets are immune to this until another combo you unlock in the final hour or so.

Add in terrible music, boring story and glitches as far as the brain can comprehend, as well as some dumb gimmicky touchscreen and microphone usage that's totally half-baked, and you have what I consider to be one of the worst videogames ever made. I'm dead serious.

I don't know what to say. I love Assassin's Creed but I'd wish this trash wouldn't be a part of... (Or at least I wouldn't be fan enough to have searched for this game to play everything)

2 stars for being really really funny

Sorti sur DS en 2008, pour qu'Ubisoft puisse dire "oui ya Assassin's Creed sur DS !" sauf que le coeur du jeu est mal branlé, c'est moche, ya la même boucle sonore toutes les 12 secondes, ça se torche avec le lore de la série (oui je suis ce genre de personnes)...
Vouloir faire de la 3D sur DS ok mais du coup le gameplay est franchement raté (les sauts comme les combats).

Tout ce que vous ratez vraiment de mémorable, c'est Altaïr qui s'échappe d'un camp ennemi... dans un canon.

Le jeu a ensuite été porté sur téléphones et tablette, avec le petit sigle HD pour caler un anti-aliasing et de la 16/9ème... mais ça change rien c'est toujours aussi raté.

Completed the game on Normal difficulty.
+ Gameplay. The game actually manages to impress in how Gameloft tried to translate the original game experience into the limited DS hardware. It utilizes the features of DS, like using microphone to uncover chests, or stylus to precisely navigate in mini-games, and it does so in the way that I consider to be good enough. However, the key features of Assassin's Creed are there - parkour, jumping on buildings, stealth, assassin's weapons, discreet assassinations and the way Altair uses weapons in combat - all of these are reminiscent of the original game. Surely, like most modern mobile developers they could have just made a lazy and boring 2D scroller for example, but they actually made this game believable to be a spin-off of the original.
= Graphics. The graphics are surely dated, but they are as good as they get on DS.
- Bugs and glitches. The game just feels rushed and unfinished, the main character does not feel responsive and often moves not in the way intended. Often times have I found myself teleporting, passing through walls, etc. The sound also is quite janky with bad cuts, noises, etc.
A good experience overall, could be played if you want to play every single Assassin's Creed game for its story, or you want to have it on your DS, but you won't miss anything if you just skip it.

Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles was an incredibly disappointing prequel to the first entry, with a lackluster story and bad gameplay.

The story takes place in 1190, a year prior to the events of the first game. Altaïr returns from a mission to be met with Al Mualim, who alerts him of a plot involving an object known as the Chalice, and the Templar's are attempting to get it. The story of the Chalice was incredibly underwhelming, and I get it, it's just a simple little platformer for the DS, but if this game serves as a canon prequel to Altaïr's mainline adventure, I hope it is near as good, and expected more. The ending was the worst part, rushing the plot of the actual Chalice and not the adventure to get it, even though they really should've spent more time with it. Altaïr's Chronicles ends with a cliffhanger, and feels so unrewarded and anti-climactic.

The gameplay is honestly so frustrating. The hardest part of the game getting the controls to work in your favor, with the imprecise controls often getting in the way of successful platforming. However, I do think that the parkour feels somewhat fine for a DS-era game if you have the controls and bugs in your favor. Combat is really boring, with enemies just being sponges for you to spam the same combo.

Altaïr's Chronicles is such a disappointing game, and doesn't deserve the right to be called a prequel to the first game. I don' think I like a single thing about this game, but it isn't the worst game I've ever played.

Assassin's Creed Franchise: Ranked

Next Review: Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
Previous Review: Assassin's Creed

Utter shit. The game starts off feeling like shovelware, whatever, you'll get through it right? As you play, the little polish there is slowly goes away and by the time you're halfway through, the jumping is unreliable and you keep going where you're not telling the game to go and having to use the awful combat mechanics way too much and it just devolves into an unplayable mess. The story stuff isn't even at all good. Stay away.

I regret all 8 hours I spent in this game, awful controls, and an Altair with to much free-will to commit suicide by refusing to go in the direction you want him to. Don't play this.

Boring, repetetive, has barely got anything to do with the original Assassin's Creed. Should never have existed, but eh, I'm always here for Altair content. It still sucked.

aaaai que negocio ruim de jogar

This is one of those "how bad can it get" games. Not worth playing even as a fan of the series. It tries to tell a story but it doesn't really ever go anywhere.

its pretty bad in a funny way and the parkour is honestly still kinda fun, if you ignore how stupid and jank it is at times. the combat is just silly. it's really, really not worth playing unless you want to laugh at very questionable game design from gameloft, lmao

the story is literally useless for the whole story though, it kind of doesnt even make sense within the narratives already presented either.

Playing on Medium difficulty, this was a surprisingly challenging game. The graphics remind me of PS1 but the mechanics were smooth and enjoyable. Learning more about Altaïr's relationship with Adha will bettered my playthrough of AC1.

I deeply regret wasting my time and actually fully playing through this game. It does not have a SINGULAR good thing going for it, there is nothing redeemable about this game, it is pure, utter garbage.

The platforming is garbage, extremely imprecise, controls horribly, it is actually so frustrating. This platforming makes up the majority of the game, and it's just the worst. The game punishes you for going fast, so you have to slowly finagle around, somehow it manages to be frustrating and boring at the same time.

Combat is also terrible, you mind numbingly mash one button over and over the entire game, only on some enemies where you do the exact same QTE sequence on them, such as the main boss, which you fight like 4 or 5 times, and every time it is the exact same. Combat is so fucking boring in this game.

I decided to play this game mainly cause of the story, I really liked Altair in the first game and figured I wanted more. Unfortunately this game doesn't provide that. I don't know if the creators of this game never played AC1, or just didn't care, but Altair does not act like Altair AT ALL in this game, which is just jarring. He quips like a marvel character or something, and all the enemies talk like batman goons. This and the ugly graphics create a tone that doesn't fit AC at all.

This story is also completely irrelevant to anything else in the entire franchise, and you are missing out on nothing if you skip it. It is a prequel that is completely and utterly meaningless. To make it even worse, it ends on a fucking cliffhanger! They had the audacity to end this on a cliffhanger, just absurd.

Honest to God this may be one of, if not the worst games I've played from the 2000s. It is irredeemably worthless and a waste of time. Stay away at all cost.

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.