Reviews from

in the past

Really neat puzzle-platformer that gets so much out of a single concept, with some of HAL Laboratory's charm sprinkled in. The only reason it's a 4/5 is that I expect the later games to be even better once I get to them.

The only game about a square-shaped boy I can tolerate.

they weren't lying that boy is a box

It's pretty simple and charming, and that mostly works in the game's favor. The puzzles can occasionally be pretty tricky. Each world has a different gimmick that is utilized pretty well in a variety of ways. The mechanics never really interact, and the puzzles feel fun but nothing too crazy. It's good, but a bit lacking.

Really good but level transitions are way too long for how long the levels are.

It's as barebones as they come, but it proves that the simpler the better when it comes to puzzle games. Although having said that, a few more themes and music tracks would've gone a long way.


Çok tatlı lan bu oyun. Bİraz basicv ama oynaması eğlenceli.

Picked back up the game after years of first downloading it. Don't remember much but the game got pretty challenging toward the end but it was rewarding when you figured out how to progress.

I love it. Its very good. Super clever level design had me thinking about the correct solutions for a while. Very good game. Plan to play the others one day.

fun little game with more levels than one would think, I like the implementation of those walk-coins for hints, had to use it one time lol

despite all that, I'm not sure why this game got an amiibo

This is a pretty fun game. It doesn't take that long to beat. It has some awesome puzzles that are very well designed. I also really like the design of the characters in the game.

fun little puzzle platformer with a neat central mechanic. interesting how much freedom is allowed for many of the puzzles, even late into the game. biggest gripe is just that a lot of the collectibles kinda felt like afterthoughts

Cute little puzzle game from HAL

A charming little puzzle game that really forces you to think on your feet about how to use the boxes.

Honestly it's a really cute puzzle game, amazing how such a simple design like Qbby works so well

Solid puzzle platformer with a lot of heart.

Very simple but very solid all around. I felt like it was everything I wanted it to be and nothing more

delightful simplistic puzzle game with a fair amount of challenge

Cleverly designed puzzler that gets a lot of mileage from a simple but effective concept. Music is a bit lacking in quantity and quality.

En 2019 a pocos meses de empezar a trabajar me fijé en BoxBoy+BoxGirl y en un ataque repentino de consumismo, lo compré. Le di unas pocas horas pero con el cansancio del trabajo y demás, apenas sacaba tiempo para jugar y lo dejé abandonado. Hace unos días decidí darle una oportunidad al que originó la franquicia y la verdad, un juego de puzles muy satisfactorio y con una curva de aprendizaje bien estructurada. Ha hecho que me coma la cabeza varias veces en las etapas finales pero tremenda satisfacción llegar al final del juego.

Por cierto, no he jugado los niveles secretos. Volvería a jugarlo ni que fuera en ratos muertos.

Se você for sensível como eu, vai lacrimejar em um jogo de cubo.

Exactly what I wanted from a puzzle game. 1-2 minute levels are the perfect length. I also like how you can use the play coins to find solutions, although I do sometimes abuse it.

Box makes other boxes and jumpes around.

A neat little puzzle game with an interesting concept. Only real issues with it is that the 3 bonus worlds are pretty frustrating at points and that the side content feels half assed.