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in the past

Boxboy is a decently fun puzzle game that is unfortunately not interesting enough to warrant its somewhat tedious length. The puzzles themselves are engaging and creatively designed, but the lack of proper music or any visual variety whatsoever really makes it start to feel boring even after a fairly short play session. The reason I'm rating the game without finishing is because despite liking some aspects of it I just couldn't motivate myself to finish it. I will say that despite being tedious to complete it is alright in very (extremely) short play sessions of 5 minutes or so on the go, if you happen to still carry your 3DS around with you. It's definitely not a terrible game by any means, I'd say it's just slightly above the level of mediocre.

Fun, inventive little puzzle game. Really enjoyed my time with it but never ended up checking out any of the sequels.

This is a nice neat little game.
I think the difficulty can be a bit weird at times, sometimes being pretty easy, other times being pretty brain-scratching, but overall, this was a good game, and a nice experiment from HAL Laboratory.

Veredito: carismático, simples e direto.

Boxboy é o clássico jogo de portátil à moda antiga: poucas mecânicas, partidas curtas, não é muito ambicioso nem faz nada revolucionário. E tudo bem. Foi claramente feito pra matar o tempo no busão ou na fila do banco, não pra te envolver em uma história super épica. Sua mecânica central (praticamente a única) é criar fileiras de caixas para atravessar as fases, seja usando de ponte, de escudo ou de 'corda com gancho'.

...e é só isso. Tem uma trilha sonora bacana, gráficos simplórios e fofinhos, e alguns colecionáveis que desbloqueiam tanto skins bonitinhas como fases extras de desafio pra quem quiser. É relaxante, simpático, divertido e isso é suficiente.

Cleverly-designed and charming, puzzle games inevitably frustrate me but this one was a fun time throughout, with reasonable challenges that kept you on your toes.

easy-going with intuitive mechanics and diverse hazards. i found it nice to wind down to

A very simple, but good puzzle game. Made me have to look up answers a few times. Best played in short bursts, I'd say.

Addictive puzzler. I didn't finish the bonus levels, but I still got my money's worth.

This game is a really fun time waster and has really creative puzzles, I recommend this to people who are bored to try and play some of the Boxboy! games or the series, the only problem with it is that some puzzles were very out of the box or the game does not teach you about this and its not perfect, its just good.

Man there are a lot of ways to play with boxes.

BOXBOY is a pretty charming puzzle platformer where you play as Qbby, a square-shaped character that has the ability to spawn boxes from its body. These boxes can be spawned in several directions, allowing you to create all kinds of shapes. Puzzles start out pretty simple but become much more complex as you progress.

Overall, I loved this game. It's simply amazing how developers HAL can turn the simplest shapes into really charming characters. Recommended.

I really like this game because it reminds me of that brief two year period where I was obsessed with collecting Kongregate badges and ended up playing a bunch of 2D puzzle platformers with various geometric lads. You even get some HAL-esque writing out of the deal when the boxpeople start nobly sacrificing themselves to power ancient square technology in order to save their boxplanet.

Tirando o fato de que ele é muito longo, é um jogo muito bem feito e carismático. É bem gostoso de jogar, ele sempre apresenta mecânicas novas. É a melhor pedida pra deixar instalado no 3DS e ir jogando entre outras coisas aos pouquinhos.

Cute minimalistic style hides some tough puzzles that rely on a very unique set of mechanics to solve. Very fun, a must-try!

Creative puzzles and a simple and intuitive game.

tight puzzle-platformer game with a great tile-based mechanic where the main character qbby can grow blocks out of his body to use for a variety of tasks. while initially simple, the game quickly expands qbby's mechanical vocabulary without introducing any new abilities via the wide variety of level gimmicks to overcome. qbby's blocks can be used to hold switches in place, pull qbby up to higher places, form stairs, and shield him from lasers depending on the situation, and the best puzzles in the game require designing block structures that can perform multiple functions when they interact with the environment. on the level design side, the game dips its toe into several different puzzle genres, including physics-based moving blocks, tetris-style line clearing, and lemmings=style AI manipulation, among others. the levels themselves rarely stick to one structure, veering between larger single-room puzzles and chains of short puzzles that focus on escalating a single design concept. a single idea rarely gets extended past 15 minutes of puzzle solving before something new appears, which keeps the pacing thankfully breezy.

beyond reaching the end of each level, there are also collectable crowns to look out for in each level. my first impression was that they would be like the strawberries in celeste where they function as a heightened, optional challenge, and in some levels they serve this purpose, which works amazingly well when it reveals the flexibility in approaches to each puzzle. however, in a lot of other cases they serve as a subtle guide for how to solve more abstract puzzles, which I found fascinating. to keep these crowns exclusive, the designers imposed a limit on the number of blocks you may create before the crowns are disabled, which I personally don't mind considering how generous, accurate, and quick the checkpoint reset system is.

there's also a fleeting plot that has some sort of world-actualizing consequence for the main characters; I frequently played this on the couch around my roommates and I kept looking away during the cutscenes, so I don't really have a take for what goes on other than that it's cool. the graphics are pleasingly sparse as well, and they look crisp on the 3ds screen. the music was not my cup of tea personally, given that it was mainly minimalist chiptune stuff. as a pick-up-and-play game the presentation mainly gave way to how quick it was to pick it up and work through a puzzle, even for ones that stumped me for a bit. I haven't worked through all of the post-game puzzles, but I've found the ones I've played so far to be a great challenge that capitalizes on the ideas demonstrated prior. between these games, kirby, part-time ufo, and picross 3d, HAL lab is a fascinating force in the realm of puzzle-adjacent games.

Not too bad, but nothing special. Each world/zone brings about a new gimmick which gets used in increasing difficulty for 5 or so levels before entering the next zone and getting another new gimmick to play with. For the most part the game is pretty easy due to the fact it keeps balancing itself around having to use at least 1 level per zone just to teach the player a new mechanic. Though I didn't try the post-game levels which is where I imagine the true challenge lies.

Kind of concerned how they managed to stretch this into 3 sequels.

When rectangle boy sacrificed himself I cried

Kind of mixed on how I feel about this one- it is very charming and simple, but I also feel like I struggled with how to get the boxes to get set up right even when I gave up and used play coins to splurge on the solutions. I’m debating on whether I want to get the rest or not, but I know I sure as heck am not getting all those crowns.

I really do like the minimalist style, though. There’s a really neat point at the end of the uhhh “story mode” that kind of surprised me in terms of presentation, and the costumes are very cute. Yeah… I probably should get the rest before the eShop dies.

Pretty cute and fun puzzle game. I found the pacing a little slow- there are a lot of simple introductory puzzles before you start getting onto the more interesting mechanics and tricky solutions.

Ran out of time before hitting the end, so I might revisit this when I get the chance.

Box boy is a real clever puzzle platformer that’s honestly way more full of content than you’d think. About 20 worlds with 8 levels each, I think this is one of the best 3ds eshop titles out there. Hal laboratory really cooked

What a charming and inventive little puzzle game. Stays fresh right up to the end. Love it.

É bom ver jogos com escopo de indie sendo produzidos pelas empresas grandes com a Nintendo. Boxboy tem a filosofia Nintendo de bolar uma mecânica e explorá-la à exaustão.

E exaustão talvez seja o único ponto negativo que me impediu de ter a melhor experiência com o jogo, apesar de ter sido algo fantástico.

many of the puzzles were either trivially easy or obnoxiously tough to figure out with little in between, with that being said however i really enjoyed this game.

Es un pequeño plataformas-puzle sobre Qbby, un cuadrado que crea más cuadrados creando plataformas para atravesar los niveles. El juego está desarrollado por HAL Laboratory (Kirby) y la verdad es que se nota, el estilo es impecable y aunque sencillo es liso y limpio, el diseño de niveles es donde más brilla el juego. Cada mundo tiene 7 niveles de unos 3 o 4 minutos cada uno, en el primero se introduce una mecánica nueva y se complica durante el trancurso del mundo. Además no hay pocos mundos, cuando acabé el primer mundo me sorprendió que hubiera más, cuando terminé los 5 mundos el juego me recompensó con otros 5, cada vez habían más y más niveles y para nada algo malo. Cada nivel tiene 1 o 2 coronas que solo se pueden recoger si consigues llegar a ellas usando pocos bloques, lo que añade profundidad e impide el uso del prueba y error, te obliga a pensar en los puzles. Además hay cosméticos, música y 16 retos desbloqueables que puedes comprar con el dinero que ganas cogiendo coronas. Por si fuera poco, cuando te pasas el juego deciden recompensarte con aún más niveles... todos ellos con una jugabilidad fantástica. Y si te atascas en algún puzle a las malas puedes pagar una o dos monedas de juego por la solución.
Lo más impresionante de todo es que este juego cuesta 5 euros. Se nota en historia, estilo y música siendo todo ello simple pero aún estilizado, aún así tiene contenido para días y días y con un diseño de niveles tan bueno lo demás se pasa por alto.


Looking forward to the Box Boy MMORPG.

Really fun and relaxing puzzle game that has the right balance of charm and difficulty. I would die for Qbby.

please let HAL make more original IP's

extremely satisfying and charming lil puzzle game, so cute, zero dialogue but it happens to have the same plot as metroid prime but with more character death