Reviews from

in the past

Das ist tatsächlich ganz nett für das, was es ist, aber ich hab kein Interesse daran. Die Roguelike-Struktur hat mich mehr als überrascht.

The session mode has some nice ideas with it's rogue like elements, but the most important thing is where it fails: the controls.

The controls feels a little bit janky and there is not much a variety in tricks to do. After a couple hours playing it started feeling very repetitive.

Probably the best sports game in the last decade.

Probably the best biking game period.

Descenders gives you a great sandbox to play in. The physics are enjoyable to play with, but where the game really shines is its endless challenges. The randomly generated maps ensure that each run through the game feels unique while maintaining enough familiarity to allow you to build your own skill through experience.

Tried this out and it was pretty cool. Very fun core gameplay.

é legal por uma hora e fica extremamente enjoativo

Is very repetitive is fun with other people and it has good mechanics.

Drum and bass and hill descending at mach speeds. There is nothing else you can say about it. Really fun game honestly.

A very satisfying bike simulator, the forest zones had the best tracks (imo) so I would always go back to enjoy them; the game encourages you to make your own path's or follow the set ones, theres always variety and thats what I love about descenders.

fun little casual game to play and relax, great gamepass title.

Fun to pick up and play randomly

Świetna gra o jeździe rowerem po prostych trasach w różnych sceneriach i warunkach pogodowych. Czy naszym jedynym celem będzie dotarcie do mety czy wykonanie jak najbardziej odjechanych trików zależy tylko od nas.

Plusy i minusy:
+ popylanie tutaj rowerkiem 70km/h daje większe poczucie szybkości niż 300km/h w jakimkolwiek NFSie czy Forzie
- brzydka grafika rodem z początków PS3...
+ ...ale jedziemy tak szybko, że nikogo to nie obchodzi
+ podczas jazdy przygrywa całkiem fajny drum and bass
+ trasy w różnych środowiskach mocno się od siebie różnią, wraz z odblokowaniem kolejnych fajnie rośnie poziom trudności
- trasy generowane losowo
- na dużych, wykonanych przez twórców mapach dodatkowych przydałyby się jakieś zadania

Super fun experience. Once you got the handle of it I started to enjoy it a lot more! advice read the tutorial hints.

Jogo de celular. Isso nem tem tutorial kkkkkkkkk e a interface é horrososa

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for September 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before October 4th, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Rogue-lite multiplayer Tony Hawk-style extreme speed, yes all of that.

Descenders is amazing. You’ll have a randomized world that allows you to explore different courses, earn a point system called “Rep”, discover different challenges in different courses, and also can see other players, but not directly be affected by them. There’s a lot to like here, the extreme speed, the ease of stunts and tricks. I automatically just pop off a Backflip almost every time I jump.

I only got through the first of the four locations, and then there were also additional challenges. I need to work on what’s known as the Boss Jump because I kept biffing over and over, and it’s the one piece that always shows up. There’s a great design at the core of this game, and this instantly hooked me into wanting to explore more and more of this experience.

Pick this up if you want an extreme sports game. This would be better if you play in a party, and in multiplayer, each person enters the same map but can go different routes, and I don’t believe can interfere with each other. However the experience here is sublime, and I am probably going to play more of it before this weekend.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Sehr entspannendes, prozedural generiertes Rennspiel mit einem starken, meditativen Spielfluss.

Really only played it for a Game Pass quest, but it was honestly kinda fun. It does feel satisfying when you pull off a super sick trick.

Fun for a little while, but not really my type of thing.

Just a fun bike game that feels good and has some chill multiplayer functionality. Simple game, but controls very well!

Wish it had more traditional objectives like time trials on the campaign. The way in which it is structured, I ended up being very cautious during runs just to survive, instead of trying to go super fast for better times.

I don't think I like this game much, and yet I keep returning to it. A rather plain-looking game with open-world elements that add little to it, there's still something exhilarating in speeding down a mountainside or a dirt track with a cool bike, taking daring turns and death-defying jumps, barely making that front-flip or 360, just to then speed into a tree you didn't notice and break your biker's back.

The Ironman-like career mode is kind of fun in how it encourages playing carefully and building up to opening shortcuts to different worlds, but I still feel like it's a game I'll play for a while and then forget it existed.

I found the soundtrack horrible though. I'm a fan of electronic and all kinds of music that might sound similar to what the game presents, but I found it so repetitive and annoying here that I turned it off. It might just be a matter of taste, but that’s still something that rarely happens to me. And for a chillax game that can be the death-knell, if you're not bringing your own music.

I couldn't find the tutorial, but I feel the game could make good use of it. Also was disappointed that the forest, which is my favourite environment, isn't unlocked from the start.

Very relaxing game in a weird way. Just ride the bike, do tricks, etc.

Flying off a cliff going mach 5 never got old.