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in the past

É um jogo de bike com bons gráficos e boa gameplay, dá pra se divertir muito por um bom tempo.
Descobri que sou horroroso com bicicletas em jogos também.
Tempo de jogo: 3 horas

"i cannot fucking wait to play descenders" said nobody ever

Inside of you there are two wolves:

- One wants to go really fast because running with the bike feels really good but doesn't care about doing tricks because it's streamlines your directions and reduces your velocity.

- The one wants to go all in styling in the air because it's awesome but can't go above a moderate speed amount because it means you can't control your landing.

You are gay and never played SSX.

This game is clearly low budget but it's quite decent in the most important aspects. The controls felt good and easy to grasp, but there's quite a bit more to learn from experience, like managing speed before big jumps or manuevering curvy steep tracks. The procedural levels are okay, it can feel a bit soulless sometimes but it does help making it more replayable. The main roguelike mode is pretty standard for the genre, but in the context of extreme sports, it's a nice change of pace. Things get hard pretty quickly atter the first big area in terms of level design and the challenges you're given, and it's a bit too steep of a difficulty jump for me, but you can unlock shortcuts if you replay an area enough times, so progression is only a matter of time. The game isn't strict on off road limits so you can cheese it if there's an annoyingly hard part. There's some silly cosmetics to unlock, I just wish there's more of them instead of the usual extreme sport attire. Overall, it's worth a try if you're into these kind of high speed games.

Plays well, and cycling downhill really captures that zooming velocity. Problem is, mixing a seemingly roguelike procedurally-generated run with a sporty arcade mechanic just makes the game repetitive and boring very quickly. There's not enough variety in stunts and environments to make every run feel refreshingly fun. After an hour or so, you're pretty much done, and there's no incentive to want to come back and earn more rep points.

Podcast game through and through, but very good at that so I can't slander. I love speeding down the hills, doing cool ass tricks, and roguelite mechanics to keep most runthroughs fresh.

If my knowledge of the Russian Revolution and it's consequences are greatly increased by doing a sick flip on a bike, then clearly it is doing something.

Rogue-Like de bike, pode isso Arnaldo?

Já dei esse jogo algumas chances, mas como em praticamente todo rogue-like, a proposta de morrer e perder tudo e ir upando bem lentamente não me cativa tanto.

Além disso, a proposta de geração de mapas aleatório quase sempre traz praticamente os mesmos obstáculos em posições muito iguais e isso é frustrante. Não existe uma história por trás que até suporte o fato de você jogar para ter a descoberta, aqui é ficar morrendo infinitas vezes para upar um boneco a troco de nada.

A gameplay até que é legalzinha, mas diante de todo o resto, esse game não encanta e não faz com que seja memorável, mas sim, esquecível.

Underrated game. Very fun, but mostly when playing with friends.

I could see someone enjoying this game. Especially someone who’s into BMX racing. It’s not necessarily bad. It makes the most out of its low budget. The mechanics are sound and there’s a decent amount of stuff to do. I just didn’t get much out of it tho. The downhill aspect of this type of racing just isn’t my jam. I find I tend to be more on the look out for potential hang ups and bailing, then going into zen mode and enjoying the ride. I’ll stick to “Trails” for my bike game needs.

Its not bad but this mix of biking and roguelike didnt work or make sense for me

It's fairly rare that a game really sweeps me up. I have pretty severe ADHD and in terms of gaming it manifests in a perpetual inability to really commit a lot of time to a game. If I play a game for more than 2 hours in any short period of time, that's generally a success.

My first period of consistently playing Descenders yielded a playtime of 55 hours.

This game is just chock full of things that feel good. Slamming down a mountain at 50mph feels good. Landing a 720 table backflip feels good. Finally getting the perfect run of a really hard technical bike park feels good. That's what kept me coming back for weeks on end: it was just so much fun to play.

It's not exactly a perfect game - the career mode is more fun than I expected for something so reliant on procedural generation but has some wonky difficulty scaling and some of the environments are pure bull and learning some of the advanced techniques can be a challenge since a lot of the tutorials are hard to find and/or not particularly helpful - but those didn't really keep me from getting hopelessly addicted to this for a good 2 or 3 weeks straight. This game is a blast, and it's the kind of good game that rewards you diving in by slowly unfolding new layers of depth in control and giving you a host of excellent user-designed areas to mess around with when you're sick of doing career mode runs. This is a hopelessly underrated gem that deserves more recognition than it gets from the crowd on here that seems to dislike it for not playing like games it's not trying to be anything like in the first place.

Chill game, cool liquid DNB soundtrack

Wow, that’s one of the most boring games I’ve ever played. I should’ve purchased this on Steam to refund it. Too late.

Simple fun to pick up and play for a few minutes.

Esperava amar esse jogo por amar Downhill Domination, mas não senti 1 terço dessa diversão. Ainda me pegou de surpresa por ele ser rogue like, um gênero que me cansa bastante.

As bikes pegam uma velocidade daora, mas as pistas são muito parecidas e mudam com muito pouca frequência. Até trocam os obstáculos, mas não foi o suficiente pra mim.

Da pra jogar pra relaxar ouvindo uma musiquinha, se divertir já vai ser mais difícil.

thought a lot about downhill domination (bakuso maunten baikazu, ie 'Roaring Mountain Bikers' for the real ones out there) while playing this. both games borrow from the same conceptual base, being an extreme downhill cycling game with tricks to perform and varying paths for the worldly cyclist to take, but only one is an aesthetic experience with any communicable soul or attitude, and it's the one with the cooler name. by contrast, descenders is a cobbled together unity engine project that consolidates all the dull trademarks of the minimalist game movement. everything has been given a sleek, mawkish corporatized veneer - you don't pedal to the metal in this game so much as you trailblaze to soft, inoffensive synths and thumping techno. you race to accrue sponsors and randomized crew members who dote on you and make your career marginally more convenient, tweaking the shape and form of procedurally generated races through too-pristine nature that all feels excessively anodyne and humdrum. progression structure youve seen just about everywhere else constantly emphasizes the same question youve heard thousands of times elsewhere: can YOU, intrepid player, become the next LEGEND? load screens continually fragment the action and detract from an experience that already starts off too slow in the career mode. the fact that its actually still pretty fun when the game does finally decide to go hogwild is a consequence of the designers emphasizing cyclist fragility, ensuring a modicum of tension in each career session that styles itself as a 1CC attempt at a couple dozen, maybe more, downhill environs. i suppose bombing hills at 80mph is always gonna be a joy regardless of how you bungle anything else.

There are quite a few games like this now, downhill bike racers. I play them all for a few hours and really enjoy the tactile sensation of riding the bike and the lovely tracks and scenery, then I quickly hit a skill wall where i find it impossible to do the tricks the game requires. Too old or never had the motor skills to begin with. I cannot do most of the tricks here to save my life and the game doesn't even tell you how do to a lot of them. Every one of these games is like that. I wish there was one I could play and enjoy cause for a little while they're very nice!
Also the second level of this one on the career run is just non-stop haze all the way through the biome (forest) making it completely impossible for me to even just run down the track. I've been loudly anti-haze in games and continue to be, its a shitty lazy ugly mechanic, stop putting haze on everything!

a biking roguelike? you mean a roguebike

as a game to dump an hour or two into on gamepass? it's fine.

at it's best it's actually fairly fun, but the framing just doesn't work here, and it ends up burning itself out pretty quick. the roguelike procgen structure combined with the void of visual identity makes achievements feel increasingly meaningless with more runs. there are bike parks that toss the roguelike structure for something more resembling a 3D trials game, but if you want that push and pull of tricks vs. speed (the best thing here), you're not going to get it there. in the roguelike section, on-trail vs. off-trail is a part of that push and pull, with both areas being easier or harder in different circumstances, with a bunch of tradeoffs to boot. but in the bike parks section, the difficulty of the trails is cranked wayyy up with no real punishment for just going around all of the challenges presented to you, which is pretty underwhelming and makes the whole thing feel pointless. it's a shame, because the bike feels pretty fun to control, but i feel like there's a lot of stuff here that coulda been improved if the focuses were in different places. but unfortunately, "pretty good bike game" just doesn't get people (myself included) to download your game out of novelty in the way that something like "mountain biking roguelite" does.

super underrated game. Really fun with friends to see who can last the longest.

This shit makes me feel like I'm one with the wind until my bike hits a pebble at a wrong angle and I become one with the dirt and rocks and bugs on the ground

I didn’t play much but the gameplay was simple but fun and going down a ramp/hill was exhilarating. Doubt I’ll play it again but I had a fun time with it

(Coloquei uma data aleatória aqui porque eu não lembro exatamente quando eu parei de jogar)

É um jogo ok. A sensação de velocidade que ele passa é muito boa. Joguei algumas vezes, ouvindo podcast, e é um bom jogo para isso.
Mas falta... algo. Talvez o problema é que eu gostaria que ele fosse mais arcade e menos punitivo. O fato de ter "vidas" e uma punição por errar as manobras e por bater me fez tentar menos, me divertir menos. Também tem algo nos controles, que são sensíveis demais, que eu nunca me acostumei completamente.

Sigo na busca de um jogo de esporte assim, arcade, que me deixe brincar e fazer uns combos doidos e me divertir. Realismo precisa acabar.

Who knew mountain biking and procedurally generated went so well together?

This game is great for biking enthusiasts and those who want a challenging title with biking depth sprinkled in. You can pump, bunny hop, throw tricks, bail in a rag doll fashion and absolutely send some huge jumps.

Liquid dnb is non offensively there and i feel it matches the game quite well.

It’s rather genius that the game basically has a random seed for each “lobby” meaning that once you start a run, anyone who started that seem run will get the same set of procedurally generated tracks. This means seeing people on the first track is a given, seeing someone in the 3rd biome + is a rarity but feels wholesome.

The game does have some jank to it and sometimes it can feel a bit reset heavy but overall these are skill issues most of the time.

Under £9 ish worth a buy if intrigued. £19.99 or around that only if you love mountain biking, procedurally generated games and somewhat initially steep learning curves.

Having said that, the amount of content on offer is staggering. There are 2 campaigns, daily challenge, pre-made bike parks, custom made bike parks, challenges, unlocks and secrets to discover.

If on the fence, go for it. There is enough here to justify your purchase.

P'tit jeu de vélo sympa, ça occupe 5 min voilà.

Cheap and lazy and ugly as shit

Found myself struggling with the controls and taking too long to start to feel any mastery over the character. And no real reason to learn or grow my own skills.

Pretty satisfying and chill game

Bought this game for the Switch. I enjoyed it way more than anticipated so i also got it for PC and had a ton of fun playing it.