Reviews from

in the past

I'm kind of mixed on this game. The gameplay is generally fine, the variety in locales was nice. But the music is pretty forgettable, the level design mediocre, and the entire last third of the game is filled with tons of padding.

The story isn't particularly great either. Whether that's due to stuff like character limitations or translation issues, or just the story not being that good. It tries to be this almost melancholic story about growing up and whatnot but it really falls flat.

la historia y tematicas de este juego son bastante "??????" aún que logra comunicar lo que quiere de no sean malos con la naturaleza respeten el patrimonio cultural. Las dungeons estan bastante bien y el combate es un zelda-like bien hecho pese a que cosas como las habilidades especiales podrian aprovecharse más.

I was surprised by how dark the story was for a Nintendo game of its vintage.

Boring plot and characters, ok dugeons and combat.

I think my least favorite of the Quintet "trilogy" of Soul Blazer, this one and Terranigma, though they’re all pretty close. Mainly, I found the story to be really weirdly paced, it’s difficult to get into without a full dissertation but a lot of things happen without any buildup, and I didn’t care for it (Shitty translation doesn't help).

The gameplay itself is quite good though, and the dungeons are very well designed and were the highlight of the game for me. Definitely worth checking for those alone.


Todos tenemos en nuestra cabeza muchos JRPGs donde vivimos aventuras en grandes mundos fantásticos y conocemos todo tipo de civilizaciones y lugares de dichos mundos acompañados de los aliados que hacemos por el camino ¿Pero qué te parece vivir una aventura con tus amigos de escuela por el mundo real?

Así es, en Illusion of Time/Gaia viviremos la historia de Will, un chico con extraños poderes que; siguiendo los textos de su padre arqueólogo, la ayuda de una caprichosa chica y el resto de sus amigos de pueblo, deberá de descubrir el modo de salvar el mundo de un meteorito que amenaza la vida misma de todo el planeta.
En su aventura deberá recorrer varios lugares del mundo tratando de buscar los objetos que le permitirán aumentar sus extraños poderes para poder salvar a todos.

Una jugabilidad muy mejorada de su predecesor (Soul Blazer), unas mazmorras excelentemente diseñadas y una gran aventura que hará crecer a nuestros protagonistas y entender la luz y oscuridad de nuestro mundo, es lo que le espera a aquellos que quieran jugar este gran clásico.

Similar gameplay to secret of mana but a little goofier but still loads of fun.

Like Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia also surprised me — but in a bad way! Conventional wisdom seems to be that this is one of the SNES greats, and a big improvement over Soul Blazer. I did not feel this way. It lost the simplicity and focused vision of Soul Blazer, and took a bunch of the things that game did well and did them worse. Combat is made worse by introducing some learned techniques that are pretty clumsy and not as fun as the magic in Soul Blazer, and the experience-based leveling and compelling “clear an area and unlock a part of the town” progression has been dropped in favor of tying leveling directly to area clears instead. Plus, the localization is simply atrocious — the translator didn’t seem to understand the story, as it’s presented incomprehensibly and filled with errors. It’s an action RPG with unrewarding combat and a bad story, so, why are we here? While it’s technically superior in terms of graphics and sound to Soul Blazer, I kept wishing I was playing that instead.

A good snes RPG that holds up well. The story is nothing special but the gameplay and graphics are. Its a game that still looks fantastic to this day. The combat is fun and rewarding to slay large monsters and bosses. Sometimes you can get lost on where to go, and the controls can be frustrating at times. It is still a good game that should be in your collection.

This game is drenched in charm. I had a smile on my face the entire time. Play it.


La humanidad, el futuro, los animales, la naturaleza, la tecnologia (almenos de manera mas basica cosa que terranigma terminaria mejorando) son temas que son raros de tratar, sobretodo en el mundo actual donde mas se habla de cambio climatico, de si comer carne, de si matar esta mal segun el contexto, que si vivir en una ciudad es gris y que la naturaleza es o mala o una santa.

Como cada uno tiene un contexto vital, no realmente podemos llegar a pensar cualquier cosa, aunque no lo crais, en el contexto adecuado, podríamos haber sido monstruos crueles, o los salvadores de nuestro entorno, etc.

Si el progreso requiere un sacrificio que es inevitable, o que se puede mejorar, no hay una epoca de la humanidad o cultura donde diga "es el mejor momento" porque hay muchas variantes, tanto sociales, como economicos.

Soy una persona con un pensamiento cientifico, pero no se si llamarme derrotista o optimista, el mundo puede jirar muy rapidamente por algun motivo en particular, no soy alguien que piense que la naturaleza es buena o mala, pero si tengo conceptos basicos que creo que son adecuados, obviamente la crueldad en cualquier epoca esta mal, me encanta los animales, pero su mundo tambien puede ser muy cruel, el nuestro tambien es asi porque es el mismo, solo que en contexto de una especie con muchas ciudades, estructuras, somos mucha gente, pero tambien tenemos tecnologia para mejorar las cosas, podemos colaborar para hacer cosas increibles, y mucho potencial, pero no puedes esperar que al tener muchos contextos de vida, vayamos a tener disparidades o problemas,(y creo que esto pasaria a cualquier especie que haya evolucionado a una sociedad, por lo tanto no soy alguien anti humanos o que se odie a si mismo por ser humano, porque creo que es algo evidente) pero creo que también eso no es excusa para buscar una justificacion del estado actual.

Lo mejor es evidentemente mejorar, costumbres que se tienen que eliminar, gente a respetar, sistemas ecologicos equilibrados pero que haya cabida para la tecnologia, que no haya tanta gente pero esta tenga mas calidad de vida, etc etc.

Una tematica que me hace pensar bastante fuera del juego, y que se discute mucho a dia de hoy.

Aunque quisiera que el juego lo explorara mas, ya que igualmente tiene defectos como que quizás no es muy memorable los personajes o el entorno se siente bastante igual, en estilo, y se siente un tanto vago en ese aspecto.

Jugablemente, pues decentillo, se controla bien, tiene enemigos interesantes, pero algunos niveles se sienten como que raros, la musica es exactamente igual en todas las mazmorras y se siente muy vago (supongo que era un equipo pequeño) no hay mucha expresividad en los personajes, y hay mazmorras que pueden ser un tanto aburridas en ese aspecto, como el de los hongos, que al ser todo igual, puede llegar a hacerme bostezar.

Igualmente es entretenido en la mayor parte del tiempo, y los jefes, pueden ser o un chiste, o normales, no es muy dificil ganarles, y puedo hablar del como estan muy bien posicionados los puntos de guardado, y no tiene dificultad artificial en ningun momento.

La mecanica de que subes de nivel tras eliminar a todos los enemigos puede ser interesante, ya que evita el farmeo, lo cual es un alivio sobretodo en las partes mas aburridas de las mazmorras.

En fin, podria ser mejor pero esta decente, básicamente es la versión mas barata de terranigma, que termina mejorándolo en todo (salvo por los puntos de guardado y que algunos jefes de ese juego, tiene patrones molestos).

Lo mejor de este juego es su tematica, lo que pretende, su sentimiento filosófico de hablar de los temas que habla, pero su ejecución es mejorable.

it's physically uncomfortable to dash in this game on a SNES d-pad, the localization is word salad in places, and there's a good reason the game came with a strategy guide in the manual. then again, this game more than any other captures the feeling of taking part in some kind of myth or fable for me. things just happen and everyone has to live with them, and i think that's great.

A great "fall from innocence" narrative in which the protagonist's emotional maturation is braided with his burgeoning understanding of the troubled planet he lives on. Even through the mangled translation, the game's intentions, and the aesthetically diverse vignette approach it uses to communicate them, are totally legible.

Getting the bad out of the way first: the translation is bad, bordering on incomprehensible. That aside, the gameplay loop is streamlined and rewarding, and the hit detection is far far better here than in many of its contemporaries (looking at you, Secret of Mana!). With a better translation this could have been stellar.

Chad: Ah the Earth, I live here. Splendid.

excellent game and doesn't shy away from the cruelty of humanity - child slavery, canabalism etc. Dungeons have their own unique puzzles, boss battles are challenging and fun.

Amazing game with excellent graphics, music, and storytelling!

Oh my god the incredible memories ...
From the atmosphere, the music, the story, the characters ...
It has an unique and kinda dark aura. Something is really special about it.

In any case truly a classic of JRPG !

For whatever reason, Illusion of Gaia is always one I get halfway through and then put down. I finished it once on a rental in high school, once in college, and then once today. About halfway through it's like the designers got scared that they were building areas that were too repetitive and mixed it up, but the way they did was incredibly aggravating.

The last three big areas, Mt. Kruik Angkor Wat, and the Pyramid, are all long, confusing, and frustrating. There's no longer a clear indication of where to go, not even a little bit, rooms and screens all start to look the same, and enemies become unfair or irritating.

So it's usually around Euro that I feel like I've had enough and I'm ready to move on. The ending has been seared into my brain for almost 30 years, so it's not like I need a refresher on that. But what I had been missing was how deeply sad the back half of the game is. There are early interpersonal/character moments that are hard, but the longer the game goes on, the more horrible things it shows us about the world -- and our world. There's hope there, but there's also a deep sadness, like maybe that hope isn't going to be enough.

And today, in 2023, I felt that. It doesn't have the melancholy that Soul Blazer has, maybe because in Soul Blazer the world had already ended at the start of the game and in Illusion of Gaia the world was still fearing the end.

But we get slavery of both the child and the adult varieties, pleas for vegetarianism, cannibalism, poverty, despotism, and this admission that maybe, despite what we want to believe, it's always been this way and it will always be that way.

The closing text, over the modern city, hit hard this time, especially the bit about the earth looking sad, even as everyone on it was happy. I will likely go through Terranigma next, and I'm already thinking about the modern city section of that game and the depressed people inside it.

Repetitivo y brasas, tremenda bajona tras esa maravilla que es Soul Blazer

Illusion of Gaia's excellent JRPG combat and deeply rewarding customization shine bright, even when it sometimes feels like Terranigma without the heart.

My favourite SNES RPG. Love the writing from novelist Mariko Ohara with very weird detached narration and surreal character arcs.

An amazing game! I wish this game got some port love...

It's pretty and it's cute and it's fun to play but it's also quite easily forgotten.

A game that defined my childhood watching my brother and cousins play it nonstop so I hold it dear to my heart. I have to say though, the Mu section is horrible. All in all, it's probably one of the the weirdest and darkest JRPGs I've ever played.

Long Answer: Illusion of Gaia is a charming JRPG that is bare bones in the extra content department, has no side quests, mindlessly easy dungeons and enemy types (aside from the boss fights which were ridiculously hard compared to everything else the game had to offer), no world exploration, and is overall super linear. There were like, three or four songs that played throughout the entire game and most of the plot was thrown into the player’s face at abrupt times. Character building was uninteresting due to the side characters having absolutely no benefit to the overarching plot as all they did was tag along for the ride essentially. The game’s ending message is repeated a million times and by then all that you really did during the entire journey was rinse and repeat mediocre town and dungeon exploration. What I did like about this game was being able to transform into Freedan and Shadow, and overall it was somewhat relaxing to play? You’re better off playing Terranigma if you want to experience the peak of Enix/Quintet’s action JRPGs.

Short Answer: Illusion of Gaia is mid.

The amount of invincibility frames they give you in this game is so fucking amazing. I felt like a fucking god sliding through fuckers and dodging hits. The combat is definitely a step up from Soul Blazer, but it still definitely retains a bit of that (good) jank that lets you fuck enemies up super fast. Unfortunately, I think everything else is quite a step-down. The story is moving at like 200 mph with so many random things being introduced. It's entertaining in a "LOL WTF JUST HAPPENED" sort of way. Like, when you get captured by cannibals and your pig friend has to sacrifice himself I was absolutely losing my shit. The themes carried over here which is nice and definitely make this game worth playing, especially for the ending. Great palette cleanser game before moving on to the main attraction.

Time to check out Terranigma!

Basically ocarina of time???? Even the title has the same font type. I love it.