Reviews from

in the past

Eu estava MUITO animado pra jogar esse depois que terminei o anterior - e eu não consigo conceber como foi possível piorar tanta coisa em uma sequência de uma vez. PiT ignora tudo que Superstar Saga fazia de melhor e, no lugar, ele simplesmente não faz nada (ou faz o mínimo pra existir um jogo ali).

Agora, ao invés de um mundo totalmente conectado, onde você descobre cada vez mais nuances e locais, o castelo da Peach vira um hub pra acessar as áreas do jogo, o que é bem ruim, mas seria aceitável se estas tivessem bastante exploração, quase como um "diorama de RPG". Mas, não, as áreas são totalmente lineares, todos os pequenos desvios são só pra dar itens e cada "mundo" se resume a passar em três telas e matar o chefe no final.

Sobre o gameplay no mundo, os puzzles são ridiculamente simples e fáceis e novas habilidades para interagir com o mundo são bem meh e introduzidas de forma totalmente artificial. SS tinha uma ótima dinâmica de contrapor os dois personagens (os dois ganhavam poderes de pulo ou martelo, mas eram totalmente diferentes entre si) enquanto PiT solta os poderes do nada, aparentemente.

As batalhas são outra coisa que não faz muito sentido, com decisões de design muito estranhas. Um ótimo exemplo é como o jogo trata os martelos, que só os babies podem usar. Se você quiser iniciar uma batalha dando dano com o martelo, você não pode fazer isso enquanto eles estão no colinho, eles tem que sair e serem controlados separadamente. Mas, se você faz isso, só os babies entram na batalha! - ou seja, simplesmente não é possível usar o martelo pra começar uma batalha com os 4 personagens.

Pra piorar, os babies tem metade de todos os stats do Mario e do Luigi, mas enfrentam exatamente os mesmos inimigos, o que faz todas as batalhas ficarem 2x mais difíceis, porque é muito mais fácil de morrer, e 2x mais demoradas, porque é muito mais difícil de dar dano. Além disso, os ataques especiais, que antes eram como habilidades únicas e conectadas com a forma que você interagia com os mapas, agora são ítens consumíveis totalmente separados das demais habilidades e bem sem graça.

Junte isso a um visual bem mais feio e estranho do que seu antecessor de GBA e uma história beeeeem meh e eu acabei tendo vários motivos pra parar com ele antes de terminar. Talvez um dia eu volte, mas definitivamente não é pra agora.

the combat basically boils down to using bro items in repetitive minigames to optimize damage. get very tiring

Definitely the most mechanically dense game in the Mario & Luigi series. Unlike Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story, where you at most control 2 characters at once, you control 4 characters at once in this game. This especially makes for creative mini-games in the form of the Bros. Items, where you have to press the buttons for 4 characters instead of two, and in the fact that you can deal more damage by combining attacks with the younger version of that brother's attack. The story is pretty good, although it does feel very constructed at some points. My biggest gripe with the game is that it is just too damn long. In the beginning, I had a hard time motivating myself to continue, and it took a while before the game really got its speed up. I would consider this to be a pretty good game though, and the soundtrack is what elevates it to that level. We have great tunes like "Thwomp Volcano" and the final battle theme. Overall a solid game, but probably the weakest in the M&L series.

This review contains spoilers

The weird, estranged member of the Mario & Luigi series. It was the first Mario and Luigi game I've played and replaying it again reminds me how I like this game, but also don't. They tried to change up the gameplay, but on an unsatisfactory note. Limited special moves are an addition, and I did not like that. It felt like they items more than apart of your special attack arsenal. The baby Mario and Luigi were so annoying because they cried way too much. Even as a joke it got so annoying I had Yoshi's Island flashbacks. The time traveling plot is cool. I liked going to the past and future of certain places, and seeing Peach's Castle in the future was an awesome dungeon as well as the final boss.

Your series is good when the black sheep is still alright

Very underrated title in the series. Like, come on it's at least better than dream team.

Cool concept and locations. Final boss is a bitch

An excellent follow up to the Super Star Saga. Some might say weaker in some places but it makes up for it having it's own strong identity.

mario and luigi team up with mario and luigi and its really cool

that final boss kinda ridiculous

This is a game I had on an R4 card as a kid (no the FBI didn't get my ass dw). I'd never played an RPG then and it was such a unique experience for me....but I also sucked at the game, and my R4 broke before I could really understand it.

Now that I finally got a copy and beat the game all the way through after so many years, I definitely think it was worth it! I'll be honest and say that this game has some of most difficult enemies, especially the bosses later on as they can really kick your ass.
The plot of the game is one of my favourite things about the game, purple mushroom alien invasion is my jam and it actually makes for a slightly darker tone than Superstar Saga or Inside Story.

The combat is as fresh as ever, with this game re-imagining the bros attacks from SS, into bros items which are a lot more based off Mario items and are way more dynamic and fun to use. The addition of the babies and using X and Y on top of A and B is pretty hard to get used to early on, but once it becomes natural feeling you realise that the babies can actually add a little more punch to certain attacks which I like. I will say the bros items are handed out like candy, making many fights a piece of cake though I'd argue later fights are still hard even if you're stocked with items, but it was one of the main complaints from people.

The puzzles are probably the weakest parts of the game I'll be honest in comparison to the other M&L games. They're not bad at all, but they're a lot more linear in this game and a few of them are just "put babies at point A and adults at point B then hit blocks". Thankfully most of them are pretty quick and snappy so I was able to keep going.

I loved Superstar Saga and Inside Story, and therefore I loved this game. And if you love M&L too then I'd highly recommend this game, or even if you just want a fun RPG that mixes up the turn based formula in its own quirky way!

a tiny bit worse than its predecessor,still good as fuck tho

A solid Mario RPG with a weirdly dark tone at times. Maybe could haver done more with the time travel gimmick but I had fun with this game! Also this game made me appreciate Baby Luigi!

I get why some people can't get behind the lack of RPG elements and it's sad to see Nintendo has has turned their backs on it, but this was my first experience with the saga and I had a blast with it

I remember liking it but recall little of it. It's probably fine.

So basically just a M&L crossover with Doctor Who.

Okay so everyone says this game is so underrated, it's so dark and morbid, the best in the Mario & Luigi series. As an avid fan and player of this series, I have to say none of that is particularly true. While this is still a really good game with everything that makes AlphaDreams series great, it gets a lot wrong compared to it's prequel and successors. Despite what people say, there's not really much going on in the story aside from the beginning and end. Sure at the beginning you learn the evil Shroob race has conquered the past, but then not a whole lot really happens until the final 2 sections of the game. They kinda just keep introducing a bunch of new areas/concepts and substitute actual plot points with boss fights, which is why there's so god damn many. The plot itself is yes, admittedly a bit more foreboding and morbid in some scenes, but overall it's still mostly classic goofy Mario action (which is still great). Also call me a bad player, but this game just went all out with the difficulty (although I never experienced such trouble and need-for-perfection in the other titles). Having the baby characters seems like a good concept, but honestly you can tell it was just done because they had 4 buttons on the DS, and having 4 controlled characters at once makes both puzzle-solving and combat way too finicky. Despite how god damn precise they require you to be, there's a ton of great new Bros attacks, items, and fair enough it does expand pretty well on Superstar Saga and was a stepping stone for how the series continued to progress. In the end, I wouldn't quite say this game is super underrated, it does suffer from quite a few issues but it still does most of the good things about the M&L series, meaning it's still worth your time if you enjoy them.

Never beat the final boss lmao

Anyone who says they didn't get goosebumps when the music kicked in at the final boss is a liar.

An interesting concept, but really flimsy and shallow execution. The game ends very abruptly and it feels anticlimactic. Fortunately what is there of the gameplay is fun, but not enough to make me comeback for a second round.

A decent improvement to its predecessor that doubles down the gameplay, literally. The gameplay may be a lot more linear, but its also more challenging, stylish and interesting to play. Though its story makes little sense, it also has a strangely dark tone that's interesting to revisit. Overall, Partners in Time is a solid sequel that deserves more recognition than it gets.

dont think i ever finished this because i didnt know how to read (probably) when i played it but GOD it was fun


Nice sequel to Superstar Saga, a good gameplay, a interesting story, the most problematic point is the lineality of the game.

[ Story: 8/10 | Gameplay: 9/10 | OST: 7/10 ]

Maybe the weakest game in the trilogy, but don't let that taint the fact that this game is still great. A surprisingly darker plot for Mario's standards, not to mention VORE BEFORE IT WAS COOL!!!1!

De las mejores sagas de rpg existentes