Reviews from

in the past

A very charming and memorable game though it had some really rough edges in its gamplay, game design and pacig that really drag it down for me. Nevertheless i still had a good time loved its characters and i can see the potential in the formula even though here it felt like a blue print for future games and not really a finished vision.

So much plot in my Mega Man game. Not as action-oriented as I hoped.

Pretty solid, though I got a bit bored around the middle

One of my favorites of all time and I STILL haven't gotten everything there is to offer in this game! (Played on PS3)

Controls are wonky but the game is amazing. The vibe is immaculate, and the graphics still hold well, but that might be because I really like low-poly graphics.

was worried this wouldn't hold up due to the lack of analog controls, but it actually does. in fact, i don't think the game would work if it was updated with modern controls. i liked the setting and the characters, and the story gets interesting by the end (setting up a bonkers story in MML2). the exploration and combat were fine, just lacking some pizazz or any mechanic to make them very memorable. would be very interested if capcom were to ever revisit this series in the future.

For as graphically and especially mechanically superior the sequel is, this is the one I always go back to. I don't know if it's the more quaint setting or the fact that the game only has one main dungeon with an almost Metroidvania design to it, but it certainly has an "it" factor to make it such a comforting experience to replay over and over again, and there's always something new I discover with each playthrough, whether it's character interactions and side stories that can go largely ignored on a casual run but they all add up to something meaningful and really helps nail the small town feeling of the game that I love so much. I suppose the sequel is technically the better game but I really feel like the original offers the better experience overall.

For those used to more modern control schemes, I recommend mapping L1 and R1 to the respective directions on the right stick for a pseudo dual-analog scheme. It's not nearly as smooth as Legends 2 which is one of the few PS1 games to utilize a proper dual stick control option, but it helps the game feel a bit less dated if the controls are what keeps you from enjoying it.

god DAMN what a game. Aesthetically this is one of the best looking games on the PS1 and it has aged like a fine wine. Exploring kattelox island is fun, navigating in all the dungeons is a bit of an ordeal but is fun nonetheless. The characters are where it's AT though as both mega mans gang and the bonne family are incredibly entertaining and memorable. The english dub ain't even half bad either. WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY MAKE MORE GAMES LIKE THIS??? One of the most charming and stylish games I have ever played.

The game has an unparalleled vibe and atmosphere, with very fun characters too, with some refining to the gameplay concepts and possibly a more fleshed out story, this could be a recipe for one of the best games ever

Nossa que jogo injustiçado kkk
Eu ouvia falar desse jogo como sendo horrível e um dos pontos baixos do Megaman. Eu não ligo muito pra série, então um jogo ruim dele ainda por cima não ia ajudar. Até que um dia eu dei uma chance. E pô é tudo tão bonito, a gameplay estilo Tomb Raider cai muito bem com os movimentos rápidos. Esse e a sequência, são jogos que você deveria jogar uma vez. Uma pena que não venderam bem e a saga morreu por ali

It’s a story based RPGish like Dungeon Crawler with an open world. This game can feel a bit clunky to control, but you’ll get used to it. This game is so charming, and I had alot of fun with it o really recommend it!

the aesthetics are absolutely unmatched but theres a good reason that nobody talks about the gameplay lmfao

The ambientation, the main cast, the plot and side quests, and the gameplay, among other things, make this game a pretty good reinvention of Mega Man.

Presentationally exquisite in ways that I can only assume influenced just about every AAA game I can think of, at least in small ways. Exploring the island and finding new items to mess around with, and using those same items to push deeper into the maze of ruins under the island was consistently enjoyable. Something about the way this game is structured makes it feel so much bigger than it actually is, there’s a real sense of being in a gigantic labyrinthine world when in reality it’s like, a handful of small maps interconnected in clever ways. It seems crazy to me that this came out a year before Ocarina of Time, because there’s so many things it does that seem to be in conversation with that game, but it’s definitely just a case of multiple discovery.

BLUE BOY (I wish Canadian Mega Man was every Mega Man (Playing this on a Vita is brutal) )

Really super super charming game. In my effort to play all of the canon Mega Man games, I've finally reached the Legends games, my last stop!

Very briefly I was put off by this game, but I was sucked in pretty easily. The voice acting, animations, and characters are all unbelievably charming. I love Tiesel and the Bonnes, every scene with him was great, and I loved seeing MegaMan's facial expressions change when something fucky was going down.

Graphically this game isn't winning any awards, but the artstyle was so cute and the character designs were so adorable I give it the fucking pass.

Overall the gameplay was alright except for some jank controls. I heard this was like "The Legend of Zelda" of Mega Man games, and it does kind of feel like that, but it had its own unique charm to it. The dungeon designs were all kind of samey, but as per usual with the games I play, the bosses were the highlights.

In particular, I really really loved the final boss. Lore in Mega Man games usually goes pretty hard, and they saved those bits for the end of this one, which was really appreciated. Watching the final boss cutscene made me think, "Yes!!!! This is a Mega Man game!!!!" I am truly interested in what the deal is with the story, and I'm excited to play Legends 2 to get the scope of it!!

Overall, fun game, unbelievably charming, and I can't wait to play 2!

Very solid 3rd person metroidvania. Juno was annoying.

ok im sorry but how do people like to actually play this game? it's actually aged like piss I'm not joking silent hill 1 and Classic RE play much better than this sorry excuse of a game gameplay wise

The control scheme is clunky. This would've benefitted greatly from analog support.

Apenas llevo un 25% del juego, pero es genial, asi que supongo que el resto del juego tambien.

Seria um pouco melhor se a ultima luta não fosse cansativa e eu não tivesse que fazer um grind absurdo

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started like 9 pm 3/16/23

emulated on steam deck with crt filter

beat 10:15 pm-ish 3/18/23

that was amazing

Working my way around the controls was honestly really god damn fun, I loved figuring out how to fight these bosses and do damage while still also dodging attacks which was actually more challenging than just usual fps circle strafing! It definitely got more fun as I progressed through the game too. The dungeon crawling was really fun.

-The cutscenes were great, it really all was just like a saturday morning cartoon, and there was so much of it for a ps1 game. This really might be the first movie game with how many cutscenes there are, but it was genuinely cool and novel, and some of the most impressive cutscene work on ps1, especially considering they're all in real time and have very expressive faces and such despite it being on ps1.

-The reveal at some point was absolutely godlike and really instantly made me realize just how great this world really is and how important this game is to the overall megaman lore, really putting 2-and-2 together with its connection to just about every other megaman series (sans battle network and starforce)


holy shit one piece x megaman

too bad the soundtrack is nonexistent

Outro jogo da lista de que comecei a jogar o dois antes do 1. Lembro de ser uma bomba, mas bem divertida.

Lovable cast of characters, hella charming cartoony PS1 looks, classic Capcom bops, this is a great series.

Game would be 5 stars if it was longer and had better controls, otherwise an amazing game.

Just a nice, short 3D action platformer. The tank controls take a decent amount to get used to but knowing you don't need to manually lock onto targets to have Volnutt aim does help. I just kind of wish the game had more to it and that it wasn't as easy to get lost underground.

I'm a very big fan of Megaman Legends. This 3D-Action Platformer was really one of my favorite games of that era and I still have fond memories of it today. The game that success moved Megaman to the 3D realm will always have a special place in my heart and it's a shame it didn't continue after the sequel. Highly recommended retro title.