Reviews from

in the past

onestamente per la soundtrack che si ritrova è impossibile dargli meno della sufficienza

It's fun but it does get repetitive even considering it's relatively short length. A decent playthrough for a lazy afternoon but nothing essential. I can see why it keeps circulating around in conversations regarding underappreciated PS1 games.

The platforming isn't super innovative but it's pretty well done. This is one of those short and sweet games that won't change your life but that you may as well check out.

It's a pretty game but is brutally difficult. Luckily, special passwords exist if things get too frustrating.

Un plataformas en 3D pero que realmente es 2D y que tiene esa dosis de locura y encanto naíf de aquella preciosa época de los 90 que jamás volverá.
Jugar con Nikki es la true experience.
La dificultad absurda de las fases bonus es exasperante.
Lo de tener contraseñas se supera con savestates en esta época del s.XXI.
Quizá no es un must del catálogo PSX, pero es una pequeña joya del plataformeo de la época.

This game is way too eager on its 2.5D shtick instead of actually being a fun game

I play this as a child and I dont remember if I liked it or not

After a decade since seeing it first on the Nokia N-Gage of a friend, but never knowing the name, I found it again and finally got my hands on PANDEMONIUM!
A classic beautiful 2.5D platformer originally made for PS1.
Colorful, crazy, and hilarious, the title is brilliant for some jokes, and frustrating for others, like the camera.
And while it has very nice ideas, it's a pity the game doesn't shine in this version.
The game in its PC version is simply shameful, having no options in any sense, not even for the resolution which is the native one of PS1; 320x240...a VHS.
Maintaining the password system instead of implementing savegame was definitely a choice, but I guess from some perspective, it undoubtedly makes you immersed with the time it came out. Jokes and jests aside, it is obvious that there is not even a pseudo save that is actually a savestate, because the port was done by one person in 10 minutes likely with an open-source PS1 emulator.
It's really disappointing that there isn't even a straightforward way to rebind the controls on PC, so much so I learned it from a comment on this review!

As cheap as it might be both on Steam or the gray market, rather than recommending the purchase of the product to play it, I recommend it to own it and consequently emulating it, because ePSXe does a better job with stock settings than whatever they've done at Square Enix.

This is how a 2.5D game should be. You are on a path but the path isn't a straight line. It is curvy, goes around corners and around a tower, sometimes there are crossroads.

Also I own a local art gallery and every single background art of this game is in it. I wish I wasn't joking

A trip down memory lane to a 2.5D platformer I played a ton of as a child.

Coming back to it in my 30s and with a keener eye for the details, a number of the game's flaws become a lot more apparent, with the camera being as much an enemy to overcome as anything else.

Nikki's double jump seemingly works on a system of "Nah, don't feel like it this time" that would see me careen to my death multiple times, and fuck me the last third of this game is up there with some of the tougher platformers ever.

With that said, plenty of creativity in level design and music with multiple segments over the course of a single level. While the models and 3D assets look as you'd expect for a game from 1996, the pre-backgrounds are pretty impressive and underrated.

J'ai joué à ce jeu étant jeu, j'en garde le souvenir d'un jeu sympa avec une difficulté acceptable, pour un enfant en tout cas !

I had a beta version on CD from a magazine; and later a copied version.

I haven't played this game since '96 and I'll probably never play it again and if I did it would almost certainly be rubbish but since that ain't happening I'm going to go with my rose-tinted glasses on this one and say that I quite liked this at the time.

Pick a perspective and stick with it, all that camera whiplash gave me some kind of motion sickness induced migraine. Not terrible for people who can handle it, which seems to be everyone but me apparently, but I can't replay this.

Nem nostalgia salva esse jogo.

Playstation version is probably the best with fixed music as far as I know. I'm sure there's fixes for the PC version but there you go. One of my favourite 2.5D platformers.

I know i've played this game. I know i didnt dislike this game. I remember the platforming and jumping on mushrooms and things. Beyond that, I couldnt tell you a single thing about it.
Docking it a star because i hate clowns and jesters are just clowns for the rich.

It's KLONOA, but about three-quarters worse in every single aspect, and instead of playing as an ultra-kawaii mascot and his little friend, you're a cut-rate Lara Croft wannabe whose sidekick is Greg Proops.

Looks like the kind of game a tv show would mock up to be in the background of a scene - pretty much every asset looks placeholder. And it plays about as good as it looks.

You can choose between small breast woman and small penis man.