Reviews from

in the past

Great castlevania game, though a little short.

its just better luna nights but from a franchise i have not heard of
i dont hate it by any stretch im just done with metroidvanias

Not as good as Touhou Luna Nights, but still a great looking little Metroidvania.

Luna Nights é melhor, mas ainda é um bom jogo

Good Game.
Interesting story.

No más fresco que el de Touhou pero se juega bien rico

I liked Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, it is a solid Metroidvania that hews pretty closely to the Castlevania style and doesn't overstay it's welcome.

The pixel art in this game is fantastic. Tons of animation for every character and the backgrounds are gorgeous. You can see that they spent a bit less budget on the generic enemies, as opposed to the main/supporting characters, but that is to be expected.
I also vaguely remember the anime and seeing the characters rendered here is definitely nostalgic.

Deedlit is fun to control, and becomes very versatile after a few upgrades. I found the game itself to run very slow and feel floaty, I don't know if it was a bug or a design choice, but it didn't hinder my enjoyment too much despite feeling pretty bad.
Combat is dynamic and cool, if easy. There is an ikaruga-style polarity system that also functions as a regeneration mechanic. It is unique and once I got the hang of it was very fun to use to my advantage.
The boss fights are big, flashy set pieces and can be pretty challenging, but for the most part the regeneration and spells in the game make them trivial. Regular enemies are a disappointment, however, with limited attacks and not much challenge throughout the game.

Like Deedlit, my memory of this world and characters has a dreamlike quality, and the story worked for me, despite being essentially nonsense. We need an excuse to see all these characters again (and fight them), and this works as well as anything.

Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is a fast, fun Metroidvania in a year of strong entries in the genre. Worth playing through if you like this kind of game, but especially if you have vague memories of the anime from when you were like 13.

لعبة جميلة في المجمل، يعيبها قلة تنوع أسحارها، عالمها جميل والوحوش جيدين

After a rather long opening, Lodoss War is just a very solid Metroidvania. This is based on a well-established anime franchise from the 90s, but without that knowledge, after the opening cutscene, it doesn’t matter as much. This can be played just like a normal Metroidvania and enjoyed in that way. The controls are tight, there are tons of interesting abilities and skills, and the game is rather fun.

Though the game isn’t that hard for a Metroidvania. It feels very easy and there are a few abilities that Deedlit, I’m just guessing at that pronunciation, gets that lets her just regenerate health. A couple of fights so far were challenging but in general, it’s on the easier side. The fact the game relies on a lot of normal keys for progression is a shame. There’s also a major stuttering issue on the PC GamePass version with popup text, that is not on Steam, and the PC Game Pass version is significantly older and the devs haven’t even answered anything about it or addressed it on the Steam Forums, so hopefully, they update the Game Pass version one day if they haven’t already. Though, after about 30 minutes the stuttering stopped happening for me.

Pick this up if you want a Metroidvania, or know Record of Lodoss Wars. It is easier than most Metroidvanias, but I still had an excellent time with this and might return to finish it. The low difficulty though probably will upset hard-core fans of the genre, and it’s disappointing to have that stuttering. I'm a little annoyed that developers seem to pull this, the same thing happened with Kill it With Fire as the Game Pass version was a year out of date. Come on Devs, you can do better.

If you want to see more from me: Check out my video on this month of Game Pass games:

Maybe the best Symphony of the Night clone since Symphony of the Night? None of the follow up Castlevanias were this perfect, no attempts to copy the style have come this close to capturing the magic of SOTN.

I watched a lot of Lodoss war 15 or so years ago, and remember very little, and that didn't affect my enjoyment of the slim plotline at all.

It just perfectly blends action, exploration, and puzzle solving, never focusing too much on any one of those things. It also has a neat color swapping mechanic that is used just the right amount.

There was a game made back in the 360 days that used a similar mechanic, set in some African mythology, but it overused the color swap and it ended up being a platformer mixed with Ikaruga and it was overwhelming.

damn this shit is sick. Play as Deedlit in over a bunch of different worlds, this game i think is just symphony of the night but also ikaruga, feels so fun to play and just a perfect little length. Made me want to find out more about Deedlit and parn and their other fun adventurous friends.

Me ha spoileado la serie completa (que empecé a ver a raíz de empezar este juego) pero ha valido la pena porque es el mejor Symphony of the Night de este siglo.

El juego saldrá de Game Pass en unos días, pero no saldrá de mi corazón.

This was a quite fun Metroidvania. I'm not the best at these games so I appreciated the somewhat low difficulty. However, some boss fights were pretty difficult and required a few retries. Overall, satisfying to have beaten.

I did not expect this game to be a canonical sequel to the 90's OVA and a good one at that.

Really fun metroidvania with a banger of a soundtrack.

Beautiful game, wonderful soundtrack, feels great to play.

However I did finish this with 99% map completion in about 5 hours (no guides or outside help). Very very short.

On balance I prefer Touhou Luna Nights, but this is really fantastic and Team Ladybug kicks ass.

Needs to push the envelope further, enemies are so simple. But I had a good time

Se inspira tanto em Castlevania SOTN que no fim não passa de uma cópia inferior em absolutamente tudo

I'm coming to this game after having completed Lunar Nights and it was a little startling at first how similar the two games seem to be. This game ultimately introduces concepts both gameplay and story-wise that make it a unique and enjoyable experience. It's easy, short, and could potentially be a neat introduction to the Lodoss series. I did have to knock its score down a little however due to the game crashin around 5 times during my play which was frustrating.

A solid, if rather short, Metroidvania that wears its Castlevania inspirations very much on its sleeve. It doesn't reach the heights of, say, Symphony of the Night but is a very decent effort nonetheless.

I don't know much about Record of Lodoss War beyond knowing who a few of the characters are. I imagine if you are a fan of the franchise this must be fanservice heaven for you. For me, the story was sorta nonsense and the game makes no effort to onboard players who are not familiar with the franchise, but it's also very easily ignored and like most Metroidvanias, the exploration takes precedence.

The pixel art is beautiful with fluidly animated and detailed spritework and a retro aesthetic (complete with low-quality voiced clips for hitting Level 3 on the spirit mechanic) makes it seem like a game that could have been on the Saturn or PS1. The music was decent, not spectacular, but it got the job done.

It's a bit on the easy side and also feels fairly linear, though the element swap mechanic is certainly fun, the movement is good and the boss fights are neat spectacles.

Overall, not the best in the genre, but well worth a look, especially if you have Gamepass.

Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth é um excelente Metroidvania com uma gameplay e mecânicas muito gostosa, com personagens, bosses e lore interessante.

Gostei bastante do sistema de magias e elementos, é uma pena podermos usar apenas o vento e fogo, uma DLC com personagem sobre os outros elementos seria incrível. O Mapa é bem cheio de conteúdo e segredos, o mais impressionante foi o QR Code, aquilo ali foi muito inesperado.

Eu gostei dos Bosses, não são lá essas coisas nivel Dark Souls mas curti, foram até que difíceis em seus momentos, tanto que no "Boss Rush" do final foi muito fácil enfrentar todos eles.

Os equipamentos são muito recompensadores, gostei bastante de explorar o mapa em busca deles. As OSTs são bastantes boas, combinam bastante com as áreas e os momentos.

A história eu achei bastante interessante ao ponto de me dar vontade de experimentar o RPG de mesa um dia ou consumir as obras literárias.

DiWL é um bom jogo pra quem está querendo metroidvania inspirado em SoTN, é uma ótima recomendação.

Os únicos problemas pra mim era certos inimigos que havia muito em uma área só, como aquelas plantas, um probleminha de spam no mapeamento. E ser um jogo até que curto.

Nota: 8, excelente jogo!

Excelente metroidvania, com grandes inspirações em Castlevanja SotN.

No esperaba que fuera tan bueno. Es pequeño y todo lo que tu quieras pero lo que intenta ejecutar lo ejecuta bien.

Short, pleasant SOTN clone. First though: what a terrible title. Sadly the writing in the rest of the game doesn't fare much better. I'm unfamiliar with the original IP, but RoLW:DiWL (lol) seems to have virtually no interest in bringing newcomers up to speed on its world and lore. None of the characters introduced seem to have discernible motivations, though they all apparently know our main character and want to fight her.

Fortunately these perfunctory character moments are only a brief interruption in the otherwise enjoyable exploration gameplay. Movement and combat feel great, with Deedlit gliding effortlessly through her environment. The ability to alternate between elements adds an additional layer to combat, though this has the added effect of occasionally making bosses too easy, providing near-infinite healing during battles. Overall, the enjoyable core gameplay carries the experience's brief runtime.

Metroidvania tremendamente ágil y directo. Puro gozo.

- Todo un gusto moverse por sus escenario. Todo ocurre con una fluidez maravillosa.
- La alternancia entre los poderes de viento y fuego le dan una frescura enorme al gameplay y están muy bien aprovechados.
- A diferencia de la saga Castlevania, aquí los muros secretos son identificables.

- En el tramo final abusa demasiado de meterte en pasillos estrechos con enemigos enormes.
- Un puntito más de dificultad no le habría venido mal. Es demasiado fácil abusar de las magias y las pociones.
- Falla estrepitosamente al intentar dotar de narrativa al título.

Un juego corto y con un gameplay sólido.
A veces hay tantos efectos en pantalla que no ves qué ataque van a hacer los bosses y la versión de Switch sufre de crasheos ocasionales.

This was fun! This is a good game. However,

and this is probably because I'm colorblind so take it with a grain of salt, but the color-switching mechanic never became second-nature and I think I've hit the ceiling for how far I can get without getting frustrated (I got to stage 5).