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in the past

Really damn fun
It does fail a bit as a roguelike in certain aspects but as an action shooter it’s phenomenal
If this is an indication on what to expect this console generation, I’m all for it

Mi primer candidato a juego del año 2021. Housemarque sale de sus raíces de juegos arcade para inyectar todo su expertise al género roguelike y agregando una pizca de exploración a la formual. El resultado es una difícil pero disfrutable obra maestra que eleva la adrenalina en cada partida, las cuales tienen una duración más prolongadas que las de otros juegos con mecánicas similares, y lo cual puede restar puntos para aquellos que no tengan el tiempo o la paciencia que Returnal pide.

A cambio, como recompensa hay una enorme sensación de logro y avance, sobretodo después de vencer a cada uno de los geniales jefes de cada nivel.

Más allá del gameplay está la ambientación. Un verdadero espectáculo visual y de dirección artística empata con un diseño de audio y un soundtrack impecables (si pueden juéguenlo con audífonos para disfrutar del Audio 3D del PlayStation 5). Para cerrar este review con una recomendación positiva, quizás lo mejor que puedo decir de Returnal es que por momentos se siente como si fuera un Metroid en tercera persona.

Probably the most unique PS5 exclusive so far. I'm not usually a fan of roguelikes (I still haven't got back to Hades), but this one seemed to be the perfect mix.

The gameplay is so much fun, the areas are visually interesting, and the game is structured in a forgiving way, especially compared to other roguelikes I've played.

There is a genuine sense of progression, and whilst the story is confusing and abstract, the game delivers its world and narrative with enough atmosphere to feel unique.

Compared to Ratchet and Clank and Demon's Souls, this definitely feels like more of a new idea, and I wish we had got more new games like this in 2022, rather than the deluge of remakes!

i am enjoying this! i definitely can see the complaints about the runs being too long but it doesn't bother me much right now. my one complaint is that it doesn't feel super visually readable a lot of the time but it might also just be an issue of my tv setup right now.

Amazing amazing game.

The sound design, haptic feedback, probably the best in any PS5 game.

The story is so freaking cool, trapped in a death loop, dying over and over, it's like a Nolan movie.

Awesome lore, gameplay is amazing and super addictive, enemy design is creepy and the atmosphere makes it feel like a horror game at times.

Loved the weapon variety, and can't wait to get back to it one of the best PS5 games.

Incredible, if you want to play a roguelike that feel's as good as Doom 2016 and has the aesthetic of Alien, this is exactly what you want.

Eu não vou me estender muito, mas foi a pior experiência que eu tive com jogos em muitos anos. É inacreditável como esse jogo é desbalanceadom, é frustrante e depende que você tenha o c* virado pra lua para as coisas darem certo.

Eu nunca vi em toda minha vida um jogo que se alimenta da frustração de quem tá jogando a esse ponto, é quase sádico o negócio. Não é que o jogo é difícil ou coisa do gênero, o jogo só te esgota devido a extrema frustração causada e desgaste mental de você repetir a mesma porcaria de novo, de novo e de novo. Tem conceitos legais? Tem. Mas de maneira geral é uma experiência frustrante e bem desgastante. Não quero ver nunca mais esse jogo na minha frente.

Great ending. The gameplay was smooth and fun. I had a couple issues with how annoying some mechanics can be in terms of forgiveness, but I wouldn't change the difficulty a bit.

Incredibly satisfying to play. Runs are long and unforgiving at times. I'll probably keep playing this when I'm in the mood for a roguelite flavored shooter.

One of the best games ever made - easily. It controls so smoothly. It's so responsive. It's so fun to look at. It's so fun to move around, shoot, dodge, fly, flip, somersault, etc. I don't think this game really does anything wrong. Housemarque is a master of reactive and snappy gameplay. The difficulty is just right. I love how punishing and rewarding it is. It's honestly on the level of From Software's games in that regard.

This game is a true masterpiece. The combat is fluid and engaging, the skill ceiling is high, the story left me guessing at every turn, the music and specatcle gave me chills, and the replay value is unmatched. What an experience. I think games are ruined for me now.

The biggest budget rogue like ever. Big money for big loops

Solid roguelike with really good feeling controls. But wasn't a huge fan of the readability of the biomes and the runs take too long for my liking

TPS roguelike with fairly nice graphics, pretty cool but could have better roguelike mechanics. Infinite praise for making actual mechanical use of the adaptive triggers, though.

This game gave made my anxiety the final boss

Fast, fluid, challenging and a lot of fun. This game is a bullet hell shooter from a more modernized perspective and it works amazingly well. Totally recommended.

Dopo diverse ore e ore su Returnal mi sono fatto un'idea complessiva del titolo di Housemarque, è mi sento di dire che a conti fatti al 7 di dicembre del 2022 si tratta ancora del titolo più next gen attualmente approdato su console Playstation. La particolarità di Returnal, se confrontato agli altri giochi ad alto budget, è sicuramente quella di essere stato sviluppato solo ed unicamente per la nuova console Sony, questo ha garantito un'ottimizzazione che sfruttasse tutte le nuove feature introdotte da Playstation 5. I trigger adattivi vengono utilizzati in modo inedito, andando a costituire di fatto dei tasti supplementari: premendo il tasto per sparare, l'arma da fuoco funzionerà con la sua potenza di fuoco standard; spingendo il grilletto fino in fondo si attiverà il fuoco secondario dell'arma. Ho trovato ottima questa intuizione, che va a sostituirsi alla classica impostazione di 2 tasti dedicati interamente a ciò, l'ho trovata molto più immediata e pratica. Oltre i trigger anche l'utilizzo del feedback aptico e dell'audio 3D delle 3D pulse di Sony è gestito magistralmente. Per quanto concerne il gioco in se è un roguelite molto carino, che fa della frenesia dei combattimenti la sua caratteristica di punta. Non ha particolari pregi o difetti dal punto di vista del gameplay. Parlando invece del lato tecnico, anche qui, sono messi in bella vista i muscoli di Playstation 5; l'impressione è che Returnal sia un vero e proprio assaggio di ciò che ci aspetterà nei prossimi anni. Molto carine le varie mappe procedurali che compongono il mondo di gioco, così come la narrazione dello stesso. Alla lunga il design dei nemici diventa forse un po' troppo ripetitiva nello stile ma non una grossa critica perché è un aspetto contestualizzato.

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Beat first half of the game. Cool time manipulation stuff and being trapped in alien planet pull. Tightest 3rd person shooting I’ve ever experienced

Probably the only AAA scrolling-shooter Roguelike, it's indie AAA, no matter how stupid it may sound) there too little cutscenes and story, but Sony can only be praised for such a genre, usually only Xbox is invested in such "specific" projects, beautiful, depressing, dynamic, sci-fi shooter, I wish the game pays off, so that Sony moves away from the usual format, today it’s not my genre, but maybe tomorrow they will release Sly Cooper 5) But still I can’t say that the game is good, excessive complexity and fat "vacuum cleaner" opponents, it would be better if there were many small ones, few people like to dodge for 10 minutes and hold 1 shot button, this is too boring, and a waste of time.

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The most frustrating part of this game was finishing it with 1100 obelites after defeating the final boss and being reborn with absolutely nothing.

I usually don't like roguelites but damn this game is very good. Story makes me want to continue playing, and it feels very fair. Challenging and great levels/biomes.

really challenging, yet fair boss fights. Really loved each one of them, not equally of course. gunplay is top-notch.

Gameplay is Returnal’s biggest strength, and it leans on it heavily. It’s always challenging, rarely ever letting up, but it never feels unfair. The story isn’t the main attraction, but it’s told in an effective way and creates an unsettling atmosphere that enhances the experience. One of the most underrated PS5 titles so far.

I'm not one for Roguelike games but this games story really was something else. If 'Get Out' was a movie that tripped you out, this is on par. The pacing and combat is amazing, reminded me of DOOM with more limited resources.

(Played before 2023)
I loved this game. The setting is unique and the main character is one of my favorite in games. Selene is such a cool, determined character and I really loved the combat and effects. This was really the first 'next-gen' game I played on the PS5 and it didn't disappoint. My main issue is that it is a roguelike, but it doesn't have any replabilitiy. I really didn't feel any reason to go back through this game and only came back after my initial playthrough for the DLC which definitely helps me want to replay through it. But you can't really control or change builds to have drastically different play styles. You're still dodging and shooting with an active reload for the most part and that is it, with the variety coming from the enemies and biomes. I hope we get a sequel that turns it into a true roguelike, letting me focus on melee or dashing or tanking shots or being a glass cannon or something to add more variety that this game needed.

Idk if its cus of the procedurally generated levels. Losing your stuff if you die. The lack of perceived progress. But this was just not it for me.

Great fucking game, fast paced and very fun. Play it

Good game but rogue likes are not my thing.
I also found the story to be too dark for my taste.