Reviews from

in the past

I nearly broke this game out of frustration

As mecânicas de gameplay são ótimas
A única boss battle totalmente memorável foi o Lagarto, inclusive aquele nível todo é bem divertido.
A história é uma merda tho.

Divertido pra caramba, a gameplay é sensacional foi o primeiro jogo do cabeça de teia que me deu a sensação de tá jogando um jogo do Homem-Aranha

Now, I can defend the Spider-Man 3 film, but this game is an entirely different case. The gameplay is so frustratingly bad. Spider-Man just feels so weak compared with his villains. Anything capable of forming a fist could kick his ass, even if he has the symbiote. Speaking of which, the symbiote isn't really that different from the normal suit, besides the rage meter. The boss fights are so bad. They aren't even hard, but time consuming. You have to hit the bosses a million times (obviously exaggerating here) before you beat them. There is an abundance of QTE's here, which I wouldn't mind if they were good, but they aren't. The game barely gives you enough time to click a button in a QTE. If you fail a QTE in a boss fight multiple times, you have to start the ENTIRE boss fight all over again. I'm mainly talking about the Kraven and Sandman boss battles. The story isn't anything good. It's basically the movie's plot without any emotion. The game's cutscenes and models are also hideous to look at. Even for the time this game was released, the graphics were awful. The ONLY reason I'm giving this game 3/5 stars and not two of them is because the game's cutscenes and story are so pathetically and hilariously bad that I start laughing at the game. I give this game 3/5 stars. Only buy this game if you want a good laugh and an example of what a bad game is.

Why'd you go and do my boy dirty like this. Terrible film, terrible game

No me acuerdo si me lo pasé uwu

The giant lizard thing is the worst boss I've ever had the displeasure of fighting in any videogame, the dickheads in MHGU included.
Even ignoring that bullshit that wasted 10 minutes I'll never get back, the game is janky as all hell. That QTE cutscene that everyone laughs at is not a one-time thing, everything in this game is like that.
Speaking of the quick time events, they are definitely the worst thing about this piece of shit. The giant lizard is hellish to fight, but at least I only have to fight that cunt once. These are annoying, way too fast to react without failing once, and appear constantly, I hate whoever programmed these.
The combat can be fun, simple but not horrible. However, there's not a single boss fight that is fun, they are all horrible, some can be cheesed for 2 minutes straight, while in the others you have to sit there and realize that you're wasting some time of your life playing a shitty game made by Activision.
EDIT: I said that the lizard was the worst fight ever in any game... well don't worry, it is still horrible, but we have another moron in our way.
Remember when I said that the bosses are not fun? Add consecutive quick and more annoying than usual QTEs, and you have the Sandman portion that you play as Goblin.
If you, on top of that, add a shitty fucking gimmick and attacks that are so much buggy that they make Sonic '06 seem like a masterpiece, and you have that Rhino cunt.
Turn all of that up to eleven, and you get the shitshow that is Venom. For real, it is so bad that i genuinely think that it was programmed by an aborted fetus. You might think this is inclusive, but it's just retarded.
I would rather kill myself, get reincarnated as a black american and annoy a police officer just so I would be killed again than touch this piece of shit again, I'm done.

What a weird and unfinished game. The three systems I’ve played it on are vastly different, but I’m talking about the main (360/PS3) one. Hilarious, though. Especially the symbiote stuff.

sabafq spodermen, dobry bicie, fajne robjnie

I mean it's certainly Spiderman, only thing is the amount of random shit added and glitches really bring this game down. Like with the random new gangs, the Lizard, Kraven, Kingpin, just feels cluttered. Doesn't help that the game feels rushed out the ass, just to tie in with Spiderman 3 release, such a disappointment, Venom still looks bad in both the Raimi Movie and This game, nostalgia means nothing when trying to find something good about this game. The only thing that are pros are obviously that hilarious beginning with the exploding building, and the swinging against, apart from that, this game is just meh.

é... podia ser melhor, eu acho...

I have owned this game pretty much since it released, and 13 years later I have yet to even come close to finishing it. Fundamentally flawed in so many aspects, and takes so many backward steps from both of its predecessors, I've abandoned this game on at least 5 separate attempts to play through it; it just has nothing of substance to offer, absolutely joyless to play.

It's game, but i dont like it much

This was almost as big of a disappointment as the movie. The Spider-Man 2 game was so good, why change it so much?? The city felt really dead.

Um dos meus favoritos, fiz 100% do que podia, era muito legal fazer os trials, acabar com as gangues e até ficar só passeando por Nova Iorque.

This was awful but I remember it being so fun

Joguei e zerei no gba do amigo, até hj lembro do cheiro dos cartuchos.

esse aqui é o jogo do homen aranha que mais joguei no ps2, muito nostalgico e curto ate hoje

Virar o Homem-Aranha em paris é MT épico

El peor juego que he jugado, es horrible.

This was a fun game. Good visuals and story was, taking liberties from the movie, but welcome liberties.

I remember having a fun time swinging around the city in this game, but I feel like if I ever tried to actually play through the main story, I'd probably hate it.