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Yakuza meets Streets of Rage sounds like a good combo & it is but it's too short. More of a demo than anything.

Es la putísima hostia como mola partir caras con esta gente
Es mi primer beat'm'up que me juego en serio y la verdad habrá que jugar más porque esto es la hostia. Es ultra corto pero repetiría el mismo mapa 700 veces (de hecho lo haré). Ya no existen más juegos para mí, sólo Kazama Kiryu me dará la felicidad que necesito. Ah y fue gratis así que eso le da más puntos.

Reciclado de Streets of Rage 2 para conmemorar el aniversario de Sega. Llevar a Kiryu o Majima está gracioso.

Super curtinho mas diverte muito. Eu terminei e nem me dei conta e continuei jogando o loop por um bom tempo. É uma experiencia legal pra jogar uma vezinha pra matar o tempo, joguei sozinho mas com um amigo deve ser melhor ainda

It really works as a reminder of the beat em ups of the arcades.
Fun for a while, nice overall for a Yakuza fan.

it's cute for what it is.

Cute and it's free so you can't really complain but really bare bones? Doesn't feel very good, just loops when you finish without any fun Yakuza version of a beat-em-up ending and when you die it's just a picture of your character's sprite. Doesn't quite have the character you'd hope for from something like this but eh, it's free yk.

anyway put this in your browser to get it: steam://install/1368430

Its a game, and it works, for the most part

yeah it's free but it's just a showcase of barely adequate sprite hacks painted over sor2 art. you can effortlessly stunlock even the bosses and half the mooks are pacifists so it's pointless besides there being no level, music, or character variety. you can't pick up the bikes which isn't how i remember kamurocho.

It's free and that's what makes it good. It's a glorified love letter to both the beat-em genre and SEGA fans. It's also cute knowing the inspirations Yakuza takes from. You'll get a good few minutes out of this one.

At least now I know I don't like streets of rage

So glad to find the de-listed Steam link for this to have it forever, even if it is just kind of a gimmicky distraction.

Cute reskin of the first stage of Streets of Rage 2. Nothing more.

If you want to play this game now, you can go to
Steam Help -> Games,Software etc. -> Write Streets of Kamurocho to the search bar below-> At products down below you will see the game click it -> click its not in my library -> then a download button will appear

É mais uma homenagem a Yakuza, mas como jogo em si, é bem chatinho

Fun little side scroller, accurately transposes the world of Yakuza into the Streets of Rage format. It's really only three stages though and the character change is cosmetic. Still, it's a nice little nugget of fun for fans of the series and its cool to watch some signature moves and Kamurocho in 2D.

Part of Spring Cleaning 2023

It's okay, I guess? Not a huge fan of beat 'em ups as they come off to me as unfair quarter munching bullshit, but the combination of these two franchises works well enough to be charming. No actual issues with it, but it's abrupt end that loops and lack of real fan service makes it a bit of a dud.

This game has a lot of love in it not the best game but its still fun for what it is.

Divertido, gostei d+ das músicas em 16-bit

divertido homenaje de un cuartito de hora a streets of rage y yakuza

Might come across as childish to complain about a lack of content in a game that's completely free, but this is exactly what it says on the tin and not a shred more. Possibly even less than that--it's literally just a reskin of the first level of Streets of Rage 2. Would've been nice to, I dunno, be able to pick up bikes or something to make it feel at least a tiny bit like Yakuza. Still, the core of it is basically solid, even if there was a bare minimum of work put into it.

Ehh, es una calca del primer nivel de Street Of Rage 2 pero en bucle, sin nada destacable más que protagonizar el universo de Yakuza. Está bien para divertirte por unos 10 o 20 minutos, pero sinceramente le hubiera puesto algo de esfuerzo extra...

Fun novelty.
It's free and you get exactly what's promised.

Solo queria jugar con Ichiban, tambien es solo 1 nivel, ta wapo

Cute little gimmick, even if it's super block everything after a bit, just like my Yakuza games!

"Bro is this literally just Beats of Rage?"

Streets of Kamurocho It is a love letter to both the yakuza series as well as streets of rage combining both into a simple and small fun promotional game.
And as the title of the game implies, you pretty much go through the entirety of kamurocho fighting a bunch of yakuza henchman, as well as punks and Chinese mafia members.

Considering that the game mostly resonates and is in line with the 1st game/Kiwami, you fight a bunch of enemies with the background being a 16 bit rendition of the battle encounter theme, and fight 3 bosses from Yakuza 1/Kiwami being Lau Ka Long, Koji Shindo, and finally Akira Nishikiyama.

The levels are short and sweet and have essentially taken the area of kamorucho and made It into a beat em style game.

If I do have some critiques, in terms of it would have been cooler if they added more bosses from 2-6 rather than just the first game, they could repeat the round system but every new round would have a different final boss, like for example:

Round 1 -Akira Nishikiyama
Round 2 - Goda Ryuji
Round 3- Mine
Round 4 - Saejima (hes not a villian but would be a lit boss fight in terms of representation for Yakuza 4)
Round 5 - Aizawa
Round 6 - Iwami or Someya
Round Bonus - Kuze or Shibusawa

And then have the rounds repeat just having them get gradually harder.
Or they could've just had different bosses for Majima and Ichiban.
The 3 characters to play as are:


Each play similary but all have unique sprites and voices and your basic punches and heat actions however the heat actions when use cause you to lose health upon usage so use them carefully.

The game is free (though unlisted if you search it via steam however if you search via Google and find the page you can still play it) so even though i have issues, I enjoyed my time with it 😁👍🏻

For Sega's 60th anniversary, they released a special Yakuza x Streets of Rage game called Streets of Kamurocho. It's a somewhat clunky recreation of the first level of Streets of Rage 2, but with Yakuza characters and enemies swapped in. That's it. The first level of Streets of Rage 2 is fun, so it's enjoyable enough. There's even three different characters (that all play the same) to choose from. But given that I was able to finish this game in like 10 minutes, there's not really much here to write home about. You can't even download this game anymore, but if you are interested in playing it, I would advise to just put it out of your mind and play Streets of Rage 2 instead.