Reviews from

in the past

A solid roguelike with some charming art and a ton of challenge. Dunno what else I can say honestly.

BEST roguelike ever!
One of the best games I have played...

Edmun McMillen is the worst best game designer I know

muito loko,tem de tudo,câncer,merda,cabide,pilula,o diabo,anjo,mãe,vermes etc... e é meio dificil

Le quito media estrella porque me desenganché cuando salió...

La expansión como tal está genial, pero Delirium es un asco de jefe.

I will almost certainly never finish binding of isaac. It's the most content-rich game probably ever made, and the commitment required to 100% (or 1000%, or platinum god, or whatever it's called at this point) the game feels absolutely impossible for me.

But it's a hell of a comfort game. doing a run and getting some mad set of items that probably don't really work together but do end up doing something weird is always entertaining to me. It doesn't really matter if I'm on a -50 win streak, because each run is unique and a laugh. Good way to kill half an hour, perfect on switch.

Muito interessante,varias referências bibllicas e tal
além de muito re jogável

Jogo muito bom, porém eu falo de tudo que ele e Isaac num geral tem de bom no Repentance

Been playing repentance recently and I came here to say I fucking hate Delirium so -1 star because delirium (at least the other bullshit from this DLC was fixed in repentance)

acho que é um dos meus roguelikes favoritos! é ridiculo de divertido, nunca canso de jogar quando tô no tédio

a melhor parte de longe são os itens e a satisfação de conseguir um item roubado

vale muito a pena!

love the game, love the build diversity and finding new interactions, but i suck at the game

ne stava mrazq tupoto pleshivo bebe s ime ot biblqta

This game is a ton of fun and I really want to get back to it one day.

Tried to get this kind of game a chance. Sadly it seems these types are ones I can't enjoy long term. They get too frustrating and repetitive.

ayuda, estoy viciado y no puedo dejarlo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I have put over 1,000 hours into this game and got the 1m% achievement. I wish Repentance would come out today!

This DLC adds a lot of stuff! Is it good stuff? Mostly no.
Partially salvaged by the 5 high quality booster pack updates added post launch.