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in the past

Well this game was certainly unexpected. I didn't bother playing it for a long time as I thought it would be another low budget slog through an already tired horror trope. Fortunately, a member of my gaming group explained some of the more clever bits of the game and I finally decided to give it a go since it's cheap now.

Design: Admittedly the team isn't going to take home any awards for the combat, as it often feels sluggish and unresponsive. It also suffers from that fake choice thing that a lot of pseudo-rpg's seem to suffer from these days where a large chunk of the possible character builds feel unviable. However, it is passable and the combat isn't really where the focus was. It's obvious to me they wanted to focus on their unique social economy system. You knew you would be feasting on the blood of NPC's to survive, but the clever twist is that not only does it give you XP, your XP gains will be impacted based on your interactions with said NPC's. In regards to dialogue trees, I will say that they could have definitely expanded upon character skill dependent choices. There are a couple of spots where they do this, but it felt like an afterthought each time.

Story: The story is serviceable. I won't pull any punches, this is the definition of a "good enough" story. There are some moments that come close to feeling compelling, but ultimately this is a pretty basic story. Not quite good, but not quite bad either. With the average quality of storylines being lower these days (purely my opinion), I've grown to prefer a middle of the road story over an outright bad story.

Graphics: I played this on my Switch, but I've also seen the game run on PC and XBOX. The graphics on any of the systems aren't bad by any stretch. You aren't going to have your mind blown, and it could easily be argued that by modern standards the game looks like it's on the lower end of what is acceptable these days.

Platform Specific: I'm not wasting time defending the Switch as a platform for ports. There are several moments where this game dips down to the low teens in framerate. The loading is frequent and quite annoying. This is the price we pay for convenience, but of the 30 or so games I've played and beaten on the console this one easily stands out as the worst offender. Yes, this includes Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Overall: I dug it. It's one of those titles where the "charm" just clicked with me. I was always aware during my play sessions that there was plenty about the game that was sub-par, but I still had fun. If you are out of stuff to play and you dig action rpg's then I would suggest you check it out. Otherwise, I would recommend a hard pass.

It's a bloody mess, and it.... sucks

This review contains spoilers

um jogo muito bom com uma mecanica de escolhas que impactam no final. Se você quiser a forma mais facil é só sair matando todos os npcs mas ai pega o final ruim, se quiser pegar o final bom vai ter que farmar os mobs normais que dão menos xp pra evoluir. Poder investigar os npcs pra saber mais da historia deles tambem é muito bom pq você pode ver se eles merecem ou não morrer (mesmo que você ache que eles merecem lembre-se que impacta no final e mesmo assim vai pegar o final ruim).

It's a very ambitious concept and if the combat was more enjoyable the game could've been a true classic because the story, characters, world and atmosphere are all really good. Unfortunately the janky combat makes it hard to get through for most, but I still found it compelling enough to reach the end and thought it was worth it.

I love this game, I hate how much it crashes.

A vampire game that actually succeeds at creating the tension one would feel as a morally sound human turned creature of the night who can only be nourished by taking lives. The social hubs where every NPC matters is another ambitious idea that mostly works. It does too many things that go beyond its budget, but it's something worth applauding. Also, that Olivier Deriviere soundtrack!

It's an interesting story with a doctor being a vampire and wether you let the main character go down the rabbit hole of becoming a monster or staying true to his mission to save and protect life.

Ai, ai, vampyr... Você tinha um potencial tão grande.

it has a fantastic story. character developments, environment is so good. I loved everything in this game; maybe it's biased because I love vampire stories and fantastic things... but I know that many people did enjoyed it before and many people will be enjoying later too.

This game truly has all of the features of a great AAA title: it has good visuals, I really liked thae combat system, and the boses were challanging, but not unbarable. With that said, this game lacked a storyline for me. Not much was happening and the "reveals" start to happen only towards the end, so before that I wasn't that invested. Also I absolutely hated running around the city trying to find the entrance to the location because the gates are closed only to realize that you had to somehow find a balcony to teleport to... There is even a point were I had to search every inch of the huge theater to then watch on YouTube that you had to find a key to the locked door randomly lying around in the main hall. Overall, I would say that the playthrough was well worth it.

Vampyr is a game I enjoyed, I did thoroughly enjoy it. I view this game as a Dracula Simulator, moreso in the character relationships and development. Throughout the game you can choose to stalk, persuade and learn about the sixty or so people you encounter in London, as the more intel you find out about them the higher the XP you can get to level up and power yourself, and you can also heal them with medicines you can create via blueprints, where if they get sick you can heal them and get some good XP back. This XP will make you powerful as all hell, BUT, the more that you "Embrace" (or feed) on people, the lower the district health is, and when it's lowered all the way it basically becomes hostile. That's the basic gist with a bit of a plot in between about a plague in London and etc. It's an intriguing social game and experiment and to me I give it points because in a way I put the social aspect of this game in tier with say Shadow of Mordor/War. NOW to the bad part: the combat is ass. The whole reason you're leveling up most of the time is for boss battles and combat, which is for the most part just meh. It can be better the more you feed but that would also depend on if you want all the districts to become hostile and get the bad ending. So honestly I view the game as mostly this:

You can either: Not feed on many people, saving London and getting the good ending (With a better ending if you kill NO ONE) but deal with aggravating difficulty in terms of combat.
You can be a total a sshole, kill people and become a powerful, getting past the difficulties in the combat but dooming all of London and making everything much hostile anyways.

To me this game is a good experiment, in that I enjoy and you might enjoy it too. But if I were you I'd say go with the lowest difficulty with no combat, I made the mistake of choosing a difficulty above the easiest one. Though I could just suck at video games and be a wimp. I will say also there are numerous upgrades you can get for weapons by collecting parts and buying special pieces from merchants. I like it but I can understand that it's for a niche crowd. I'd say give it a try but wait for a price drop.

Dracula Simulator
Interesting Story
Open Choices and interesting characters


That's the review I can think of off the top of my head. It's good but it's for a niche audience. If you're interested try it it's just 50 dollars? Idk

From Steam Reviews:

Very backlogged but immersive world and cool concept

Rating: 8.1/10 - Great

Surprisingly great! This game does have issues with its story but I do enjoy the combat a lot and the hardest difficulty did a good job at addressing some of the initial game's complaints.

It's okay. I was definitely expecting a lot more.

yes rpg is not for everyone even with vampires

I even liked the game despite being very tiring and having some bad things like the freezing of bugs, the absence of interesting characters (not even the protagonist is interesting) and a quick trip, and the combat is also ridiculously bad.

Being a vampire doctor during the Spanish flu is a great setup and I love its world of nobility vampires secretly aiding the British empire is great but the game itself is a fairly big let down

British pandemic featuring hot vampire protagonist and a scottish angry boyfriend

man this game is great but also so fucking boring

I liked this game when I played it, I liked the characters, the story and even the gameplay but for some reason, it is forgettable. To me, it is like everything has potential, the characters, the story, the setting but doesn't reach to exploit it well.

Moody as fuck. I hope they make more of this, just without a mediocre finale

great game with great ideas but not well performed

a jogabilidade é meio plastica mas eu gosto, a ideia do jogo é otima, a questão de manter os distritos saudaveis é bem interessante e suas escolhas afetarem nas histórias de cada personagem é bem massa

Vampyr es uno de esos juegos que te atrapa por su historia, te retiene por su atmósfera y banda sonora y no te deja ir por su gameplay.
Puedes estar horas y horas perdidas en sus calles, con intrigas y correveidiles que te parecerán que han pasado minutos.
Es un juego que deja cierta libertad, podemos ser un sanguinario vampiro y alimentarnos de cualquiera, aceptando las consecuencias que ello conlleve o ser un vampiro "con alma" y abstenernos de los placeres de la sangre. Vampyr nos invita a investigar su historia y su lore, descubrir los secretos que esconde Londres y sus habitantes. Investigar cada secreto y carta oculta...
Las calles y callejones de este Londres de 1918 están llenas de vida, plagadas de carteles de teatro, exposiciones, avisos de cuarentena, recomendaciones de sanidad... Sus gentes están deseosas por contarnos cosas, pero recordad, un vampiro ha de ser invitado para entrar en el hogar y en sus vidas.
Los combates y enemigos, sobre todo los jefes, se hacen entretenidos y amenos y no dificultan demasiado el gameplay. Si lo que queremos es un juego tranquilito y de "paseo" el modo historia es recomendable en este caso.
Vampyr es un juego enorme, descubrir toda la historia y sus ramificaciones nos llevará más de 20h. Skals, Ekons, Hombres lobo, logias, clubs relatos que lo hacen un todo y engloban su enorme historia.
Es un juego altamente recomendable para los amantes del Londres neblinoso, de juegos de investigación y de la cultura vampírica.

Jonathan está deseando que le ayudemos a descubrir el porqué de su transformación ¿Estáis preparados para descubrir la verdad?
Reseña completa en

Performance issues, boring story, sloggy movement and combat. This game just sucks sorry. The voice acting is pretty good though and the writing isn't completely horrible.

Lo dejé después de dos horas de juego por puro aburrimiento

Um ótimo jogo de aventura RPG com vampiros! Esse jogo realmente me pegou na época, tem uma gameplay muito imersiva e intrigante, além de alguns elementos de exploração onde você faz o papel de um investigador para descobrir os acontecimentos usando suas habilidades de vampiro o que me prendeu ainda mais no jogo, sua trama também é muito boa e tem umas reviravoltas muito interessantes, toda sua atmosfera sombria em uma Londres antiga cria um clima perfeito pro jogo. O sistema de habilidades do jogo é um pouco fraco e também senti falta de um New Game+ que nesse tipo de jogo geralmente é essencial mas a experiencia no geral foi muito boa!