Reviews from

in the past

Una clara mejora respecto al anterior, un RPG muy sólido y divertido en el que la mayoría de costuras se le notan por falta de presupuesto (A ver si Microsoft les infla a dineros). Pero hay algún problema de estructura que se siente tramposa

After trying and failing to get into Wasteland 2, I was pleasantly surprised at this game. The combat was fun, with all the min-maxing joy of these types of games, but the dialogue harkened back to the best moments of New Vegas, which I guess in turn harkened back to the best moments of Fallout 1/2, bringing it all full circle. I really appreciated how there was rarely a clear right side in a conflict, and how different dialogue skill checks actually did different things instead of leading to the same win condition. My only complaint and the reason this is 3.5 and not 4.5 is the constant crashing, often once an hour. Still, it should be a good indication of the game's quality that I played through them.

Played for a few hours. Improved over the second game in nearly every way. If this is your thing you will probably love it. Failed to get its hooks in me the same way Wasteland 2 did.

One of my favourite RPG’s ever, silly but not over the top. Probably one of the most underrated games I’ve played, seriously, go play this game.


Games seems good but it's still so buggy this far after release.

this shit was so bad that being choked while cutting yourself seems more pleasant, just play divinity

Put in about 30 hrs before dropping it, not because its bad, just didn't grip me enough to finish it. Its a very good old school fallout style RPG, decent story, decent combat, decent graphics. Im def gonna pick it up again at some stage.

Sold Tactical. Some systems were annoying such as missing 95 and aggressive skill checks but to be expected with a tatical rpg

Wasteland 3

I was obsessed. I think I managed the whole 40 hours in about a week?

Story was a bit juvenile at times and everything had a bad moral implication so nothing felt too important. On the other hand, when the jokes landed, I got a good chuckle out of the game quite frequently! I laughed my ass off when I encountered a giant goat from hell after 30 hours, because I'd picked the goatkiller background for my main character:

Nobody believes you, but you know what you saw. A giant red goat, standing over your mother's body, freaky golden eyes glittering in the night. Goats aren't normal, just listen to 'em! You're going to kill every goat you can, draw out that Monster Goat, and this time, you'll be ready. Bleat, bleat, motherfucker.

I thought this was just silly flavour text, but no! It gives you a rare chance to encounter the goat and get your revenge! Bloody incredible.

Combat and character-building was just amazing. Streamlined, but including everything you'd want for a smart tactical RPG. Level-ups and new equipment came at a very fast pace, and all the little armour mods, weapon mods, and craftable combat tools made me feel like I'd made my own unique party by the end.

I played on 'hard' (ranger) with permadeath which felt like a very balanced difficulty, though the final 2 areas were a bit of a breeze once all of my builds came together! Satisfying!

Unfortunately, it suffered a few annoying bugs. I'd regularly see the game drop to <10FPS seemingly at random, requiring a restart to fix the issue. I'd also have party members randomly get angry with me and permanently leave the party after some fights. This was a huge pain in the butt because I'd have to reload entire encounters just so all of my equipment/skills/items invested weren't lost to the whims of the game's code.

Looooved this game. Will be continuing my foray into crpgs with Pathfinder Kingmaker next! It looks VERY dense, so wish me luck!

It's decent. All of it's decent. Nothing stood out either great or terrible (except not being able to move the overworld map). Just good enough to finish all the way.

A very fun turn-based RPG. Story was good enough to keep me wanting to complete missions. The hub-based map design is great, allowing for exploration with an end, you know when you've seen everything in an area, plus you can see clearly where you still need to go. For a game this size, I think knowing you're not missing anything is important.

The combat is really fun and feels similar to XCOM, and like XCOM it needs to played on the harder difficulties to get the most of out the experience.

a very good CRPG!, con un final un poco agrío, empieza re bien, termina meh

Queria ter curtido mais, joguei umas 40horas+ dele, mas depois não me senti tão preso aquele mundo etc e ai dropei, um dia dou uma segunda chance.

First off, let me say that Wasteland 3 is my first experience with the CRPG genre, but not with turn-based tactic games, so I understood how the gameplay worked. The story is set in post-apocalyptic Colorado, where your team of six Rangers is tasked with getting The Patriarch's three children back to him, and in return, you get aid for your people back in Arizona. 

The story was pretty solid all around and made it harder to go along with certain decisions or be happy that I made the right one, or at least think I did. All the characters you meet along the way are pretty unique in their own way, which felt pretty refreshing, especially Ronald and Flab. When it comes to the soundtrack of the game, I was loving it every step of the way since the gospel/bluesy feel of the song matched the game theme perfectly (I now have a couple songs from it on my Spotify playlist). The world design looks like how you think it would, and people act like you think they would as well. How you explore Colorado is in the world map where you direct the Kodiak, a tank/truck hybrid that you can upgrade with new weapons', armor, and the Chasis that allows you to further explore the map and its radiation zones.

On the gameplay side of things, it was your average turn-based combat, and even with my limited experience, it seems the same in how it works but is fresh with the attributes, skills, and perks. Skills and perks are directly related since the higher the level of your skill that caps at 10, your perk tree for that skill allows for newer and better perks to be used for that character. Attributes, for the most part, are mainly focused on how they affect your character's abilities in combat. Awareness increases your likelihood of hitting your shots, while Charisma affects your leadship skill range and XP gain, and so on with the rest of the perks. That makes for a fun time figuring out a team comp that works for your style of gameplay.

Would I recommend this game? The answer is yes. For anyone who likes post-apocalyptic settings or CRPGS in general, this game probably has something you would enjoy, whether it's the funny moments or strenuous decisions you need to make that affect your people in Arizona, which is the Wasteland of Colorado. 8.5/10


Por fin, tras mucho tiempo desde su anuncio allá por 2016, tenemos aquí el retorno de inXile con una tercera entrega de Wasteland que es, sin lugar a dudas, no solo la mejor de todas, sino que también es uno de los mejores CRPG's que han aparecido en los últimos años.

Wasteland 3 arranca fuerte, tras los hechos que daban fin a la anterior entrega, los Rangers necesitan con urgencia encontrar nuevos suministros y recursos más allá de Arizona para garantizar su supervivencia, lo que les pondrá rumbo a la región de Colorado en pleno invierno tras recibir una generosa oferta del líder regente de ese territorio, quien les ofrece todo lo que necesitan a cambio de llevar a cabo una peligrosa tarea. Así da comienzo la trama de Wasteland 3, una trama que sin ser nada rompedora, nos va a mantener en vilo durante decenas de horas y lo que es aún mejor, nos va a poner contra las cuerdas en más ocasiones de las que nos esperamos. Y pese a que su argumento se sigue bastante bien sin haber jugar a la segunda parte, sí que perderemos multitud de referencia, tendremos algunas lagunas e incluso el impacto no será el mismo cuando nos topemos con viejos conocidos. Por lo que es muy recomendable jugar Wasteland 2 antes.

Y es que si hay algo en lo que de verdad Wasteland 3 destaca por encima de todo, es en lo que respecta al argumento, toma de decisiones y las consecuencias de dichas decisiones. Es francamente sorprendente como cualquier cosa, por nímia que sea, puede dar pie a consecuencias totalmente inesperadas y/o sorprendentes. Sí, en muchos RPG's tenemos esto, pero de verdad, muy, muy pocos juegos lo hacen con la maestría de Wasteland 3. Es un no parar de situaciones límite, en las que no está claro qué es bueno y qué es malo, de hecho, jamás hay nada absolutamente bueno o malo, la escala de grises en este título está a la orden del día y es francamente gratificiante ver como se desarrollan los acontecimientos en base a nuestras decisiones, decisiones totalmente nuestras, mientras que al tiempo eres plenamente consciente de que podrías haber hecho otra cosa y que eso habría dado lugar a un desenlace completamente distinto o... a una locura total, pero que estaba ahí por si éramos lo suficientemente temerarios para asumir el resultado. Dicho todo esto, está más que claro que el juego es rejugable a más no poder.

Por otra parte, tenemos su combate por turnos, que gana aquí muchos enteros gracias a que se le ha dado bastante más dinamismo con respecto a Wasteland 2. Aquí cada enfrentamiento es totalmente distinto al anterior, jamás llegan a hacerse repetitivos o molestos, todo lo contrario, es toda una gozada combatir (salvo cuando la IA enemiga hace alguna tontería, todo hay que decirlo), y cosas como poder elegir a que personajes mover primero en nuestro turno, le dan ese toque interesante que le faltaba a la anterior entrega en este aspecto.

Hay también otras dos novedades muy interesantes que debutan en esta tercera parte. Por un lado tenemos la base de los Rangers en Colorado. Esto no se limita a ser nuestro centro de operaciones sin más, también es una parte jugable activa, pues deberemos buscar personal para las distintas áreas (zona médica, armería, garage etc) y dichos personajes nos los encontraremos a lo largo y ancho del mundo del juego, donde ya sea tras algún acontecimiento argumental, o que hagamos alguna misión secundaria (todas ellas muy interesantes, no hay ni una secundaria de relleno), se ofrecerán a prestarnos nuestros servicios.

Al margen de eso, en nuestra base también se sucederán toda clase de acontecimientos en forma de misiones en las que podremos y de hecho deberemos, intervenir. Ya os adelanto que ahí también os aguardarán toda clase de misterios y crisis que resolver.

La otra novedad es el hecho de movernos entre las zonas del juego, es decir el mini mapa, esta vez es mucho más espectacular, pues se representa de forma realista, mientras que nosotros nos desplazamos en el Kodiak, un vehículo armado y acorazado que deberemos ir mejorando en nuestro taller con mejores piezas y armas. En el mapa también nos esperan multitud de eventos aleatorios, combates y secretos de muchos tipo. Por lo tanto, en esta ocasión, esa faceta está también muchísimo mejor llevada a cabo y lo que es más importante, resulta muy entretenida, en contra posición al soso mapa mundi de Wasteland 2.

Audiovisualmente también ha ganado muchos enteros. La variedad de escenarios es notable y lo bien recreados que están todos ellos es magnífico. Evidentemente no es ningún portento, aunque tampoco se espera eso de este tipo de juegos, pero sin duda cumple de sobra con todo. Mientras que la música, acompaña a la perfección en todas y cada una de las situaciones. Mención especial a algunos temas que suenan en distintos momentos clave del juego, que a todas luces están a otro nivel, serán una absoluta sorpresa que sonarán cuando menos te lo esperes.

En resumen, inXile ha puesto toda la carne en el asador para crear Wasteland 3. Se nota también la inyección de recursos por parte de Microsoft desde que les adquirieron, por lo que el resultado final es sencillamente el mejor CRPG que he jugado desde Divinity: Original Sin 2 y eso es ya mucho decir. Si te gusta este género, no te lo pienses ni un segundo, acertarás fijo con Wasteland 3. Como apunte final, decir que también se puede jugar todo el juego en cooperativo, aunque yo he jugado en solitario, de modo que no puedo opinar de su funcionamiento.

Fun gameplay, cool story, and interesting world lore, all brought down a notch by way too many technical bugs. Regardless still very good.

i played this game at launch, and in this initial state it had a few issues such as extremely long load times that mitigated my enjoyment of the game a bit. maybe i would increase to 4.5 stars upon a replay (which i am planning, since two DLC's have been released). but overall i think the game is pretty excellent. i like to think of this game as a post-apocalyptic Divinity: Original Sin 2. maybe this is offensive to Wasteland fans, as Fallout/Wasteland pre-date the entire Divinity series. but they have similarities in how the character interacts with party members, the choices that are available, the RPG progression, the side-quests, the combat... for people who enjoy this type of game, it really does everything well. maybe the ending is a bit rushed and not too satisfying, but that's the only nitpick i can think of. the soundtrack deserves a special mention too, their reimagining of some classic Western tracks is really cool.

Fun tactics game, jokes are kind of weak but I got to kill God President Reagan so 👍👍

I don't really play these kind of games but the fact i enjoyed the combat even 60 hours in really shows how much it stands out to me.

Also the music is awesome

Play it

Um bom SRPG, com montagem de build e rotas com finais diferentes. Tirando alguns problemas de narrativa, é um RPG bem solido, que traz a sensação dos Fallouts antigos de volta.

This game was great! I could really see the Fallout DNA in it. I loved how every choice you made (and there were LOTS of them) was painted in shades of gray rather than black and white, it made the decisions difficult and I really felt the impact of the choices that I made. Each faction had its own unique personality and I didn't feel like any were half-baked or boring to get to know. I just wished that your squad acted a little more cohesively in combat. It would have been cool to have squad members with abilities that played off of other squad members and maybe a more robust perk system. Those are nitpicks though. All in all this was a fun, engaging CRPG.

Everything I wanted from Fallout 4 I got here

The man from the prison cell was weird

Underwhelming experience overall. The combat engagements are the highlight of the game for me and the cut content and inconsistent writing are the things that weigh the whole game down.

Almost perfect games appear very rarely, especially not in the role-playing game genre. In complex RPGs with countless decisions, combat situations and character values, something can always go wrong. The best example: Baldur's Gate 3, which, for all its ingenuity, is not without errors and had to be patched diligently after its release.

Wasteland 3 also undoubtedly has small problems and aches and pains somewhere. But for me it was still very close to legendary perfection at the time of its release.

Because Wasteland 3 shows how well classic CRPG virtues still work, even 25 years after the genre's heyday, if you just package them in a modern way. Thanks to publisher Microsoft's big wallet, developer Inxile Entertainment was able to implement the ambitions of part 2 much better this time, and the result feels worlds smoother.

In any case, I loved traveling through this crazy post-apocalypse again, facing crazy robots and even crazier clown gangs with my group of rangers and pondering tricky quest decisions. This may not be perfect - but what role-playing game is?