Reviews from

in the past

4.5 stars excluding xen.
4 stars with it.
If you really like the source engine and seeing the limits of it, as well as stuff like source platforming, and just playing a shooter that feels like you're on drugs, this game's pretty good. There's also an incredible attention to the detail throughout the game, just explore the opening act before the actual combat sections begin and you'll found countless details. Unfortunately, I think the game loses itself and what makes it so much fun in Xen.

An excellent reimagining of a classic FPS. Making your way through the massive research complex is fun, with good variety in environments and enemies. This continues up until Xen; although the initial moments in this dimension are wonderfully alien, the final chapters quickly devolve into an unbearable slog that lasts several hours longer than it should. Black Mesa would be an easy 9 were it not for how badly it drags at the end.

there are some times when you will be trying to pick up a hazmat suit and this hard ass i'm-in-the-desert-and-there's-no-turning-back sounding shit will be blasting in your headphones this is a very good game

Jugue Half Life hace 20 años, nos juntamos unos cuantos amigos y empezamos entre todos a comprar un coleccionable del periodico El Mundo de FX Interactive, donde entre algunos juegos como Runaway, Holywood Monsters o The Longest Journey estaba este. Justo este lo compramos varios de nosotros porque queriamos cada uno una copia de lo mucho que nos gustaba. Desde entonces no he vuelto a el.

Lo que me he encontrado aqui es un juego con mucho sabor a antiguo pero que a la vez se ha sentido muy moderno en muchas cosas. Y ni siquiera se definir exactamente que cosas me provocaban ambas sensaciones.

Tiene un buen ritmo en cuanto a la diversidad de situaciones que te mete entre tiroteos, puzzles, plataformeo y demas, no siendo muy cansino practicamente nunca.

El gunplay me ha sorprendido mucho porque a diferencia de lo que me suele pasar, que siempre me concentro en unas pocas armas y no me muevo de ellas, aqui el diseño me ha pedido siempre que cambie entre ellas porque son muy distintas entre si y sirven para distintas cosas, cosa que me ha sorprendido bastante ya que no lo recordaba.

No tengo muy claro que de todo esto es el juego original o este remake, tras 20 años sinceramente no me acuerdaba de casi nada, por ejemplo en mi memoria Xen era llegar, dar 2 saltos y matar al boss final. Tengo entendido que aqui esta expandido, pero no se hasta que punto.

Por ponerle un pero, que es una cosa totalmente entendible por ser un juego de hace tantos años, me gustaria que fuese mas narrativo, siento que muchas situaciones funcionarian mejor tal como se hacen ahora las cosas en ese aspecto.

Factory vortigaunts who stare at you in confusion while you blow stuff up, my beloveds.

Лучший способ ознакомиться с оригиналом в наше время.

This remake already requires a remake.

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Eu pensava que Black Mesa seria o meu novo FPS favorito, o que não aconteceu. O jogo é bom, e bastante imersivo, não é atoa que eu o joguei praticamente todos os dias, mas tem tantas micro coisas que afetaram o meu "flow".

O início do jogo é chato e lento, ficar parado em um bondinho (ou seja lá oq era aquilo) ouvindo um monte de bla bla bla me deu sono, eu nem sei (e nem ligo), se visitamos os locais que vimos no tour (provavelmente sim), enfim, esse início é chaaaaaato.
Depois desse início o jogo ficou praticamente perfeito para mim, você com poucas armas lidando com toda a merda q está acontecendo enquanto encontra outros cientistas e guardas que podem ser adicionados na "party", tem uma exploração bacana em que você encontra recursos e desbloqueia caminhos e encontra novos NPCS, e a atmosfera engrandece tudo , é praticamente um flow perfeito para mim (uma pena que do nada o jogo "trava" para o mapa carregar, e é mal otimizado, tendo quedas de quadros bem nada haver, quebrando todo o flow), infelizmente tudo que é bom dura pouco.

Eu praticamente odiei TODOS os confrontos contra o exército, o jogo quer que você, um cientista, corra para cima dos soldados e mate todos??, Oq é isso aqui? COD MW 48? Eu simplesmente não consigo engolir que um cientista com uma armadura bacana consiga dar uma de Rambo pra cima de soldados ultra treinados, poderia ser um confronto mais tático, em que vc fica apreensivo ao enfrentar os soldados, e se você tentar jogar assim irá se arrepender amargamente, os soldados sempre sabem onde você está e ficam spamando granadas para sua direção, uma pena, pelo menos tem diálogos dos soldados e dos outros cientistas incrédulos que você é o fodão.

A exploração também sofre, com ela sendo diminuída a medida q o jogo avança e sendo praticamente inexistente mais pro final, o jogo tem um gráfico bonito, nada extraordinário, mas quando você chega no mundo dos aliens, meus amgs, que coisa linda de se ver, a direção de arte brilhou nesse momento!!

Mesmo com toda essa reclamação que eu tive, o jogo praticamente não deixou a peteca cair, ele sempre me fez continuar jogando mais e mais, só na metade para frente do penúltimo capítulo q ele deu uma barrigada, q coisa chata rapaz.

Em resumo, o primeiro capítulo é um porre, depois o jogo fica incrível, mas quando os soldados aparecem decai um pouco, mas ele ainda o instiga a continuar jogando, e na metade para frente do penúltimo capítulo ele dá uma barrigada, enfim, Bioshock 1 ainda é o melhor FPS de todos.

Creo que si hay un remake perfecto, este seria mi eleccion. Todo, desde los graficos, pasando por las decisiones de actualizacion de diseños y parte de jugabilidad, hasta los agregados en terminos de diseños de niveles es simplemente excelente. No puedo parar de admirar lo que hicieron con este titulo, en especial con la parte mas de mierda en el juego original. Xen es una belleza y solo por ese nivel este juego se merece el cielo y mucho mas.

I didn't have high hopes for this, and I must say I'm impressed.
Black mesa is a step up from Half-Life in almost every way possible, but particularly fixing a lot of confusing level design and pacing issues the original Half-Life has, particularly with the new XEN, which even as a person that liked the original XEN, I must say that this one is much better designed, although I prefer the aesthetics of the original one, and do think that this new version is a bit too long.
I though that Black Mesa was going to be just "Half-Life but it's actually Half-Life 2.", but it's a lot more than that. Even my fear of it being a bit too stale without the Bhop that HL1 had quickly disappeared as I discovered that this game has a really fun "slide" mechanic, which basically allows you to conserve a lot of speed if you crouch after jumping.

Generally just a very good remake, even while I'm opposed to the idea of remakes.

I would simply recommend this one instead of the original Half-Life, it is wayyy better in almost every aspect compared to the original game.
The only bad aspects are quite tiny:
-There's a lot of usable stuff in the map I cannot use such as levers, buttons, doors, etc (HL is known for giving the freedom to use them, even if it is completely useless)
-The audio desing is simply awful sometimes (the hivehand sounds like someone punching a plushie)
-It is simply absurd how beautiful Xen is, but the gameplay is sometimes quite repetitive and boring while being way larger than it should, it also is badly optimized.

In conclusion, play this one instead of the original game, the original game might be good for preservation reasons and to feel some "progress" through the series (In gameplay, Black Mesa is better than Half-Life 2)

výborný soundtracky a over all výborný remake

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The dopamine rush i got at the final arena in questionable ethics is insane (the lag too)

Probably the best remake I've ever played in my life

Nunca subestimes al fandom de un juego a la hora de hacer un juego que sea tan bueno o hasta mejor que los juegos oficiales... Salvo que seas el fandom de Sonic.

9/10. Now THIS is Half-Life 2's true story predecessor.

If I'm being honest, I respect Half-Life 1, yet I also can't stand it. The controls are slippery, the human models have aged poorly, it has a choppy interface when tabbing out, it's difficulty spikes were incredibly inconsistent, and of course, Xen was just bad.

All of that has been completely overhauled and fixed in Black Mesa, along with a graphical upgrade that puts this roughly halfway between Episode Two and Alyx in terms of how good it looks.

The gunplay, while not quite as tightly attuned as HL2, is very satisfying, with no weapon feeling outright useless (besides maybe the hand thing, never used it) and all having a well defined purpose and potential benefits/drawbacks, as any well dusted FPS should have.

The retcons Black Mesa also makes to fit more in line with Half-Life 2 and the Episodes is also much appreciated, even if I kinda wish we could've seen Kleiner again, given unlike Eli, there would be nothing canonically stopping him from doing so.

Atmosphere and music wise, absolutely top notch. Kelly Bailey's original score is also excellent, but Black Mesa manages to create a score and ambient tracklist that's both unique to itself and faithful to the original.

Finally, there's Xen and the Nihilanth fight. Gorgeous views at the beginning that turn into haunting red and suffocating grays that perfectly demonstrate the cruelty of the Nihilanth and its controllers. Not to mention, being able to save the Vortigaunts and them slowly warming up to you as you ascend closer and closer to their slavemaster is thematically brilliant, and perfectly sets up their gratitude to Freeman in the sequel.

The Nihilanth fight was simply enthralling. After an intense, empowering ascent towards the final portal, where the score just goes all out with making Freeman into THE Freeman, you confront the ruler of the Borderworld in an absolutely sublime final battle that mixes difficulty with intensity, scale, and pure will to fight. By the time the bastard meets his end, I had the wildest "get fucked you slaving, genocidal bastard" smile on my face in ages.

Then of course the Combine comes in and renders this all a bittersweet, hollow victory...

...imma go replay HL2 and the Episodes, it feels appropriate now. Also Crowbar Collective should make Half-Life 3, if Valve can't be bothered, might as well.

Black Mesa is definitely the best way to experience half life and was clearly made out of love for the original.

i never played the original and felt this was the best way to experience half life, it was pretty good although i think it was a bit longer than it should've been

Black Mesa is a work of art, and it's because of this game that Half Life 1 is able to live on with future generations, yes the original is great but this is PERFECTION.

kudos to the devs for commitment to this project, the result is amazing

Jogão, divertido e imersivo, é claro que o jogo é bom, só a penultima missão é longuinha, mas baita jogo.

Brilliant first half, almost beat for beat remake and revamping that's welcomed. Wish I could say for the Xen portions overall despite the creatives detail and touches the team added that expanded the lore congruent to HL and HL2. Just... too many conveyor belts and game-y moments; honestly felt masturbatory at times and a 'look at me' vibe even though it is an amazing work of art direction and execution overall. Pacing made the second half insufferable at times to the point of redundancy.

let me just copy my review of half-life...

Half-Life Black Mesa is as classic as you can get... Wait a minute...

Black Mesa is a fan made remake of Half-Life, and to be honest, it's my prefered way to experience this classic.
Everything that made Half-Life great makes Black Mesa great.

Black Mesa still has the base of Half-Life's methodology "Run, Think, Shoot and Live", but it is enchanced with thoughtfull changes to controls and movement. Weaker chapters have been improved upon with more tuned level design; weapon tweaks make the whole arsenal more appealing and already excelent setpieces and excelent sequences were improved upon - something I thought was nigh impossible.

The pacing of the campain is excelent, from one encounter to another encounter, the flow of everything is on par or sometimes greater than in Half-Life. Still escaping the failing facility through it's different sectors, finding survivors and discovering more and more about the facility; it's still all there and witnessing the fallout of our actions is still captivating.

And Xen chapters itself are impressive - they are no longer bad!
Reworked and completely redesigned into something new while retaining most of the beats the original had and conveying them better than ever. Beautiful alien enviorment with sparse interference of Black Mesa temp-facilities scattered here and there, that are joy to explore and retaining all the level design principles and knowledge that Half-Life is known for.
Problem of slowly depleeting resources in later chapters are absent thanks to frankly good move to make scientists from overworld sent you care packages, making them actually help you.
Interloper chapter has still little pacing issue, but it is not bad as it is penultimate chapter and it being longer feels like final stretch to reach finale, so that basically resolves itself.

I would still highly recommend playing the original HL before Black Mesa to appreciate video game history and what an amazing game it still is. But Black Mesa is better and absolutely amazing. A worthwhile play!

I tried the original and I got stuck on the tentical monster level because how badly the level design was. This put halt on my journey to expirience half life universe.
Black Mesa here revived my journey since it's nicely looking, fixed some stuff from the original and oh boy it's good.
The soundtrack is SO NICE
Highly recommend!

Stupid fun. I miss games like this. Too many bloated rpgs. I miss linear, fast paced games like this. I always wanted to get into the Half-Life series and I really couldn't think of a better way to get into it. I can't wait to start Half-Life 2

les 2/3 sont un peu redondant mais le bop que c'est à partir de Xen....... les ost they nailed their pussy to the walls