Reviews from

in the past

Bubsy is this kind of series known for being bad, and it's really living up to its reputation.

This game is no exception in the series. The level design is plain bad and doesn't feel compatible with the gameplay.

This game executes every good idea in the wrong way. If you run to fast you might die, if you play to slow you might die, maybe the water slide is part of the stage, maybe it will throw you into a pit, who knows? It's not that awful, but is struggling to be acceptable.
PS: How did i had patience to beat this game when i was a kid?

This Game is in no means good. It has a wonky camara, unfair enemy spawns, abysmal level design, and some of the worst features implemented into a platformer. All this aside the game at least deserves the one star because it offers infinite value to aspiring game developers to learn what to avoid when making their own platformers. This makes the game technically a valuable, horrible experience.

Wow did they ever try so hard with Bubsy. These people wanted Bubsy to be the next big thing so badly they made a pretty sizable series and even a shitty cartoon (or at least tried to)

Too bad the game is just not good. Controls like sonic but doesn’t have design or the same purpose sonic as. Design as a whole is random and confusing. It feels like these giant shitty scrambled platforming stages with hardly any thought gone in.

The personality is certainly there to give it credit but it’s damn annoying and I want to punch Bubsy in his stupid face.

Yet Bubsy came back?? I know it’s a joke and i’ll admit it’s hilarious Bubsy got games in 2017 and 2019 but outside of meme status the games are cat shit.

Bubsy the character, is emblematic of 90s animal mascots. He's got the "hip" personality, "radical" abilities, and a suspicious lack of pants. There are probably several warrants out for his arrest.

Bubsy the game, is somehow even worse as it takes every bad 90s platformer trope and pushes them into the stratosphere. The game is absolutely vile, and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody, not even those who enjoy the taste of trash. At least Awesome Possum had a message, this is just manufactured, corporate garbage.

I can't fucking believe that there are contrarians out there that say this game is decent. It isn't.

While I don't dislike Bubsy as a character on principle, this game does him absolutely no favors. It is consistently unfair as hell-- for a multitude of reasons. First, Bubsy accelerates at the pace of a snail, but once he gets going he puts on Luigi's Trademarked Butter Shoes and is damn near impossible to stop. This is already an issue on its own, but in Bubsy 1 you die in one hit and you absolutely will run into things you can't see if you don't inch your way forward. Even when you do that, Bubsy 1 likes to play practical jokes on the player, killing you with something nobody could have ever predicted. This usually occurs due to the incredibly small screen size in practice, and if this game didn't have the ability to forcibly scroll the screen forward by holding the R button, it would be genuinely unplayable.

And as it pertains to the things that aren't the gameplay, they're mediocre at best. The graphics are lacking and generally uninspired. Some of the tracks aren't grating, which is a positive, and I do like Bubsy's comments at the start of each level-- it would be a lot less fucking annoying in a good game where it doesn't kill you all the time.

All around the game is garbage, and Bubsy was never good.

What if Sonic but slower and not as good?

why does a 2d platformer have fall damage

yeah. i'm sure you already know of bubsy's faults with the first game, and they are all real! you move too fast, the level design isnt based around that movement, the mechanics of getting hit aren't based around that movement, and the whole game is kind of a mess. But it probably is the best out of the bubsy series which is.... something? really less of a "gigantic trainwreck" the internet really knows the bobcat for and more like "C-grade platformer of its time".

lo que pudo haber sido y no fue

A platofrmer with promise that shoots itself in the foot with horribly designed levels. You move so fast but die in 1 hit which creates a very unfun gamestate. Either play really slow and try to not touch anything, or memorize where every enemy is and most people probably dont want to invest that much time in Bubsy. The graphics and music are suprisingly good. This game is no where near as bad as some say, but it is far from a must play on the Snes.

Bubsy is one of the many...specimens that appeared in an attempt to rival Sonic the Hedgehog in the early 90s, and he was less doomed from the start than you would initially believe. It sold pretty well, better than Sparkster oddly enough, then Accolade pressed their luck a few more times and now Bubsy has just about mainstream infamy for his piss and shit games. The games are probably more known nowadays for their poor quality than even games featured in early AVGN episodes. I was wondering today, though, if the first title was really that bad. I've played some absurd bullshit and was kind of expecting to get around to this one sooner or later anyway, so might as well quit delaying.

What I learned is that it sucks ass, but it's not necessarily unsalvageable. This is about what I was expecting, a mediocre platformer at its core that was then rendered nonsense due to a few glaring flaws. The biggest issue is probably the combination of screen crunch and Bubsy's utter incompetence. He is probably three times as fragile as a glass bottle. It seems like they were more focused on making various ways for Bubsy to die than making actual fun platforming. He has a downright strange amount of death animations for a game this old, and they're always provoked with a single touch. If you take one hit he'll melt or shatter or split in half or some other shit. There are lots of old games where you only have one hit, but imagine if you were playing like Vectorman or something and he was that weak. That's what the screen crunch is like in this, it's another one of those games where the level layouts really don't match the screen size at all. Also he builds up ridiculous speed too, so you'll constantly crash into things that weren't even on screen long enough for your brain to register that they exist. Truly delightful.

At the start of each level, Bubsy makes some lame quip of sorts. You would think "oh, good, at least he doesn't talk as much as later installments," but it also plays over again each time you die, which is bound to be a ton of times. It gets incredibly grating. I don't see what the point of that is anyway, when instead you could just fade to black for a second and spawn back at a checkpoint instead of looking at the level's title card every time and hearing him spout dumbassery. It sounds like a minor nitpick, but it really starts to wear on you fast when you're the one with the controller.

The thing is that I feel like this game could definitely be fixed. If Bubsy himself had better physics, he had more hit points, and the screen was zoomed out a bit, it would probably be pretty serviceable. I don't at all think it's one of the worst ever, but it's got a lot of insanely frustrating issues. Not as horrible as a lot of content creators would lead you to believe, but still pretty goddamn bad and not worth a play.

Desperdicie tiempo de mi vida jugando esto

note to self: if people tell you a game is bad, they're probably right
(i played like 5 minutes of this before giving up)

The original Bubsy game has a lot going for it. Good graphics, an awesome soundtrack, a lot of animations and voice clips for a console game of its era, and a fun challenge that feels rewarding whenever you beat that next level that you are stuck on.

Someone picking this up for the first time nowadays might give up after encountering some of the cheap obstacles and fall damage, but if you give this game a chance and figure out some of the mechanics, there is tons of fun to be had. For instance, it is much easier to land your jumps on enemies or narrow landings by gliding whenever you are in the air. It also helps when you are in a new area you aren't yet familiar with to always look ahead of you to see what obstacle could be coming your way by holding the C button and the direction you are going.

One of the most appealing parts of this game is the soundtrack, which is significantly under rated. You will be humming these songs in the shower or when you get out of your car to buy groceries, only to realize that there are people looking at you, so you get nervous and shut your mouth.

I got this game around the time that it came out, when I was about eight. I have never played a platformer like this where you can actually die from falling too high (okay I played the Genesis version of Jurassic Park that has this feature, but you don't comically splat in that game like you do in this game and it just felt different.) Anyway, I must have died so many times because I couldn't even beat the first level, even though the game starts you off with nine lives (which I always thought was amusing). It was such a rush back then when I did beat the first level, and again when I beat the chapter 3 boss some time after that, and when I solved the chapter 6 funhouse puzzle and beat that boss. And guess what? It was still a big rush when I finished chapter 9 twenty-five years later

granted, I didn't play the game much over this 25 year period).

The game gets a lot harder starting from chapter nine, but if you master your landing skills and look ahead often, you will still continue to progress quickly. The final level was perhaps the best level of the game, I think because it was the most linear (and has some pretty awesome music). All of the other levels have multiple pathways, much like the Genesis Sonic games, which I think make the levels seem like there were just cobbled up by the level designer, at least in the case of Bubsy. I think that maybe this game would be more appreciated today if the levels were more linear like the final one. But I know nothing about video game design, so I am probably just talking out of my ass.

Bottom Line: Give this game a chance and decide for yourself if you like it

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what could possibly go FUCKING wrong !!!!!!

Perhaps Bubsy's biggest failing of all is the hubris of his creators trying to make him a star. If this franchise was allowed to die here, Bubsy could've been remembered with fondness as that relatively obscure and sorta difficult platformer game you played as a kid after renting it at Blockbuster.

Instead, this game is the start of an illustrious career of shit that would last decades. Almost tragic if you think about it. At least Awesome Possum was able to die in peace.

what could paw-sibly go wrong

I feel like playing this games actively makes you dirtier, you have to take 2 showers beforehand hoping on the 1st world just in case.

Una mascota de videojuegos que falló miserablemente....

Bubsy presentaba la premisa interesante de un personaje con la habilidad de planear, en un videojuego poseedor de bonitos gráficos y animaciones que parecía que iba a ser un digno competidor de Sonic The Hedgehog en los 90.

¿Logró Accolade dar en el clavo?, para nada.

Este no es un buen juego.
Empezando por el diseño de nivel, la experiencia jugable es una auténtica tortura de principio a fin: hay montones de trampas injustas, enemigos puestos fuera de cámara, segmentos con gimmicks engañosos, como las tapas del primer nivel que en un principio pensarás que te llevan a secretos escondidos, y en su lugar acaban siendo trampas mortales imposibles de deducir a primera vista.

La cámara es atroz, está demasiado cerca del personaje, impidiendo que tengamos una correcta visión de lo que tenemos en frente.

Se puede notar que segmentos del diseño carecen de sentido, como los objetos camuflados entre los fondos que inicialmente parecerán decorados, y terminan siendo trampas, o en los últimos niveles que abusan mucho de caminos sin salida que requieren saltos de fe.

Las físicas son horrendas. Bubsy salta con un impulso un tanto exagerado, y puedes morir de formas ridículas, desde perder vidas por fall damage, a colisionar contra las paredes al correr demasiado rápido. Hablando del control de Bubsy, no está bien controlado. El personaje corre demasiado rápido, y sigue en marcha aún cuando dejas de tocar el control pad del SNES.

En Sonic The Hedgehog 1 había inconvenientes con la cámara, pero eso era compensado con su sistema de juego que era presentado de forma bastante natural, con los anillos siendo un complemento para compensar los problemas de visibilidad en un sidescroll de velocidad rápida, sumado a que la habilidad de rodar te permitía reaccionar ante enemigos tras agarrar velocidad en carrera.

El sistema de vidas no está bien planteado. Pierdes al recibir 1 solo golpe, detalle empeorado por la sobreabundancia de muertes arbitrarias, y las vidas extra junto a los continues escasean en los mapas.

Hay un power up que te da invencibilidad, pero es raro.

Tienes bolas de hilo que te dan vidas extra, pero buena suerte intentando recolectar más de 500 bolas en un diseño plagado de trampas asquerosas, saltos de fé, y enemigos mal posicionados.....

La detección al tocar enemigos es pésima, puedes morir de formas realmente arbitrarias por este problema.

Lo poco positivo que se puede salvar son los sprites de Bubsy, bastante bien animados para su época, y la banda sonora.

Sonic 1 no habrá comenzado como una obra maestra, pero al menos tenía unas buenas bases para el diseño de nivel e irse perfeccionando con el tiempo, no como esta basura.

3/10. Bubsy apesta.