Reviews from

in the past

One fairly rough boss fight aside, this game rips. Smooth, creative loop with a lot of fun unlockables, gorgeous aesthetic and very neat world.

Creature in the Well could be more yes, but it is what it is and that is not a bad thing at all, in fact, it could be the beginning of an interesting saga if they wanted.

The development of the world is greatly put on the table during the few pieces of history that we can enjoy, the gameplay is original, intense but above all fun and makes us love to think quickly how to approach situations, although that originality is lost by not exploiting it as much and that's the biggest mistake the game mades and why it ends up being just another good game that is not brilliant, but just good. The small performance problems are not so noticeable and the graphics merge with its excellent artistic design to make something brilliant and original that ends with a good soundtrack.

Me surpreendeu muito! É um jogo de pinball com puzzle muito decente. Algumas partes são desafiadoras, mas a sensação de recompensa é muito boa. Se quer algo diferente do que está acostumado, não vai se arrepender de jogá-lo.

This review contains spoilers

Very interesting game and fun game, that eventually falls short on its plot. Could have been better, also the you can’t even see the creature’s full face just it’s bony ass arms and fingers

Art style is amazing and the idea of this game is cool but the story is boring and the levels are bland and it gets pretty grindy pretty fast

Some of my favorite games are those for which you hear the genre and double-take. Creature in the Well is best described as "Action Pinball," and it lives up to the curiosity that that label evokes. It's a quick jaunt through an interesting environment with stellar gameplay, and I look forward to returning to it.

Fun gameplay and cool artstyle, i really liked this one

The first time I played this game, I abandoned it. I didn't really like how the gameplay was going.
Today, I decided to replay it, playing with more attention and focusing a bit on the beginning before starting a podcast to listen to while playing. I realized that the game was fun. I had to remap some buttons on the controller to make it more comfortable, and after getting the hang of how to play, I really enjoyed the experience.
The story is intriguing, and I was eager to reach the end to find out the outcome, gradually understanding the story and how each level introduces new mechanics.
Maybe I would change the ending, but to avoid spoilers, I'll keep my opinion to myself.
It's a good game, short, fun, and with a nice level of difficulty.

Sinceramente no esperaba mucho de este juego, es más lo obtuve por la epic como regalo, y más allá de la estética y la historia no me llamaba mucho.

Pero según fui jugando y haciendo puzles y obteniendo desbloqueables me di cuenta que quizás no era el juego mas novedoso/explosivo en cuanto jugabilidad, pero si que me resulto muy divertido el proceso, sobre todo el averiguar zonas secretas por mi cuenta y el vencer al jefe final en pocos intentos.

What sets this game back HARD is the frustrating difficulty spike close to the end that made me abandon the game completely. It turns what should have been a chill, good looking, unique little game into a brick wall

A weird mix of pinball and puzzle solving. Wasn't my thing.

Thoroughly enjoyed this despite the frankly jarring difficulty jumps towards the end. The core gameplay loop could also get slightly repetitive but it was still quite fun and the atmosphere alone brings my rating up immensely.

Lo probé con mando y con teclado para ver si era yo que era muy manco y tonto y no, realmente no conseguía controlar el juego muy bien.
Y fuera de eso, es repetitivo a más no poder.

Gorgeous style, unique game mechanics, and a short run-time. While the game is well polished, I felt it fails to leave much of an impact. It's enjoyable, but only exciting for a scant sliver of its encounters. The mechanics escalate very gradually, and there's no real penalty for failure save for a stat page. I for instance "died" only 6 times. I also feel that the options for charge and strike blades are poorly balanced. I never switched off of the health-gain charge weapon, and only migrated from the chain-shock striker after I acquired the wide/split-shot striker.
I wish the connection between the creature and sandstorm had been better explored. As is it's just left quite vague.
I enjoyed my time spent in the mountain, though I'm unlikely to make a return trip.

A shockingly good game about smacking balls around. A super interesting gameplay premise that is made great by a charming art style, stellar worldbuilding and simple-but-challenging gameplay. The game allows you to experience the main story with the right amount of challenge, and also lets dedicated players complete some really tough rooms to get all of the fun secrets. And at about 5 hours long, there's really nothing to complain about. Wonderful game.

Damn, this creature is cracked at pinball

Short, sweet, and tough as nails. I've tried to beat this for the last two years on and off, and I'm really glad I finally beat it. It's a bit repetitive and linear at times, but when it shows it's true hand, it's phenomenal. The dungeons are great, although some rooms repeat, and the combat system blends pinball and top-down hack-n-slash. It had me pulling out my hair at times, so the difficulty is definitely there. It's really creative and cool, and the ending is beautifully simple. I really really enjoyed it, I just wish there was more.

If it were a bit longer and more diverse, it would easily be rated higher. I feel like there's so much you can do with this concept, and it just scratches the tip of the iceberg. It's a great 6ish hours of gameplay if you collect everything, and I enjoyed every bit of it. If there's ever a Creature in the Well 2, I'd be there day one!

Creature in the Well é um jogo totalmente original, afinal ele mistura pinball, hack’n slash e dungeon crawler. Lançado para Xbox One, PC e Nintendo Switch no dia 06/09/2019.
O jogo conta a história de um robô chamado Bot-C, um engenheiro determinado a cumprir o seu propósito que é fazer funcionar a máquina na montanha para livrar a cidade de Mirage dessa tempestade de areia que nunca acaba. Ao chegar na máquina, descobrimos que ninguém mais trabalha na máquina a algum tempo e que há uma criatura impedindo qualquer tentativa dos engenheiros de fazer a máquina funcionar.

O jogo funciona da seguinte maneira: cada setor da máquina representa uma fase com um boss no final. Precisamos explorar cada setor e energizar cada sala para abrir as portas necessárias para chegar no boss ou em áreas secretas que disponibilizam upgrades e ferramentas. Para realizar essa exploração precisamos usar os dois tipos de ferramentas disponíveis no jogo, que são as de ataque para rebater as bolas e as energizadoras para dar mais cargas as nossas bolas e assim poder carregar mais rapidamente os dispositivos de cada sala.
A exploração do jogo é bem gostosa de fazer, o mapa no início pode parecer um pouco confuso mas depois que nos acostumamos, facilita demais para terminarmos 100% de cada setor. A arte do jogo é muito bonita e faz o jogador querer explorar os cantos da pequena Mirage.

Apesar de toda criatividade, o jogo tem alguns problemas resultantes da escolha de mesclar todos esses gêneros. Infelizmente, quando o desafio do jogo começa a dar as caras, os problemas começam a aparecer. Após as primeiras fases em que estamos nos adaptando as mecânicas do jogo, a dificuldade do jogo sobe bastante e aí percebemos que muitas vezes seremos reféns da SORTE. A aleatoriedade do pinball faz com que muitas vezes em algum boss (ou até em alguma sala um pouco mais casca grossa) nos faça morrer simplesmente porque demos o azar da bolinha rebater em uma bomba e não ter para onde correr (isso quando percebemos, afinal estamos o tempo todo esquivando de adversários, bombas e tiros de máquinas enquanto tentamos energizar e rebater as bolas nos lugares corretos). Além da aleatoriedade do pimball, temos um pequeno problema com alguns comandos que não respondem tão bem como deviam e o “respawn” do jogo. Quando morremos, a criatura nos joga para a cidade com o mínimo de vida fazendo com que a gente tenha que recuperar a barra de saúde e retornar ao local em que morremos (seja por azar ou por erro do jogador). Isso pode se mostrar um tanto irritante se você morrer muitas vezes em alguma sala ou boss.
Creature in the Well é com certeza um jogo criativo mas que tem problemas justamente por causa disso. É um jogo gostoso de jogar mas vá sabendo de uma coisa: provavelmente você vai morrer simplesmente porque deu azar, relaxa e tenta de novo.

Le concept est intriguant, je me suis bien amusé au début mais c'est vite devenu répétitif et assez ennuyeux donc j'ai arrêté. J'y reviendrai peut être pour me refaire un avis

Another game i had on my Epic Games account that i finally decided to play and it was really fun.

This game is a pinball-dungeon crawler-puzzle game hybrid and it works suprisingly well.

The game can spike in difficulty at certain points but it's nothing too drastic. Also in the beginning it can feel like you're doing the same dungeon over and over just with different color scheme but trust me it gets waaay better and more interesting.

I 100% completed this game in 5 hours so you have no excuse to not play it if it is also in your "free epic store games" backlog.

ngl,i really liked the gameplay and the artstyle,its a good game but it kinda falls in the middle

i loved wacking a ball into bouncers and the BONG sound, i thought the collection of electricity as a currency and door unlock was super neat, the setting was fun and well-crafted, and the art!!! gorgeous.

i was also waiting for it to get juuust too hard for me, and it did. i was genuinely enjoying the frantic energy of the boss fights until they tilted a bit too far into the wrong direction.

it's gotta be hard making games. you come up with all this original and inventive stuff, it gets barely any attention, and then you get jerks like me who actually pick it up and appreciate it until it gets tough and then we put it down and complain.

Fun and fairly short arcade-y action game that extrapolates Breakout into something deeper. It’s a bit repetitive and I hit a number of bugs (including having to beat the end boss 4 times due to bugs with the finale), which left a bad taste in my mouth.

Forgot how much I actually enjoyed this! The setting is still incredibly interesting and the sword/ping-pong gameplay still feels really fresh. The difficulty spike toward the end of the game still really sucks, though.

Played a few minutes, the core mechanics do not feel nice and everything I've read about it makes me think it will not improve.