Reviews from

in the past

Pretty alright 2.5D platformer, has some interesting ideas but the gameplay itself is just alright

Feels like a hotdog. Fun for a little bit but then you realize that the experience did not match the amount of money you paid for it

Joguei esse jogo na Gold do Xbox 360 (para mim ele passa uma vibe nostálgica), é um bom jogo

mediocre game that doesnt do anything offensively bad, except for unresponsive controls, but doesnt do a single thing good either. story and characters dont hit the mark, pacing of the game is too fast and is in conflict with the setting. exploration is meaningless. there is no reason to play this.

лол, чел просто не умел плавать, кекв .
игра сильно устарела и видимо всегда была кривой, ужасно игратется что на геймпаде, что на клавиатуре. Сыграл на ноуте просто потому что нечего было делать, не рекомендую. игра проверку временем не прошла. хотя местами интересная.
так как я на работе прошел зис, и блядь мне есть что сказать.
Впервые нахуй я пробывал в нее играть в году этак 2014, но дропнул потому что мне она показалась душной и кривой. Прошло много времени, я прошел многие игры, и знаешь что? Я и тогда был прав нахуй. Игра кривая пиздец, персонаж тебя вообще не чувствует и это ахуеть как взаимно, в игре пропадает звук из кастсцен, и это нихуя не я один такой (далеко не один). Все кто проходили игру (я периодически смотрел на ютабе), просто в ахуе от того, что игра просто непонятная. У меня раз 7!! просто игра багалась и вставала афк нахуй. Я ее скачал чисто пока нет стим доски побегать на старом ноуте какую-либо хуйню сидя в приемнике. Как бы вроде и не жалею о потраченном времени, но просто так игру не рекомендую. Ах да, по старым заветам чел не умеет плавать. И знаешь что? он в конце умирает от того, что типа добежал до реки, прыгнул в нее и... все
это типа задел на сиквел, который мне кажется хуй выйдет. Кекная игра канеш, вроде норм, а вроде с багами,лагами хуягами, идешь нахуй.

Deadlight: Director’s Cut is a fine game if you look at the main story mode. Story and characters are not good but the art style and gameplay keeps you hooked. However, if you go for the platinum trophy like me and delve deeper into the systems of the game with the other modes Survival and Nightmare; you will see how broken this game is. And while I did finish the main story in 6 hours, that was my all collectibles run. You can easily finish this game in 3 hours, even less. If you are interested and the price seems good to you for 3 hours, go for it. But definitely don’t get into this game thinking about trying those two other modes and I don’t recommend going for the platinum on this one.

The Full Review(No Spoilers):

Good Ideas, Bad Execution
Deadlight: Director’s Cut is a remastered version of Deadlight from PS3 that came out on PS4 and Xbox One. I played the original game a little bit on PC when it came out but I haven’t finished it. It was leaving PS Plus so I decided to finally go back and finish the game. And unfortunately, I found a pretty mediocre experience.

Deadlight’s story is unfortunately one of the weakest parts of it. We play a man named Randall in a zombie apocalypse and we try to reunite with our wife and daughter that we lost. The story is a mystery. Why did we lose our wife and daughter? Where are they? But unfortunately, the ending of the game is not good. It gives us the answers we were looking for but they are not good answers.

Character wise, it’s even worse. Randall is the only character you will remember in the game and he doesn’t have much of a personality. This game really hasn’t been developed with a story and characters in mind. So what about the gameplay?

Deadlight is a 2D action puzzle platformer. Randall was a park ranger so he is pretty good with jumping from platform to platform, wall to wall, building to building. Platforming is simple but fun. Unfortunately, it’s also very buggy and glitchy. That causes a problem in some sequences where you need to do platforming fast and it especially causes problems in a certain game mode. We’ll come back to that.

Puzzle sections are also very easy. Mostly it’s about trying to get to the next platform. You might need to do some exploring and you might need to push or pull some boxes, switch on or off some levers etc. It’s all the usual stuff but it’s enjoyable. The problem with the gameplay is mostly in the combat part.

Combat is not fun. Thankfully it’s optional in most cases but this causes a problem in a certain game mode as well, we’ll come back to that in a minute. Let me explain how the combat works first. We both have melee and ranged combat. Ranged combat works fine. We have a pistol and a shotgun, ammo is tough to find so you need to use it carefully; again it’s the usual stuff.

Unfortunately though, melee combat doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work. In order to kill a zombie in melee combat, you need to do a charged attack when the zombie is on the ground. It works for one zombie and sometimes two zombies. More than two, melee just becomes impossible to do. Zombies grabs you, you try to mash a button, your health bars goes off one by one, it’s not a fun experience.

Main story mode doesn’t have much combat, but there is a mode that has a lot of combat. Before that, main story took me around 6 hours to complete and I tried to find all the collectibles. That’s a pretty good runtime in my mind. I enjoyed the main story. And collectibles, well they are okay. There are two types of them, one of them are the lore ones. You collect diary pages and clues and they give you more information about the character you are controlling, Randall, and the world.

The other type is the more important one with the upgrades. Health upgrades and stamina upgrades. These are important, but they are also very well hidden. Without a guide, they will be hard to find. But again, they are useful. Especially stamina upgrades.

After finishing the main story, you can and probably should delete the game but if you want to continue there are 2 more modes. One of them is the Survival Mode. This is the mode where you try to survive, as much as possible. It’s endless. But this is where the combat shows how broken it is. This mode just spawns zombies crazily, and the combat just stops working. You also see how broken the platforming is because sometimes you will have to run away from the horde. This mode was not that fun and getting the 2 trophies required for this mode was a pain.

However, this mode feels like heaven compared to the third and final mode in the game. Nightmare Mode. You play the main story again, but with no health upgrades. Less ammo. And if you die, you go back to the beginning of that certain act. There are 3 acts in total. You might lose 30 minutes at worst, 10 minutes at best if you at the end of an act.

This mode unlocks after beating the main story if I remember correctly so you will already know the solutions for every puzzle which makes it go faster. But, here is the totally crazy and unnecessary difficulty. Let’s say that you played for 2,3 hours and finally beat Act I. You will now start from Act II. So you wanted to close the game and continue tomorrow.

Nope, you can’t do that. Because closing the game resets the acts. So you need to go through all the acts in one sitting, without dying every act. And in this mode, you see all the broken stuff in the game. Your character might not want to grab that ledge, it might want to jump in the opposite direction you wanted it to, your melee weapon swing get go inside a zombie or your button press might just not register.

Technically, this game is a trainwreck. It is horrible. Bugs and glitches are having a carnival in this game. Sounds are also weird. The only good thing technically is the art style. I really liked it. And there are also a lot of locations. Cities, Sewers, Hospital etc. I don’t want to spoil some late game locations.

Deadlight: Director’s Cut is a fine game if you look at the main story mode. Story and characters are not good but the art style and gameplay keeps you hooked. However, if you go for the platinum trophy like me and delve deeper into the systems of the game with the other modes Survival and Nightmare; you will see how broken this game is. And while I did finish the main story in 6 hours, that was my all collectibles run. You can easily finish this game in 3 hours, even less. If you are interested and the price seems good to you for 3 hours, go for it. But definitely don’t get into this game thinking about trying those two other modes and I don’t recommend going for the platinum on this one.

Story was a bit all over the place, voice acting was odd, and the gameplay was frustating at best.

Not usually a fan of this type of game but I loved this

joguei esse jogo na época do xbox 360 uns 9 anos atrás e continua tão divertido quanto eu lembrava, já a historia era melhor quando eu não sabia inglês

Deadlight is an easy sell for me because it's a cinematic platformer, a subgenre that hasn't been all that popular during the last 25 years or so. I think there's not even a community tag for it on Steam.
Besides that I don't think Deadlight is all that great either, the somewhat grounded animations the genre is known for are undermined by the addition of wall jumping, and the story is frankly terrible, one could say it's generic at best.
However, the movement and presentation are solid, I especially like how high contrast lighting is used to take advantage of the fixed perspective. It's a commonly used resource among bleak zombie stories, but it looks good and helps with the readability.
So, overall, I make a net positive balance out out of Deadlight. However, If you want to get into the genre then I recommend Oddworld: Abe's Odysee or Another World to start out instead.

uno de esos juegos que te pasas y no sabrias decir ningun aspecto positivo ni tampoco negativo. es un videojuego que existe y hace cosas.

Decent Steam Deck game and a very original mixture of genres - 2D action platformer + zombie survival game + puzzle game + narrative game. While each element works well on its own, when combined the game does have some problems.

First of all the movement feels... off. During combat or running the main character is very swift, but whenever you need to climb something or do some more complex platforming he suddenly becomes very slow and heavy. It creates a very weird dissonance between subsequent parts of the game, and it threw me off a lot. Don't get me wrong, both the platforimng and combat are pretty good on their own, but I don't think they mix together very well. The puzzles are fine, I guess. There isn't really a lot of them and most of the segments which include them transform into platforming sections once you solve them, but in this case it feels more natural.

And then there's the world and the story. The general vibe is very similar to The Last of Us - we have to fight these monsters, but people are monsters too sometimes etc. The main character of the game is written in a pretty interesting way, but it doesn't always show. Throughout most of the game he's insufferable, but after skimming through the pages of his diary which you are scattered across the levels you can see that he's a pretty complex character. The game also delves into psychological aspects of how a zombie apocalypse could affect people's lives which while interesting is also handled in a weird way. There are like these singular moments of realisation that "hey, I just thought of something interesting we could write into the game" but it rarely goes beyond that. The game is honestly full of great ideas, but it's very clear that this was the studio's first game - even despite this version supposedly being the "director's cut".

Despite the shortcomings though, I still think this is an ok game and I had a good time with it. I think all the ideas present in the game make it worthwile, even if you'll sometimes find yourself wondering if they shouldn't have been done differently.

This review contains spoilers

É um jogo fraco.

Deadlight é um jogo o qual eu joguei sua demonstração faz bastante tempo, no período do Xbox 360 ainda. Ele chamava minha atenção por causa da identidade visual e porque zumbis era algo em bastante alta naquela época.

Eu imaginava que fosse um survival horror, mas está mais para um jogo linear de plataforma 2D (ou 2.5D?) com elementos de horror e sobrevivência. Nele controlamos Randall Wayne que, aparentemente, faz parte de um pequeno grupo de sobreviventes tentando chegar a um local supostamente seguro, “safe point“, enquanto procura por sua esposa e filha que acredita que estarão por lá.

O jogo começa já com nosso meninão metendo um balaço numa mina desse grupo, Karla, porque ela aparentemente foi mordida e está pra se transformar. Do nada, outros três sobreviventes, também membros desse grupo, aparecem e discutem a situação revoltosos, um deles é irmã da recém defunta. Eles acabam por se separar e planejam se encontrar nesse safe point.

Jogo vai, jogo vem, aparece um grupo paramilitar que, aparentemente, caça outros sobreviventes e, consequentemente, caça seu companheiros. Logo nós encontramos um dos nossos companheiros morto. Sem saber onde foi parar o resto do grupo, ele vai seguindo seu caminho.

Fugindo dos zumbis ele acaba sendo salvo por um maluco chamado “Rato” e tem seus equipamentos roubados por ele. O cara coloca Randall a prova em algumas armadilhas que ele criou lá no esgoto, seu abrigo. No fim da provação ele pede para que Randall vá atrás de seu filho, que fugiu dos esgotos atrás de comida, em troca ele vai fornecer informações a respeito do paradeiro de seus outros companheiros e família. Randall vai.

Enfim, no caminho tu foge desse grupo militar que também está atrás do menino - e não é explicado exatamente o porquê -, encontra o menino e fogem juntos. Quando voltam pros esgotos, o Rato diz que escutou que seus amigos foram levados para o estádio de Seattle - poisé, esqueci de falar, o jogo se passar nessa cidade - e lá vai nosso protagonista.

Chegando lá, ele salva seu parceiro - que eu não lembro o nome -, mas ele não sabe onde está a menina - ou sabe? Não lembro também -, muito menos sua esposa e filha, então eles pegam um helicóptero que tá dando sopa por lá e vão a caminho do safe point. O parceiro acaba morrendo de alguma coisa no meio do caminho e derruba o avião. Ele morre e Randall segue.

Importante, ao longo de todo esse tempo de jogo nós temos visões em relação a nossa família que não dizem nada e ao mesmo tempo fica óbvio que ela já foi pro saco faz tempo.

Tô com preguiça de escrever: Randall é capturado; Randall foge; Randall salva a mina lá de um estupro; Randall foge com a menina; Randall é um cara gente boa; mina dá chilique; Randall lembra que se matar a mina, é quatro pra conta do pai; menina para de chilique; Randall taca a mina num barco; mina foge; Randall fica pra morrer.

Uma merda.

A very average game that has very basic gameplay, a little satisfactory, the story didn't really captivate me, the character has no character at all, the game only has 2/3 hours of campaign, I beat it in just one day.

i kept dying but that's okay 😔❣️

Finished in 2 and a hours but nevertheless a fun little zombie platformer. Shitty plot twist though
Ranging from 6-6.5

este juego me lo pase en una tarde creo y estuvo ok, entretenidillo

This was fun a good zombie game bit short but done it's job well

A premissa é excelente, mas os controles e o desenvolvimento são muito aquém do que poderiam ter sido. Tinha muito potencial mas é só outro clone de limbo com menos carisma e problemas mecânicos graves.

I don't think this game was by any means bad, enjoyed some moments, but combat was wonk and story was okay

I don't remember much of this game, but it wasn't bad

Provides a new spin for zombie games by going the 2D platformer route. Rather than letting you rack up the kills, Deadlight forces you to approach the undead with caution. Groups of them are to be avoided due to a lack of ammunition, a stamina bar that drains when you use melee attacks and leaves you vulnerable when it empties, as well as a very real sense of mortality. You're given all the tools to outsmart and outrun them, so combat is minimal leaving the game open to provide some solid platforming challenges.

With a silhouetted visual style akin to that of Playdead's Limbo and comic book style cutscenes, Deadlight is dripping with style. The tale it tells and the world developer Tequila Works has built is filled with dread. It has the kind of bleakness The Walking Dead TV show has been struggling to attain for years now. Collectibles scattered throughout the game, on top of being well-hidden at times, flesh out the experience with dark side stories to go along with that of the main narrative. A shame there's so much overacting and outright bad voice work though.

There is a little bit of extra content in this director's cut. Such as the new survival mode. Something I find to be a very questionable addition. It feels out of place for a game largely about not fighting the undead to have such a combat-centric mode. It's not much fun because of that. Those looking for an extra challenge can play through the Nightmare version of the campaign upon completing it the first time, which tasks you with playing through story with checkpoints only occurring between chapters. While you're gifted with an alternative ending upon finishing it, the control issues like the unreliable wall-jump and occasional unresponsiveness make it much less appealing to do so when you can just check out a YouTube video instead. Then there are the multitude of technical issues that can screw you out of progress. I don't know why this rerelease didn't get more bug testing.

Overall, Deadlight is a worthy prospect for the zombie fanatic. It's got a decent little post-apocalyptic plot and the visual aesthetics make exploring its rundown locations a blast. I was put-off by the glitches and control flaws, but in the end I was kept engaged by itss solid platforming. There are some really fun moments to be found. While there isn't enough new content to make it worth revisiting for those who already experienced it on last gen consoles, this director's cut is now the definitive way to go for new players.


Does pretty well with the Walking-Dead treatment of the standard platform formula. However, the characters are just miserable and the ending is rushed and it's quite hard to care.