Reviews from

in the past

Pretty awesome little DOOM clone for the first half until it falls prey to thoughtless, bullet-spongey enemy spam. Even still, it's just too easy to root for this thing imo - it boasts incredible graphics for 1996 and (despite having the type of pre-analog-stick controls that eventually start sanding your thumb away on the D-pad) has first-person PS1 movement that doesn't feel clunky (if anything, it's actually a touch too slippy). Despite being Insomniac's first game, their knack for idiosyncratic sci-fi level design and eccentric weaponry are already immediately apparent - you don't have to look too deeply to see the seeds of what would later become Ratchet & Clank, Resistance, and even Fuse being sewn here. Cannot believe I hated the - to quote 50 Cent - "legendary corny" FMV cutscenes the first time I played this because honestly they're a hoot and holler: totally tossed-off exposition being delivered dead serious in sets that resemble a Chuck E Cheese, how can you not dig it at least a little bit? Great game if you turn it off after the Reactor level.

Insomniac's first game, pretty much a Doom clone. It's pretty fun but it's not going to blow anyone away. Very funny cutscenes between levels.

Not very long, but indeed a sweet FPS game. This was the first game by famous Insomniac and the start of their partnership with Sony. More on the linear side, levels looking really nice and unique, so it not gets boring visually, as a lot of FPS games from the era do. Definitely a more enjoyable experience on PS1 than terrible ports of Dark Forces or Duke Nukem 3d. The game also has cheezy FMV cutscenes and simple character abilities system, which is still, utilized in gameplay. Old chunky controls aimed to fit the original pre-analog PS1 controller may scare people who do not get used to "Traktor" control schemes.

Serviceable PS1 shooter whose most notable feature is the ultra-cheesy FMV cutscenes between missions. Movement and especially platforming aren't great, but that's sort of to be expected given that this is a pre-HALO single-stick console FPS. Still though, your dude feels like he's on ice skates, and jumping makes you soar through the air like a paper airplane fired out of a rail gun. Thankfully the level design is usually good enough that it's not too much of a hindrance.

In addition to guns, you get magic powers, but they suck, and they especially suck when the level is designed to withhold traditional guns and ammo to force you to use them instead. The enemies are varied, but dull, and some are unforgivably spongey.

Middling. Inessential. Sorry, Insomniac.

Before they made Spyro, Insomniac broke onto the PlayStation platform with a Doom-like in which you play as a brick wall dense soldier who’s been granted the ability to use his mind to tap into different psionic abilities.

Disruptor should be best remembered as a successful attempt at creating a first person shooter for the PlayStation that takes advantage of the hardware’s 3D capabilities to great effect. Disruptor runs smoothly, only falters in moments of high particle nonsense, and features 13 levels that are largely navigable with a standard 4 direction dpad with ease.

It should also be remembered for its cheesy, earnestly acted FMV cutscenes. The production value is so low, and the acting so broad that you can’t help but smile as everyone chews scenery between each mission.

What it won’t be remembered for is it’s weapons, which all feel pretty mushy to blast into your enemies, and your psionic abilities that have weirdly tight collision boxes that have a tendency to miss even at close range. Or it’s lengthy levels that have a single mid-level checkpoint and only give you three chances to restart from that checkpoint. Or it’s relentless difficulty curve that continues upwards throughout the game’s 13 levels.

With some tweaks to its checkpoint system and some retooling of its weapons, Disruptor could be a really great PlayStation first person shooter. As it stands, there’s fun to be had, especially in its earlier levels where you’re comfortably zooming along, blasting dudes without a care, but it can’t sustain its level of fun under its relentless challenge.

Let’s just be glad they figured it out in time for the PlayStation 3 launch.

Kinda on the boring side but I'll admit I didn't give it much of a chance.