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in the past

100% World Tour

Jogo muito divertido na pegada de Top Gear (inclusive tem músicas feitas pelo mesmo compositor) com pistas temáticas de vários países pelo mundo.
Achei que acabou ficando um pouco repetitivo depois de um tempo, pois cada país tinha o mesmo tipo de desafios, uma narrativa daria muito mais vida ao modo World Tour.


Tudo nesse jogo é um desastre. A gameplay repetitiva ao extremo por 12h seguidas (Mario Kart de super nintendo tem mais diversidade de gameplay), sem balanceamento nenhum e lotado de DLC paga.
Músicas legais, porém

Прикольная погоночка с Сега мега драйв

Could not fathom sitting down to play this as the sole activity, but it's a great little steam deck game while I'm watching something

Play it while listening the initial d ost.

At first glance, Horizon Chase Turbo looks like a fake video game, the sort of thing you'd see a character play in a TV show for a few seconds. The extremely clean models, bright environments, and smooth animation just give it this uncanny quality that doesn't quite gel with what your expectation of a real playable video game product is. When you're sitting down to play it yourself, however, you'll realize that this art style wasn't just created to evoke a sense of nostalgia for the classic arcade racers Horizon emulates, but to help you enter a sorta of zen-like state, making it easier to anticipate curves to swerve around rivals. I put a ridiculous amount of time into this one, and almost all of it was spent in a sort of trance.

Horizon Chase Turbo is broken up into several modes, but the main attraction is the World Tour, which is features 12 countries with three circuits each, plus an "upgrade race" which you can complete to increase the stats of your cars. Tracks are littered with medals, and collecting them all while placing first will earn you a "super trophy." Collecting all the super trophies in a circuit will unlock a bonus car, and each car you unlock gets its own little adventure mode consisting of five races. This is in addition to a tournament mode, which itself is divided into three tiers with multiple circuits each, and an endurance mode which I did not check out because there's already too much game and I was getting burnt the hell out. Seriously, I can't think of the last time I got this much game for like, five dollars. There's a reason I marked this as "played" and not "completed," because I just don't have it in me to spend another 20 hours with this thing trying to soak up the rest of its content. Doing so would only make me hate it.

I can, however, see myself coming back to this in spurts. The core gameplay is pretty solid as far as classic arcade racers go. Going back to something like this, my biggest hurdle was unlearning my compulsion to drift and instead lean in to curves. Overtaking opponents is all about developing a familiarity with the course and your vehicle and knowing when to hug a turn or apply a boost. Each car feels like it has its own strengths and weaknesses, which encouraged me to actually play with quite a few of the vehicles in my garage. A number of them are modeled after famous cars from movies, games, and other media. The car from Initial D is here, you can unlock the 1980s Batmobile, for a couple bucks you can get the convertible from OutRun. Of course we all know that's what they are, but due to international copyright laws... they aren't.

Unfortunately, a lot of the good will Horizon earns in its opening hours is burned by an extremely frustrating middle game. It seems that as the team stretched for content they lost sight of what made tracks fun to race on, opting to increase the difficulty with blind turns and weather effects designed to obstruct your visibility. There's a few tracks where it's almost impossible to tell where the road is, and of course they're riddled with hairpin turns. Each race has twenty cars (including yourself) and you always start at the back of the pack. You can get an initial boost if you rev up at the right time, but this will often just send you banging into someone's bumper, which causes you to then slow down and them to speed up. Naturally, the AI is also tweaked to become more difficult, but only in the sense that they start to swerve to cut you off more often, and they accomplish this through some very obvious rubber-banding. I can't count the amount of times I approached a rival only to see them snap across the track unnaturally to prevent me from overtaking them. It all ends up feeling incredibly cheap and irritating.

And yet, the difficulty pacing is so off that the hardest stretch of game is smack dab in the middle. Once you beat Dubai it's pretty smooth sailing until the last circuit in Hawaii. I have no idea how this game looked in 2018, but simply playing it in this state made me wonder if each country was released one by one as free updates. It would at least explain how inconsistent it feels.

Despite how uneven the game can be, I still had a good time with it. Again, I got this for like, five bucks. It's hard to be too mad about it at that price. Definitely pick this one up if you're a fan of old school racing games, but also wait to do so until it's on sale.

Não tem como, sucessor espiritual é o CARALHO! Esse jogo é literalmente um remake de Top Gear, cara.
Que jogão, tem ótima apresentação, trilha sonora sensacional e visuais incrivelmente fodas. SImplesmente esse jogo tem tudo de bom e mais um pouco.


Esse jogo é muito bom, ele é um diferencial nos jogos de corrida atuais, ele tem um estilo gráfico muito bonito, ele é leve, é um jogo divertido e com uma proposta de gameplay muito boa, é um jogo que recomendo.

nem gosto de jogo de corrida, mas esse até vai

Horizon Chase Turbo is a love letter to early 90s racing games. Developed by Brazilian team Aquiris, it sets out to be a spiritual successor to the SNES Top Gear games, which were and still are extremely popular in the country — as someone who did grow up with Top Gear 3000 (the third game in the series), I can say with confidence it succeeded with flying colors.

The main campaign, World Tour, takes the player through 12 locations, each with about 12 tracks, plus an extra race that allows the player to choose an upgrade for their vehicles. As mentioned above, the main goal of this game is to replicate the Top Gear style of racing: you don’t really have much liberty in where you drive along the track; you accelerate, brake, and steer to overtake opponents and cut corners. Additionally, there are no shortcuts whatsoever. It’s very simple, but engaging.

Track design is simple. Tracks go left, right, up and down. It doesn’t have the ramps and warp pads introduced in Top Gear 3000, and obstacles in the tracks themselves are rare — you’ll lose more speed from bumping into another car 99% of the time. Most of the races are pretty short, although some (particularly in the India and Japan stages) can be decently long. Winning nets you points, which unlock more cars (as well as the final set of races, Kilauea). More points can be obtained by collecting coins during races; collecting all of them and then getting first place nets the player a Super Trophy.

Finally, unlike the first two Top Gear games which have pit stops, Horizon Chase Turbo has gas canisters you collect along the track — you can run out of fuel during a race. It also does away with the damage system all three SNES Top Gear games had; if you crash, you aren’t penalized aside from the speed loss.

The player progressively unlocks cars as they play the game. Each car has a unique stat lineup, so the player can choose whichever playstyle they prefer. Most of the cars are obviously modeled after real-life cars, although some are parodies of fictional vehicles, such as the AE86 from Initial D. Additionally, each car has a unique set of dialogue, which can be triggered during races; this is a feature present in the first two Top Gear games, and, while it doesn’t present any advantage whatsoever, helps give each car a bit more personality.

The AI can be pretty unforgiving. It was not uncommon for the first place CPU to randomly pull out a nitro when I finally manage to approach it, or move to block me when I manage to utilize my own nitro — while very frustrating initially, it did force me to use new strategies for each race, and after a while, I could consistently score Super Trophies with not that much difficulty. In other words, I developed my own racing style, and it felt absurdly satisfying to see it pay off.

It’s worth mentioning the soundtrack. It was composed by Barry Leitch, the composer for the Top Gear games, and, as far as I can tell, was his first soundtrack in over a decade. Personally, I think it excels at capturing the feel of the SNES games’ soundtracks, and helps make the fast-paced tracks more exillarating. There are also a few remixes of the main theme from the first Top Gear, which is a nice touch.

The game also boasts a few side modes; the Playground presents five races with unique conditions, and these races are split into “seasons,” as well as an Endurance mode, where the player must race through a random number of tracks; the number increases depending on difficulty.

There are also Tournaments, which, as the name suggests, has the player racing in four tracks, with their score tallied by the end — while a good mode, there are far too many tournaments to complete, and, unlike in Mario Kart, completing a tournament in a higher difficulty doesn’t mark it as completed for lower ones, meaning that for some tournaments (lower difficulties have less tournaments), they must be repeated at least three times. I’m of the opinion this game mode needed to have some fat cut.

Lastly, the game has received a few DLC campaigns, with more on the way. I have not played the Senna Forever campaign (a tribute to Brazilian F1 legend Ayrton Senna) yet, so I cannot comment on it (I will update this review with it once I play and finish it), but I have tried the other two DLC campaigns; the Rookie Series campaign is a shorter, easier version of the main campaign, with less tracks, opponents and with the fuel mechanic removed, while Summer Vibes includes the Breeze car (an homage to OutRun) and 12 reskinned tracks to add a tropical theme. It’s just okay — the car is decently overpowered, and the reskinned tracks add pretty much nothing, but at least it’s only 2 USD.

All in all, Horizon Chase Turbo is an excellent revival of the early 90s style of racing games. It’s vibrant, fast, boasts a good variety of vehicles and race tracks, and while very simplistic at its core, the arcade-like design makes it very engaging; I have frankly very little to complain about with this game, aside from some weird balancing in the latter half of the game. While I may be a bit blinded by nostalgia from growing up with one of the games it’s a tribute to, I ultimately believe Horizon Chase Turbo is an absolute must-play for fans of retro racers — it succeeds at everything it tries to do.

A very tight, very casual, bite-sized racing experience that's pretty fun to keep picking up and dropping after a few minutes. Each race is barely a few minutes long and the tracks are very short but it all hearkens back to an age of extremely simple racers and is very satisfying to fill with trophies. My one gripe is that the game constantly shoves popups in the main menu to events and other modes and it's not possible to turn them off.

This isn't a sim racer, an open-world arcade racer or anything very special but that's actually exactly what makes it special anyway

Completed 100% Golden Globe
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: November 28, 2018
Genre: Racing » Arcade » Automobile
Finished in: 15-20 Hours

This is my second time finished HCT from PC to Nintendo Switch, so comfortable playing mobile. The addiction of completing all tracks with super trophies, it means collect all coins and get 1st place, is inevitable.

Maybe some of you never heard this indie title, a tribute classic to 80s and 90s arcade racers. Chase horizons and find the thrill of 16-bit classics. Soundtrack by the legendary racing games composer Barry Leitch.

✔ Reminiscence racing game at 80-90s arcade
✔ Holy moly soundtrack
✔ Advanced AI specially when blocking our way
✔ Loveable easter eggs cars
❌ Sometimes, fewer times, frame kinda drop
❌ Can't take any screenshot on Nintendo Switch
Verdict: 10/10 ❤❤❤❤

es un juego que si te quieres sacar todo quedando primero del modo principal es frustrante de cojones, pero si no vas a hacer eso, el juego se hace muy disfrutable, tiene buena musica, el control esta bien, si acaso lo de la gasolina se hace un poco cabron pero por lo demas esta bastante bien para pasartelo en 3-4 tardes

OutRun vibes. Divertido, frenético, simpático y adictivo. Arcade de conducción puro y duro con muy pocos aditivos. Va a lo que funciona y funciona muy bien.

Ninguém dá nada por este aqui, numa primeira olhada, mas ele tem umas dinâmicas bem viciantes e bastante conteúdo. Joguei mais de 30 horas e resolvi dar por encerrado, mas de vez em quando bate uma fraqueza e eu encontro o que fazer no jogo.


incredibly addictive and super fun!! i'm in love with the art style!

Ah, que jogo bem bom de jogar. Nostalgia bate forte lembrando de Top Gear. Ansioso por Horizon Chase 2!

Belíssima apresentação audiovisual, uma verdadeira carta de amor aos jogos antigos de corrida. Sei que muitos podem achar repetitivo, mas eu amei tanto o looping de gameplay que acabou não afetando minha experiência e fiz 100% de todas as dlcs. Ansioso por uma sequência.

One of the finest throwback racers of recent memory. Striking visuals, a banging soundtrack and addictive as all get out. It also has the AE-86, for all your Initial D related needs!

Using a nitro boost around a corner is the last thing you will ever do in your whole life

This game pays homage to the classic Top Gear games of the SNES era with a locked-in-center type of driving gameplay. The main focus of this game is the World Tour mode where you collect points by finishing races in the podium and collecting blue coins along each track. The more points you have, the more stages you will unlock as well as locked cars.

This game features a ton of tracks and unlockable cars giving a good replay value and a solid bang for your buck considering it took me over 10 hours to complete the World Tour mode. Controls are very accurate and there is also free DLC as well as paid DLC including a package paying tribute to the greatest autosport driver of all time, Ayrton Senna.

Um jogo bem divertido e a melhor parte é que dá pra jogar em multiplayer local com até quatro jogadores! Recomendo muito jogar a DLC do Ayrton Senna!

Poucos jogos de corrida me fizeram gostar do ato da corrida em si e Horizon Chase é um deles, com a versão Turbo claramente sendo a definitiva do título. Lindo, gostoso de controlar, com uma variedade interessante de cenários e carros pra controlar e um bom modo campanha com o World Tour.

Senti um pouco de cansaço na parte de gameplay, gostaria de ver objetivos e coisas diferentes pra fazer, mas um jogaço de toda maneira.