Reviews from

in the past

Slightly better than Game Freak's other Mega Drive platformer (Pulse Man), but not by a large margin. This is based off of some anime that I can't even find any footage of, so I didn't have much to go on while playing. The level design is, not surprisingly, very similar to Pulse Man in that it's often incredibly basic to the point of being a little boring. Worth a once over, but not something I could ever see myself coming back to.

O jogo já me ganhou na intro com o Taruruuto falando "SEGA" coisa mais linda

Magical Taruruuto-kun, pelos 3 episódios de anime que eu vi, depois que fiquei sabendo dele, diria que é inspirado em Doraemon, só que com um humor muito mais japonês, o que acabou isolando ele.

Taruruuto é uma criança de uma dimensão mágica que é acidentalmente invocada por um garoto que tem problemas na escola, como é de costume. Taruruuto então dispõe de diversas magias e objetos mágicos para ajudar o moleque, mas quase sempre atrapalham por burrice do garoto mesmo.

No jogo, o mago deve salvar seus amigos de um arqui-inimigo. O jogo é bem simples em execução, não precisando entender do idioma para seguir pelas fases. Seu ataque básico é extremamente simples, mas eficaz, de bater com um bastão, mas se puder pegar algo pra jogar na fuça dos inimigos, é mais fácil. Você tem um pulo alto, e pulando de novo, pode planar que nem o Knuckles, útil para pegar velocidade e passar por frestas na parede. E o último comando é magia, que você vai ganhando elas pelo jogo, são bem ocasionais e você só usará se estiver tendo problemas em alguma área.

Jogo extremamente charmoso, um dos mais bonitos do console, pode jogar sem medo.

CURIOSIDADE: É desse jogo que foram pegos cenários, inimigos e objetos para o hack PICACHU do SNES
The more you know

Great cutesy 2D platformer by Game Freak. It's easy, but never felt boring. I think Taru was the inspiration for Munchlax cuz they have similar designs

I beat this game in one sitting and immediately forgot about it. It's fun!!

Neat little platformer from Game Freak, good on the eyes and ears.

It's good! A solid foundation for what Game Freak would later do with Pulseman - shockingly polished for a '92 licensed MD game. I hadn't heard of Taruruto prior to playing this, even from retro anime fan circles, but damn a bunch of teams made Taruruto games for other 4th gen platforms too. Makes me wonder if the higher-than-average budget is because of Game Freak's talent or the anime's popularity.

Platforming is really fun - the jumping controls are a bit odd at first because your speed transitions naturally unlike Pulseman's sharp turns, but you get used to it eventually. Never really gets hard enough for it to be an issue anyway. The game's designed to be slow and beatable by anyone, but the addition of a glide mechanic and slope momentum open the doors for some smooth speedrunning strats. There's also a throw mechanic for disposing of enemies, but it doesn't have much effect on the gamefeel besides being a cute novelty when you return a boss' projectiles or toss a giant telephone pole around. The experience can dip pretty low in quality during its autoscrolling stages - specifically one in stage 3 where you hop across clouds while avoiding animals with janky hitboxes. And while level design stays smooth and varied throughout, it's really obvious how asset-flipping was used to pad out some sections of the game. Not terribly hot on the music either, or how sudden the game's ending hits: Dialogue and credits roll after a rival battle that feels like it should precede a final boss instead of being one.

A low 7 overall - mainly because knowing Pulseman just goes so much further beyond ruins it. A good all-around platformer on a console that desperately needed more of them.

Gostei muito do game,nunca acompanhei a obra original por que não tem nada em português na internet mas gostei do game curti bastante na verdade nem asmei

Super cute, super fun, and super short.

Games like this heal my old heart.

So this is another review on games that were on the Mega Drive 2 Mini. Unlike last time, this is a game I've actually wanted to play. The reason I didn't get to it until now is because I wanted to watch the Anime first. I still haven't done that though, yeah I'm sorry. I usually like to see the source material first but I guess this will be the exception.

So we got another early Game Freak title and like some of their early games, it's good! I really like the speed in this game along with your glide, in fact I wish Game Freak did another game like this. It's all fun but the game has odd difficulty spikes and the game is too short imo. It's only 4 stages long. Now I would complain you have limited continues since I don't usually like that in games but since the game is so short, I'll let it pass. Give it a try if you're ever curious while I start praying Game Freak makes more interesting games in the 2020s which isn't going to happen no matter how much I wish.

Cute, short, simple, and fun. I especially love building up speed in this game. If only I knew how to read.

Nunca sabré el género del protagonista.