Reviews from

in the past

i've forgotten about this, was fun at the time

Играл давно, но аж два раза проходил

Boring game, don't bother. Had to force myself through this one, it just isn't unique or interesting in any way.

Que obra espetacular meua migo.

i wish more people knew about this game

I would give it 5 stars but I cant seem to get it to work again

meu pc era uma merda e só dava pra rodar jogo mais ou menos isso aqui

jogo bom demais ta maluco, eu sou ruim e nunca conseguia ficar stealth, mas um dos melhor indie que tem

Indie Classic. Mark of the Ninja uses 2D perspective at its advantage to perfect stealth formula. In 3D games there's always an angle you cant see, but in 2D games stealth makes much more sense because you have all the information you need in your screen. On top of that you have perfect controls, nice AI and one of the most fluent stealth systems ever made. Upgrades you get also makes games even more interesting. Normally this game is very easy but you have secret levels, challanges and different loadout options for different types of players. Story is kinda average but i really dont play this types of games for its story tbh. Highly recommend it to 2D platformer and stealth fans

+ 2D Stealth is novel and unique
+ Anime style cutscenes are gorgeous

- Generic story didn't hold my interest at all
- Lack of focus in loadout options
- Nonstealth combat is clunky and unsatisfying

I didn't like this game much whether I was playing slow and stealthy or going loud. Stealthy, the game felt slow and I didn't like having to do quick time events to do kills. When alarms are triggered and you have to run it's faster paced, but felt too chaotic and sloppy to me. This game, not for me!

Pretty great stealth game actually.

if you into stealth games dont skip this game

good stealth game with cool history but thats it

Pior que depois de jogar esse jogo aqui e Dishonored (e as DLCs do Daud), eu passei a gostar bem mais de jogos stealth, talvez depois eu jogue os Thief também. Falando de Mark of The Ninja em si, provavelmente o melhor jogo da Klei (sendo que foi um dos primeiros) e um dos melhores jogos de stealth.

A gameplay de stealth é executada brilhantemente nesse jogo, sendo um jogo de stealth side-scroller, e como você percebe, o protagonista não é nenhum assassino, ou seja, se for pego provavelmente vai morrer ali mesmo, e pra compensar isso o jogo lhe entrega um arsenal de items que deixaria os do Corvo do Dishonored com inveja, como o Noise Flare (que atrai inimigos próximos da bombinha para onde explodiu), um Smoke Bomb (no tier 2 esse treco é god-tier), a icônica CAIXA, ou itens para matar mesmo como os Ravenous Insects (mata até os inimigos mais perigosos (tirando Stalkers) e devora o corpo deles junto), Fungal Spores (mata um inimigo e o cadáver mata outro inimigo que encostar naquilo) e muito, mas muito mais itens insanamente divertidos de se usarem em jogo, e todos conseguem ser úteis de alguma maneira ou de outra, e por que não combinar isso com trajes que mudam coisas do seu personagem, como por exemplo o Path of Silence que faz com que correr não faça barulho e você tem dois itens de distração (exemplos: Noise Flare e Smoke Bomb), mas com isso não consegue mais matar ninguém de nenhuma maneira exceto derrubar inimigos de lugares altos ou fogo amigo, ou um que dá dois itens de ataque e faz assassinatos sempre darem certo, mas faz com os itens não recarreguem nos checkpoints. Mas é claro, o que adianta ter todo esse arsenal todinho se o level design for ruim? Claro que o level design é muito bom né? E é mesmo, o level design É muito bom, sempre encorajando você a ir no stealth, ainda mais que algumas coisas podem fácilmente fazer barulho e atrair os guardas até detectarem você como correr e atirar dardo nos inimigos, e algumas fases são quase como um puzzle platformer, ainda mais dependendo dos itens e do traje sendo usado, e ainda por cima constantemente o jogo traz alguma armadilha nova para deixar ele mais e mais desafiador como os já citados stalkers e bombas. Ah é, estava quase esquecendo da parte do plataforma do jogo, apesar de não ser o forte do jogo, ainda é ótimo, você já começa com grappling hook e focus que para o tempo, permitindo fugir da morte certa ou usar itens mais precisamente sem se preocupar com os inimigos saindo do canto, mas além disso libera um slide, um glide e entre outras coisas, fazendo você do verdadeiro ninja, e o jogo vê isso e ainda bota uns desafios envolvendo plataforma, o único nitpick que tenho ao plataforma é que as vezes os controles do grappling hook e focus podem ser zoados e difícil de mirar no lugar desejado.

Visualmente o jogo é muito daora, lembrando um desenho de ação do Cartoon Network, pra mim até me lembra um pouco Titâ Simbiônico (é assim que escreve Simbiônico mesmo?), seria muito interessante se tivesse um jogo das tartarugas ninjas feito pela Klei com esse estilo de arte, meio no estilo da versão de 2003 ou o Rise. Trilha sonoramente (mais uma palavra inventada) eu diria que é nada demais, não tem nenhuma música que eu ouviria fora do jogo de fato, mas convenhamos aqui, ouvir os efeitos sonoros de correr e usar um item deixa tudo mais Ninja ainda (se é que essa frase fez sentido).

No fim do dia, eu pessoalmente prefiro mais esse jogo do qualquer outro jogo da Klei (até mais do que Don't Starve, e olha que eu tenho muita coisa pra falar desse), se tivesse uma sequência desse jogo eu jogava com certeza, e por causa desse e Dishonored depois vou querer jogar mais jogos de stealth!


Very fun side scrolling stealth game. I enjoyed this one a lot and started a second play through, which is not normal for me.

Rating: 9.1/10 - Amazing

The best stealth game out there. This game makes you feel like a true ninja and I love it.

An intriguing homage to basically every notable stealth game ever made - referencing everything from the ninja main character to a certain iconic "!" - Mark of the Ninja squeezes the tropes associated with the genre into two dimensions and nails its execution for the most part.

Every mechanic is well thought-out, melding cohesively to put you into the role of an outnumbered and outgunned ninja who nevertheless has the advantage of stealth and craftiness. Dashing ahead without a plan can often mean suicide, but the multiple ways you can dispatch enemies - stealth kills, attack items, environmental hazards, even spooking them into shooting each other - gives the player a whole lot of flexibility in how to approach each new area. It's my favorite type of puzzle game - difficult puzzles that nevertheless have multiple solutions and encourage you to have fun trying them all out. Lest you feel too overpowered though, the game also forces you to play by the same line-of-sight rules as the enemies - you can't see over ledges or out of vents unless you peek your head out, and often have to rely on audio cues to guess what's around the corner.

The game also deserves credit for making its relatively straightforward and predictable plot feel refreshing through its presentation - it's in the little details like the title screen changing the further you get into the game, and being able to find tomes that give additional backstory in the form of haiku! Without wanting to spoil too much, the aesthetics of the final levels are shockingly memorable, and I would say are worth playing through for anyone even if this genre isn't normally your cup of tea.

This game does have two marks against it - the first one is that once you have a handle on the various enemy AI routines the magic is lost a little bit as their AI is a bit too easy to exploit. The other is the controls - while almost everything feels fluid, quick platforming can ironically feel quite clumsy due to the ninja's ability to auto-stick to any surface he comes into contact with. Also, in screens with multiple grappling points, selecting which grappling point to aim at feels quite inconsistent.

It's still an excellent game in many ways - the host of unlockable abilities and fiendishly difficulty NG+ will probably keep me coming back!

The perfect stealth game. Metal Gear Who? Splinter What? This game makes every room of every level into an intriguing stealth puzzle. Cannot recommend highly enough, especially to 2d puzzle platformer enthusiasts since that is secretly really what this is.

Tense and enjoyable, but lacks that extra edge.

For some weird reason this game feels really nostalgic to me, even though it's not that old. I really enjoyed the stealth aspects of the game and had tons of fun with it. I believe it is a really easy game to pick up and have fun with.

قرار الرجوع لها افضل قرار
اللعبة ممتازة بشكل كبير، تصميم العالم وكيف يخليك تعمل اكثر من خطوة وفكرة لكي تنجز المهمة شيء رهيب، حتى الالغاز الجانبية ممتعة ورهيبة ممكن تكون افضل من العاب تعتمد على الغاز بشكل كامل
الرسومات في اللعبة على طريقة افلام دي سي الانميشن رهيبة بذات مع الظلال والاضواء
تنوع الادوات وكل واحد لها فائدة مش بس عدد كبير هكي وخلاص لا كل واحد يتلقى له مكان بيساعدك بشكل كبير
عموما انا ما توقعت تصميم العالم وكيفية استغلاله بهذي الطريقة للتخفي بتكون بهذا المستوى حتى مستوى الاعداء شيء رهيب مع ان في بعض الاحيان اشوفه غبي لكن هذي كانت قليلة فقط، فعلا الاعداء لو شافوا زملائهم ميتين يبدون يدورون عن النينجا والقاتل، المهم طولت كثير بس اللعبة تستاهل من اول ما لعبت اول مهمة خلصتها شدتني بشكل كبير وخلتني اتحمس ارجع العب العاب تخفي اكثر رغم اني احب هذا التصنيف بس ما لعبت الكثير منه

Maybe I'm being a little harsh on this game by only giving it three stars, so I'll start with my positives. First of all, and most importantly, the animation. Even though this is my first game of theirs, I always knew that Klei had impressive animators just from seeing clips of their works like Invisible Inc. and Don't Starve. But THIS is so much more impressive than I was expecting. The character appeal especially is outstanding, as are the cutscenes. If animation of this style and quality were made into an entire animated series, that would be something to behold.

Gameplay wise, it's pretty interesting mechanically. I like its way of incorporating light and sound into stealth, and especially how it very clearly communicates these elements to the player. There was never a single instance where I was confused about how a mechanic worked or frustrated at not having enough information to plan my attack. The only irritating things are 1) sometimes the AI will act funky after you've distracted an enemy, and 2) with levels this big I sometimes wish I could move the camera even more than it allows me to, particularly in cramped areas.

I really like all the upgrades. Ordinarily I hate when platformers give you extra objectives for collectibles as a way of padding out game time (like Yoshi games do), but I actually really liked trying to complete them all here. All the attack items are super cool; it's usually easiest to stealth kill most enemies, so when you're put into a situation where you can't do that efficiently, using items for a more unorthodox attack is always satisfying.

And last, but not least, the ending. No spoilers, but it is by far one of the most interesting, if not THE most interesting, binary choices at the end of a game I've ever seen. It's ruined a little bit by the fact that you can make your choice, watch the credits, and then immediately go right back and choose the other option, but I am genuinely amazed at how the game recontextualized my entire understanding of what was happening in the very last level, leading to a choice that was both interesting and one that I sat and had to think about before making. All the more impressive considering how invested I got into when I absolutely did not care about the story up until this point.

And that's where I begin to talk about my negatives, the story being one of the biggest. Until the end, there's almost nothing to it. I feel like I had no context for anything that was going on, so I both felt disoriented in the plot and was not invested in any moral questions the game asked of me. It doesn't help that there are only really six characters total, and you will kill at least 3 of them (don't worry, that's not really a spoiler).

Gameplay wise, despite how objectively well designed it is and how much fun I had with it, I could never escape the thought that it feels like a flash game, like something I could play on coolmathgames. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that, I had a lot of fun playing coolmathgames as a kid, but that feeling pervades every level.

This is also a stealth game through and through. I say this not as a complaint because I am totally down for that kind of gameplay, but I do bring it up to say that there is one way to play this. If stealth is not your thing, this isn't the game for you. Getting caught is detrimental to your progress, and there is no penalty for immediately restarting from the last checkpoint if you make the slightest mistake.

There also isn't much diversity in your approach to stealth. Almost every enemy in the game can be killed with a stealth kill, so most encounters will consist of you removing any light sources, creating a noise distraction, and when enemies aren't looking at each other, wipe them out one by one. I was fine with this, but there is almost no creativity or puzzle solving or opportunities to take out groups of enemies in different/interesting ways, and I think the game would be much better if that were present.

To make this clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with this game, and nothing that I didn't enjoy (except the story), but there's also nothing about it that's particularly standout either (except the animation). It was fine, but I will probably forget about it within the next few days.

Also, idk what's really "remastered" about it nowadays aside from packaging in all the DLC, which I didn't play anyways.

Very well done stealth. The story's serviceable, but the gameplay and platforming is very polished.

Klei Entertainment has had a pretty bad reputation with the not so great Shank series. It is a huge surprise that Mark of the Ninja turned out so well, in fact, probably one of the best indie games to come out this year. Mark of the Ninja succeeds in making you feel like a true ninja with great stealth mechanics, puzzles, and kill moves. However, Klei still needs to hire a new story writer because it isn’t very interesting. You are a ninja who is going after someone and you have tattoos that give you powers, and that’s pretty much it. You should play this for the action because that’s all you will care about anyway.

The game uses light and dark very well. The game is 2D so everything around you is dark. You have to avoid enemies by climbing up walls, ceilings, hiding in ducts, and even in objects. The game has a great kill mechanic where you press the kill button, but time slows so you can press a combo of a direction and the kill button that pops up on screen. This feels very satisfying and should be incorporated into more games like this. You have some weapons in your arsenal such as darts that can be used to distract guards by taking out lights, luring them into traps, and many other things. You get smoke bombs, mines, and even an ability to see everything around you and to teleport. That is what a ninja is really like, and I haven’t played a game yet that makes me feel like one (sorry Ninja Gaiden).

The controls are silky smooth if a little sticky when clinging to walls and objects. As you progress you can level up by completing optional objectives and finding hidden scrolls throughout the levels. You can acquire new moves like killing from above, snagging enemies while hiding etc. You can even unlock more ninja weapons and gadgets for your arsenal. The whole system works really well and the gameplay is just so addictive. There are multiple ways to approach objectives, but you can never fight head-on. That is what I like about this game. If you are caught you need to flee and hide until the enemies settle back down. Just a couple of shots will kill you. Thankfully checkpoints are very fair unlike the Shank games and don’t set you back too far.

Puzzles are pretty fun in this game because they require reflexes more than anything. Hitting tripwires may send arrows flying at you, but there’s a crank that pulls a box up along a wall to block them. Cranking it up as you climb the wall is the way to go, but some get really tricky but are fun to solve. This game is just pure fun and I felt like a ninja the whole way through. No guns, no super fast martial arts, just stealth, sneaking, and being a part of the shadows.

The graphics are beautiful and actually are part of the gameplay. Everything seems dark and shadowed, but when things are in the light they are fully revealed. The only thing visible to you in shadows are your glowing red tattoos which are really neat. My only complaints are the story and there really isn’t enough variety in enemies. I wanted to see more, and the overall game just gets repetitive towards the end, but if the story were better you wouldn’t feel that way.

With great ninja gameplay, smooth controls, fun stealth mechanics, and interesting puzzles, Mark of the Ninja proves to be one of the best indie/arcade games this year. For the low price, you have nothing to lose except a few hours having a lot of fun.

One of the greatest stealth action games