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Medal of Honor continues having an identity crisis.

This game is so fucking weird. Its presentation tries to sell it as a more authentic WW2 experience, while its gameplay is the most arcady and unrealistic MoH has ever been. The health system is unlike anything I've ever seen. You have 4 blocks of health, each of which takes one or two shots to diminish, but unless it's completely diminished it can recover. This clearly incentivizes staying in cover and avoiding getting hit. The aiming system is also pretty unique. You can't move while aiming down sights, but you can lean in all directions. Also the only way to prone is via aiming while sitting and pressing down, which is weird, but you get used to it. These mechanics clearly encourage a careful playstyle, the kind we usually see in Call of Duty. Yet the upgrade system rewards you for rushing into crowds and taking out several opponents in a row. And the rewards you get are also improvements to the reckless playstyle. For example, you get a large magazine, which allows you to shoot without reloading longer, or a double-magazine, which allows for faster reloading, or a knife attachment. All these are very useful in close-quarters combat and not so much in distance. The ironsights are also much less reliable than before, which makes you wanna come closer to the enemy. This dissonance haunts you throughout the entire game. The most fun I've ever had here were moments when I'd jump into a room with a shotgun and go on a killing spree, but this always leads to me nearly dying. Btw the impact from hits here is so satisfying that it's very hard to resist using the shotgun. What I found really cool is that they allow you to select a loadout before the mission, but that also contributes to that dissonance, as it breaks the immersion.

The main concept of the game is brilliant. You play as a paratrooper and every mission starts with you parachuting onto the map. This is a genuinely great idea, which in theory should allow for many ways to complete the same missions. But this idea is ruined by a terrible level design. Levels are mazes. Every task is usually hidden in such a location that has only one access point to it. Whichever part of the map you land in, you're still gonna have to go through all the same corridors because there are impassable obstacles and invisible walls. And OMG, I don't think I've ever seen THIS many invisible walls in any other MoH or CoD. So, despite technically allowing you the freedom of traversal and custom order of task-completion, the game ends up feeling MORE linear than the actually linear WW2 shooters. In this regard it compares unfavorably to even Medal of Honor: Heroes, a PSP game. Speaking of which, when playing Heroes, I sometimes felt that it would be nice to have a mini-map, because sometimes on the radar several tasks can be out of range, so you don't know which is closer. But in Heroes that wasn't much of a problem because the maps were smaller and easier to traverse. But here I'd often run in circles trying to just get to the next task, so here a mini-map is almost crucial.

Despite its flaws, the game feels like a solid shooter for a while, until it decides to go insane. One of the missions places you on a bridge packed with panzergrenadiers and expects you to make it through. Like what the actual fuck? They supposed to be anti-tank units! When has ever in the history of humankind anybody ordered an entire fucking platoon to wield rocket launchers against regular infantry? Then later in the game you are introduced to armored MG42-wielding elite soldiers that can take two fucking shotgun shots to the head point-blank. This is just bizarre. These must be some kinda genetically-modified super-soldiers. What is this doing in a historical WW2 game? So anyway, these guys are bullet-sponges and a pain in the ass to kill. So naturally the last mission is PACKED with them. After you complete all the tasks and have to escape, you're gonna have to go through a room with at least 6 of them. Good luck. I died like 5 times there before I memorized the layout and decided to make a run for it. They're deadly but pretty slow.

I guess I have to give this game props for not having any escort missions, turret sections, tank-driving sections or horde-mode sections. But then again this game doesn't really have much of anything. I beat it in 4.4 hours, but that's including deaths, unskippable briefing cutscenes and my tinkering to launch it on Linux. So in reality there's less than 4 hours of real gameplay here. I'd honestly rather recommend Medal of Honor: Heroes instead. It's a more modest, less expensive, but much more polished and fun implementation of mostly the same formula.

Muito fraco. Pior que os de PS2, parece mais um retrocesso do que um avanço pra franquia. O hitbox desse jogo é um dos (se não O) pior que eu já vi.

Desbalanceado e repetitivo. A história do jogo segue o padrão de jogos baseados em guerra. A jogabilidade não é muito divertida, mas o real objetivo é sempre explodir coisas e matar os nazistas.

O jogo tem um progressão muito repetitiva e um sistema de mira HORROROSO. Mas sem dúvidas a pior coisa do jogo é a IA.

Os inimigos são extremamente injustos e desbalanceados, sendo mais rápidos e melhores do que TODOS os seus companheiros (sério, os Snipers desse jogo é bizarramente desbalanceado).

De positivo eu destaco o capitão explicando a missão no projetor e a mecânica do paraquedas em si. Os gráficos deixam muito a desejar e eu tenho certeza que se você jogar esse game em qualquer dificuldade que não seja o fácil você vai se irritar em algum momento.

Medal of Honor Airborne é um jogo medíocre, nem ruim, nem bom, há momentos divertidos e há momentos chatos e cansativos.
Gráficos extremamente datados, mesmo pra sua época ele peca muito no visual.
Gameplay é travada, Call of Duty de PS2 conseguia ter uma gameplay mais fluida.
A história é mais um contexto, um tema de demonstração, o jogo quer praticamente te mostrar o que os paraquedistas "faziam na guerra" (isso é um ponto positivo até).
O jogo é difícil, não por ser difícil e sim por ser chato, cansativo e com essa gameplay horrorosa que me deu dor de cabeça em vários momentos.
Sinceramente, se não fosse os detalhes das armas, as animações de recarregar bem-feitos e todo esse contexto quase que realista que o jogo passa eu teria dado uma nota bem menor, mas não posso negar seus méritos.

It's good, but messy. Accomplishing objectives in whatever order you want is awesome and dropping in at various points on the map is mostly fun. Some enemies are obnoxiously spongy towards the end of the game which make the bolt action rifles not fun to use because enemies will take shots from those without flinching while shooting back at you. The Springfield is annoying when you shoot and unscope you have to restart the animation where you chamber another bullet, which is like, are you fucking kidding me how do you fuck this up so bad. Upgrading weapons is fun and rewards you for continually using one weapon, but I found that some weapons just performed way better than others, giving me no reason to use the crappier weapons. Enemy spawns are also wack, this game isn't shy about blatantly spawning enemies within your field of view which ruins the immersion, and even when you can't see enemies spawn, it's pretty obvious when they do. The enemy AI is also stupid as hell, they have a habit of running you down and hitting you with the butt of their gun instead of trying anything else, it's pretty comical when you have a shotgun because of this. The game also has terrible depth of field and motion blur effects that I had to turn off to play the game without getting sick, it was that bad. The aiming also feels a little wonky and was extremely difficult to hit anything without turning the mouse sensitivity down to almost the lowest setting which has never happened to me in any other pc game before. The game also effortlessly handles relatively large environments that you can move through and you never have to deal with loading screens mid-level which is pretty impressive for a 2007 game. In spite of my problems with this game, I had a lot of fun playing it and would recommend it to fans of WW2 FPS games.

O último Medal Of Honor que prestou, apesar de ainda sim não ser bom.

A temática paraquedista é bem interessante e o gameplay é bem fluido. Possui ali uma mecânica de upgrade das armas que é simples e até certo ponto desnecessária. O level design começa ótimo, mas vai perdendo a graça conforme o jogo passa. E por fim, a dificuldade que em alguns momentos é extremamente quebrada. No hard, a parte de enfrentar o cara com a colete e metralhadora e a parte dos snipers é MUITO cansativa de roubada. No geral, é um game bem ok.

Wanted something mindless to kill some time but actually ended up really enjoying it. The guns feel pretty good and I liked the upgrading mechanics. It honestly still looks pretty good too for an early 360 game. Story is basically nonexistent but who cares that’s not what people come to these for. The difficulty spike in the final level is kinda insane too.

Played this while my dad worked out to animal by neon trees

contrary to the selling point of this death knell for medal of honor, "parachuting onto an open map" is largely an illusion. your potential range of movement from the game's in-air spawn point limits your choices, there is no true starting wherever you want. further, there is clearly an intended order of operations for each level and you're dissuaded from straying from it. if you think you're cheeky parachuting onto a roof to get a noscope montage, think again. enemies have impossible precision no matter their distance from you, they are doom hitscanners on steroids and strict enforcers of no fun allowed. player aiming (and overall accuracy of the weapons) is so profoundly unreliable you are constantly fighting against it and left unsure why your shots aren't hitting. it's generally better to spray and pray than attempt to line up shots. i would feel relatively confident declaring airborne's gunplay as the worst in history. the ironsights/stance switching system is a kool implementation. the campaign's only a few levels long and they cheap out on the big set pieces because they're too concerned with giving you a false sense of freedom. there are invisible zones in the game where as soon as you pass them your squad actually begins doing things, encouraging you to just speedrun the whole thing. visual fidelity holds up but it is hard to believe this is unreal engine 3 with its ugly flat lighting that causes entire levels to bleed together into a canvas of haphazard strokes of grey and brown

Weakest of the classic Medal of Honor games, but still a great game regardless.

Fun game and the maps were good but almost all the guns sucked and it's waaaaaaay too short. I finished it in around 3 hours.

Medal of Honor: Airborne adds some new ideas to the stale WWII genre. Some of these ideas work, some don’t. The open map design, freedom to tackle things in any order you want, and fun weapon upgrade system were welcome additions I’d happily see more of. The frequent parachuting not so much. Throw these mixed ideas into a short, shallow experience with no story at all and woefully frustrating hit detection and you have a very average WWII game. It’s not without it’s charm, but there are better alternatives out there.

The last “Real” Medal of Honor game. Bit of a step back from European assault gameplay wise, but has aged pretty well graphically.

moh a açık dünya yakışmıyor

This game is just really bad, boring combat and missions.

A breath fresh air in the franchise. Although the latter games were good, they were still following the same WWII FPS formula.
Thankfully they tried something new with the start of the generation, droping from the airplane at the start of each mission (and sometimes after dying), seeing the whole map and beeing able to choose where to start is great.
This goes along with the open-ended level design which is way superior than the linear corridor from previous games, and an all new weapon upgrade system that, while basic, is a nice change and incentivizes changing weapons to see how they will turn up.
The different locations you go through are a massive improvement, as they are more divesified and generally with a landmark estructure to draw attention, a nazi fortress, a roman ruins temple, the destoyed church, a tank factory, and that Flak Tower which is the most memorable setting from the franchise. Wish the game was longer.
That said, the ideia of spawning enemies in an open environment game like this breakes a lot on how you approach the objectives and is a shame the last two missions loose themselves on the overabundance of the worse enemy-type, snipers and rocket-lauchers, finishing the game with a bad taste.
Disappointing that EA pushed this aside to make a Modern Warfare Clone.

Starting Operation Market Garden with that optimism from the soldiers as Arnhem from Frontline starts playing is a banger.

It sure is fun to drop off a plane and parachute off to the battlefield, that's the biggest difference from this game to other fps of the time, thinking about it, it was one of the few ww2 shooters at the time and the last one for medal of honor in a while.
The gameplay is a weird mix of tactical movement with leaning and high bullet dispersion, but leveling up weapons and grenades in battle, same for enemies that increase in armor as you progress, ending in SS that love to spam rockets.
The game is fun most of the way through until the rocket SS...
Today the game is censored on PC, the Nazi swastika got replaced by the German army symbol.
its about 6 to 8 hours long, its ok, not much else.

Medal of Honor started the first person shooter World War II experience back on the original PlayStation. As time went on they redefined the genre on PC with Allied Assault. It helped put WWII shooter’s feet on the cinematic ground. Frontline was the series last good game, and slowly after that, the series fell flat on its face with mediocrity, with EA only caring about money. Airborne continues this trend and it’s dead obvious how little effort they put into the game.

You play as a soldier named Travers (like we care at this point) and you go through various WWII scenarios that you have probably gone through dozens of times before. The first thing you will notice about Airborne is how repetitive it feels in comparison to other WWII shooters. It doesn’t do anything new and re-treads the same ground that we are sick and tired of. EA tried to make us feel different about this with a new approach to level design. You play as paratroopers that jump out of planes at the start of every level onto green flares. These are safe zones and contain crates of health, ammo, and grenades. Once you hit the ground you will notice that your minimap is pointing to various objectives. No longer do you follow a linear routine and take it one at a time. Pick a direction and run, but that’s when things start going bad.

Every map plays out the same, shoot some enemies, push forward, rinse and repeat ad nauseam. The enemies will keep coming in different pockets of the maps until you advance and take them out. This isn’t a new trick and just gets old quick because that is all you do. Place a charge on this AA gun, blow up this equipment, blow up these thanks. No thanks. I have done this countless times already so why do I want to do it here? The whole “nonlinear” map idea doesn’t really work because it makes the game ridiculously difficult and you will die dozens of times every level. Every time you die you jump back out of the plane losing not objective progress, but advancement progress. If you just pushed back a huge group of enemies and die you have to do it again. Your objectives are just checkpoints, and this gets frustrating beyond anything you can imagine. The game throws way too many enemies at you, but there are even problems with weapons.

The game has a nice upgrade system for doing so many kills. For example, the MP40 will upgrade with a double clip, reduced recoil, and a knife melee attack. This is the most interesting thing in the entire game, but EA for some reason made the guns inaccurate to accommodate for upgrades. Guns jump around more than you are used to and no matter how well your aim is you always miss about 60% of the time. Once you hit the less recoil upgrade it isn’t so bad. All the same WWII era weapons are here (except the Sten) and it is yawn-worthy.

Thankfully the game is short with only 6 levels so you can beat the game in about 6 hours. No matter how you slice it the game is just extremely hard, repetitive, boring, and unoriginal on every level. They even went back to the health pack system which is just archaic in design. You would think at least jumping out of planes is fun? Not really because if you don’t grease or flare your landing you botch it and it involves a nauseating and disorienting animation of your character wobbling around while getting up and pulling the weapon out in a weird way. While this is happening guys are shooting you and you will recover with one health bar left. Nice job EA for screwing every single thing in a game up that you possibly could. Even the graphics are pretty bland and aren’t anything special.

Overall, Airborne is probably the worst Medal of Honor game I have ever played. Monotonous shooting, ridiculous difficulty, screwed up para trooping mechanic, failed level design, and a retread of a genre everyone is tired of. Do yourself a favor and skip this unless you really need a WWII shooter fix. Forget about multiplayer as well because there are only 6 maps and no one is playing online anyway.

It is quite orthopedic with an Xbox 360 controller, in terms of story is a normal Medal of Honor (the plot of the American soldier who is honest, brave, sacrificed and faces the unscrupulous and cruel Naziz [that last one well]), a detail that I like a lot, is that when you die having fulfilled an objective (save point), the mission loads with you falling with the parachute and you can see from above that objective being fulfilled, making reference that your previous game was a soldier who died fulfilling his mission, and that your current game is another soldier who advances from his steps, very cool.

Truly cemented the downfall of the MoH series. The fact that this unpolished turd came out the same year as Modern Warfare is crazy to me.

fps de segunda guerra genérico

Medal of Honor Airborne has an interesting conceit: rather than a linear campaign, its huge levels allow you to start anywhere. But the controls are awkward, the character models and frame rate are poor, and you're frequently punished for completing objectives out of the game's preferred order. (Excellent sound design, though!) Airborne gave me a few moments of legitimate excitement, but the long stretches spent running aimlessly through deserted levels ensure this isn't a game I'll come back to.

If it wasnt for the sniper rifle and other weapons that just make some parts of this game a pain in the ass then this would be one of the greatest first-person shooters ever made. Really love the open map design and how you can tackle the objectives in any order. Theres just the right amount of maps and theyre all different to each other in some way or another, which prevents the experience from getting repetitive. Playing the game in hard mode can get a bit frustrating in some parts but theres not too many of these moments. With that said some of the maps are amazing and have impeccable pacing. Getting yourself a shotgun or an SMG and blasting your way through numerous enemies inside a bunker or through trenches is really fun. At the start of each level youll jump out of a plane and land on any part of the map you want. The cinematics in the beginning vary from level to level. Your plane gets blown up or one of your squad mates gets shot and it really pumps you up to just start shooting once you land. The graphics are great and the game just looks stunning in some places like when youre parachuting.

MoH last good installment, and a pretty solid one too