Reviews from

in the past

Apartando de que la última fase estuvo muy difícil y me dio quebraderos de cabeza, la verdad es que me ha gustado muchísimo el juego, ya que es un juego con un estilo muy simple, pero bonito y enternecedor, además de que tiene también una música ambiental preciosa y juega de manera genial con la perspectiva.

Un juegazo que, si os gustan los juegos de puzzles, no os debéis perder.

Jogo lindo, trilha sonora boa e puzzles muito divertidos de resolver. Não sou tão fã de jogos de puzzle, mas esse é realmente muito bom. As últimas fases são bem desafiadoras.

fun little puzzle game, the main campaign is very easy but the additional episodes actually make you stop and think for more than 1 second which is fun

Never thought a pillar could make me so emotional.

Great game and one of the first to make such great use of perspective to create mind-bending puzzles. They aren't too hard to solve, but the experience alone is worth it.

One of my favourite games, replayed for the 9th time or so. (Not logging Distant Shores or Ida's Dream. Replayed them too). Totem I love you.

A gorgeous, creative and extremely compelling game. It's short, but very sweet, with quite simple puzzles but a great sense of satisfaction as the world shifts around the protagonist. Probably the most elegant mobile game I've ever played. A fantastic experience.

A wonderful blend of colorful minimalist levels with a surreal and mysterious vibe that create a unique experience. You progress through the levels by altering your surrounding structures and environments in clever ways, creating visual illusions that are very entertaining.

The puzzles themselves are not very hard but make up for an enjoyable short but sweet experience on mobile.

Juego de puzzles bastantes cortito en el que la geometría y las perspectivas juegan un papel importante. En cuestión de historia pues como tal no hay una, así que solo es cosa de preocuparse por resolver el reto que nos presenta el nivel y pasar al siguiente.

Realmente disfrute de Monument Valley, para ser un juego de celular está bastante bien. Creo que también tengo la secuela así que estaría bien darle un vistazo.

Played once again via the PC port that came out JUST today. It's not an particularly difficult game, but it's one that is an entire experience all on it's own, and just feels nice to play on top of that. I'm so fucking glad we can finally play this and the similarly excellent sequel, on something that's not a phone now.

A very neat perspective fuckery puzzle game that's extremely well suited to phones. The many interactable objects work really well on the touch screen, and then when you're ready to move your princess tapping where she should go is very intuitive. The world has a lot of style with great color choices and shading that make the minimalistic palaces feel grand and stately. Throughout the length of the game the optical illusions not stop being neat, and they spice up the puzzle based journey nicely.

Redownloaded this on my telephone, turns out I was near the end of the game in like 2016 but never bothered to finish it. Final level is a seriously excellent challenge. Love the visuals and sound design, helped relax me for a bit.

these games were so cool and for what

it's fine for a puzzle game. kinda boring

Puzzles muito criativos e agradáveis.

i think this was more fun when i was a kid but it's still a good and beautiful game

Um jogo com uma direção de arte única que remete as pinturas de Escher, e que apesar de curto e simples, é uma boa experiência visual e auditiva.

This game is basically an interactive M.C. Escher painting. You move your little dude around non-Euclidean spaces while interacting with the environment to progress. It's okay, it has a really great art direction but I couldn't help feeling like it was an inferior Fez.

An alright puzzle game that continues to have its art style and vibe co-opted by every other "indie" game on the market. The aesthetics don't hold enough of my attention to get through the game.

A puzzle game with no puzzles

This game is bursting with colorful, inventive geometry that makes for curious puzzle boxes that shift and metamorphose. It’s one of those games that really takes advantage of its platform. Every screen is made to be played in the palm of a player’s hand, with animations that make use of the vertical screen to progressively unfold levels and their puzzles. The puzzles themselves are solid, but don’t require too much brain twisting. It’s on the short side, but that fits, too.

Visuais maravilhosos, músicas ótimas e puzzles desafiantes.

Gorgeous puzzle game. Love the mind-bending perspective stuff.

A masterclass in visual storytelling and puzzle gaming.

Not too long, easily digestible with unique puzzles, and minimalism storytelling is done well. Good stuff all around.

played this game years ago and from what i remember its really good
it lead me into this sort of rabbit hole of games that play with perspective and that was fun for a bit
ran out of games eventually tho
the sequel wasnt out on android yet though so i had to wait and by the time it did come out i had already forgot about it so i still havent played that one
but still really good game, maybe a little short