Reviews from

in the past

A while ago, I found that secret room hidden in the other secret room in the 2nd level.
It took me a while to find out it existed, and when I did bring it up to other people?
A friend said you could push the item potions into each other to make 1ups.
Somehow I didn't know that either. This game is chock full of secrets. God damn

if you knock the crawling turtle enemy onto his back he kicks his legs in the air. and if you stand on his legs they slowly push you to the side. cmon

Game itself was genuinely cute and challenging, but it is genuinely such a strange game. The final boss of the bad ending is such an easy character to beat compared to the previous boss before it, and even the snail on the third level. Also too many times did it have things ahead of me which hurt me without even giving me a chance to react to them, which is a bit of a stupid problem with it.

Anyway, I'm never doing the good ending. This is my canon. Mr. Gimmick dies from heartbreak, fuck that jellybean.

An insanely technically advanced game for its hardware. The last couple of stages are brutal, but it's worth playing to see a physics engine and complex AI in an NES game. It's also very cute.

Gimmick! is a majestically arranged, strikingly puzzling platform experience. It toys with its mechanics parallely to progression as difficulty curve, it polishes precision through never aging intricate mapping whilst reasons upon instrumentability. It performs as a double story in a metanarrative level so long as it gimmicks with you.

There is no Gimmick subject, rather the gimmicky that evokes peculiarity; perceptible through multiple excentric creatures behaviour patterns, their traits portray singular aspects that manifests their intentions in somewhat comical fashion. Meanwhile its condemnation of ressentiment; subtextually, florishes a secret, unharmful livelyhood narrative. A genuinely beautiful, however simple.

I'm a sucker for these types.

Underrated as hell! Seriously satisfying and fun to play

I like reading about Gimmick. I like reading about how it was developed and how its soundtrack was written. I like watching it, I like watching people talk about it - especially illusory wall's Retro Games Dissected video on the game.

I love the way Gimmick sounds, and I love the way it looks. It's obviously a passion project, but it's also a one last hurrah for the Famicom, a showcase of what can be done out of this system that was originally made almost ten years ago (at the time of Gimmick's release) to play ports of Donkey Kong.

But I don't like playing it. The star as a weapon is cumbersome and tricky to manage, even if it's a great concept; I think the game didn't need quite as much momentum or traction to its controls; a maximum of 4 health feels a little unfair; and getting the secret items can be challenging to the point of absurdity.

So do I like Gimmick?

Geez, I don't know! Do I?

This game has no right to be as good as it is. LISTEN TO THE BASS

I used to tell friends there were no games worth playing on the NES, equating the time one would spend playing its games to be no more than how long one would spend playing Atari 2600 games. This was only a few years ago, mind you, but I was completely over the console. And despite the handful of games I'd enjoyed on it, I found myself hating it. While I'm not fully sure what brought me to feel this way, one possibility was that I'd grown tired of Nintendo continuously reselling the console's games to us players. This seems to be a sentiment shared by many, and I don't think it helps that Nintendo usually resells the same batch of black box NES titles, some of the plainest offerings of the library, and then forgets to offer games from the many other late consoles in their corporate catacombs (cough cough GameCube). Either way, I'd lost sight of the games I liked on the NES, one of them being the now cult classic Gimmick! (yes, the exclamation mark is part of the name).

At launch, it was definitely obscured; additionally getting critically panned by EGM and Famitsu alike, but through various offerings on the internet, it gained more notoriety than it originally saw at release. Something that's certainly left a mark on its secondhand prices, wherein both its Japanese Famicom and Scandinavian NES incarnations it's one of the most expensive releases for the entire system's library. Though in light of that, of course, more people now know of it, myself included. I probably wouldn't have known about it were it not for either Pat the NES Punk's coverage on the game or HG101's old article on it. And to that end I'm thankful, because it's one of the few games that actually makes an edgey gamer like me slightly emotional.

Said emotional onset, is probably due to the fantastic music in the game. The lead programmer, composer, and sound programmer; Tomomi Sakai, Masashi Kageyama and Naohisa Morota, respectively, all worked together to completely max out the Famicom's sound capabilities. Even going so far as to use a custom sound controller called the SUNSOFT 5B, which gave them a few additional channels to work with to really make the music feel live and alive (sparing the technical details, it's a really cool piece of hardware and those intrigued by it should absolutely look into it). As many may tell you, the tunes are good enough that they'll find themselves listening to them just for the heck of it. Something I ought to do myself more often.

One thing the contemporary reviews did take particular notice of at launch were the visuals. These are astounding. Every one of the seven stages has a distinct appearance, and there are all sorts of minute details. Be it the seagulls hovering in the background of the beach stage (those guys make noises too!), or the variety of smooth machinery animations in the mine and tower stages. Coupled with the music, the scenery really shows how rich the NES could be at its best. And I think the final stage absolutely showcases this in my favorite way, as it's the easiest stage in the game, but only as a brief reprieve from the action before the tough final boss. Appropriately fitting, is a slightly ominous mood with a contradictingly serene atmosphere, brought on by the music, the little spikey cat creatures running around, whatever those giant those tooth-shaped creatures lumbering about are, the peaceful dragon statue spouting water, birds twittering, and more. It's a real treat, if my detailed gushing about it didn't already indicate as such.

And of course, though I compliment these things, they wouldn't make the game a masterpiece on their own. Thankfully, the gameplay in Gimmick! is not only wholly unique, but it's a joy to play and works extremely well in the modern gaming age. The protagonist, Yumetarou, has a star projectile he can generate and shoot with the B button. It takes a little bit to get the hang of since it's got its own velocity and will bounce around the screen for a bit until it leaves the area or loses speed and disappears. It's an interesting mechanic, and you must rely on it the entire game to discard enemies and even ride around on it yourself to reach areas normally inaccessible. Things don't simply revolve around that however; Sakai also implemented slope inertia into every single slanted tileset you walk on, and so you'll find yourself jumping a lot to tactically reposition yourself. It makes way for level design that's smart and challenges the player to think in new ways, furthered by the supreme difficulty of the game. If there's one thing people know the game for, it's the challenge. This game's not very long by any means, 30-minute arcade game length at that (perhaps part of the reason the 2020 Exact☆Mix version exists), but you'll most likely take longer than that the first handful of times you play it. It's tough, but far from impossible to get the good ending. This game has the perfect level of challenge to make it both addicting and never feel cheap. It'll grab you by the hair and force you learn its ideas; trifle you with the dastardly boss AI for a little while, before soon making you a master of its ruleset.

This game's a perfect blend of exquisite aesthetics and gameplay; a true passion project from the small team that made it. I think this makes for a good account of why Gimmick! is an awesome game worth your time and adoration. Thanks to me wanting to play the original Dragon Quest games, I've been reminded of the sheer quality of the NES library, and I don't think I'll find myself forgetting that again. Sure there are stinkers like Mario: The Lost Levels, but there are wonderful games like Gimmick! to play instead. Fortunately, a port to modern consoles and PCs was recently announced, so if you haven't already played it, I'd suggest picking that up when it releases. Personally, I'm gonna try to get as many people playing this game as possible, it's too good for me not to.

you're gonna want to bust out the ol game genie for this one (SKVTTSVK for infinite lives lol) because it's reallll tough, which would typically not be my kinda jam. however, gimmick OWNS so hard that it was worth retrying parts of each level over and over again, seeing what little secrets i could find by bouncing the star off a wall and going wherever it takes me. gimmick's character and enemy designs are so darn cute and the level and backgrounds are ridiculously detailed, making this feel like it could've come out today. i loved this! im gonna have to smoke some more 8-bit games because i've been missing out (dragon quest 1 review soon....).

This is probably going to be one of my more controversial opinions but this game just didn't do it for me as much as it does for others. I'll admit, there's a lot to love about this game like the presentation and just all of the small details that are presented here. You can tell a lot of love went into this title and it's got one of the best OSTs on the system. Even said all that though, I just don't enjoy playing it sometimes. I really want to love it but I feel like sometimes I'm trying to force myself to love it like others do so I'm sorry but while I think it's a good game, it was just a little too annoying for me at times. I still will commend Sunsoft for making games like this despite my opinion, just look at how far they came from their kusoge like Ikki and Super Arabian back in the early Famicom days. Proud of them.

This is pretty crazy for the time. The music, graphics, and physics all feel like something straight out of a retro indie platformer on Steam or something. Not sure why it wasn't released in North America, considering the quality.

Mr. Gimmick is kinda like the anti-Kirby's Adventure. Both are incredibly pretty games with cute protagonists, but while Kirby is relaxing, Mr. Gimmick is absurdly difficult, especially for its true ending requirements and true final boss.

The attack is really slow, can only have one out at a time, and you can ride it which is really neat but it's hard to utilize that practically due to the slowness.

The physics are a common point of praise, and they are really good, but Gimmick always feels like it's on ice as a consequence. I wouldn't consider it a worthy trade-off.

Its physics are very modern and graphics almost as good as Kirby's Adventure, but then it falls into a ton of old Famicom trappings that truly keep this game from shining.

It being a functioning platformer that deviates from the Mario formula earns it above average marks

Made a quality double with Umihara Kawase, two underplayed games that are absolutely insane to be able to exist on their respective consoles. Maaayyybee my favorite NES game

Goddamn, this game is amazing.

The presentation is top-notch for NES standards. As usual, Sunsoft did an amazing job with the soundtrack and the visuals kinda look like a mix between Kirby's Adventure and Super Mario Bros. 3, which I appreciate. It's probably the prettiest looking game on the NES.
I like the star as a weapon, it's a bit tricky to manage but it feels rewarding to master. Some levels have parts that you can only reach by using the star to help carrying you and it always rewards you for doing that, which is great.
What can I say? It's a charming, cute, and very well made platformer and I wish more people knew about it. I'm happy that I finally got to play Mr. Gimmick because it's now one of my favorite NES games of all time.

The best NES game by a country mile. Not that there aren't other fantastic NES games to sink your teeth into but wow this game really is something.