Reviews from

in the past

Me acuerdo perfectamente canjear en Playfulbet el juego aleatorio de Steam y que me saliese una key para ésto.. cago en su puta madre.. menuda mierda

This game is honestly super fun, if it weren't so glitchy I would recommend it to a lot of people. I bought it for 79 cents and I definitely say its worth it if you have a moderately high tolerance for old game jank. If there was some sort of Nightdive remaster that fixed the weird movement and AI bugs I'd rate it higher for sure

Tematica e ambientação incrivel em um jogo datado, injusto e mal programado
Pelo preço que geralmente ta, vale a pena dar uma olhada

A unique idea that doesn't quite hit perfectly, but it's fun enough shooting some munsters.

James Patterson could easily beat any Belmont.

Eu antes era um puto que amava a Steam, ao ponto de toda a minha vida depender dela. Por essa razão, eu andava sempre a procurar formas de ter uma Steam mais épica, aka, aumentar o tamanho de pila. Este jogo eu recebi por um key, de um site que agora sabe tudo sobre mim. Eu era um puto estúpido.

События разворачиваются в 1912 году. Аристократичная семья Кроу и несколько их близких друзей отправляются в старинное родовое поместье графа Цепеша, чтобы обвенчать старшую дочь Ребекку Кроу с его сыном. Сам граф гостей не встретил, велев слугам разместить их по своим комнатам. Когда же дверь замка захлопнулась, начался ужас. Лишь один из сыновей Кроу, Джек, задержался на сутки и прибыл к замку с опозданием. Прибыв к замку, он ожидал пышное празднество и веселье, но его ждала лишь мрачная атмосфера и приглушённые душераздирающие крики, доносящиеся из глубины замка. Джек остался совсем один в поглощающей тьме.

В принципе, это классический шутер с хоррор элементами. Наша цель это бродить по замку, отбиваться от монстров и спасать наших родственников. Самая главная особенность игры – это рандомная генерация. Комнаты, замки на дверях, спавны монстров, предметы, персонажи все это с новым прохождением меняется, поэтому с каждым новым прохождением все это будет отличаться. Территория поместья состоит из Восточного и Западного крыла и самого замка. Выглядит все довольно устрашающе и мрачности все это нагоняет. Каждая дверь таит в себе страх, опасность и неизвестность. Враги могут появиться очень неожиданно и это реально пугает. Всего в игре 8 видов оружия. Мы получаем холодное, огнестрельное и магическое оружие. А именно: меч, распятие, револьвер, мушкет, кремневое оружие, грааль, осиновый кол, пулемет. Но также сражаться можно и врукопашную. По локациям разбросаны: боеприпасы, аптечки и ключи. Полезные предметы вы также будете получать от своих спасенных родственников после доставки их к воротам замка. Самое ужасное в игре – это ИИ, потому что персонажей, которых мы спасаем могут застрять практически в любом месте, где есть хоть небольшое препятствие, когда идут за вами, то могут просто остановиться, и к ним надо подходить вплотную, чтоб они снова за вами следовали. Также в игре куча багов, в моментах где надо спускаться, будь то ступеньки или крыша, начинаешься просто медленно скользить, застревание моделек в текстурках и т.д.

Мы получаем хороший шутер с элементами хоррора, с отличной атмосферой, но с очень плохим техническим состоянием. Игра меня зацепила сразу же и проходил я ее на одном дыхании. В принципе, я могу рекомендовать ее тем, кому нравится данный сеттинг, хоррор элементы и кого не сильно отвращает довольно плохое техническое состояние. Лично у меня не возникало критических багов, чтоб мне приходилось начинать проходить сначала или перезапускать игру.

This game is a rough gem
It's janky asf, weird mechanics
But somehow it was really fun and I finished it (And I don't finish much games)
I would recommend without a doubt if you can forget the aged graphics and funny animations

In all honesty, it's hard to really hate the game despite all the numerous flaws: the AI is stupid, the graphics look terrible, the overall design makes no sense, it's easy as hell, yet I can't say I wasn't having a good time playing it. Rather, I had a fun time not taking it seriously and nearly mastering it despite only barely understanding what was going on or why.

It's not a game I'll ever play again, or, if I do, it'll be in a completely mocking fashion, but I don't hate how objectively bad it is.

what a funny lil game :^)

the atmosphere and aesthetic is real stank and cool, and the voice acting is wonderful

da game is a little jank but surprisingly still playable. It's a short game which i like but it could stand to be a little shorter! lots of padding it feels like, could be a good speedrun

i also did get jumpscared by the funny monsters on more than one occasion, so bonus points for the scary factor

Would be better if I didn't have to use a guide to figure out how many people were in a building and to not get destroyed at the beginning of the game, but became a decent shooter after getting the hang of it.

Have you ever noticed that the protagonists in vampire stories are almost always major nerds? And can you imagine how insulting that is to the vampires? You go to sleep in a mahogany coffin in the basement of your personal castle like an OG and then you wake up to some nerd staking you in the heart in between bouts of crying over his girl that you stole with a glance from your bewitching eyes. Then he goes outside to a village of people who you worked to keep as your thralls for years and he's all like "the curse that has vexed you is finally lifted." Sounds like nerd daydreaming to me

Atmosfera primorosa em um jogo bastante falho, mas foi divertido jogar e rejogar ele brincando nesse RNG freestyle que pode acabar completamente com sua gameplay.

Starting off with a game which has probable the hardest name of all games in my library.
It impressed me and hooked me up at first, but playing through it gets a little repetitive overtime.
Not sure if I'll continue playing it, but the game is worth a chance for sure. A lot of lurking around and finding stuff you need to enter somewhere else

oynadığım en korkunç şeylerden

i just remembered this game and that it was kinda lit but i dont actually remember anything about the game itself. curious.

Atmosferi ve estetiği hariç berbat bir oyun.

This fkin slaps. I don't know why but I loved it.

I got this game for something like 15 cents on sale. I love it so much and it would be a 5/5 for me if it wasn't for the film grain effect you can't remove. Other than that it's a unique shooter that can actually be horrifying at times.

An FPS rougelite. You return from losing the Olympic fencing competition in Sweden to attend your sister's wedding, only to find your family and family friends captured and your sister about to be sacrificed to summon Lord Malachi. You fight with a silver cane sword, different types of guns (revolver, musket, flintlock), crosses, holy water, and stakes. You need to save as many people as you can in an 1.5 hours to weaken the final boss. The castle makes changes each time you play, though the overall design is the same just with different rooms, this does lead to a lot of generic looking rooms. It has a good atmosphere as well as good sound and music. Crosses and holy water have to be used to defeat certain enemies and stakes used on vampires that are found or that have retreated to their coffins. Not the most technically competent or most satisfying gunplay but everything works well enough together on top of a more unique idea at the time to make it enjoyable enough even all these years later.

This game was a surprise hit for me, I didn't really have much expectations for it; I thought it was just gonna be random garbage that I got for free. It's just one of those 2000's hidden gems. Has a nice kinda campy horror movie vibe since its tryna go for nosferatu. It can be a bit buggy, but not like game breaking, so its charming. It is also one of the punching games I have played; you can play this whole game by punching on easy.