Reviews from

in the past

Really makes you FEEL like if the Doom slayer was a conspiracy minded crack addict. Very fun game

It is such a strange feeling playing a Postal game without it's infamous jank.
Incredibly fun boomershooter that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Though the humour is a bit hit or miss, especially some of the boss fights. Still this game has shown that it may still be a good idea to franchise out the Postal series, even if the time they did that before this showed... less than pleasing results...
Also every single shotgun should come equipped with a grappling hook in every game from now on.

It's not my favorite Postal, but it's probably the best one. Really inventive and fun boomer shooter, level design gets insane. I find it hard to recommend the Postal games to people that aren't already familiar with them but this one I think has a much wider appeal just being a really well constructed FPS campaign and not suffering from a lotta the jank the RWS official postal games have.

Weird ass game but its postal and somehow the most polished postal game ever released. Fun boomer shooter, had interesting weapons and fun gameplay loop.

The first mission was pretty bad and messy, but the rest of the game was surprisingly fun, challenging and creative. Surprisingly probably the best Postal game to date. If you would like to hear more of my thoughts you can check out my video review of this game.

Unironically the best Postal game.

an absolute favorite game of mine now

This is a good asf game!! I haven't played a lot of fps games, much less boomer-shooter types, but if they're all as good as this or better, god damn I cannot wait to play them all!

The enemies are diverse as shit. The levels are diverse as shit. The secrets are diverse as shit (tho some kinda suck in terms of reward but whatever). Even the weapons are diverse as shit. Honestly you'll only need the shotgun for 80% of it but the other guns still have their uses thanks to their secondary ability, which really encourages creativity. The items too are unique as hell and all extremely viable. I didn't use all of them cause I didn't really need to, but god damn alternating between pissing and shooting has never felt better. If you're experience with boomer shooter types I recommend playing on hard (or postal) difficulty so you'll be more likely to use everything at your disposal.

Best part about this game tho? It still FEELS like a Postal Game. Not just another soulless cash grab spinoff looks at FATLUS

i wish this werent so hard sometimes, a few levels are a pain in the ass. i love the art style and the gameplay, but like my problems with p4, the humor in BD is also incredibly corny, ignoring that, real solid game

Postal: Brain Damaged is the love child of, obviously, Postal and 1990s Boomer shooter. With its fast-paced gameplay, a diverse arsenal of weapons, key cards, and plenty of strafing, the game gets a lot of things right. The art style, with its crooked edges and dream-like corridors, creates a completely whacky overall experience reminiscent of titles like Psychonauts. While some levels feel like blatant copies of "Milkman Conspiracy," the game also takes us to dark asylums, a video game convention, and even the US/Mexican border??? Yes, the humour is a bit off. It feels like a mix of the usual Postal humour and incredibly outdated pop references, including Elon Musk, Trump's wall, Corona, toilet paper hoarders, 5G towers, and more. It's as if the game was in development for too long and they had to go with the humor of that time. This might make it challenging for the game to age well in the coming years.

One aspect that almost always works well in Postal: Brain Damaged is the weapons. From the regular pistol, which despite its appearance feels incredibly satisfying and impactful, to the nail machine gun, Holy Hand grenade Launcher, A Dildo Bow (!!!), and more, the game offers a variety of entertaining tools of destruction. However, the shotgun, seemingly riding the wave of Doom Eternal, falls a bit short. It lacks the necessary punch and takes too long to reload. Rarely did I feel the need to use the chainsaw because the shotgun's weak damage couldn't finish off enemies efficiently. I rarely found myself utilizing the secondaries, although this might be different on higher difficulty settings. On the standard difficulty, I managed just fine without them.

Unfortunately, there are occasional bugs that can be frustrating, such as falling through the floor or encountering unclear level instructions. For instance, encountering a laser grind that appears to have enough space to jump through, only to meet an untimely demise. The enemy design is just as whacky as the levels, featuring Bloodborne-like creatures, Texans running on their moustaches, bondage crawlers, Mexican poops, and more. There isn't always a strategic approach to weapon selection; most of the time, it's about using the one that gets the job done quickly and has ammunition. However, ammo can be scarce, forcing you to switch weapons frequently.

The placement of enemies and weapons, especially after a level transition where you lose all your stuff, can feel arbitrary. For example, starting the third chapter with just a shovel and the cat blaster (with very little ammo) while facing an overwhelming force of shooting enemies. This undermines the otherwise fast-paced gameplay. Nevertheless, despite its numerous issues with game design, humour, and level design, I still had fun playing Postal: Brain Damaged. Fans of the Postal series and Boomer shooters, particularly those who enjoy this whacky ambience, will definitely have an enjoyable time.

It's Postal alright. I can't say much about it, just play it.

The weapons are crazy unbalanced, levels are what you would expect from a arena boomer shooter. DUKE NUKEM KICK BABY. The artstyle reminds me of Dusk. Doom Eternal shotgun chain, awesome.

Now, the levels might get or look boring an uninteresting as time goes on. Weird because it's start very good with the Suburbs. The rest is oddly generic.

It's a good time outside of that.

fun as hell. no experience with postal games but i'm guessing all that aged milk humor is what they were aiming for and they hit every target. takes a lot from other games of its kind but manages to feel like its own thing. got a kick out the cartoony artstyle and there really isn't any part of this game that looks boring.

good selection of weapons that i rotated through pretty frequently. apparently pissing on enemies can stun them but i definitely didn't use that enough to realize.

genuinely surprised i got any enjoyment out of this after the "fuck suburbia kill em all 410,757,864,530 dead suburbanites" intro stage but here i am.

An insane shooter. Great levels, mobility, selection of guns, and OST. I love the twisted character designs and even the Bosses don't feel over-designed.

Hold Mouse1 while holding Super Shotgun and press the Piss button repeatedly but with timing

similiar to doom (2016), just as fun, love the story

a sniper do game é um arco com dildo no lugar da flecha vc segura firme nas bolas e usa toda sua força pra penetrar os inimigos pinto penis pipi humor ria

This game isn't discriminating any minority. You kill all of them equally.

Fun Boomer Shooter. Nothing special overall but still a good time.
And the dude is just always cool.
Also there is a GOG version available which is always a plus in my book.

Honestly this is on par if not better than the reason Postal exists, that being "Postal 2". I would even go so far as to say that the team behind "Brain Damaged" gets Postal more than Running with Scissors after the disappointments of "Paradise Lost" and what I heard about "Postal 4" so far.

A fun and surprisingly-polished Postal spinoff that feels more tonally in-line with the first game despite heaps of dark humor, solid level design, and a creatively goofy arsenal paying homage to many other FPS's. An easy recommendation if you're into games like Dusk or Doom Eternal.

Great doom-like, very comedic and has lots of content.
Also workshop update is here!

Feels like something from 2003 that would be seen as a hidden gem and have a cult following along with a sequel 15 years later that's crowdfunded in some way and not as good.

This describes Postal 2 as well so I guess this is a pretty good Postal game!

I continued playing after I found out there's a 'Karen' boss fight so it must be a pretty good game in general as well.

Who woulda thought a Postal FPS game could be so fun. I really like all the visual designs of the enemies and levels. Very solid and tight FPS, fun to move around and shoot. Surprisingly good, completed on Hard.

Easily probably the most well rounded Postal game in terms of gameplay, humor, and well, functioning.

Brain Damaged is the perfect spin-off to the Postal series that I didn't know I wanted, Unfortunately it continues series trends of comedy where it throws everything at the wall to see if it sticks, leaving you with a lot of drawn out dull jokes, which hurts especially when it's the theme of the level.

Level design is a highlight, having a good mix of retro design, modern linearity and levels that actually look like places instead of labyrinths, and the creativity over-all just makes it fun to go through, but falls apart later on with more and more levels just being awkward or annoying to navigate, though rarely ever being confusing.

Boss levels are a particular low point, none of the boss fights present much of a challenge and can be cleared easily within a few minutes, with the final boss by far being the worst by trying to band-aid fix these problems by making the attacks frustrating and inconsistent.

Enemy design is pretty standard, nothing noteworthy and everything just checks off boxes for solid enemy design.

Weapon design ranges from fun, to weak, to completely being outclassed by future unlocks, the shovel's block feature was completely made useless by the addition of having the parry on the kick to make it similar to games like Ultrakill, and the nailgun is a waste of a slot the moment you get the gatling gun, and the cat thrower was just very unsatisfying and weird to use.

Numerous times I had bugs impacting my playthrough, 3 times I was stuck on an object and had to reload a save, and near the end of the game I had about 3 soft-locks on the final boss after reloading a save, one where he wouldn't jump off the platform but would still attack, and 2 where he just completely de-spawned.

Over-all, I would recommend the game for any fan of the postal series or retro shooters, but it can be very hard to recommend to any other party due to all the major issues, and not being the best show of the genre.