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Ein bisschen mehr Horror und ein paar stelth Einlagen. Nettes DLC das man aber nicht zwingend gespielt haben muss, falls der Story Inhalt nicht relevant für Resi 9 wird.

Disappointing asset flip that only in the second act feels like getting somehow creative but quickly returns to its uninspiring form. New power does not deliver anything interesting and comparisons to Parasite Eve are truly baffling for me. Only at the end we get a glimpse of more interesting battle system, which is still a far cry from PE. I love Village but this feels like a cash grab and Rose, as a character, deserves better.

dimitrescu niye romance interest degil?

a really good dlc for village! and a pretty sad one too. would recommend!

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaiai essa capcom.

A short DLC, that was supposed to answer the remaining questions, but just left me with more questions. The way Rose's powers developed during the game was nice though.

It's an okay DLC to a great game, and it serves to provide some closure to the story of Ethan/Rose in preparation for (hopefully) the next installment focused on the original RE cast.

The House Beneviento segment is, like in the original game, one of the best suspense/horror sequences I have experienced.

I played it almost two years after beating the main game, so revisiting the original locations didn't feel bad at all. I can however understand the critique of reusing maps and assets, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the maps nonetheless.

You know, it’s a good story. I cried a little. Levels felt unique from the base game. But nothing that special or outstanding tbh.

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I almost never review DLC but actually have a few things to say about this game.

The Shadows of Rose campaign essentially consists of two retreads of locations from RE8 - Castle Dimetrescu and House Beneviento. On the surface this sounds like it’d be a big problem, but for me at least it really wasn’t. The reasons for this differ between the two locations.

For Castle Dimetrescu, gameplay is changed significantly from the base game and is in many ways very close to the gameplay from RE2R. You’re given very little ammo, an open layout, slow movement, enemies that kill you in two hits, and they even throw in a version of the defensive items from that game. This makes combat encounters deeply tense and strategic. Do I run from these enemies? Is there enough space that I won’t get grabbed? Do I use ammo or save it for when I’m cornered? Do I use Rose’s stun power or do I save it to use as a defensive weapon in case I get grabbed, etc. Shadows of Rose does this gameplay really well, and I had a blast during my hour or so playing through this segment. Granted, the level design isn’t entirely suited for the RE2R style of gameplay but it works well enough to still be a genuinely fun time. We saw with RE3R that the gameplay mechanics of RE2R are strong enough to withstand being paired with somewhat incompatible level design and the same is true here.

House Beneviento is basically the same as it was in the base game, which is a really scary haunted house (I mean that specifically in the theme park haunted house way) where gameplay consists of puzzles and largely on rails chase segments. House Beneviento and it’s gameplay format was so scary and so compelling in the base game that I essentially didn’t mind seeing more of the same here. Shadows or Rose does add a unique stealth segment to this part of the game, which worked well enough. Best descriptor of it that I can give is it feels like all the other one-off stealth segments you sometimes see in non stealth games.

Nothing particularly interesting was done with Rose’s character in this DLC. This is mostly a sweet story about her coming to terms with her mutation and the death of her father. It’s all decently well done and there were a couple genuinely touching moments but nothing too special. I was curious to see how Capcom would go about their policy of never showing Ethan’s face in this game, and I’m happy to report they did it pretty well. The attempts to obscure his face were done in a way that felt mostly natural - especially if you’re not looking out for it. I’m glad they didn’t go the route of making self conscious jokes about hiding Ethan’s face in contrived or unrealistic ways. That would have been lame. That’s the only word I would have for something like that: lame.

Writing this review mostly just to praise the excellent Castle Dimetrescu section. I really wish RE7 had gone more with this style of gameplay and balancing. I think it would have still worked in 1st person and in combination with that games amazing atmosphere and writing it could have been a home run.


I honestly found more value out of Separate Ways than this lol

DLC Curta, mas muito bem construída e desenvolvida, a mansão das bonecas é absurda demais, a "conclusão" da família winters é emocionante, o problema hoje é o preço, só vale se pegar em promoção, mas ainda é um pouco cara.

its.. okay??
somewhat interesting beginning but 3rd person and the annoying shooting gets boring real quick
also got lost a fair bit of times which was pretty annoying
the last boss fight is pretty good though, but thats about it

It maintains the same level as the game and brings an ok story and cool horror moments. Consistent with my expectations.

Uma dlc que expande a história (que já não era das melhores) e consegue deixar tudo mais confuso e pior, pra começar que a história é apresentada como um "nada disso existe, é tudo na mente da protagonista" o que eu acho bem preguiçoso. Além disso, umas coisas bem bizarras como textos mágicos guias fazem com que o clima seja bem mais tosco do que eu imaginaria. Os inimigos novos são todos absurdamente chatos e sem graça, o único encontro que eu considero de verdade bom é o dos manequins, de resto é tudo irritante mesmo. Pra finalizar eles jogam um plot twist parece que de palhaçada mesmo, como se o jogo base já não fosse recheada dessas revelações mirabolantes do além.

This was a pretty decent short DLC that adds to the main story of the base game by wrapping up a few things yet also managing to leave some questions open for potential future use in a sequel. I really liked that we got to see more of an expansion on Ethan and Rose's relationship as its pretty much nonexistent in the original game due to Rose only being a baby there but here, now that she's grown up, she can interact with Ethan or 'Michael' (which was a pretty obvious twist that this 'Michael' guardian angel was actually Ethan) and so that helps make their relationship much more interesting and fleshes out both of their individual characters, particularly for Rose with like I mentioned earlier, her being a baby in the base game means that aspects of her character are told rather than shown whereas here we see why Rose was such a valuable person to Mother Miranda.

I liked the evolution of Rose's abilities throughout the story and it was a good albeit predictable story about her coming to accept who she is and her abilities rather than letting fears of being a freak get to her. The ending fight with Mother Miranda as well as Eveline, with the use of her powers helped to distinguish these battles from others we gave had before against these villains.

Choosing to have the story mainly take place in Castle Dimitrescu and House Beneviento was also a good choice as they were my favourite locations from the original and they are used differently enough to avoid making them feel like retreads of previous levels and the House Beneviento stuff continues to be where the horror and suspense/tension elements of the game reign strongest as the use of the dolls and the mannequins was well done and genuinely creeped me out. Its easily the most memorable aspect of this DLC.

Overall, I think this was a decent DLC that helps to provide some conclusion on Ethan's story as well as adding to Rose's character while leaving open some old and new questions for potential future usage. The House Beneviento segment is easily the most memorable moment in the DLC and for good reason because it is genuinely very well crafted but besides from that there's no other moment in the game that is as distinct.

Assim como o jogo base, Shadows of Rose está mais interessado em experimentar as possibilidades do horror (e das dinâmicas de gameplay) do que seguir uma linha necessariamente consistente ou que "faça sentido". Claro que isso ganha força pela trama intimamente psicológica, mas eu acho maravilhoso o fato do jogo se preocupar muito mais com esse fator sensorial e experimental da coisa toda, delegando ao jogador uma verdadeira onda de emoções que variam a cada nova seção.

Ainda que atue num microcosmo do que é o Resident Evil 8, ele consegue soar completo, intenso e, principalmente, emocionante. Eu me vi nervoso em vários momentos, empoderado (e aqui a ajuda de um certo anjo da guarda se mostra muito especial), amedrontado, revoltado e, talvez de forma inesperada, chorei emocionado. Uma montanha russa, um jogo que se preocupa apenas em ser jogo e, nas influências cinematográficas, utilizar isso como ferramente para intensificar o seu propósito.

Mais um trabalho brilhante da Capcom, uma ode ao horror nos games, uma história de amor, um jogo absolutamente intenso e divertido.

The most unnecessary edition to a story ever. The adventures of an older god-like Rose was not on my bucket list, and unfortunately will stay off the list.

A solid near-three-hour Resident Evil experience, that fleshes out Village’s ending and manages to breathe new life to some of that game’s most iconic locations. The third person perspective implementation is a bit janky, especially considering how smooth playing the Resident Evil 4 remake is, but it’s serviceable and never presented major issues other than the combat being a bit sluggish.

It's story heavy, and it’s a really fun one, with some new and returning characters. It’s also fairly scary and creepy, not as visceral as Village was, but close enough. A worthwhile addition to the game and the franchise.

This review contains spoilers

Tut dem DLC in der Bewertung sehr gut, dass ich Village seit paar Jahren nicht gespielt habe. So fühlt sich Castle Dimitrescu fast wieder wie neu an, und es ist ganz nett sich an die Areas zu erinnern. Außerdem kam ich auf Veteran auch hier und da mal gut ins Schwitzen was bei einem Survival Horror Game natürlich immer von Vorteil ist. War nicht unbedingt der größte Fan vom Versteckspiel mit den Puppen aber sonst ein cooles DLC mit ein paar Interessanten Lore Einblicken.

Shadows of Rose: One buying the Winters' Expansion is almost assuredly buying it for this brief campaign. The third person mode for Village was something I had mistakenly thought was merely given away as an update; but no, it's tied to this campaign's purchase (ridiculous). I only had it on for my rerun of Village for a few minutes before Ethan's rapid, jerking motions when running bothered me enough to go back to first person. So that's a dud.
New Mercenaries characters? I am not a fan of the scoring shooter gameplay, so I personally don't see the value in it. Maybe one day, but I doubt it.
For me, the $20 asking price is basically for this: Shadows of Rose. Is it worth it? No, not really. But the optimist in me will admit there is some value here, especially if you were a big fan of Village.

When we meet grown-up Rose in the end of Village, she only gets two minutes of screen time to develop a character. All we really get to see is that, like her father, she has a drive and will gladly fight her own battles. She's adequately admirable in that brief time, but not really enough to make me ask for her own DLC... but that's fine, as long as it's good?

Just like Ethan was in Village, Rose is done dirty here. If when you hear your character is going to be interacting with the “memories” of something and you immediately say to yourself, “Sounds like incoming reused assets to me,” then congratulations: we're equally prophetic. Rose only gets to explore Castle Dimitrescu, House Beneviento, and a bit of the Village. So we, the player, won't get any new sights through Rose. Pretty disappointing.
Her journey is a personal one where she learns about her father. It's not the most interesting thing in the world, and really the biggest highlight for me was Capcom continuing their running gag of doing whatever they can to make sure you never see Ethan's face.

Rose's powers are the only new thing you'll be doing gameplay-wise (from Village), and all she really has is a stun. It's nice to use in the first chunk of the DLC, the only chunk that really reminded me of “classic” Resident Evil in that you're not given much ammo and need to make the on-the-fly call of whether you're running past this enemy or burning your ammo killing them. While it's a retread of Castle Dimitrescu, which was already a retread of the Baker house, I enjoyed this portion the most.
The second chunk is House Beneviento again and, like the first time around, this offers the scariest moments in the DLC. I really enjoyed the “Let's play with dolls” segment, it was spooky and clever and ramped up in difficulty well.
It ends with yet another retread, this time of Village's Call of Duty-esque shootout ending, just thankfully not as insane and now toned down. The final boss fight is the exact same final boss fight from Village, only now you can actually dodge and counter. Rose gets a special power attack for just this fight and you'll use it three or four times. That was... alright. Might be better if I hadn't just played through Village, though.

It's over in two and a half hours (give or take, I really explored and wasted time) and like Ethan's mold-infested body, it isn't very fresh.
I don't know if Capcom plans to make RE9 with Rose as the main character, but if this DLC was supposed to hype me up for that prospect, it failed. I don't hate Rose or anything, but this largely felt uninspired and unnecessary. I wish Rose got something proper and this certainly isn't it.

I don't recommend Shadows of Rose. It's too expensive for an experience you've largely already had. It's not total junk, but is simply another disappointment when it comes to Resident Evil Village.

Somewhat short but innovative DLC

Uma fórmula de gameplay "inovadora", ainda que curto responde muitas coisas do jogo principal e faz uma "homenagem" ao grande Ethan.

Podrían haber sacado mucho más jugo al personaje si hubiesen profundizado en su trauma, y se hubiesen alejado de los eventos de Village, pero solo es una especie de flashback, solo que ahora manejamos a Rose.

replayed on hardcore for all achievements in village and it was worse than i remember, please let this be a weird footnote in RE history and not the beginning of the end. Miranda fight at the end is genuinely fun though I'll stand by that