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in the past

Capcom saves their worst ideas for their DLC, without fail.

this reminded me of resident evil village

Resident Evil has always had this problem where, after a few games with the same protagonists and antagonists, the conspiratorial lore and glut of proper nouns overwhelm any sense of good narrative. This DLC makes a good argument for closing the door on the Winter saga. It all has the feeling of watching deleted scenes on DVD with a new, worse actor spliced into the lead role. This maudlin family drama cannot continue! We need a return to the camp and hard resets of RE:4 and RE:7, stat.

That being said, I've never loved to hate a RE level more than the House Beneviento basement. Smart idea to do an encore setpiece down there.

Very gimmicky and linear. Felt like Capcom threw a bunch of shit at the wall to try to get it to stick, (you guys like Super Mario Sunshine and Alan Wake???) which really was not necessary. All anyone needed was more areas to explore and solve puzzles, maybe some more weapons, some more horror sections to give the main game more meat on its bones, more time with the main villains. But the little you get to explore is very sectioned off parts of the castle, the little horror you get is a retread of a moment from the base game, and then it is... stealth sections??? Oh god.

I wanted to this to be good because the final part of the RE8 campaign tease left me feeling interested, but this was not a very compelling follow up to it in my opinion. Rose has some of the worst dialogue in the entire series, worse than Jake, worse than Moira, and her one-liners are so bad. During a boss fight, a character screams "This is STUPID!!!", and you know what? I have to agree.

It feels like Capcom is getting rid of all of those last holdovers from RE7, which is a shame. The series finally came back to its survival horror roots and won everyone back over again, and now we are already heading back into the territory of action games with really bad plots.

At least we got RE7 I guess.

Bro what the hell is going on with this series

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Spends an undue amount of time on mawkish Winters family trauma drama, the only bit that worked for me on that front was the reference in Rose's diary to sweating mucousal mold in elementary school. That's a tough hand to draw, Rose. 😰

But I enjoyed this more than I thought I would as an excuse to run through the most evocative sets from the original game in a new context. Think most will have a better time with this if they go in thinking of it as a remixed "2nd run" mode as opposed to the true next chapter in the story as it seemed sort of pitched to be.

The line-of-sight-responsive "don't let mommy catch you" segment was an inspired horror idea and one I'd love to see explored more at length in a numbered Resident Evil entry, as much as I breathed a sigh of relief when it was over.

Also... the decision to hide Ethan's face reached it's most ludicrous results yet in the emotional climax of this, and that was a wonderful thing to see. đŸ€Ł


simplesmente uma das melhores DLCs que eu jå joguei. reviver todos os cenårios e alguns personagens icÎnicos da campanha principal foi uma ótima estratégia.

por mim essa DLC vale a pena sĂł pela parte das bonecas, sĂł deus sabe o terror psicolĂłgico que foi aquilo

ansiosa para ver como vĂŁo abordar a Rose e seus poderes nos jogos futuros.

Recycled assets and recycled story.

If I waited a year for this, I'd be VERY salty.

Starts off pretty fun with a rehash of castle Dimitrescu which I enjoyed. The creepy doll house bit was fun. Every area is just an asset flip though you literally only explore areas you've already been to in the main story. At least RE4 Separate Ways or RE7's DLCs had new areas and new mechanics. This just feels incredibly samey.

The story is also easily the worst of anything I've played in RE, including 5. The sappy Fast & Furious 'family' trope is overdone and it's just too much here. The plot twist is beyond obvious. The plot is even more contrived than the base game. The main character is as plain and boring as they come, especially for this series. I could go on, but ultimately this is just a lazy asset flip with some cool ideas thrown in like the mannequins.

Top that all off with the janky third person mechanics that feel so shoehorned in and this becomes something that is not really worth playing to be completely honest. Please don't let this be the future direction for the franchise. For all the complaints people had about the End of Zoe DLC for 7, at least it had new areas, new enemies, and completely revamped combat. This has 'hold R1 to get rid of moldy obstacles in the corridor'.

Assim como o jogo base, Shadows of Rose estå mais interessado em experimentar as possibilidades do horror (e das dinùmicas de gameplay) do que seguir uma linha necessariamente consistente ou que "faça sentido". Claro que isso ganha força pela trama intimamente psicológica, mas eu acho maravilhoso o fato do jogo se preocupar muito mais com esse fator sensorial e experimental da coisa toda, delegando ao jogador uma verdadeira onda de emoçÔes que variam a cada nova seção.

Ainda que atue num microcosmo do que Ă© o Resident Evil 8, ele consegue soar completo, intenso e, principalmente, emocionante. Eu me vi nervoso em vĂĄrios momentos, empoderado (e aqui a ajuda de um certo anjo da guarda se mostra muito especial), amedrontado, revoltado e, talvez de forma inesperada, chorei emocionado. Uma montanha russa, um jogo que se preocupa apenas em ser jogo e, nas influĂȘncias cinematogrĂĄficas, utilizar isso como ferramente para intensificar o seu propĂłsito.

Mais um trabalho brilhante da Capcom, uma ode ao horror nos games, uma histĂłria de amor, um jogo absolutamente intenso e divertido.

I honestly found more value out of Separate Ways than this lol

Netter Story DLC mit einer der unheimlichsten Stellen, die ich bisher in einem Videospiel erlebt habe.

Mostly ok. Story stuff was pretty dumb. That one mannequin bit was really cool. Farely decent expansion but compared to all the stuff 7 got it's a shame they didn't do more dlc. Would've been awesome to see more of the lords in just about any form. If the next game has Rose as the protag we're gonna be in for some wild shit.

Shadows of Rose: One buying the Winters' Expansion is almost assuredly buying it for this brief campaign. The third person mode for Village was something I had mistakenly thought was merely given away as an update; but no, it's tied to this campaign's purchase (ridiculous). I only had it on for my rerun of Village for a few minutes before Ethan's rapid, jerking motions when running bothered me enough to go back to first person. So that's a dud.
New Mercenaries characters? I am not a fan of the scoring shooter gameplay, so I personally don't see the value in it. Maybe one day, but I doubt it.
For me, the $20 asking price is basically for this: Shadows of Rose. Is it worth it? No, not really. But the optimist in me will admit there is some value here, especially if you were a big fan of Village.

When we meet grown-up Rose in the end of Village, she only gets two minutes of screen time to develop a character. All we really get to see is that, like her father, she has a drive and will gladly fight her own battles. She's adequately admirable in that brief time, but not really enough to make me ask for her own DLC... but that's fine, as long as it's good?

Just like Ethan was in Village, Rose is done dirty here. If when you hear your character is going to be interacting with the “memories” of something and you immediately say to yourself, “Sounds like incoming reused assets to me,” then congratulations: we're equally prophetic. Rose only gets to explore Castle Dimitrescu, House Beneviento, and a bit of the Village. So we, the player, won't get any new sights through Rose. Pretty disappointing.
Her journey is a personal one where she learns about her father. It's not the most interesting thing in the world, and really the biggest highlight for me was Capcom continuing their running gag of doing whatever they can to make sure you never see Ethan's face.

Rose's powers are the only new thing you'll be doing gameplay-wise (from Village), and all she really has is a stun. It's nice to use in the first chunk of the DLC, the only chunk that really reminded me of “classic” Resident Evil in that you're not given much ammo and need to make the on-the-fly call of whether you're running past this enemy or burning your ammo killing them. While it's a retread of Castle Dimitrescu, which was already a retread of the Baker house, I enjoyed this portion the most.
The second chunk is House Beneviento again and, like the first time around, this offers the scariest moments in the DLC. I really enjoyed the “Let's play with dolls” segment, it was spooky and clever and ramped up in difficulty well.
It ends with yet another retread, this time of Village's Call of Duty-esque shootout ending, just thankfully not as insane and now toned down. The final boss fight is the exact same final boss fight from Village, only now you can actually dodge and counter. Rose gets a special power attack for just this fight and you'll use it three or four times. That was... alright. Might be better if I hadn't just played through Village, though.

It's over in two and a half hours (give or take, I really explored and wasted time) and like Ethan's mold-infested body, it isn't very fresh.
I don't know if Capcom plans to make RE9 with Rose as the main character, but if this DLC was supposed to hype me up for that prospect, it failed. I don't hate Rose or anything, but this largely felt uninspired and unnecessary. I wish Rose got something proper and this certainly isn't it.

I don't recommend Shadows of Rose. It's too expensive for an experience you've largely already had. It's not total junk, but is simply another disappointment when it comes to Resident Evil Village.

Resident Evil: Village is one of the best games in the series. It delivered dark horror that continued from VII, great level design, awesome characters, and an overall fun experience. Shadows of Rose ends up feeling like a super mini-RE game and runs for about three hours. You play as Ethan's daughter Rose this time around, learn more about her kidnapping, and revisit a couple of areas as her, with new powers to boot.

The game plays exactly like Village did when you were Ethan. The only difference is that Rose is slower and not as strong as Ethan. You also only get two weapons in the DLC. A pistol and a shotgun. As a trade-off, you can use your anti-mold powers to interact with the environment and counter enemy attacks. You get to upgrade this over time through the story and can eventually slow down enemies with it and repel some. You end up revisiting Dimitrescu Castle and the home of the creepy doll, as well as a small section of the village. It's nice to go back to these areas, but they are completely different with Rose present. There are also a couple of boss fights thrown in for good measure. The first third of the DLC is all action and shooting-oriented. You can still craft health and ammo, and you only find two upgrade parts for your pistol (none for the shotgun). The second third of the game is focused on stealth and puzzle-solving. The final third of the game is more cinematic-oriented and rather short.

I felt Capcom did a good job reusing these areas and constantly mixing up the gameplay. The stealth sections felt tense, the puzzle solving was simple enough to not need a walkthrough or guide, and the boss fights were pretty fun and interesting. It felt like Village all right, and the only question is whether or not the ending to Rose's story is worthwhile. It's included in the Winter's Expansion, which includes a third-person mode and Mercenary missions, so I would say so. However, there is no reason to go back and visit this DLC, unlike the main game. The powers aren't interesting enough to come back to either. They are mostly used to clear obstacles and stun enemies, and that's about it.

Rose herself isn't a very interesting character. I feel I don't have any reason to care about her, and she wasn't talked about enough in the main game. I feel she could have potential, but would need her own main game to pull this off. There isn't much story in the DLC to begin with, and I was left with more questions than answers. I just shrugged at the end and didn't give it a second thought. Most people come for the action and gameplay and not for the story.

Shadows of Rose was the sole story DLC in the Winters' Expansion, and the final chapter for the Winters' arc. Rosemary took the stage, now a teen and struggling with her abilities. I adored the journey she underwent to accept herself, gameplay making use of her powers. Capcom is just on a role with the franchise, showing they're not afraid to try different things with the setting—the fantastical themes on Village continued with Rose. I very much enjoyed it, and I'm only left excited for the future.

somebody said this dlc got the plot of a disney channel special tv movie and i pissed my pants so hard i could not finish it for half a day because it would just remind me of that comment

this dlc is kind of an epilogue to the main story that takes place some years later idk how many i dont remember but like enough for rose to become a teenager so like the thing is rose is getting bullied because she got freaky powers and now she wants to get rid of them so for some reason she gets into a parallel world or something where she can get a crystal ? was it a crystal damn i already forgot everything anyway she gets there and has to find this thing to purify herself or something

nice beginning i do love rose shes so cute my little daughter and she got some pretty interesting and different mechanics with some powers adding to the normal gameplay and now everything is third person so thats a nice addition

levels are recycled and you just have to complete some simple puzzles with the get item A to open point B which works fine for this 2 - 3 hours dlc and i cannot complain

story conclusion is fine i do like her interactions with michael who is trying to help her so thats cool and theres a plot twist everybody saw coming but i guess its still decent for the conclusion of this story

good addition i hope this is the prototype for a game with rose i would LOVE it please please pleek

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I almost never review DLC but actually have a few things to say about this game.

The Shadows of Rose campaign essentially consists of two retreads of locations from RE8 - Castle Dimetrescu and House Beneviento. On the surface this sounds like it’d be a big problem, but for me at least it really wasn’t. The reasons for this differ between the two locations.

For Castle Dimetrescu, gameplay is changed significantly from the base game and is in many ways very close to the gameplay from RE2R. You’re given very little ammo, an open layout, slow movement, enemies that kill you in two hits, and they even throw in a version of the defensive items from that game. This makes combat encounters deeply tense and strategic. Do I run from these enemies? Is there enough space that I won’t get grabbed? Do I use ammo or save it for when I’m cornered? Do I use Rose’s stun power or do I save it to use as a defensive weapon in case I get grabbed, etc. Shadows of Rose does this gameplay really well, and I had a blast during my hour or so playing through this segment. Granted, the level design isn’t entirely suited for the RE2R style of gameplay but it works well enough to still be a genuinely fun time. We saw with RE3R that the gameplay mechanics of RE2R are strong enough to withstand being paired with somewhat incompatible level design and the same is true here.

House Beneviento is basically the same as it was in the base game, which is a really scary haunted house (I mean that specifically in the theme park haunted house way) where gameplay consists of puzzles and largely on rails chase segments. House Beneviento and it’s gameplay format was so scary and so compelling in the base game that I essentially didn’t mind seeing more of the same here. Shadows or Rose does add a unique stealth segment to this part of the game, which worked well enough. Best descriptor of it that I can give is it feels like all the other one-off stealth segments you sometimes see in non stealth games.

Nothing particularly interesting was done with Rose’s character in this DLC. This is mostly a sweet story about her coming to terms with her mutation and the death of her father. It’s all decently well done and there were a couple genuinely touching moments but nothing too special. I was curious to see how Capcom would go about their policy of never showing Ethan’s face in this game, and I’m happy to report they did it pretty well. The attempts to obscure his face were done in a way that felt mostly natural - especially if you’re not looking out for it. I’m glad they didn’t go the route of making self conscious jokes about hiding Ethan’s face in contrived or unrealistic ways. That would have been lame. That’s the only word I would have for something like that: lame.

Writing this review mostly just to praise the excellent Castle Dimetrescu section. I really wish RE7 had gone more with this style of gameplay and balancing. I think it would have still worked in 1st person and in combination with that games amazing atmosphere and writing it could have been a home run.

A parte de histĂłria acho bem fraca mas o gameplay tirando a sessĂŁo stealth das bonecas eu atĂ© achei legal, se a diferença de preço da versĂŁo bĂĄsica pra gold tiver pequena ou vocĂȘ quer as outras adiçÔes pode valer a pena, o final tem relevĂąncia pra saga Winters e prĂłvavel de ser a conclusĂŁo da duologia.

Shadows of Rose.

There ain't much to say about this what I haven't said before in my Village review. The level design is good but there is even more magical nonsense in this one than in Village. Rose is compelling enough as a protagonist though.

Some creepy levels here and there with some good puzzles.
Good survival horror, bad Resident Evil. Enjoyable nonetheless.

6.5/10 Michaels trying to guide you.

Meh. Has some cool parts, but why so many annoying chase sequences?

Uma jovem que sofria bullying na escola vai em busca de um cristal que pode tirar seus super poderes e torna-lĂĄ uma adolescente normal. Podendo assim ser mais aceita nos grupinhos!

Nessa aventura ela é ajudada por um ser ''misterioso'' que utiliza de palavras mågicas para guia-la. E bota muitas aspas mesmo nesse mistério, pois desde o inicio da história a maioria dos jogadores ira descobrir em poucos minutos quem estå dando essas dicas do além. Mas mesmo com a obviedade, essa informação é revelada apenas no final como sendo parte do plot twist.

Esse resumo que fiz acima do enredo poderia ser perfeitamente um esboço de roteiro para algum filme da Disney. Aqui temos até os vilÔes caricatos com seus poderzinhos fantasticos. Que inclusive demonstram constantemente sua maldade em risadas igualmente caricatas e exageradas!

Falando em vilÔes, a volta Duque como sendo um inimigo foi um dos pontos que me atraiu a jogar essa DLC. Mas no fim foi somente um click bait da Capcom. Pensei que isso teria alguma reviravolta ou informação relevante pra trama, mas infelizmente foi só algo jogado para chamar a atenção.

A também volta da mãe Miranda foi broxante, não que ela fosse uma grande vilã no Village. Mas aqui conseguiu ser tão irrelevante e sem peso quanto na campanha principal.

Jå a aparição da Eveline e toda a parte envolvendo as bonecas foi um ponto positivo. Principalmente a parte do manequim trouxe uma dinamica nova e divertida pra jogatina. Pena que dura pouco!

A personagem Rose certamente tem mais carisma que seu pai, mas mesmo assim ainda estĂĄ a anos luz de ser relevante ou memoravel nesse universo do Resident Evil. Digamos que Ă© menos pior que o Ethan.

O uso dos seus poderzinhos trås algumas abordagens novas, que no inicio soa até um pouco interessante. Mas depois isso não é mais desenvolvido e fica apenas repetitivo na jogatina.

É uma dlc com pouca identidade e originalidade, assim como o prĂłprio Village. Da para jogar certamente, pois em questĂ”es de grĂĄficos e jogabilidade Ă© algo de altissimo nivel. Esse motor grĂĄfico da Capcom carrega bastante nas costas jogos qualquer coisa como esse.

Pra quem Ă© fĂŁ de super poderes, bonecas assustadoras, cenĂĄrios gĂłticos e coisas do genero certamente vai gostar mais do que eu!

How the fuck did they figure out how to reuse the same ending cutscene from the base game💀

Mannequin section: 10/10
Rest of DLC: Slightly annoying walking simulator, reused assets, locations, characters
Story: Goofy ahh Forspoken dialogue

It's really nice, I mean, it doesn't really reinvent the wheel when it comes down to it but I think it flips some assets of the original game nicely.
The dollhouse section as always is a highlight, but the rest of the areas are not too far behind.
The story's pretty cool, but mostly focused on fanservice instead of answering any particular questions you'd have about Village.
It's a nice little add-on and nothing more.

A dry-feeling middling finale to the Winters Story. RE games aren't exactly known for their stories, but Village was incredibly strong narratively so going into this was disappointing with it's Disney Channel Original Movie level overall plot and twists. This however has really strong character moments when it decides to stop messing around. The gameplay and puzzles were the best part of this.

Not as good as base Village, but not even nearly as bad as some of the stuff I've played in this very same franchise.

"its just fanservice" it was especially serviced to me actually. should've had more mia but whatever

“Hey let’s just reuse the same locations and same puzzles and add some new half baked game mechanic”-every triple A dev team when making a DLC ‘story’ expansion since 2013

Maybe DLCs like this are fun only if you play them in the month window after they come out but they age awfully because you finish the main game load up the DLC to find out its story and you just have to play the same stuff again but more undercooked and just worse quality with one new annoying gameplay mechanic that doesn’t gel with the rest of the game.
And a character walking speed that makes the whole game feel so sluggish

Also if the base game was silent hill 1 inspired this is clearly silent hill 3 but without any of the pop punk y2k grit and style and nuance.