Reviews from

in the past

SO FUN!!! SO FUN SO FUN!!! I love replaying this game never gets old

painfully short but so much fun and so charming. pc port has some issues

sega please port the first game im ulala's biggest fan

CHU CHU CHU CHU HEY HEY HEY + micheal jackson jumpscare

Whoever made the Steam achievements for this game is a sadistic bastard

An awesomely unique take on the genre that is only sometimes held back by its seizure/headache-inducing visuals. Otherwise, this is easily one of my new favorite rhythm games overall. Ulala put her whole pussy into it and I will forever be thankful.

It's a game I would certainly like a lot more if I was any good at it.


This game is so so so charming and fun. It has a very nostalgic feel, and I know if I played it as a little kid I would have loved it.

A repeat-after-me rhythm game similar to classics in the genre like PaRappa the Rapper. But whereas PaRappa uses hip hop and absurdism as a lens to examine themes of self-worth and masculinity, Space Channel 5 evokes the energetic spirit of musicals and dance to embrace a bombastic femininity. This game makes no apologies. It's sexy. It's in your face. It's got a beat that you can't get out of your head no matter how many times you hum that three horn note ending motif in the shower while posing like Ulala. The music has such an infectious energy to it and the presentation has such a ridiculous style that you can't help but smile the whole way through. I replay this game every now and then just to hear those blasting horns, mimic those sassy poses, and remind myself that sometimes a game can just be fun.

Fantastic and Funky. You really can't go wrong with Space Channel 5, it's a classic.

1から正当進化して演出も曲も最高! あとサウンドトラックもすごくふざけてていいぞ。

hey chu hey chu hey chu chu hey

Forced diversity is shipping Ulala with Jaguar like they aren't the biggest homobesties in the galaxy.

Considerin you can play this on modern consoles that aren't tied to the crappy dreamcast D-pad this game already plays significantly better than the first one. The worlds are also more animated, the plot is more existant, the soundtrack is still as banging as it always is, and most importantly, they made space micheal jackson a main character. Def would reccomend

the guitar duel is the best moment in the entire game

Awesome, charming, funny and sometimes challenging rhythm game!
Also Ulala is such a cool character!
AND Michael Jackson's in this! HEE HEE

The first game was a neat game with loads of style and personality, but it was plagued with very unresponsive controls which is extremely terrible when you're playing a rhythm-based game. Part 2 manages to fix this while also refining the formula as a whole, introducing more music variety, more commands, more enjoyable scenarios, and so much more. It's such a fun and admittedly exhilarating game that takes everything great about its predecessor and improves upon it. Of course, I do wish there was more content to this game, as while it may be replayable, they could've seriously added even more to this game. For what it is though, it's a very solid and entertaining experience full of style and of course, Space Michael Jackson.

não tankei com o michael jackson

Space Channel 5: Part 2 was made for rhythm beginners but respects the desire for ramping challenge and an entertaining narrative to make one of the most joyful, energetic, GAYEST rhythm games there is.

A superior Rhythm Heaven to Rhythm Heaven itself, if you will.

It's a pretty short game only clocking in around an hour and a half if you know what you're doing, but god damn if it isn't one of the most memorable rhythm games ever. The best aspect of this game is easily its style and environments which just scream "2000's Dreamcast Era", coupled with the funky soundtrack. My biggest issue with the game is that some of the command lines sound muffled, so you end up having to guess the button to press for said command. Other than that, definitely worth checking out.
TLDR there is a mission where you save Space Michael Jackson

Space Channel 5: Part 2 is an improvement over the original while being a solid enough rhythm game

The biggest thing they've added that I think was needed was the midway checkpoints. In the first game, there are four stages, but eventually, they start to get longer, and if you lose all of your hearts, it's back to the beginning. That was one of the things that killed a bit of the experience for me because you have to go through the 10 minutes all over again because you screwed up one part of the stage. It was a much-needed addition to Part 2 because later stages can go up to 20 minutes of rhythm and in-game cutscenes. Don't get me wrong, it's still frustrating, but the game is more tolerable now

Another issue I had with the first game was that some parts felt like it was off-sync. There are parts where I got the move right, but the game registered that as incorrect. That was the most annoying part of the first game, and that has been fixed, for me at least

I feel the music is better compared to the first, and I like how they've fleshed out the characters a bit, including my favorite, Space Michael

Space Channel 5: Part 2 is the definitive Space Channel 5 experience. I know I've been talking about the improvements in this review, but it feels like the developers have learned from the first game and made something better. If you want to try out the series, get Part 2 on PC. If you're going to try out both games, get the Special Edition on PlayStation 2; that's where I played it when writing this review. I may not think this is a great game, but it is genuinely a Dreamcast classic

Such a charming game I am not sure why it took me this long to finally get around to it. I think I was smiling through the whole playthrough of the game and honestly I was simply not expecting someone who popped up in the game who I won't spoil because it was really a treat on its own.

The game itself is very simple consisting of a Simon says type of gameplay where you vibe and listen and repeat the actions. The game itself is very short but it offers some extra modes and a harder story mode once you finish the game. All in all most of you probably know this game already and probably love it just as much as I love it so I will leave it at this.

CHU CHU ........ HEY HEY !

half the bitches on billboard could never

Todos se denominan libre pensadores hasta que el alien dice "Up Down Up Down Chu Chu Chu"

Ok but what if we made it an improvement in litteraly every way

this game is just a non-stop trip of feel good energy and goofy fun, and sometimes that's all a game needs to be! no deeper story, no groundbreaking technology, just pure fun.