Reviews from

in the past

A cute, simple game that feels surprisingly fun to jump around in! A very speedrunnable-looking game. Pls add vsync

modern gaming trembles in the face of super kiwi 64

Siactro just keeps dropping really cheap but very fun little platformers. Just like the Toree games are some of the best 1 dollar I spent, this one is one of the best 3 dollars. It's a simple collectathon with pretty basic graphics, only a few levels etc but it understands the fun of these games both in controls and structure.

This one appeals to my personal tastes way more than Toree honestly. Just a chill as hell collectathon with great movement in a wonderfully chunky N64 style.

Also can I say that I adore Siactro's approach to weird visuals? Their games don't try overly hard to be creepy or disturbing moments and instead just presents strange things without fanfare. It really helps evoke that feeling of coming across something in a childhood game that inexplicably creeps you out but you're too young to understand why. I wish more developers were willing to be this delightfully strange.

I really love Siactro's commitment to these short, cheap throwback games, and for the price ($2.99) it's hard not to recommend this game if you're looking for something to spend 30 minutes to an hour on. It plays well and it's not too challenging, though I can't help but feel like this game is missing an identity of its own compared to their other releases.

Delightful as always. Siactro games are always short and incredibly pleasant experiences, glad this one follows that trend! Looking forward to the next one.

You know im fuckin with Siactro ⁉️

Controls - 10/10, lovely
Gameplay - 9/10, simple but gets the job done
Music - 8/10, good but could use more
Camera - 8/10, nothing to complain about much here but it had a couple moments where it was iffy
Sound Effects - 4/10, definitely need more going on here

Overall - lovely game, concise, good modernization of an N64 vibe. Simple but effective.

the game is $3 and has some incredibly fun movement. I like a lot of what this game has to offer. but it's just a game that can be 100%d in 45minutes. i kinda wished all these well executed concepts were fleshed out and expanded on. for a game intended to be an hour long platformer- it's great. i just wished it was more than that tho

I want to love this game thanks to the developer being awesome, the game being quite inexpensive to pick up and the overall fun feeling when playing....

But... Agh... I feel like such a Grinch. There really just isn't enough polish here. The game starts abruptly, the levels are a hodgepodge without any real personality to make them stand out, the music just flows from level to level without breaking, there's no stage transitions, there's no real ending and the camera is a pain in the ass at all times.

But even then, there's still a sense of passion and love here that's difficult to ignore... I still cant ignore the shortcomings though.

THIS is MY SHIT man. Removing the competitive element of the Toree games and wading chin deep into the waters of Vibes Only, Siactro has really unlocked something within me here. Visually a direct homage to Rare's Nintendo 64 ouevre, Super Kiwi 64 puts you in the backpack of a cute little guy with a surprisingly robust set of verbs at their disposal.

You've got your sprint and your single jump only (!) along with a very empowering glide and a stabbing attack that ACTUALLY is mostly useful to lodge you into the wall and refresh your jump. With these abilities in concert (which the game elegantly and confidently leaves you to discover with no tutorials) you are essentially fully able to navigate all spaces at all times. Ostensibly you have a few units of health and I guess you COULD die but enemies and environmental hazards are SO unthreatening as to be so much more set dressing for the potent atmosphere on display.

The atmosphere is pitch perfect too; Siactro replicates a genuine facsimile of N64 textures and colors than anyone else I can think of here, from the deep greens and purples of the underground levels to the representation of the inexplicably omnipresent-in-the-era pirate level set, it's all pitch perfect and admirably un-fluffed up for modern tech. You get an infinite draw distance, sure, but I can't think of another game I've played this year that looks this blurry on my shitty tv on purpose!

Super Kiwi 64 is a relatively mild collectathon, with a small list of objectives to spawn your six gems in each of your eight levels (and two lil secret guys if ur paying attention wink wink), but the small levels that aim really just to evoke the Feeling of their influences rather than provide an homage to them coupled with the complete lack of challenge anywhere could be seen as a negative for others but it made a for a really meditative tone for my hour spent with this game before bed.

Honestly it was really nice! I would not trade this experience for one that was more traditionally gamey. I've been shifting this year towards valuing the movies I watch and games I play as overall aesthetic experiences, not even for the emotions they produce as much as the ambient feelings they put into the room, and Super Kiwi 64 is doing that before it's doing ANYTHING else. Another one knocked right the fuck outta the park from Marcus The Siactro Guy and his collaborators.

Alright I'm going to bed ya girl's tired as fuck good night everybody