Reviews from

in the past

Super Mario só que estranho.
Esse jogo é uma parada curiosa já antes de seu desenvolvimento, primeiro sendo um Mario de plataforma sem envolvimento do Shigeru Miyamoto e segundo sendo feito por um cara que assumidamente detesta trabalhar com o personagem dos outros, o que explica porque esse jogo é tão diferente.
A gameplay é Mario na forma mais pura, você anda, corre, pula e solta poder às vezes e tudo funciona bem. Temos os power ups básicos, cogumelo, estrela e a Super Ball, poder novo e até hoje exclusivo deste jogo, sendo maio que um substituto da flor de fogo, com a habilidade de jogar uma bola que fica quicando pelo cenário igual aquelas bolinhas pula pula de maquina de chiclete até acertar um inimigo ou só desparecer, e ela pega moedas. Único outro coletável são corações de vida, pois é o 1up não é um cogumelo, o que faz sentido já que o jogo é monocromático. Pra variar a gameplay temos 3 fases (se eu não me engano) de shooup...fases de navinha, uma de submarino e duas de avião, não tem upgrades só ficar grande e pequeno com cogumelos e é isso, simples e básico.
O estilo de arte é um pouco inconsistente, digo o cenário, inimigos e tals tem um estilo legal e detalhado (no possível), mas o Mario, koopas, goombas e a Daisy parecem serem ainda mais simplificados do que no Super Mario de NES, o Goomba tem tipo 8 pixels aqui, mas o jogo é visualmente agradável. Falando em cenário e inimigos, o jogo é curto com 4 mundos com 3 fases cada, as fases têm cenários diferentes já que não estamos no Reino dos Cogumelos, apesar disso às vezes as fases tem trechos iguais, mesmos blocos e obstáculos só que com um inimigo ou item diferente, é estranho. Os inimigos são quase todos novos e legais, tendo o retorno do gooba, koopa tropa e Piranha Plant, e tudo que tenho a dizer sobre eles é que o Koopa não libera um casco ao levar hit, mas sim vira uma bomba e explode...bicho exagerado. Tirando o último, todos os chefes são basicamente uma versão maior de um inimigo da fase, no geral é tipo o desgraçado do Koopa, taca coisa em você e dá pra passar por cima pra dar insta kill num negócio que parece um botão... Eu acho. Dois chefes do jogo são em navinha, incluindo o final, e se resumem a fusilar tiro até ele morrer e desviar pra você não morrer, shooup, né?
As últimas coisas pra falar desse jogo é que a Estrela tem uma música de ciranda por algum motivo, o final da fase onde em baixo vai pra próxima fase e em cima meio que sorteia entre vidas (de 1 à 3) e Super Ball é bem legal e esse jogo lançou a Daisy... É isso aí.
É um jogo do Mario bem simples, nos moldes do primeiro Super Mario Bros, ele não tem grandes erros e funciona como deve, no final ele é um bom plataformer pra passar o tempo, especialmente considerando a época, início do Game Boy, então cumpriu o que devia.
Bom jogo.

What they managed to pull off here on a tiny Game Boy screen was nothing short of outstanding for 1989.

The game isn't as good as Mario's outings on the home console at the time and it never was going to be. With that in mind, Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi decided that the best course of action to take Mario portable was to make the game interesting, rather than try to compete. This has been pulled off in this short, sweet and memorable little gem.

The soundtrack is excellent, creating these fantastic little chip-tunes that will be stuck in your head for years to come, having you whistle these little melodies non-stop (much to the annoyance of present company, ha!).

With Mario feeling heavier, a little slippier and vague to control at times, it will take you a few minutes to adjust to the feel of the game, but when you do, it's a fun little excursion for 30 - 60 minutes. Personally I like how short the game is, but I can understand some players gripes with the length, with it only being 12 levels in all. In that short run time, we do have a tiny variety of levels, the main side scroller levels, and a couple of auto-scrolling shoot 'em up styled levels. Who knew we would see Mario in a submarine or an aeroplane? Gunpei Yokoi did!

It's maybe too easy for most and absolutely on the short side with controls that haven't aged well in the slightest. Don't let that put you off, if you have an hour to kill, give this a shot.

melhor jogo da série depois desse começaram a introduzir o wario e perdeu a graça.

DID YOU KNOW GAMING? In-between Worlds 3 and 4, Mario had to walk 16,697 km to get to China from Easter Island.

short but sweet. overworld theme is a hood classic

saudades dessa época em que os jogos não eram feitos para serem divertidos. esse daqui por exemplo é um horror

İlk oyunun gameboy versiyonu ama biraz değiştirilmiş tabi kontrolleri de daha kötü zaten gameboyun ilk çıkan sürümü baya teknoloji prototipi oynanmaz

This review contains spoilers

انا لعبت نسخة ملونة
لعبة اشوفها جيدة
بنسبة لاول جزء محمول
وفكرة زهرة الكرة ( ما اعرف اسمها)
فكرة حلوة بس ما طبقوها بشكل جيد
بسبب ان اغلب وقت ما احصل زهرة بسبب قلة
فطر الذي احصل عليه من لعبة
لانه اغلب اوقات باماكن سرية
وكثير انضرب من اعداء 😅
تصميم مراحل لا باس به
بس ما عجبتني كثير فكرة الصخرة متحركة
ممكن غيري تعجبه
مدة لعب لا باس بها بحكم ان لعبة ليس لها تخزين
حيث ممكن تلعبها لمدة نصف ساعة
وبنسبة للزعماء اشوفهم لا باس بهم ولا ارى ان يجب ان يكونون صعبين بسبب ان لعبة اصلا موجهة للكل وايضا
تقنيات الجهاز لا تسمح بافكار اكثر على ما اعتقد
ونسبة لمراحل الماء و سماء
مراحل جيدة وكان من جيد انهم ما كثروها لكي لا تكره المراحل دي
وتحكم تحسه يزحلك كثير وبسببه كثير متت بس ممكن تتعود عليه
وهذه هو رايي وقد تختلف الاراء

Still a fun ass motherfucking game with a lot of cool unique ideas they unfortunately never used again.

Mario’s first handheld adventure. The game was released in 1989 as a launch title for the Game Boy. Prior to this, Nintendo had made a few attempts at handheld gaming with the Game & Watch systems. However, these were minimal frame LCD games that were reduced to simple arcade style games. As a result, Nintendo released the Game Boy; a handheld system that combined elements from the Game & Watch and the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Super Mario Land wasn’t developed by Shigeru Miyamoto, but by a different team at Nintendo. Because of this, the game is very different from the NES Mario games. The game takes place in a new location called Sarasaland; Mario has to rescue a new princess called Daisy from a new villain called Tatanga. While Daisy doesn’t get much screen time in this game, she gets brought back and given more personality in the spin off games; she’s actually one of my favorite Mario characters and the one I always pick in Mario Kart. She’s even set to appear in a mainline mario game: Super Mario Bros Wonder, which comes out later this year. As for Tatanga: He only got one more appearance after this game, but I’ll get into that later in the video.

Since Mario is in a new location this time, the enemies are completely different. Some enemies like goombas (albeit named goombos in this game) and piranha plants stay the same, but the other enemies are new. Even koopas act differently in this game; after jumping on them, their shell explodes after a few seconds. The new enemies in this game never came back for another mario game, but some enemies were reused for future mario concepts. For example, the zombie enemies that come back after being jumped on were reworked into dry bones in Super Mario World.

As for the main platforming… It's average. It plays similarly to the first mario game, but the platforming feels way less precise. The jumping feels similar to castlevania; you can’t really control your movement after jumping, so you have to perfectly time it. It’s not too bad, but it takes some getting used to. Also, the gravity is really strong; mario falls like a brick if you walk off a ledge without jumping. I often forget about this mechanic and end up dying because of that.

For powerups, you have the super mushroom and super star returning from the first game. For some reason, the star theme in this game is the Can-Can theme which feels very out of place, but this was the only time it was used in a Mario game. This is also one of the only Mario games where the fire flower is absent; in its place is a new power up, the superball flower. This new powerup is similar to the fire flower, but Mario can only shoot one superball at a time, which bounces diagonally. These can also be used to collect coins. This game is the only time this powerup is ever used in a mainline Mario game, and the powerup itself never showed up again until Super Mario Maker 2. There’s no visual indication of what powerup you have (due to the Game Boy being black and white) so sometimes I forget if I have the superball flower or not.

This game is the shortest mainline Mario game; there are only 4 worlds with 3 levels each, making a grand total of 12 levels in the entire game. As a result, you can beat the game in around 20 minutes if you avoid dying. I didn’t actually beat this one until recently; I did try it a few times as a kid but I never got around to finishing it.

The levels themselves aren’t that memorable. Because this is on Game Boy, they all look very fucking similar which makes it hard to remember individual levels. There is a water level and a sky level (which is the last level in the game) where you control a submarine and a plane. These levels are 2D shooters, which stand out because we don’t really see anything like that in modern mario games. However, the controls in these levels aren’t that good, and you’re either blasting through everything or getting fucking bombarded by enemies, which gets annoying.

The end of levels has a bonus game, which can be accessed by taking the upper exit in levels. You press A to stop mario and a ladder on a floor, and doing so lets you win either 1 ups or a superball flower. This is a pretty cool feature, as it gives you an incentive to go for the upper exits.

The enemies and bosses aren’t that memorable either; The only enemies I really remember are the exploding koopas and the vampires. And the only boss that I remember is the final boss: Tatanga. For the final boss, you’re in a plane and have to blast him with projectiles. After a few hits, he dies and the game ends with you rescuing daisy and flying away in a ship that was right next to Daisy, which makes me question why the fuck she didn’t just take that ship and leave? Aside from that, the bosses are pretty forgettable. You either jump over them and hit a switch, or for Tatanga and another boss in the game you just blast them.

The music of this game is actually pretty good. It’s catchy, fun, and super memorable.

The graphics aren’t that great, they’re really small, so for some of them you have to squint to see them, which is one of the reasons the enemies aren’t that memorable. I get that this is on Game Boy, but they could’ve made the sprites a little bigger.

But yeah, I don’t really have anything else I can say about the game. While it is a technical marvel for its time, it’s just kinda average and forgettable.

Un juego interesante y distinto a los anteriores, pero no muy destacable.

Wierdest Mario game actually made by Nintendo, it feels not amazing to play, and it's so bizzare that 1/3 of the games 12 levels are side scrolling shooters. It's always fun to revisit this as a curiosity but it's really not much more than that

This might not be the best Mario game to actually play, but I find it just so darn endearing. It's trying its best to give you a playable Mario experience on something that's only slightly more powerful than a calculator. Feels like you're playing Mario on a rock that got tricked in to being able to think.

A frustratingly satisfying and challenging adventure that just maybe the strangest and most out there Mario platformer yet. It might be bogged down by poor controls and bad momentum, but this extremely short romp through the fascinating and creative Sarasaland and the introduction to fan favorite Princess Daisy makes this a worth while play.

I finished it with my Gameboy DMG-01 (Screen light modded). Mechanics of the game is very good as all mario games. It was very funny.

very interesting game, one of the most unique in the series. also just one of the more fun ones to do a playthrough of and never look back--it's short and not particularly hard.

i'd probably give it more scrutiny if i played it more but i think it's pretty okay for what it is.

Really impressive translating of Mario to handheld, like the unusual egyptian aesthetic too. Vehicle levels are fun but tough

If you can't be good, be interesting. There's a lot of jank with the original SML but there's so many quirks of unique things that I still can't help but marvel at the game

It bugs me the blocks look like that.

ما اشوف ان كان يوجد هدف معين احتاجوا يوصلون له و هم يصنعون هذي اللعبة. هي جيدة بالطبع لأنها ماريو لكن لا يوجد اكثر. و هذا طبيعي ما اظن كانوا يتوقعون يسوون شيء اكثر من ماريو على القيم بوي

This game has moai statues so I must give it 5 stars.

This game is very cute and it's short and sweet. The enemies are hilarious.

There are:

Potatos running at full speed.
Moai statues with wings
Fire breathing snakes
Skeleton fish
Ninjas that don't die

The music is the best part about the game.
I made up lyrics to the Egypt level's song:

"Mario beware!
Theres tons of sphynx in there
It's not a lie
if you jump on them they'll die."

100% positive this was my first:

- Mario game
- handheld game
- just 1st in general with all probability, so- a part of me needs to defend this. Sure, it's a very short experience with only 12 levels you can finish in half an hour if you take your time.
It's a Mario game alright that feels more alien-ish since it was made by Metroid creator. It introduced a land only and always mentioned but never returned and, ofc, Daisy.

As a toddler for some godforsaken reason i shoved play-doh into the cartridge. Eventually one day in high school i tried my best to clean it out and play it on a friends gameboy, and it worked for about a world until Marios pixels exploded over the screen in a real life creepypasta jumpscare. Game itself still sucks.

The jankiest official Mario game.

You walk off a cliff, Mario zips right down at maximum velocity, different from jumping fall speed.

Enemies and power ups are tiny. Collision detection is inconsistent. Whether you get a power up or not seemingly depends on which frame you land jump over it.

It’s only 12 levels long and already begins to overstay its welcome towards the end. Some bopping music however.

Esse game do mario para Game Boy é bem diferentão do q lembrava, ele tem sua estética retrô igual ao primeiro (1985), mas q tem uns Inimigos inéditos e diferentes já vistos e os Bosses são variados não se prendendo somente ao Bowser.

Os Controles são difíceis e os Movimentos do Oiram são BEM CAGADOS, tem uma plataforma estreita que parece um pino e simplesmente não dá pra passar andando tranquilo, chuto q é proposital pra gerar um ar de dificuldade ao game com sua curta duração de 20min (SÉRIO) e tem 4 Mundos a ser explorados com uma Soundtrack Bacana pra jogar na moral.

Isso me marcou imensamente pq jogava essa poha na minha infância bem + do que Mario 64, e recomendo pra quem quer uma diversão e jogatina rápida enquanto tá fora de casa com um celular com emulador embutido :)