Reviews from

in the past

I used to spend so many hours on this game but I kinda don't care about it as much now

This DLC adds a lot of stuff! Is it good stuff? Mostly no.
Partially salvaged by the 5 high quality booster pack updates added post launch.

no way they added more fun things...

You can get killed by poops in this game

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fuck d*lirium

It's good, but I just don't find myself having fun with it anymore. Definitely worth playing though

Unlike other people would tell you, this is actually BETTER than Afterbirth.

Fun game. Haven’t really completed it but feel like I’ve seen a lot it has to offer

Rating as the add on alone, this is an awful dlc. Delirium is no exageration the worst designed boss I've ever had the displeasure of fighting in a video game insane boss armour and he telefrags you constantly. Apollyon is a boring character, he's a free win in exchange for not picking up items. The void floor sucks its either luck based or youre going into the void with less items (meaning youre gonna die to the bs that is delirium). Greedier mode is just a lazy excuse to make greed mode harder without fixing the problems that made greed mode so easy (game breaks) and sticking yet another boss with extreme armour at the end who almost requires you to break the game with how unfairly difficult he is too. The new items, the forgotten as a character and the new room layouts are always nice but when the main parts of the dlc are so terrible they dont redeem it.

Enter the Gungeon but the enemy design, rng, and weapon sway is absolute dogshit

sometimes it was just a huge pain in the a$$

acho que é um dos meus roguelikes favoritos! é ridiculo de divertido, nunca canso de jogar quando tô no tédio

a melhor parte de longe são os itens e a satisfação de conseguir um item roubado

vale muito a pena!

this game makes my bf mad so i love it

Biblethump child descends deeper into the caverns below his small house on a hill, collecting household knickknacks and tchotchkes to ward off the grotesque abominations trying to kill him at every step. The game loop is as addictive as ever and experimenting with cool synergies is always a pleasure, but this expansion holds the game back a little when you're hundreds of hours deep with it's generally low difficulty, awful Greed mode and item pool bloat.

The game that rogueliked me so hard I burned out on roguelikes FOREVER -- there's just too much damn content and it takes like 50 runs before you even get to play the game proper. That being said I have 400+ hours in it, so, yknow.

Edmund... what in God's name have you done...

This DLC added so many bad items to the game and made it fucking annoying to play, but it added limited modding.

Sadly am unable to get Repentance, but for what Afterbirth+ has to offer, it's hours and hours of fun runs. I've taken a break from it but I might pick it up again sometime. I love roguelike and roguelite games so this game is always right up my alley, I just either have bad runs often, or I'm just kinda trash at the game (it could be either, honestly)

This game carried the Switch after finishing BOTW. It's a best of class roguelike and really spawned the genre though. This was my second run with the game after playing it a lot on the Vita. I'm looking forward to revisiting on the Steam Deck.

I originally picked this game up on switch the day it came out in 2017 and put in about 350 hours before putting it down for a few years. Less than a week ago I got back into it because I remembered I liked this game and now I cannot get any work done, thanks Edmund.

The weakest of the DLCs. It really feels unfinished.

few games made me as addicted as this game. dangerous....

not as beefy an update as afterbirth was and it also adds the worst bosses ever created for this game being delirium and ultra greedier whoever came up with them,,, i just wanna talk