Reviews from

in the past

those games never let me forget how dumb i'm

Une île entièrement visitable et qui regorge de puzzles et de secrets sur la simple mécanique de labyrinthe. Un classique du genre.

One of the best puzzle games I've tried. The game has no rewards for the player other than seeing the puzzles complete, learning their mechanics and exploring the island. It reminds me a lot of the game sudoku; completing a puzzle for the sake of it. Also, it doesn't have any soundtrack as far as I played, so I can put my own music in the background or straight up no music at all. It's relaxing even though the puzzles are NOT easy. It teaches you to be patient and wait for the answers to come, and they may come in the kitchen while eating dinner. It's not a game for people that play games fast, lack patience, or expect a big reward. It's a game for those that find peace, silence and isolated problems to be therapeutic. Worth game for a small demographic of players, interesting for people curious about this title, and boring for the rest.

Pretentious as hell but I believe all games have the right to be pretentious. Really interesting though subtle teological perspective.

The Witness is hard, I took my sweet time with this one but it is ultimately very rewarding. The game did beat me a couple times and I had to look up the solutions for about 8 puzzles. I don't get the plot but I for sure had fun playing the game

Um dos melhores jogos de puzzle que qualquer um que gosta do gênero tem que jogar

Nice relaxing puzzle game that lets you tackle pretty much anything you want by having all the puzzles be naturally built in the world. Unfortunately a couple of the puzzle types suck major ass and made me want to rip my hair out. Drags on a little bit, feel it should be like 20% shorter.

this game is actively looking down on you.

beautiful game, but some puzzles on here feel so arbitrary
maybe im just stupid tho

It's solid puzzle experience and I admit defeat by a game.
This rarely happens but The Witness did really make me say ok, you win.

meu cerebro é imbecil de mais pra jogo assim, demorei mo tempão

not for everyone but life changing if it is for you

Tem uns puzzles muito complexos slk

100 percenting this game without a guide was easily the most satisfying and monumentally gratifying experience i have had thus far in my life

This is my favourite game ever by far. Words cannot explain how much I love this game, I literally had a full-body cathartic experience while playing it (if you played it you know why). I have to admit tho that once the game is beaten it's not much fun at all to go back to it, as the most enjoyable and satisfying aspect of the game is to decode the logic behind the puzzles and understand everything as you move along, but it still allows for a pretty long gameplay of up to 30+ hours.

If hundreds upon hundreds of puzzles is what you're looking for, all with beautiful clean visuals, you've got it. I started this game just because of the scenery, and the puzzles were very fun at first, but by half of the game it got really monotonous really fast. At 3/4 of the game I was reading wikis online just to get the endless puzzles over with, because I wanted to see the end and what it would bring. I could not be more disappointed: after tanking through crumbs of shallow and conceited "poetry" between a shit ton of puzzles, the game just ends, no story revealed, no purpose discovered, no nothing. It's good, but the ending was so infinitely disappointing I cannot in good mind give it more than 3 stars.

all that was left was the time challenge

It might have been my fault for bashing my head against these puzzles instead of putting it down for a minute but man this destroys your brain

The Witness is a single-player game in an sandbox world with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles (they all consist of tracing a path on a grid). Finally soft-locked myself today, I could possibly backtrack the 40 last puzzles to get out of this pickle (the game only has auto-save and it triggers every 60 puzzles done) but I'm tired, boss. This is the best intrisically and expertly designed worst game I've played to date. I believe it's a great work that aligns perfectly with what I've seen was the devs' vision. If I were to rate it as my own experience, however... if the naysayers shall brace for the pearly gates count me as one of those. I am not outright saying the game is too repetitive, too bloated and too sluggish... no, you are only reading between the lines...

I got to say that the utter lack of accessibility options is based. Anyways, using the environment for puzzles is more often than not smartly executed. It's just a matter of the game's essence filtering me once again. I solved a puzzle once and listened to a lady's documentary for 10 minutes her voice was very soothing and charismatic I give her a Backloggd 5 star rating pepega

Absolutely beautiful game. The visuals and atmosphere really are stunning. Very, very hard puzzles though.

Look okay, I have seen the video by Joseph Anderson; and I agree with what he says. He has some good points, but its not a poorly put together title all things considered. Looks pretty, with a fun little selection of puzzles, and I just like exploring the world.

Llevo años intentando completarlo, igual está bonita la experiencia y los puzles son increíblemente ingeniosos.

puta jogo desculpa johnathan blow n sou esperto (terminado 20/9/2020 no pc depois eu joguei de novo pra platinar no ps4 em 22/6/2021)

The most gorgeous and atmospheric puzzle game I’ve ever played. I only got help maybe max 10 times, and I only got the base ending because I am tired of my brain hurting in such a specific way. Although nice; I find some of the video clips and audio files to be a bit pretentious, like your Psych/English major friend trying to show off. Really loved the subtle world building and how diverse each of the biomes were. Finally getting a puzzle you have been chipping away at for 30 minutes is very satisfying and makes up for the rest of the game where I was occasionally just banging my head against the wall. Don’t think I’ll go back and do the non mandatory sections, but who knows.

Um... well it's definitely not for everyone. It's a pretty neat little puzzle game, but I wasn't nearly as charmed as some other puzzle games like Tunic or Fez when it gets somewhat esoteric. It does carry with it a feeling of "you're not supposed to find everything, and that's okay!" with a lot of the puzzles being optional, but even without those, puzzles can very often feel less like they're encouraging discovery and more like they're trying to see if they can finally "getcha" and make you give up. It can often feel cruel, and that's maybe the point? It's a masochist's puzzle game, and well: I am a masochist, so I kinda fuck with it.

The last bit of puzzles where there's just actually seizure inducing mechanics can fuck off though.

Amazing puzzle game... gives me motion sickness

De los puzles mas locos que hay, la historia es una fumada y los videos aun mas

Probably the best puzzle game ever. Maybe even the most well-designed game ever, period. Definitely the most expansive, open game I've ever played bar none, and that's taking Breath of the Wild into account. Without a doubt the single most mysterious, captivating, rewarding, curious, creative, unique, atmospheric, thought-provoking, and especially the most beautiful game I have ever played. Lost for words right now. Or another concrete conclusion for that matter. I don't even know what I just played but wow that really was something else.