Reviews from

in the past

Great introduction to the PS5 controller, and definitely one of the best pack-ins ever. Very fun to 100%, and one of the best tributes to game company's history I've ever played. If I hadn't started playing PS games with the PS4, I probably would have enjoyed the historical aspect of it more, but it's still so incredible to see the plethora of titles that have graced Sony's platform -- all through the whimsical visual comedy of Astrobots. If this were a Nintendo title, it would probably be one of my favorite games of all time, ngl.

A great tech demo for the DualSense controller, and a great platformer in its own right.

If there's one word I would use to describe this game it's charm. Every little thing from the environments, to the collectibles, to the trophies are all charming and fun tributes to Playstation's history. The platformer mechanics aren't anything extraordinary, but it's fun to mess around with for the 4-5 hours it takes to get the Platinum. No reason to pass this up if you buy a PS5.

this is a PACK-IN GAME and it is still the most imaginative 3D platformer i've played in years

A top tier platformer in its own right, but also one of the best pieces of fanservice ever and definitely the best self-reflexive launch title for a new console generation. Totally craven and shrewd in its constant Playstation referentiality but also so positive and effusively disarming that you cant help but feel swept up by the uncynical celebration of 30 years of productz and all the deeply personal memories they carry. Wonderfully surprising in its inclusivity and niche references--I mean a Vib Ribbon shoutout??? I screamed!!! The whole "little elves performing inside the TV/radio/console making it work" motif is used so charmingly here, and the astrobots feel like a thoughtful avatar for both player communities and a tribute to game developers themselves. Really affirming to see something hail in a new console generation not by fetishizing specs or horsepower but by charting a celebratory lineage of experiences and embracing what's to come as a continuation of that legacy rather than a MODERNIZATION BULLDOZER overwriting it.

my one complaint is that the terrifying weeping baby from those launch-era ps3 commercials got NO inclusion when they are clearly iconic and due for a positive re-appraisal!!!

One of the best pack-in games ever made, and I madly desire a DLC/Sequel to this game. Bursting with charm, held together by solid controls and great gameplay diversions. The leaderboard integration through PS5 for speedrun trials is also superb and made me want to aggressively pursue faster times. Fantastic.

why was this one of the best games I played this year

This game was really amazing, aside from being a tech demo to showcase all the features of the Dualsense controller, it was really cool to see all the cameo appearances from video game characters and collect artifacts from PlayStation History. A real blast to the past if I’ve ever seen one.

Easily the best console pack-in or tech demo I've played.

Astro's playroom is the best modern pack-in game ever, no question. It's a tease of what's (hopefully) to come, with charm coming out of every possible nook and cranny, as well as a hearty side helping of nostalgia bait done in the best way.

This game has a fantastic platinum that can be done in 4 hours or so, and it lets you see everything the game has to offer without anything unfair.

Astro has so much potential to become a larger series, and I really hope Team Asobi is given control to make a full length Astro 3D platformer, because I'd be there on day one.

totally not logging this as a flex

Genuinely one of the best platformers I've ever played. My only problem was how short it is. It's so creative and just full of life that its hard not to just smile through the whole thing.

Sooooo fun. So many cute details. Extremely satisfying use of new Dual Sense controller. Hope for more expansions and full-game sequels.

This is such a better tribute to PlayStation's history than PlayStation All-Stars. Well done.

Second best console pack in behind Wii Sports.

An enjoyable exploration of the DualSense controller, with plenty of nods to Sony's history littered throughout. In particular, the haptic feedback is a treat for the hands, and opens up a swath of opportunities as we head into the next console generation.

4 Star for a pack in. On a range where a 3 star pack in is Face Raiders and a 5 star pack in is Wii Sports? Something like that. Very fun, cute references, controller go brrrrrrrr

he is my son and i will protect him

No concibo otra forma de estrenar una Playstation 5 que no sea a través de esto. La vibración háptica que hace parecer que el juego está sucediendo dentro del mando además de en la pantalla, los gatillos adaptativos que añaden una capa contextual e inmersiva a lo que antes eran simples pulsaciones de botones, una carga ultra rápida que te permite explorar todos los niveles del juego en escasos segundos, e incluso un panel táctil y un giroscopio que si no han ganado precisión desde la anterior iteración del mando, el juego consigue hacer que así lo parezca.

Es imposible separar el gimmick del juego. La montaña rusa sensorial que propone Astro's Playroom durante alrededor de 5 horas simplemente no tiene igual. Me ha recordado a experimentar Wii Sports por primera vez: la sonrisa de oreja a oreja por un juego que está inventando la rueda todo el rato. Y cuando eso se ha acabado... entonces es cuando puedes volver y recrearte en los detalles. Volver a cualquier nivel en cualquier momento y explorar cada esquina que te has dejado, conseguir esos coleccionables, descubrir todos esos guiños a la historia de Sony. Sus juegos, sus consolas y sus cacharrejos varios, famosos y aquellos que solo compraron cuatro gatos, están todos aquí.

Astro's Playroom es Sony haciendo de Nintendo de la mejor forma posible ¿Por hacer un plataformas increíblemente imaginativo, variado y satisfactorio? Pues sí, pero más que eso, porque Sony ha atacado aquí con todo lo que tiene usando un arma que no había usado hasta ahora: La nostalgia. En la mejor herramienta promocional posible, el simpático Astro y su aventura Product Placement consigue su objetivo al cien por cien: Crearnos recuerdos maravillosos para el futuro, y conectarlos irremediablemente a la marca PlayStation.
Comienza una nueva generación.

A love letter to Playstation, made by Playstation. I knew I was going to have a fun time because of the coverage the game has gotten, but I was still surprised.

♫ I'm you GPU! GPU! Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it for you! ♫

This review contains spoilers

What an absolute delight. I have not played Astro Bot Rescue Mission prior to writing this review, so this is my first experience with a game by ASOBI Team and I was thoroughly impressed.

While short, Astro's Playroom packs in so much love and nostalgia. It's rare that I think a game genuinely deserves to be called "A celebration of ____", but this game is absolutely just that. Seeing that museum come together as you find collectables is incredible. The fact that Sony was willing to let ASOBI show off the Eyetoy or the PSP Go was really cool, and it felt like a genuine effort was made to really show off all that PlayStation has come to represent over these past few decades.

But above all that, Astro's Playroom is just a great platformer. The controls are silky smooth, the enemy design is unique and charming, and the controller gimmicks are very well-integrated and above all just fun to play.

I would have spent money on this, which is perhaps the best compliment you can give a pack-in title like this.

I was impressed by the amount of content this game included. Yeah it's a tech demo but a really polished one at that. It's also an interactive PlayStation history book and even though I haven't had a PlayStation for most of my life, I was still able to appreciate many of the easter eggs / tidbits that were included throughout.

I'm also a sucker for 3D platformers so this was a great inclusion with the console.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 9/10
Playtime: ~3 Hours

Astro's Playroom is a game that I originally hadn't put much thought into, but I'm glad that changed. The game is packed full of references to Sony's history, and even the most recent fans with have something to give them nostalgia. It's a great example of what the controller could do, but it's more than that as it's a fun platforming experience. It left me wanting more, and a hopefully that comes in the future. The soundtrack is great, and I can't wait to return back to get the platinum trophy.

Cute, witty, and the perfect game for showcasing the features of the PS5 controller.

A wonderful platformer, that really feels like it brings 'pack in' games back to the fore. Not only is it charming and fun to play, it really illustrates the appeal of the hardware it debuts with. So much so that I sort of wonder how well will others, especially third parties, be able to follow up with the same tech.

Overall: As a free tech demo for the PS5's new Dualsense controller features, it hits the mark, but it's also just a flat-out great platformer with charm to spare.

Pros: Goes through the history of PlayStation with panache, platforming controls are tight and responsive, uses all the new features of the Dualsense controller, gorgeous art style and graphics, catchy soundtrack, and just plain fun. Did I mention it's free?

Cons: Relatively short length, not very difficult, and some of the controller functions can be frustrating to perform consistently.

Lo que en principio apuntaba a ser una demo técnica para demostrar las cualidades del nuevo mando de PS5, se transforma en una pequeña obra cuidada con mucho mimo, con mil guiños para los veteranos en esto de los videojuegos y mucho encanto.

Estar todo el tiempo sonriendo mientras juegas no tiene precio.

Not as breathtaking as made out to be, but still a really good use of the controller, and it's features, on top of being just a good, fun 3D platformer.