Reviews from

in the past

When I was a junior in high school I failed Algebra II thanks to one of the rare truly awful teachers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also math dumb, but until that point I’d gotten through solely because I’m the exact kind of smug underachiever teachers loved to give extra time to in order to unlock my potential or whatever, but this teacher was more content with just drawing the numbers on the white board and telling you to figure it out, none of that pesky teaching shit from them! So I failed Algebra II and had to retake it my senior year, no big deal right? Wrong, because in my state you had to complete three math credits to be eligible to graduate during the Lionel-Hutz-business-card-esque "No, Child Left Behind!" era. And since nobody in the office would believe me that this teacher was awful, I would be stuck with her for Algebra II, would inevitably fail, and would be forced to repeat and miss out on the dizzying excitement of community college.

The way I solved this problem was first trying to take pre-algebra, which lasted one class before the teacher realized she had me for geometry two years before which means I had to have passed Algebra I which means I couldn’t take Pre-Algebra. It was in the rules. But what I found wasn’t in the rules was that someone who already passed mainstream math classes couldn’t drop down into Basic Math, the remedial course. So thats what I did over the protestations of the school administration. Then, over the course of the year, what started off as a class of five ‘troubled’ sophomore kids and me, a troubled senior kid that wasn’t classified as such probably because I’m 'suburban' or at least good at manipulating authority figures, ballooned to include ten other seniors who didn’t want to risk being held back. The school finally noticed, and while I heard they closed that loophole for the next year, they also let the teacher go before they met tenure.

What does me pied pipering a bunch of schoolmates into a basic math course and getting a teacher canned right before an economic recession because I didn’t want to have to apply myself have to do with the Atari game Basic Math? Pretty much fucking nothing, I just wanted to go off on a tangent because I’m already regretting this ‘try and talk about every video game ever made’ gimmick. What the hell are you supposed to say about some of these early titles? Its a game where you do math. You solve equations against a solid colored background and get a beep sometimes. It might be the first uh math game? I’m not bothering looking that up. For the record, people thought this sucked contemporarily too which is hilarious because there were only three video games then.

title says it all, buddy. i can see how this would've been a nice little educational game for kids back in the late 70s, but like.... you're not gonna get anything out of this nowadays. i guess if you're a big arithmetichead you might be into this one.

Aw hell. It's math here mucking up my game time.

To be fair, the sounds are tremendous for this game where you simply do arithmetic. It definitely also has colors. But it's an educational game, and if I've learned one thing about education, it's that putting education in a game ruins the game AND ruins the education.

Just sayin'.

Review from

The most basic math game you could ever play, that was officially sold for the 2600. But regardless of that, it's genuinely pleasant to listen and if you're really good at math, you'll enjoy it. However honestly this was made for kids who are barely starting multiplication and division but at the very least playing it an experiencing it once within the Atari 2600 was really nice.

It has a total of 8 modes:

1 - Addition - Choose a top Number
2. Subtraction - Choose a top Number
3. Multiplication - Choose a top Number
4. Division - Choose a top Number
5. Random Addition
6. Random Subtraction
7. Random Multiplication
8. Random Division

Each with unique colors to distinguish between them, though you should already know how to distinguish them because they're literally classified as 4 different types of math solving. Though I will say even though I'm a fan of multiplication, for the 7th mode which is random multiplication, they couldn't have picked worse colors to blend in to each other. They decided to pick this dark yellow with a darker yellow for the actual math problems so it's barely visible. I luckily can distinguish between the tones of yellow, but if your color blind you'd have no clue what the hell you're seeing.

Still though for what it is, I can see it being really helpful for kids back then, but it's honestly equivalent to playing with a calculator or doing homework at home. Still had a fun time with it even if it is just doing math problems. Played this on Atari 50

Probably what I would have ended up playing if I were born in the 70s. Thankfully, I was born before the end of the 2nd millennium and not the middle of the 20th century.

The natural predecessor to idle game spreadsheet simulators

the game that walked so that Baldi could fly

video games cost the equivalent of like 100 dollars back then, imagine buying a glorified calculator for that much

Basic Math 1977 - Atari 2600
emulador pc

1-interacción: 5
2-mundo/apartado artístico: -
3-concepto: 5
4-puesta en escena: 3
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: 4
7-jugabilidad: -
8-historia: -
9-duración/ritmo: -
10-impacto: 4



35 promedio

Foi mal, sou de humanas.

(da série Curiosidade Histórica(tm): Jogos de Lançamento do Atari VCS)

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If someone brought this for me as a birthday present I would have ended it all right there and then.

You're not a real gamer unless you've played Basic Math

Imagine paying money to do multiplication.

Can you imagine getting what is probably the first home video console you've ever seen in your life and your parents make you do fucking math problems on it instead of shooting up aliens.


Played as part of Atari 50.

It's Basic Math. The era of computers where you bought something like this with hard-earned cash is very funny

ngl i was kinda eatin up some of these. like when i got to the +5s? i finished that shit easy

i kinda fuck with the empty vibe of it too lol this games unironically spookier than any game that marketed itself as a "liminal horror" type thing.

Easily the weakest 123 Animal Math title.