Reviews from

in the past

Sufficiently good story. Simple yet effective combat. This game shined the most through the meticulous design of your combat encounters. The death of this series was giving in to the sterile open-world design trends of it's time.

Pretty fucking good.

It's basically Bioshock except set in the Batman universe, which makes it more greater than it needs to be.

The graphics hold up amazing well, barring some of the more jittery rendered cut-scenes that play. The atmosphere in this game is just perfect, and I feel like it won't ever get topped. Of course, the game-play feels as fluid and dynamic as it could ever get.

The only stuff I have a problem with has to do with the boss fights, which the developers REALLY struggle to make engaging. Since it's just the same boss with the exact same way to beat them. Except for the Poison Ivy boss fight, which is a highlight.

Also I felt the game really needed more of Batman's classic rogues than just, like, six? Some of them are barely in it, and it makes it feel less "alive" than it should I think.

Oh yeah, the additional content for this version of the game is whatever.

Instilled a deep-seated hatred for sandbox games in me, but saved by the Batman trappings.

En su día me gustó, hoy no lo jugaría mucho.

it's just drop from nowhere and i dont think it's real

"'Welcome To The Madhouse, Batman!'"

Batman: Arkham Asylum serves as one of the best superhero games ever made, riding off of the praise of 2008's "The Dark Knight" and giving Batman fans and video game fans a chance to explore one of the darkest places in the Batman universe: Arkham Asylum. Joker has hatched an evil plan to take over Arkham Asylum, and The Dark Knight himself must stop him and his endless army of goons from terrorizing Gotham City. By injecting a streamlined combat system into the game, a healthy mix of stealth tactics and gadgetry, and a boatload of challenges to complete, Batman: Arkham Asylum defines a new era of quality, semi open-world Batman games.

Rocksteady did an amazing job in making Batman feel like the acrobatic, crime fighting superhero he has been portrayed as for the greater part of 75+ years. By implementing a fighting system that is extremely simple to learn, yet difficult to master, any player could jump into this title regardless of skill level. This free-flow combat system revolves around attacks, counters, stuns, and finishers, and only involves a few buttons. Many games have copied this attack-and-parry system in the decade since this game's release, and with good reason - this might be the most straightforward, yet solid combat system in an Action-Adventure game to this very day (discounting improvements made in games with similar systems).

The gadgets that Batman has at his disposal are plentiful, with the ability to use different types of batarangs, a zip line gun, and remote-control bombs. This, along with the many stealth finishers in this game, make the player feel like the apex predator; whether you are kicking thugs through windows or tying them up below gargoyles, Batman has all the moves to make any of Joker's goons run in fear. It is also a nice mirror to the fast paced combat system, giving a healthy mix of stealth and combat as the player progresses through the game.

Lastly, there are a LOAD of challenges to complete. The Riddler himself places 240 collectibles/puzzles to solve throughout each area of the game, and outside of the main story there are over a dozen challenges to complete. I was maniacal enough to collect every goodie in the game, as well as completing each challenge (besides the four extra challenges that are included with the GOTY edition). The collectible hunt felt a bit grindy to me, as a lot of the collectibles give little besides short descriptions of Batman's many foes he has faced in his career. One cool set of collectibles are the audio logs scattered throughout the game, which give some insight to the insanity of Batman's greatest foes. However for the most part, there are no extra gadgets to unlock, and the only thing you really have to show for it are a small collection of character models you can observe in the main menu. Some of the challenges feel a bit cheap as well, and serve to show how the combat system can start to break in functionality as more and more enemies are thrown at you (teleportation, inconsistency in who you are attacking, and overly long animations for finishers). Overall though, I appreciated the addition of these modes as an addition to the main story.

Batman: Arkham Asylum was a breath of fresh air to the superhero video game genre in 2009, and still serves as an awesome game to play over a decade later. With a solid combat system, array of gadgets and stealth tactics, and over a dozen challenges to test your skills, this game has a good amount of content to keep any player, Batman-fanatic or not, satisfied. I would highly Recommend this title, and I look forward to playing the 2011 sequel Batman: Arkham City in the future, which is supposed to expand on every aspect of the first game greatly, and is seen by many to be one of the best superhero games ever made!

Final Verdict: 9/10 (Excellent)

Eu gostei do combate…é bem simples e dinâmico,basicamente utilizando de 2 botões….gosto dos gadgets e seus usos…os gráficos são extremamente bem feitos….a história tem uma premissa interessante mas não atingiu o seu máximo potencial,ficando com um gosto de uma história bem básica….a atmosfera é absurda e incrível….as partes do espantalho beiram a genialidade…mas tirando isso em geral o combate é divertido e a história é básica…gostaria de salientar também que não curte muito das Boss fights,achei elas bem monótonas e chatinhas….

What a great game to lead off the Arkham series, shame it's held down for its terrible final boss. Usually i'd rate it higher cause GOTY includes DLC and that but I never really liked the dlc.

I love this game. Ever since I first played it I instantly fell in love with the game and batman as a series. Rocksteady created an experience that blends together near perfectly. The characters are superb carrying the story with Mark Hamil's joker being the star of the show. The game really integrates you into the world through character bios and interview tapes creating a world beyond just the games scope grounding the game in a deluded reality. The asylum itself is a character and is one of the most atmospheric locations I have ever experienced. The gameplay is one place where the game shows it's age slightly with the brand new free flow system feeling clunky compared to more modern iterations. The boss fights are also hit and miss, with more misses than hits unfortunately. While these might sound like big issues they barely impact the metroidvania greatness of asylum that is only enhanced by hunting down the pesky Riddler trophies.
The challenge maps are a fun bonus to test your mastery of the free flow combat with score based challenges and stealth maps that make full use of batman's toolkit

Não consegui todos os troféus charada

Couldn't play the Joker maps back when I had my PS3 and it makes me really sad

Fun characterization, and I like how many villains they cram into this thing, and I like all the gadgets. Just a little too old and janky for me to get through in 2022. Combat is super duper repetitive.

Fun game with great atmosphere but has clearly aged poorly in terms of graphics and small gameplay mechanics

Though a bit on the shorter side and lacking in features from the sequels, this is the game that started the successful series and is fun enough to still warrant a play. It's not perfect, the final boss being atrocious is a meme for a reason. It's a memorable terrible final boss. The rest are all enjoyable enough. It's a game worth a play and I'm glad I play it every time I replay the series.

A good game, but it's not my favorite.

I played this in PS4 (the Return to Arkham Collection). Second time I've finished this game, and was not as hard as I remembered it being. Pretty entertaining, not as special anymore considering how games have evolved during the last 11 years, but I do have to say this feels like playing a Batman adventure. I do find the open-ish world interesting, is not as big as Spider-Man PS4 or other GTA-inspired games, but the story is pretty linear, and doesn't devolve into a "play this mini-games or do enough side missions" trappings that haunt so many games nowadays, that artificially expand a game's lifespan, this one, you can finish it kinda fast, but there's enough incentives in gameplay for you to want to spend, at least a little bit of, time searching for the riddles and riddler's trophies.
Oh, yeah, fuck the riddler. Some of them were hard. Mostly because the camera is a villain, you will find a "clue" or the camera will tell you "subject out of focus", without you realizing that "out of focus" means, the answer is behind this mountain/building/room. So yeah, screw that.
Either way, you can feel the passion and love for the character the developers had, even though the last fight is by the numbers and not worthy of such an interesting take on the Batman/Joker dynamic.
In the same note, too much levels with Scarecrow and they all boil down to the same platformer run, the first time can be interesting, but by the third one, it's just boring. If they were going to use Crane so many times, they should have done things a bit different with him.
All in all, a pretty solid and interesting game. A bit overhyped, but taking into consideration the time it came out, and the impact it had in similar games, I think it's a pretty enjoyable experience if you like superheroes and Batman. (Honest opinion: I don't like Batman that much, but, like I said, it's pretty decent compared to other superhero videogames out there at the time).

Batman's journey through Arkham Asylum's dangerous labyrinth is a hell of an adventure. The Dark Knight has never felt this fun to play and with all the gadgets he wields, it's really fun to beat up mooks especially in the rare stealth section. However, after a while the mooks start getting pretty pathetic and the combat may grow stale.

good story and fun combat

EU copy played on a PlayStation 3 Super Slim.

The best version of the game (platform-dependant) with all the DLC and challenge maps included. Still the best Batman game, probably always will be to me.

Now outdone and overshadowed by its future entries. In retrospective, the combat feels unnaturally stiff. Awesome levels though, and the Scarecrow and boss sections are super cool.

the game that proved that superhero games could be taken seriously, Asylum is a great superhero game second only to its City predecessor. amazing atmosphere, tone, and controls have helped this game age almost as well as its 2011 counterpart, but this is one is still always worth playing first.

a really fun 3d metroidvania - i wish the rest of the series could have followed in its footsteps instead of chasing after the open world genre. it's a fun "who's who" of batman characters and villians, buoyed by typically excellent performances by Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. exploring the asylum and gaining new powers make for an excellently paced game. the stealth feels good and gives you lots of options for overcoming your enemies. a really solid title overall!


I don't have much to say other than what everyone already knows. this is a very good start to one of the best superhero game franchises

(Steam review made on April 4, 2022)

"my only issues are that the counter action sometimes doesn't work on hard and that final boss fight sucked balls."

What is there to say about Arkham Asylum that hasn't already been said? Its freeflow combat system has been repeated by countless 3rd person action titles to come, such as the middle earth shadow of mordor duology.

The story is captivating, showing a dark tale of Batman being stuck in the claustrophobic corridors of Arkham Asylum, the game absolutely oozes atmosphere every leg of the journey, there were several points that had me holding my breath with suspense, Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy absolutely crush it as their respectively iconic portrayals of Joker and Batman.

The visuals have also held up remarkably well for a game over a decade old, the lighting strikes an eerie sense of dread, and models are well modeled.

Overall, the game is a true classic,

Turn the brightness up and it's automatically a point better.

Short and sweet action adventure that makes for an engaging experience in the superhero universe:
+ very fun cast of characters
+ innovatively empowering combat system that feels fluid if unpolished
+ great pacing facilitated by the small setting and minimal backtracking
+ immersive atmosphere blending comedy and horror
+ surprisingly good graphics outside of cutscenes
- for the most part badly designed boss fights
- poorly implemented detective vision (almost indispensable yet makes everything look worse)
- ultimately unsatisfying narrative with many unfinished plot threads

One of the best atmospheres in gaming.