Reviews from

in the past

Weirdest conclusion I came to is that this should've been a cinematic platformer.

No seriously, it's not like this game's good at anything else. They ripped every ounce of legitimate depth the mechanics have, offset's gone, mashing is the name of the game, enemies are missing a lot of telegraphs and the enemy design in general is piss-poor. The pacing is off, the developers who care about the gameplay are gone, the boss design is clearly set for cinematics and nothing else because your toolset is always incredibly limited and not interesting to fight. What do you have left?

The aesthetics are wonderful, the music is killer, the platforming is actually not too shabby thanks to stuff like After Burner and Witch Twist. I feel giddy whenever a cinematic lets me do the BEEG climax button thing and mash an angel or devil into a nice fine pulp. In fact a lot of the cinematic timing is on point, when the clearly underbaked story isn't rearing its head.

It's a shame to see, I quite liked Bayonetta 1.

Just more of Platinum doing what they do best.

I liked this more than the first game. Fuck off.

10/26/2022: I no longer like this more than the first game.
Fuck off.

this is a very similar game to bayonetta 1, but with no quick-time events and less filler between the good parts, so it's better than bayonetta 1

Need to finish Bayo 1 and then get back to this.

So you know those issues I have with Bayonetta 1?

The awkward level design, how grind happy the game gets in getting weapons and how it's equivalent of Bloody Palace is locked behind certain missions

Bayo 2 pretty much got rid of all of that and had so much enemy variety. It's the greatest Sequel a game can ask for

Better than 1 but not by much.

I like Bayonetta, the character. I like the attitude, the bombast, the click of her heels. I like fighting alongside her mom best of all.

The trouble is not her design so much as the masters she serves. Here comes another boring boy. Here comes another baroque monstrosity. Scold me with that stone award. I’m fine with that.

What do you do if you appreciate the ‘depth’ of a system but have no desire to master it? What if basic dodging and countering are good enough to get you through? What if you need more than mechanical mastery to climax?

had more fun with this than Bayo Le First but still never finished it, think I got like 3/4ths in tho. it's aight

Just like with the first game, there really isn’t much to say about Bayonetta 2 that hasn’t been said already. The definition of a perfect sequel. My expectations for Bayonetta 3 are sky high, and I have no doubt that it’ll deliver.

iterates smoothly on the first game , removing the bad QTEs but replacing them with weird game design where enemies can burst out of combos. lovely.

More of a Galaxy 2 type sequel where it doesn't change too much from the original but still a worthy followup

cried three times. the best game ever made.

Bayonetta 1 pero más y mejor. Poco más que añadir

Not as good as 1 but it's still good god damn it!

Tomorrow is mine is a fucking banger and bayo's new design makes me want to fucking bang her.

Anyone who says this game is better than the first one is not to be trusted with opinions on action combat of games in this genre.

Better weapons than Bayonetta 1 but somehow not as good of a game. They did manage to improve Bayonetta though and she can still shoot me.

Fixes a lot of problems people had with the 1st game,a worthy addition imo.

Most disappointing sequel i've ever played

It is very good but is does not try to change itself into something new and interesting. Which was the reason why bayonetta the first game was so amazing because it was so original. Instead Bayonetta as a concept have become a bit of a meme.