Reviews from

in the past

El videojuego de beastars esta muy copado

playstation1 döneminin en underrated dövüş oyunu serisi... ilk oyundan olduça farklı sanat tasarımı ama aynı kalite

Defs my fave in the franchise just for the absolutely godlike aesthetics overall.

I'm not into figthing games, but I got this pirate CD for 2 dollars and I love the story mode, somehow I got it despite of not knowing English yet. UrikoXBakuryu

Um dos jogos mais bonitos do PS1 sem dúvidas

O salto desse jogo pro primeiro é absurdo, tudo aqui foi refinado

Os gráficos são BELÍSSIMOS minha nossa me apaixonei

A gameplay foi refinada com novas mecânicas porém mantendo a base, ou seja ficou mais técnico porém ainda da pra se jogar como se fosse o primeiro

A soundtrack é muito boa

Os novos personagens são ok e o re-design dos antigos (por ser uma continuação o tempo passou né) são bons também.

O jogo agora conta com um modo história, contado em quadros com textos bem no estilo visual novel, fazendo assim os personagens terem um pouco mais de profundidade e serem mais interessantes (a história em si não é boa não mas deu pra entender)

E obviamente, continua super divertido


Fighting 3D que de pequeño me flipaba.

Fun furry fighting. Bakuryu THE MOLE

Juro que no soy furro ni que tampoco quisiera ser un lobo de 2 metros que te tira del mapa.

Classic fighting game with a lot of personality. Transform from human to beast, do special moves and ring out the enemy out of a combo. Fun time guarantee.

"Hey we need a sound effect of a catgirl getting dizzy, what do we put here?"
"Just sample a police siren no one's gonna notice lol"

Literally the coolest game of all time.

Much smoother than the original, leading it to be better to play. There seems to be far more combos – although still no combo list, and practice mode has removed the option to turn on input displays making practising even harder – and each beast now has an ultimate move, which can be activated with a single button press for a weak version or through a complex combination for a full power one.

The game introduces story mode which is basically just arcade mode again, but with a few “cutscenes” for each characters inbetween each fight. There’s not much to this, the story is just still images with text, and for each character it adds up to less than 5 minutes of story each. Not to mention that many of the things in the story don’t make much sense and characters appear just to fight and then disappear. I guess it would be hard to make a fully-fledged detailed story for everyone with only 10 other characters to fight across everyone’s campaign.

However, the story does help add a lot of personality to the characters, and while any individuals story isn’t THAT interesting and full of filler fights, adding everyone’s story together creates a nice little Bloody Roar tale overall.

Speaking of developing characters personalities, more interesting-looking characters and creatures join the crew this time. The new characters have a lot of charm not just in their animal forms but even their human forms. They really all stand out from each other now.

In between the characters storylines, interactions with others and even their body language, they’re all really unique and I love them.

The difficulty in this game is all out of wack though. I keep it on 4, which is the default since I’m not very good at fighting games, and the first fights in arcade/story are super easy, but the last 2 or 3 are insanely hard with the Ai pulling off massive combos and blocking everything. Instead of feeling like a consistent “medium” difficulty like I put it on, it seems to just go from “Very easy” to “Very hard” in the course of a single run.

Also for some reason sidestep is disabled in any mode except custom battle. Except the Ai can still use it, putting you at an inherent disadvantage permanently. I’m not sure if that was a bug or what.

Melhorando os gráficos, mas ainda com um roster minúsculo, a segunda versão de Bloody Roar não me agradou muito mais do que a primeira.

A faster and updated version of BR1.

solid fighting game with transforming gimmick, all my childhood friend played this

Waifus that turn into animals bro, like why aren't we still playing this in 2022?

Sequel to Bloody Roar that improved on almost everything, except the story part. Still a great game

Fun fighting game with a very fun gimmick, a colourful cast and a great announcer. What's not to like?

Un juego de peleas que probablemente se ha ganado la condición de clásico a pulso y que pese a su antigüedad aún sigue ofreciendo la misma calidad y experiencia con la que nos entretuvo hace años. Bloody Roar es la franquicia que nos permite combatir con personajes que tienen la habilidad de transformarse en bestias salvajes. Desde un murciélago hasta el rey de la selva, el roster que compone la segunda entrega de la saga es variado y fácilmente diferenciable. El gameplay no es que sea algo del otro mundo, pero es rápido y fluido, algo sorprendente para la generación en la que salió al mercado y que implementa la mecánica de transformación sin ningún inconveniente. El modo arcade profundiza en la historia de cada personaje y logra que nos interesemos por conocer más sobre este mundo en donde los teriántropos son algo común y las conspiraciones corporativas están a la orden del día. Aunque las historias no sean nada del otro mundo, captan nuestro interés y logran que queramos utilizar a todos los personajes disponibles para conocer los diferentes puntos de vista de una trama interconectada pero sencilla. En pocas palabras es un juego de peleas altamente recomendado e interesante.

more animorph fighting games 2k23

Alice's beast leg kick remains undefeated. Very sturdy fighter that refines the previous game in every conceivable metric (sans a weaker opening menu) and comes tantalizingly close to the high caliber of the franchises of which it cloned. Now instead of being just distracting, it's become addicting - has serious "just one more match" energy. Story mode being the best new addition, yes they mostly consist of my old foe .png cutscenes but the plot(s) are so bombastic, asinine, and campy in the same vein as like an 80s cult movie that it's too hard not to let yourself follow along astutely and tear through as many campaigns as you can in one sitting (though it's kind of weird that this has the same basic plot as X-Men). Still nothing spectacular, and some of the fights - to be frank - are bullshit (Long's last two fights, I love being caught in an unavoidable combo attack that wipes your whole health bar in 3 seconds!) but it certainly deserves a visit.

Yikes. Abandoned this game, the fighting itself is just not good. Characters and story is okay-ish but the gameplay is just too frustrating so I decided to stop.

Finished arcade mode with Yugo. There was blood and roaring in this sequel. There’s a story mode here but I’m not that interested in checking out tbh. Wasn’t big into the characters and fighting mechanics.

This game having a character called Gado sure as hell makes it funnier for brazilian monkeys like me, but yeah, the fighting is really solid and the transformation mechanic is fairly unique, I love using supers or doing those charged attacks that blow the opponent out so hard not even the walls can handle, mfs be flying out of the ring straight to the next week and it's the most satisfying shit ever. Story is basically X-Men with furries instead of mutants, except X-Men has some dudes like Beast, but you get the point.