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in the past

This is a Diabloesque rouglite with a ton of charm and spirit behind it.
It can get repetitive at times and I feel the melee based characters are not especially fun to play but the charming and emotional story of the Bergson family ties everything so beautifully that it was hard for me to really dislike the game even at it worst.

my only complaints are that the bosses are too easy, there's not much of a post-game, and i wish there were more permanent upgrades to spend your morv on

you're unlikely to ever play a more static rogue-inspired title that costs money than this. so little in the way of run differentiation the facade comes off in the first hour. there are never any surprises in the levels and it's so infrequent that your character is playing, really, any differently at all. in reality the roguelike veneer was a necessary shortcut because the designers don't so much design as they neatly package their cloying narrative about family or whatever in something deceptively similar to a video game, or just every indie pixel art jam in the early to mid 2010s - it's competently executed if it's your thing, if you think this has a unique visual identity you weren't paying attention to the flavor of the month. oh yeah, the mechanic that punishes you for playing your favorite chars? stupid and sick. don't tell me you fell for it the justification

all the mobs being purple make chaotic screens more annoying than they need to be; level up animation obscures action and usually makes you take damage; enemies over-animated sacrificing clarity of attacks. maybe not so competently executed when you think about it.

Wer auf grinden steht, wird Children of Morta lieben.
Kein Run und kein Gegner wirken umsonst gemacht. Es gibt Erfahrung, es gibt Geld, das wiederum in dauerhafte upgrades gestellt werden kann.
Es gibt 7 spielbare Charaktere, die sich alle unterscheiden und auch einen passiven Einfluss auf den Run haben können, es lohnt sich daher auch ...Kevin zu leveln.. Gott wie ich Kevin hasse.

Dazu kommt eine Story, die ehrlicherweise keinen interessiert, aber eine Hubworld (das Haus der Familie), dass sich immer weiter entwickelt. Neue Freunde der Familie laufen im Haus herum, Gegenstände aus den Dungeons liegen in den Zimmern. Alles in allem charmant, statt billig.
Dazu ein Coop-Modus ohne Schikane.

Es gibt natürlich auch Dinge, über die man meckern kann, wie ähnliches Leveldesign und keine große Abwechslung bei den Gegnern, aber das ist bei nem grindigen Roguelike ohnehin nie der Fall, ganz gleich, was die Tests bisher gesagt haben.

The pixelart is good and the story surrounding this big ass family is also good. But for this being a roguelike the runs themselves and the gameplay loop are boring as FUCK. It just isn't worth playing.

Children of Morta is hack and slash game with that takes places throughout eight main stages and three smaller story focused areas with the central family of character attempting to fight back the corruption of the land stemming from an angry god. Beautiful artwork that can quickly go from horrific and eerie to warm and inviting. Six characters that are unique to play with runes to be found in dungeons that effect how their attacks perform, further separating them. Outside of story events the house/hub areas has a lot of character building moments from seeing what each member of the family is thinking, seeing them live their lives, and seeing the houses filled with the souvenirs of their adventures. They might gather to eat a meal or play a board game, train together, the largest son carries around the youngest on his shoulders, oldest daughter has her hair brushed by her mom or might be sitting on her bed playing her violin, character will comment on the side events that you can run into in the dungeons, etc. The base gameplay is enjoyable and fast paced with the different characters likely stopping you from replaying similar areas to gather more money and experience. Side events can be found in the randomly generated dungeons that have you meeting new characters, fighting with another family member, collecting scrolls to learn more of the games world, or possibly an events that will gain you future members of the households. While it is primarily going to be a single player game (two player local co-op is available, with no one to try that with I have no idea how that would be balanced) each character eventually unlocks an ability where they can briefly spawn in to help the controlled family member during certain situations (block fatal damage, knock back enemies when surrounded, etc) which was a nice way to feel like they are fighting together.

There is a fairly limited number of enemy types. Each of the eight main areas of the game has four floors to them, three larger sections followed by a boss room. The eight stages are broken up into three different areas of the world with some unique enemies and hazards but some are still reused, some are never present in the earlier stages, and even with all of them their just isn't much variety. Even the powered up enemies you occasionally run into just have the same bonuses of having more health, spawning enemies, or dropping AoE attacks from the sky to stun you. Each character has what will end up being an extremely linear skill tree, by the time I beat the fairly short game I hadn't even gotten any of the six characters to reach their final two abilities by hitting level 20. The game makes for a poor roguelike even though it in many ways seems to be set up to be one and is descried as a roguelite. It prevents you from going any further than three floors and a boss, there is no penalty for death, you will find randomized buffs, runes, and abilities but some of these are so uninteresting or so poor for certain characters that you are able to do little more than hope you get what fits your character and playstyle with your run being over so quickly or you finding so many of them that it won't mean much, and the layout of the floors is randomized but will be populated by the same enemy and hazard types.

While the story and character moments in the game is often on the stronger side, the finale of the game gives you terrible reasoning for your antagonist's actions followed by a poor and very easy boss fight. The endgame is made worse by your character likely just being too powerful for any of the dungeons to really pose any challenge, and seeing as I had only hit level 17 with my strongest characters it could only get easier.

A fun and beautiful looking game while it lasts that ends on a fairly dull note and doesn't have much to get you to come back to it when a lot of similar styled games would give you reason to keep playing. Maybe this will be improved with future updates or if new content is added as the game seems to be selling quite well.

Edit: Has had some updates and free content since I last played, should only have gotten better.


If you want to get into rogue-likes, this is a great start. It is short and not super complex, you can get all from the story in around 12 hours. 20 hours if you want to level up to lvl.20 all members of the family, and find every souvenir.

The story is engaging, and it keeps going even if you can't complete the levels. Every characters feels unique to play

I had a great time with this.

Extremely pretty artstyle and some cool ideas, but to me the gameplay was painfully annoying, I didn't understand how to even play correctly with the melee characters (Without dying immediately). Maybe the 2 player mode is more fun.

Man, I miss Hades...

(If you're reading this and considering spending time with the game: don't bother; Hades does everything this game does, but better. Missing out on some pixel art is not the end of the world)

Children of Morta is a good game. Nothing that's gonna stick with me for the rest of my life, but I just had a real fun time blasting through it.

There's always something new or interesting it throws your way to keep the Diablo-like combat of fast-paced mob and cooldown management from feeling rote, whether it's a scripted encounter with just enough flavor text to motivate you, a locked challenge room with increasingly harder waves of enemies, or a bunch of wild powerups and skills that can alter your playstyle. The boss fights have also all been interesting mechanically, even though my experience with the final boss was hilariously anticlimactic. I steamrolled it in one shot, and I even fucked up picking the character i wanted to use for it!

I like the small moments sprinkled in between dungeon runs too, as they added some much needed character to the cast and just the overall narrative, which is bog-standard fantasy. I do wish there were more scenes that had specific family members interact with each other and really have their archetypal personalities clash. I think that would have made the whole "family is important" theme resonate much stronger.

So yeah, if you're looking for an action game with gorgeous 2D pixel animation, tight and responsive controls for fluid yet weighty combat, options for varied playstyles that each feel simple yet satisfying to engage with, all wrapped up in a moderately challenging and very forgiving rogue-lite package that you can knock out in a week (or maybe two very long sessions if you're a power player), I highly recommend Children of Morta.

Not normally a fan of Rogue-likes (lites?) but this has been in my backlog a while and finally playing it I enjoyed it

The game focuses on the Bergson family traveling through dungeons to defeat the corruption slowly plaguing the land. The game starts with 2 characters and slowly expands to 7 as other family members unlock over the course of the game. Each family member has different abilities and weapons (2 ranged, 5 melee) with some abilities that effect all the other characters so the more you play them, the stronger everyone gets encouraging you to try the other characters.

Every time you die in Children of Morta or complete a dungeon steady stream of story content about the characters and situation unlock. Before starting the game I read this article that discusses this point rather well.

Combat is a little mixed. The base combat is solid but I found the ranged characters, especially early on just outclass the melee characters who get swarmed and damaged far too easily. The enemies also somewhat lack variety, especially at the end still seeing the same corrupted enemies was a bit meh. I did really enjoy the variety of grace and relic items you find in dungeons. They are a two edge sword though meaning you can become super powerful or just meh depending on the RNG.

Presentation wise Children of Morta's visuals are really nice. It's 2D pixel art and very detailed with a huge amount of animations. Each time you finish a dungeon and return to the house the character have all moved around doing different things from playing violins, eating, training etc. and the art style is wonderful. I do have one complaint though that the text is tiny. I sit only a few feet from my 42" tv and had to lean forward to read some of it which is ridiculous.

Overall I had a really good time with this game and wasn't sure what to expect. I played it maybe about 25 hours or so for the platinum unlocking everything on multiple runs and certainly don't regret my time with it.

+ Like the character variety.
+ Steady stream of story tidbits and lore.
+ Gorgeous visuals.

- Enemy variety and combat balance could be better.
- Why is the game text so insanely small?

A well-presented but very samey roguelike.

I liked it, it's a good roguelike, but they need to fix how multiplayer works, it's ver buggy.

[en] it's a really good dungeon crawler roguelike since the fact that having a entiry family to play changes every run since they're very distinct from one another. it has a good story, who droves you to finish the game and know eveything about them and the land. the narrator is a 100/10 for me. the interactions is something very soft to watch too. 10/10 game.

[pt-br] é um roguelike dungeon crawler muito bom, já que o fato de ter uma família inteira para jogar muda a cada vez que você faz uma nova run, já que eles são muito distintos um do outro. tem uma boa história, que te leva a terminar o jogo e saber tudo sobre eles e o que ta rolando. o narrador foi 100/10 para mim. as interações na familia é algo muito gostoso de assistir também. 10/10 demais.

Apesar da pixel art muito bonita e de um conceito interessante para sua história, infelizmente tudo que envolve a ação do jogo, do combate ao level design, é não apenas bem repetitivo, mas também com constantes picos de dificuldade que tornam o jogo bem cansativo. É muito tempo gasto derrotando esqueletos, goblins e aranhas pequenas, médias e grandes. Há outros jogos do gênero que sinto que compensam melhor o seu tempo gasto neles.

A little isometric hack and slash gem. Intensely satisfying.

Pretty good!
Play with rogue kid is the best!

Nice little Action RPG (Diablo like), with charming pixel art graphic. Took me around 20h to finish and 50h to unlock all achievements. There is NG+ but not a lot to do after you master the game. There are 3 zones (biomes/dungeons) in the game - Caves, Desert and City - first two with 3 sections and the last with two. After you finish the game you just rerun those but in late stage of game with leveled up characters (7 playable heroes with different skills) it's very easy even on hard difficulty, so not a lot of replay value.
Overall nice Indie game to spend 20-30h in it!

If you think retro graphics and a cute story are reason enough to endure a horrendously repetitive and derivative gameplay loop, by all means give it a try

Story enriched game with good setting/setup pretty bad ending/messages.

me dá dor de cabeça, mas é interessante

Played this as coop. It's still one of mine and my husband's favorite games together. Love the art and the story.

sosisimo gameplay, animaciones e historia que no llega a ningun lado

I loved this for a while. A very interesting dungeon crawler, though a bit grindy. Gorgeously detailed art that gets a little ruined by constant slow zooms. A surprisingly engaging story between dungeons.. if you can unlock it. Several characters with unique fighting style and a fatigue system that keeps you from playing the same one over and over. I stopped playing at some point, probably because I picked something else up, but would really like to get back to it.

Brilliant narrative roguelike, with emotional stakes I could care about at least a bit. Vibrant, beautifully chunky pixel art and a solid fantasy soundtrack. The slow roll out of each family member and their distinctly unique play styles is a joy, as is the slow reveal of each of their powers and utility as they level up. I didn’t feel like I had to grind much to progress, and it’s a great size; plenty to it but it doesn’t overstay like some roguelikes can.

Fun coop and very pretty.

mom character spending her time being pregnant, cooking and being the sole caretaker of the baby throughout the game was a bad take.

Good length, frame rate issues on switch but nothing game breaking.

Games like Diablo 3 need to take notes on how to manage multiple players using menus.

Estava gostando mas não consegui passar da primeira dungeon, achei muuuuito difícil, num nível quase injusto, um dia pretendo voltar.

I had never played a roguelike since I think they waste your time and that procedurally generated dungeons are a way to bypass poor level design imagination, but this game is quite good! I had fun with the game loop since every member of the family feels very distinct when it comes to gameplay. The story drove me to finish it, so that is why I didn't bother with the challenge mode.

Anyways, its pretty good!

Children of Morta is a blast to play co-op and is overall a very well-crafted game.

You follow the story of the Bergson family as they fight to push back The Corruption as they have done for generations, similar to the Belmonts in Castlevania. Starting with just two playable characters, the family grows as you play, unlocking 5 total characters with very different playstyles.

The game's narrator has a very soothing, calm voice that welcomes you into the Bergson's home and helps you to make a connection with the characters both in their struggles with the corruption as well as their family dynamics. The story, while not terribly unique, is interesting but you really just want to come back in between runs to hear more about the Bergsons; see how Grandma Margaret is coming along in her research, see how the kids are growing, and how John and Mary differ in their parenting of their two younger two kids who see the darkness encroaching and desperately want to have a role in the family business.

The beautiful pixel art is a treat for the eyes in both the environments and the attacks and abilities of the playable characters. The roguelike level design doesn't get boring easily and there are a number of unique enemies to keep things fresh.

My only real issue with the game is that it can be tough to use melee characters, especially in the later areas, because you can pretty easily get swarmed and really need to have good mobility to survive. Considering that 3 of the 5 characters are melee based this can be a problem. 2 of those have systems to negate or prevent damage but it's definitely a challenge.

I played this on GamePass with my wife and we thought it was great. I'll be looking for a sequel or another game from the developer, Dead Mage.

7 - Jogo muito divertido e viciante, principalmente por construir uma atmosfera de progressão mesmo que você perca várias vezes seguidas na mesma fase, exibindo novas cenas de interação dos personagens e possibilitando a compra de upgrades com o dinheiro conquistado.
Porém, tirando isso, não há muito o que destacar, o jogo não tenta inovar em praticamente nada, seguindo um molde bem construído de Diablo e jogo semelhantes.